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Trust No Bitch

Page 21

by Nene Capri

  They laughed then continued to eat the treats he had set up along with the food she had prepared. When they were done Kiam reached inside the basket for another treat. All of a sudden he snatched his hand back. “Oh shit, what the fuck was that?” he shrilled, leaning back.

  “What?” Faydrah became alarmed.

  Kiam peeked in the basket then slowly began to reach inside a second time. “No, Kiam, don’t!” she shrieked, afraid that a snake may have gotten inside of the basket. Her eyes were filled with a little fear.

  “I got it, hold up,” he said bravely.

  Faydrah closed her eyes and pulled her hands close to her face. “Oh shit, I got it.” He pulled his closed hand back.

  Faydrah peeked through her fingers. “What was it?”

  “This shit movin’.” He shook his hand with a nervous look on his face.

  “Kiam, throw it!” she cried.

  Instead he held his hand up for her to see. “Look.”

  “Nooooo!” She shut her eyes again and tried to move back.

  Kiam grabbed her leg and held her in place.

  “Stop, let me go,” she yelled out.

  “You don’t want to see it?”

  “No, stop it.”

  “Look, it ain’t that big.”

  “Kiam stop.”

  “Just look.”

  Faydrah slowly opened her eyes to see him smiling and holding a beautiful diamond ring between his forefinger and thumb. She gasped.

  “Scary ass,” he joked.

  “You play too much,” she whined, holding her chest.

  “Eyez,” he said, suddenly becoming serious. “I can’t do this life thing without you.” He dropped his smile and took her h placed five carats on her finger.

  Faydrah lost her breath. Tears welled up in her eyes as she looked into his. “And you won’t have to,” she cried, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  “You promise?”

  “Yes, baby I promise. I’ve been dreaming of this day forever. I’m going to make you very happy.”

  “You can make me very happy right now,” he replied with a look that could not be mistaken.

  “You ain’t saying nothin’.” She reached for his zipper and pulled out her best friend. Kiam instantly stiffened to her touch.

  Climbing onto his lap she eased down on his steel. “You didn’t say yes,” he moaned.

  “I’m about to,” she said as she began riding him to the rhythm of her heart.

  With all of nature as their witness they consummated their vow to be together forever. The last thing on Kiam’s mind was Lissha and the violation that he had almost committed with her.

  Chapter 30

  A Wrong Move

  While Kiam was three hours away from the city with all thoughts of her eradicated from his mind, Lissha wasn’t exactly sitting around regretting what hadn’t happened. It was in a corner of her mind but other things demanded her attention.

  Lissha, Treebie, Donella and Bayonna moved calculatedly around Treebie’s basement getting into character for tonight’s caper. They had already fulfilled their obligations to Spank so everything they collected from tonight’s job would be one hundred percent profit.

  Treebie pulled on the blunt, then sat it down. She strapped on her vest and covered it with two thick t-shirts. Then she completed the hookup with a black hoodie. She sat back down on the couch and looked over at Bay and Donella who were already completely dressed and loading their guns.

  Lissha was at the counter a few feet away downing shots and getting into beast mode, but it seemed like there was something else fueling her fire. Something more than her love of the carnage.

  “LiLi, you good?” asked Treebie.

  “Yeah, I’m straight,” she said, taking another shot of Rémy to the head.

  Treebie rose to her feet, walked over to where Lissha stood, and put a hand on her shoulder. “Regardless of what may go on in our personal lives, we in this shit together.”

  “I know,” Lissha said, making eye contact with the one who was like her left arm. She knew that no matter what, Treebie would never cross her or fold up.

  Treebie had a look in her eyes that mirrored the sign on her soul that read kill or be killed. “We almost ready?” she asked, looking around the room.

  Bay put the clip in her Nine and said, “Hell yeah, I’m ready.”

  “Me too,” announced Donella, picking up her pump shotgun with the rubber pistol grip handle.

  Treebie looked at Lissha, who gave her a look that meant she didn’t even have to ask. “I was born ready,” Lissha replied clickclacking one in the chamber of her ratchet.

  They all met at the counter where they performed the final part of their ritual: tight ponytails, fitted nylon hats pulled to their eyebrows, voice distorter, face mask, and lastly, the blood red contacts.

  Pulling thick black hoodies over their heads, they raised their shot glasses. “We go in this muthafucka four and we come out four,” Lissha gritted.

  A clink of their glasses emphasized the vow. They downed their drinks, slammed their glasses on the counter, and headed for the door one behind the other.

  The small one bedroom dilapidated house on 117th and St. Clair was rumored to be one of the biggest paying gambling spots in the city. The girls parked a few houses down and quickly got into position. Lissha and Donella crouched down by a set of garbage cans on the right side of the door. Treebie and Bayonna were crouched behind a set of bushes on the left side.

  Treebie had done all of the foot work finding out that inside there would be two guards at the front door and one at the back, and as many as ten gamblers. All the men were very familiar with the other end of a trigger. These were street niggas true and through. The girls knew they had to go in quick, loud, and deadly.

  Patiently they waited for their mark to arrive. It was funny how no matter how hard a team tried to fill their circle with strong rings you could always find a weak link.

  When Treebie saw Lil’ Bump coming up the walkway her blood rushed through her veins. She gnashed her teeth, gripped her gun, and slowly stepped from the shadows. “Bleed, if you make one country move I’ll turn your mother’s sweet dreams into nightmares,” she growled.

  “Fuck is this?” He instinctively moved his hand to his waist. Treebie raised the gun to his chest and his arms shot above his head. “Don’t kill me, Cuz,” he pled. I’ma play along, but the second you slip I’ma push ya whole forehead back.

  What he would soon find out was that slipping wasn’t part of their get-down. Donella stepped out shoving her gun right in his spine. “You better cooperate then, or I’ma make you a muthafuckin’ paraplegic,” she muttered.

  “I don’t ha—”

  “Shhh!” Treebie put her finger to her mouth, silencing him. Damn all that talking, time was valuable. They had to get in and out because johnny rolled by frequently in this hood.

  “I need you to put your ugly ass face to that peek hole. You better not blink, yell or make the wrong move or your little sister Aniya, and your mother, Selena, will die a slow, agonizing death. Cooperate and they get released in an hour,” said Treebie. She had the names right so Lil’ Bump couldn’t chance that it was a bluff, and the voice distorter made the threat come out very ominous.

  Taking him by the back of the neck, Treebie pushed him to the door. There was fear in his heart and a big ass gun pressed to the base of his skull. Bayonna and Donella formed a line behind Treebie and Lissha took up the rear.

  “Smile, muthafucka,” Treebie ordered him.

  Lil’ Bump knocked on the door.

  “Who is it?” a gruff voice asked from the other side.

  “It’s me, Cuz. Lil’ Bump.”

  Treebie heard those locks click and her nipples hardened. As soon as the door opened a crack she shoved Lil’ Bump forward and blasted a hole in his back, sending his insides all over the card tables.

  The crew ran up in the house like body snatchers, changing the pulse of the whole operation. The
two guards at the door reached for their bangers but their reaction was a second too slow. Bay and Lissha’s guns popped off in sync. Boc! Boc! Boc! Boc! Boc! Boc! Boc! They put the two men down with a deadly burst of gunfire that let the others in the house know that they were not fucking around.

  Donella dashed toward the back of the house, running into the man that had been guarding the back door. As he reached to his waist, she hit him with two shots in the head. He staggered back and his body slid down the wall leaving a streak of blood all the way to the floorboard.

  Behind them Treebie slumped two at each table, then the girls positioned themselves around the room. Lissha closed the front door and put her back up against it.

  “Put your muthafuckin’ hands in the air,” Treebie barked to the card players that still had their body parts intact. Slowly hands went up. Each man held a stone face as they searched their minds for a way to turn the tables.

  “Y’all know what the fuck this is,” Treebie shouted. Donella and Bayonna grabbed black cloth bags from their back pockets and threw them on the table.

  “Do y’all know who you’re fucking wit’? This ain’t no street you walk baby nuts on. This 117th and muthafuckin’ St. Clair. You gotta have big ass balls to run up in here,” a young thug shouted from his seated position.

  “Well, I must be in the right fucking place, because my shit grande,” Treebie gritted and grabbed her crotch.

  “Nigga, fuck you,” yelled out a tall slender nigga. In a flash his hand went under the table. When it came up he had his whistle in his hand and he let off several shots. Two of them caught Bayonna in the chest and slammed her back against the wall. Her ratchet fell from her hands as she hit the floor, unconscious.

  “Muthafucka!” screamed Treebie. She aimed her Glock at him and emptied the clip. His body jerked with each round that pierced through it and he slumped down to the floor bloody and crooked.

  Treebie zoned out, she was still squeezing the trigger after there was no more ammo in her gun and no more life in his body.

  “You see that,” screamed Lissha, using her gun to point at the dead bodies lying around the room. “Don’t be the next muthafucka to get it.” She held her whistle on the remaining men as Treebie snapped out of her zone and slammed a fresh, fully loaded clip in her piece.

  Donella blasted a nigga on GP before bending down to check on Bayonna who was just regaining consciousness. Her bullet proof vest had saved her life but she was momentarily in shock. Her breathing was labored and her chest burned.

  Bayonna gathered her wits, picked up her hammer and climbed to her feet. Methodically, she walked over to the dead man that had tried to murk her. Half of his face was blown off and his chest was opened up like a busted can of tomato paste. Bayonna stood over his corpse and showed it no respect. “Bitch ass nigga,” she spat and pumped three in what remained of his head.

  While this was going on the others kept their guns trained around the room in case another fool had big nuts. They eyed every one of them and were ready to place them in a church looking up at the roof if they so much as flinched.

  “Everybody just chill,” said a short dude with dreads. He was sitting in a chair away from the table, unshaken by the gore around him. His voice was level and his eyes were alert. Lissha looked at him and almost blew her disguise. It was gotdamn JuJu.

  “Aw, fuck!” she muttered under her breath. Donella and Bayonna was thinking the same thing. Somebody had really dropped the ball. Treebie didn’t give a flying fuck. JuJu could get it too.

  “D-double, fill them bags up,” he ordered his runner from his reclined position.

  “Do that shit slow muthafucka,” Donella yelled out with her pump tight in her grip and his head sharp in her sight.

  D-double, JuJu’s lieutenant, jumped up and went over to the stash spot and filled the bags then dragged them over to Donella and Bayonna’s feet. On his way back to the table he accidently bumped into Treebie. Donella and Bayonna cut his ass down, swiftly and without mercy.

  “Clumsy ass muthafucka,” snorted Bayonna. She was blood thirsty now.

  With their friends’ bodies dropping all around them, two other dudes decided not to sit there awaiting their executions. They silently communicated with each other with their eyes, then tried to get up and reach for their guns. In the process they knocked over the card table to create a distraction, but they were fucking with stone cold killahs that were trained to go.

  Lissha’s trigger finger went crazy, she hit one of the men in the chest with five successive shots. Donella’s pump made carnage of the other brave heart. “Y’all niggas still think it’s a game?” she barked.

  Silence filled the room as the remaining three men held their lips tight with contempt. Bayonna glanced at Lissha who gave her a slight nod. She grabbed the two bags and pulled them to Lissha’s feet. Lissha gave a second nod and Donella hit one dude and Bayonna hit the other leaving JuJu as the one to tell the tale.

  Treebie moved over to JuJu and put her gun to his mouth. “If you gonna kill me, Bleed, handle your business, but I damn sure ain’t gonna bitch up,” he said in a voice that didn’t tremble.

  “Is it worth trying to be tough over the next nigga shit?” She stood ready to air his ass out.

  “It’s all good because this shit right here comes with the life I signed up for. But I promise you, my nigga will find you. And when he do, he’s gonna give pain a whole new meaning.”

  “Oh, so you’re somebody’s right-hand man?”

  “Fuck you.”

  “Nigga, you a bitch. Open your mouth so you can suck my dick like you sucking his,” Treebie gritted as distasteful thoughts of Kiam filled her mind.

  “Bleed, you got the game fucked up. I’m not opening up shit. You gonna have to knock my fucking teeth out.”

  “Oh yeah?” Treebie forced her gun into his mouth almost pushing it to the back of his throat.

  JuJu winced and gagged but he didn’t fold. Lissha was wondering what Treebie was about to do. JuJu was on their team. This bitch done lost it. Lissha silently looked on.

  “Get this muthafucka down,” Treebie ordered. Bayonna walked over and grabbed him around the neck restricting his breathing. His eyes glistened as his airway tightened. Blood and fragments of teeth slid on his tongue and settled on both sides of the barrel.

  “Get this nigga secure,” commanded Treebie, running out of patience. If the gunshots had been heard, johnny could be on the way.

  Donella moved fast. She pulled out a roll of duct tape and strapped JuJu tightly to the chair. Treebie continued to run the show. “Grab this nigga’s hand,” she barked.

  Donella grabbed his wrist and forced him to hold his hand out. Lissha looked on as poor JuJu suffered at the hands of her crew. She felt some kind of way because he went hard for the team, but there was no pulling back now.

  Treebie looked down at JuJu from up under her disguise. “I bet when you woke up this morning you never envisioned this shit, huh?” she taunted him.

  JuJu said nothing, he couldn’t see their faces so he studied their mannerisms, anything that would help him hunt them down later. There was something peculiar about the way they walked and moved. He filed that in his memory.

  “I almost gave you a pass,” Treebie went on. “But since you work for a bitch, the penalty is misery.” She pulled the gun from his mouth, grabbed his right wrist and blew a hole straight through the palm of his hand.

  One foot reactively slammed against the floor as he yelped out in pain, “Shit.” His lips quaked as his adrenaline coursed through his veins, settling his trembling body to a slower vibration.

  “Now you can be his left hand man,” snickered Treebie.

  Bayonna grabbed a bill from her pocket and shoved it in JuJu’s bloody palm, closing his fist around it. Pain shot up his arm and sweat dripped from his collar. Valiantly, he did not scream out in pain or beg for mercy.

  Removing the bloody bill from his hand and stuffing it in his mouth, Bayonna said, “Tel
l your bitch ass boss man that Blood Money said thank you.”

  Treebie stepped forward and toppled the chair over. Juju’s head cracked against the floor.

  Carefully, with their heads on a swivel watching for any sign of the police, they moved out the door and to the car.

  When they walked into Treebie’s basement. Lissha began snatching her clothes off. “Shit! Why the fuck didn’t we know that was Kiam’s spot?” she asked, resting her hands on the counter.

  “I don’t know, we checked everything out just as we always do,” Donella responded as she pulled her hood over her head.

  Bayonna pulled off her hoodie and vest and examined her chest. It was bruised and sore.

  “Man, this shit is fucked up,” Lissha said.

  “Why? Because you got feelings for the nigga?” Treebie shot some shade in her direction.

  “Bitch don’t play with me. We done fucked around and robbed ourselves. You don’t see a problem with that?”

  “You don’t see a problem with the fact that Kiam got shit going on behind your back. Big Zo supposed to know everything that nigga doing.” Treebie looked at her, waiting for a comeback. When Lissha didn’t retort, she smiled. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.” She proceeded to take her off her gear.

  “It don’t matter, knowing whose spots we’re hitting is your fucking job. Now we gonna have Kiam’s crazy ass on our heels.”

  “If you mention that muthafucka’s name one more time,” Treebie said, gnashing her teeth.

  “You issuing threats, bitch?” Lissha came from behind the counter.

  “Don’t fucking test me.” Treebie stood firm, looking into Lissha’s red eyes.

  “Test you?” Lissha threw back at her. “Bitch, I’ll bless your muthafuckin’ ass, that’s what I’ll do.” She stepped in Treebie’s grill.

  “Bitch, don’t get your shit pushed back.” Treebie stuck her finger in Lissha’s mug.

  Lissha slapped it down.

  Donella ran over and stepped between them. “I’m not letting y’all do this shit. We ride together not against one another.” She pulled Treebie back a step.

  Lissha was still spazzing. “She fucked up, plain and simple. Now I gotta fix this shit.” She blew out an exasperated breath.


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