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Must Love Falcons (Sable Cove Book 3)

Page 5

by R. E. Butler

  “Of course. I normally put him in a crate for travel or when I need to go where he can’t. We can just feed him before we go and I’m sure he’ll be happy for a few hours without us.”

  “Excellent. I’ll meet you downstairs in an hour.”

  “I’ll be there.”

  She gave him a curious look, anticipation mixed with lust, and he knew those same feelings were visible to her as well. She was the sexiest female he’d ever laid eyes on, and he was one damn lucky male to have her in his life. He had no idea how the night would go, but if they made their way to bed together to mate, he’d be the happiest male on the planet. To be hers in truth, for her to be his—that was a heaven he couldn’t wait to experience.

  * * *

  Once he was finished getting ready, dressing casually in khakis and a linen shirt, he checked his messages to see if his people had made any headway in discovering who had access to the sort of magic that Hadlee said the poisoning curse had used. The problem was that no one knew how to track someone who used magic, because they didn’t have their own kind of magic like fairies or witches did. Where would one of his people even meet a wizard?

  He’d just finished reading a text from Westlan stating they had no leads but were in the process of interviewing every falcon who had been on the hunt, when he heard Hadlee come down the stairs. He turned to face her, finding her a vision in pale green. Her leg peeked from a long slit up the front of the skirt as she moved, and he was riveted to the spot as he watched her move gracefully down each step and then join him in the living room.

  “You look amazing,” he said.

  His hands itched to hold her. They’d kissed and held hands, but they hadn’t done much more than that, although he wanted to. He’d scented her arousal as well and knew she was feeling similar stirrings.

  “Thank you,” she said, her cheeks pinking. “So do you.”

  He bowed at the waist and kissed her knuckles. She beamed at him and said, “Should I curtsy? I’ve never done it before.”

  “Not necessary,” he promised. “You’re my queen.”

  “I feel like one in this outfit. For a casual look it’s still pretty fancy.”

  “It’s perfect.”

  “So where are we going?”

  “It’s a surprise.”

  “Ah, you’re assuming I’m the sort of girl who likes surprises?”

  “I hope you are.”

  “For you? Definitely.”

  He grinned. Offering her his arm, they left the mansion together. She gasped when she spied the carriage drawn by two horses.

  “You have horses! Oh, I love them!” She hurried ahead of him and right to the horses, where she touched each one and grinned like she’d been given the biggest gift.

  “Aside from the boats at the marina, our island doesn’t have motorized vehicles, so we use horse-drawn carriages for special occasions, like our first date. Hank is our driver and he owns the stables where these horses are kept.”

  She leaned over from where she was talking quietly to the horses. “Hiya, Hank.”

  “My lady,” he said.

  Anders couldn’t stop smiling like a fool. He liked how much she enjoyed the island. It was important to him that she was happy here because it was his home.

  Except it wasn’t hers. They’d touched briefly on how she’d need to come to the island to live permanently, giving up her life on the mainland to rule by his side as queen, but had he even asked if she’d do that? If she was happy with the choice?

  Would he give up the kingship and his nest for her?

  As he watched her giddily talking to the horses as if they could talk back to her, he realized that he one hundred percent would. It wouldn’t matter what position or rank he held in the nest if she wasn’t with him. If her happiness lay on the mainland, then that’s where his would be too.

  “You look so serious,” she said as she joined him.

  He helped her up into the small two-seat carriage and joined her.

  “Nothing to worry about tonight.”

  Her head tilted slightly as if she was reading his mind, but then she straightened as the carriage moved down the path and headed toward their destination.

  “I’ll trust you to tell me if there’s anything I need to know.”

  “Of course.”

  “Any word on whoever’s out to get you?”

  He let out a grunt. “Not yet.”

  “I was talking to Delaney while I got ready and I have an idea on how to figure it out. I just need to throw a party.”

  He blinked in surprise. “A party?”

  “Yep. I need all the falcons in one place with their guard down so I can cast a small divining spell and ferret out the people who would do you harm. I just need Osiris with me and I should be able to get you what you need to know.”

  “With a spell?”

  “Yes, the mixture of aura reading and the spell will allow me to see if someone has evil intentions.”

  “What makes up an aura?”

  She hummed. “It’s an invisible field of energy around each person. Each layer is a specific type, like for physical and mental and emotional energy. Generally only supernatural creatures that are tied into the magical plane can see them. I can, but I have to cast a spell to do so.” She blew out a breath. “So the easiest way to describe the aura is if you’re around someone and getting a bad vibe, that’s their aura giving you a clue about their motives.”

  “Interesting. I had no idea it gave that much information.”

  “There are people who study about auras and know far more than I do, but I can read an aura if I want to.”

  He thought about what she needed in order to find out who was after him. “We can have a party here tomorrow night. Would you be willing to help my mom with the planning? We could use the time to officially introduce you as my mate before our mating ceremony.”

  “That sounds like a perfect reason to have a party.”

  “Plus I get to show you off.” He winked and she smiled, her eyes dancing.

  The carriage stopped at the base of the only cliff on the island.

  He got out and helped her down. She leaned back and looked up. There was a worn pathway that would lead to the flat surface of the cliff, where they’d spend their date.

  “Are we going up there?” she asked, dropping her head back to look at him.

  “Yes. It’s an easy walk up, it’s not as high as it appears. The surprise is at the top.”

  “Well, I can’t wait.”

  He took her hand and led her to the start of the path. “We’ll be a few hours, Hank.”

  “I’ll be here, Sire. Enjoy your date.”

  “He’s so nice,” she whispered as they walked away from the carriage. “Do you think I could see his stables sometime?”

  “Of course. You could even ride a horse if you’d like. I used to ride all the time, but I got busy once I took over the kingship.”

  “I always wanted a horse. Well, more specifically, I wanted a pegasus since they fly, but I always pictured myself with a horse.”

  “Do you think there are horse familiars?”

  “I don’t know. Familiars are generally small, like cats or rabbits or birds. It would be hard to take a horse familiar with you everywhere. And Osiris likes to sleep with me, so how weird would it be if your horse tried to climb into bed with you?”

  He barked out a laugh. “Now that would be hilarious.”

  Chapter Nine

  Note to self: Romance is its own kind of magic.

  Hadlee held Anders’ hand as they navigated up the path to the top. It wasn’t a tough climb, but it did get steep at times and her calves were screaming by the time they reached the top. She tried not to show how winded she was, but that was more exercise than she’d done in ages.

  She inhaled deeply, thankful to be wearing comfortable sandals and no longer walking upward. Looking around, she smiled in awe.

  “It’s amazing up here,” she said. The cliff gave
them a bird’s eye view. She could see all the way to the other side of the island. The water sparkled as the setting sun lit up the rolling waves with ambers and oranges.

  A table had been set for two. A female and male stood near a covered cart and smiled at her.

  “Hadlee, this is Wilder and his mate, Ilya. They’ve prepared a special dinner for us.”

  “It’s nice to meet you,” she said.

  They both bowed. “The pleasure is ours,” Wilder said. “Please sit and we’ll serve you.”

  Anders pulled out Hadlee’s chair, which was something the guys she’d dated previously had never done. He scooted her close and took the chair opposite her. Wilder put a large plate in front of them, and Ilya set a smaller plate with a pat of butter in the shape of a bird to the left of their plates. A basket with rolls was set in the center of the table near pillar candles that were flickering in the light breeze.

  “For tonight,” Wilder said, “we have bacon-wrapped venison loins with a mushroom cream sauce, sweet potatoes, and green beans. Ilya created a special dessert, which is under the dome on the second shelf of the cart.”

  Ilya poured red wine into goblets and left the bottle on the cart.

  “Is there anything you need?” she asked.

  “It looks wonderful, thank you,” Anders said. “You can leave us now.”

  The two nodded and each gave a small bow, then hurried down the path to the ground.

  “I guess there are some really great perks of being king, huh?” Hadlee asked as she cut into the venison. The only time she’d had venison was when she was young and her uncle had made deer jerky. She’d liked it until she saw a certain cartoon movie featuring a baby deer, and then she hadn’t wanted to eat deer after that .

  “There definitely are, but my people are really kind and helpful in general. There’s a lot riding on me being king; I have a lot of responsibilities and I don’t always make the right choices, but I do my best. I had a great example in my father…I just wish we’d had more time before he was taken from me.”

  Hadlee nodded. “I feel the same way about my dad. There are a lot of times when I’ll wish I could just call him and ask for help or get advice.”

  The food was delicious. While they ate, they talked about the mating ceremony and what her responsibilities would be once she became queen.

  “It just seems so surreal.”

  “Which part?” he asked.

  “All of it, I guess? I mean, if Phoenix and Westlan had kidnapped Yasmine, she wouldn’t have been able to help you. She doesn’t have access to magic, so she couldn’t have gotten rid of the curse that was making you sick. Since there was a case of mistaken identity, they actually brought the right person to your side to help you. And we happened to be mates. And you happened to be the king. Which makes me queen. It’s crazy how it worked out.”

  “It’s definitely crazy. If someone told me what happened I’d think they were exaggerating.”

  She finished the last bite of venison and resisted the urge to lick the plate. Anders retrieved dessert: two slices of chocolate cake layered with strawberry cream and topped with chocolate-covered strawberries.

  “Oh wow, I love strawberries.”

  “Good thing,” he said with a chuckle. “Otherwise I’d be scrambling.”

  They tucked into their cake, conversation stopping as they enjoyed every bite. She’d never eaten so well in her life, and that included when her dad had taken her to a special four-course dinner at a fancy restaurant in New York City. The meal she’d just shared with Anders was far and above that fare.

  “One more thing, my lady,” Anders said as he stood and offered her his hand.

  “Oh?” she asked. She stood and he twirled her in a slow circle as the soft strains of a ballad could be heard. “Where is the music coming from?”

  He settled a hand on her back and with the other, he clasped hers as he moved them in a small circle. She rested her hand on his shoulder, feeling the taut muscles under her fingers.

  “Would you believe magic?”

  She giggled and shook her head.

  “Fine, know all my secrets. The cart has wireless speakers on it, and I started a playlist with my phone so we could dance.”

  “It might not be magic, but it’s really magical.”

  The sun had set and the stars were out in force, like the whole sky had been lit up for them.

  He leaned down and kissed her, pressing his lips lightly to hers before they both opened their mouths and their tongues touched. A riot of sensations poured over her as they kissed, their tongues dancing and moving together as if they’d been kissing for a hundred years and not merely minutes. Her stomach flipped and her magic flared for a brief moment.

  She was kissing her mate.

  Her honest to goodness, once-in-a-lifetime, Mr. Right.

  She didn’t feel like things were moving too fast, it all felt so very right. Like her whole life had been leading up to this one moment.

  She’d been cleaning the vet’s office and now she was dancing with her mate on top of a cliff on an island.

  It was the craziest, most awesome thing to ever happen to her.

  She didn’t want the night to end.

  The kiss broke and she sighed happily. Tomorrow she’d help him figure out who was trying to take him out. For now—for tonight—they were safe, and she wanted to move things forward in a tumble-in-the-sheets sort of way.

  “Anders?” she whispered.

  He hummed, his eyes flashing to amber. “Yes, my lady?”

  “I’m ready to go home now.”

  His brow furrowed and she quickly amended what she’d said. “I mean, I’m ready to go back to your home.”

  “It’s yours now too.”

  “It honestly feels like home already.”

  “Good. I want you to be happy on the island with me.”

  He dropped to one knee and her heart leaped into her throat.

  A ring sparkled between his finger and thumb. “Hadlee, you are the most amazing female I’ve ever met in my life. This seemed like the perfect night to ask you to be mine in truth. Will you be my mate and my queen? And will you marry me?”

  She almost couldn’t speak. And then her eyes stung with tears and her mouth went salty. “Yes, yes, and yes!”

  He slipped the ring onto her finger and stood, catching her in his arms and devastating her senses with another kiss.

  How many people went on a first date and ended up engaged?

  She doubted there were many. But she didn’t care. She was already crazy about Anders, and she knew the feelings would just intensify as they grew.

  “Take me home, Anders,” she whispered against his lips.

  “As my lady wishes.”

  They hurried down the path to the carriage, where he suggested the horses could maybe go a little faster back home. The ride was bumpy and quick, and Hadlee couldn’t help but giggle every time a bump in the road caused her to fall against Anders. They were at the mansion and up the stairs a few moments later, both breathing hard.

  He closed the door behind them, and she stepped from the sandals, wiggling her toes in the thick rug.

  Osiris meowed sleepily from a fancy cat bed in the corner that looked like a miniature four-poster bed done up in navy blue and white. “Where did that come from?” she asked.

  “My mom probably. She mentioned she thought he needed a place to sleep,” Anders said. “And here I thought I was going to have to kick him off the bed.”

  “Me too,” Hadlee said with a chuckle. She sobered, her thoughts tripping toward the night ahead. The french doors were open, letting in some moonlight and the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. It was a perfect backdrop to an unforgettable evening.

  “I’m so glad you’re mine,” she said, taking his hand and moving backward toward the bed. “I just have one request.”

  “Anything. Name it.”

  “Take me to bed.”

  “I’d love nothing more.�

  Chapter Ten

  Anders swept Hadlee up in his arms and carried her the short distance to the bed. He climbed to the center and laid her down, kissing her as he moved. Kissing her was like doing something he needed to survive, as if she was air to him and his falcon.

  They stripped each other quickly, a few of the buttons from his shirt clattering on the floor in their haste. Her skin was soft and warm, and she was curved in all the right places, a feast for his eyes. He felt like he’d been starving before he’d met her and now he could have his fill of her.

  He knew he’d never be satisfied, though. He would always crave her, that much he knew.

  She pushed on his shoulder and he eased to his back as she planted her hands on either side of his head and moved over him.

  “How did I get so lucky to have such a sexy male?” she asked.

  “I was thinking the same thing,” he said. “You’re very lucky.”

  She blinked at him and then smirked. “Ha.”

  “I’m the lucky one, sweetheart,” he said, his voice lowering as her breasts brushed against his chest, her nipples hardening against his skin. “I’m the fucking luckiest male on the planet to have you in my arms.”

  Her eyes glittering with happiness and the sweet scent of her arousal made his falcon call in happiness. He wanted her. All of her. Immediately. And forever.

  She kissed down his chest, nipping and licking and kissing, until she hovered over his erection, which bobbed in anticipation. She wrapped her hand around his length and he could’ve come on the spot if he hadn’t been gritting his teeth and holding onto his sanity with every ounce of strength he had. She licked him, her tongue flicking around the ridge, and when she took him in her mouth, his eyes crossed at how good it felt.

  She hummed as she moved up and down him, the sound making vibrations shiver through him.

  He could come like this and be the most content male on the planet, but he was not about to let her make him come while he did nothing. He reached for her hips and urged her to switch direction, and in one, smooth motion her wet pussy was over his mouth and she was taking him into her mouth again and working him with her hand.


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