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Just One Bite Volume 5

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by All Romance eBooks LLC

  Just One Bite

  Volume 5

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  Volume 5

  Copyright © 2011 Respective Authors

  Cover art by Amanda Kelsey

  All Romance eBooks, LLC

  Palm Harbor, Florida 34684

  This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or business establishments, events, or locales is coincidental.

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever with out written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  First All Romance eBooks publication: November 2011

  Table of Contents

  At His Knee by Raven Corinn Carluk

  Two Birds, One Stone by Barbara Elsborg

  You Will Not Kill Me by Elaine Lowe

  Red in Tooth and Claw by Kim Knox

  Going Wild by Jocelyn Michel

  The Vampire Next Door by Lauren Hawkeye

  Ownership by Ashlynn Monroe

  By the Fireside by Shermaine Williams

  His For the Taking by Angelita Gill

  This Cowboy Bites by Randi Alexander

  Every Last Bite by Christine DePetrillo

  Original Sin by Rosalie Stanton

  At His Knee

  by Raven Corinn Carluk

  I stalked through the back hall of Blooddolls, chewing my lower lip. The best blood-tender at the hottest vamp bar didn’t get called into a meeting with the owner on a busy Friday night unless something was really important.

  Surely he wasn’t upset I used psychic powers to increase profits?

  Dietrich opened the door to the dungeon room before I knocked. The pit of my stomach plunged, and I stared at the elder vampire.

  If not for high-heeled boots, he’d have been a couple inches taller than me. Dark hair was pulled back from his square face, a few curls escaping. Pale skin, sienna eyes, straight brows, an alluring mouth. Tight black shirt over broad shoulders, leather pants on long legs, bare feet.

  Luckily I didn’t blush.

  The attraction was mutual. His aura filled with lust and wonderment. We were frozen in our own world, oblivious to the crowd, captivated by each other.

  He spoke, breaking the spell with his velvety British accent. “Kae. Please, join me.”

  Looking down, I walked past him. What had I done wrong? It wasn’t that I didn’t match the aesthetic of Blooddolls; tall, slim, I wore leather and velvet even outside of work. Eyeliner and dark lipstick, a few eyebrow piercings, and skull-shaped earrings. I did wear silver jewelry all the time, but the vampires seemed to like my aggression.

  Dietrich padded to the only chair. He looked imperial in the throne, very proper. I stood a few feet away, waiting for him to speak. “Sit.” He gestured at the stool beside him. Although not an order, I sensed he wouldn’t accept no for an answer.

  Better to be at his knee than on the St Andrew’s cross.

  He was hard to read, somehow shielded against empathy. I kept my eyes down as I sat. The vampire’s aroma enveloped me, and I had to draw my knees close to keep from touching him.

  We were quiet, the dance music muted by thick walls. Butterflies tortured my stomach as anxiousness built. What the hell did he want from me?

  “How do you enjoy Blooddolls?” Dietrich finally asked.

  “It’s fun, and the tips are good.” It wasn’t fun I was here for.

  “Jeremiah tells me your talents are a boon.” The vampire’s voice curled along my skin.

  My immediate manager, Jeremiah, had taught me to make proper vampire cocktails. “Seems I’m a natural at mixing blood. Better than him.”

  “I meant your psychic abilities.”

  Body stiff, I looked up. Dietrich’s face was passive, emotions merely curious. Heat rose to my cheeks, and I wanted to slap Jeremiah. “He said he wouldn’t tell anybody.”

  Dietrich smirked. “He didn’t volunteer your secret, but couldn’t hide it when I demanded to know why Blooddolls suddenly tripled its take.” I couldn’t look away as his smile deepened, revealing a curve of fang. “He also mentioned an unusual arrangement.”

  My jaw clenched. “Giving blood is not part of my employment.”

  He narrowed his eyes, one fang still bared. “Because of your powers?”

  “Exactly. The other girls need to give themselves up to be popular. I just make everyone enjoy me.”

  There was a pause of several heartbeats. Dietrich’s voice was aggressive when he continued. “We used to kill psychics who could control us.”

  Anger and dread rose simultaneously. “I’m not controlling the vampires.” I couldn’t speak above a whisper. “When I say make them enjoy me, I mean just strong suggestions.”

  Dietrich leaned forward, grasping one of my bracers. Leather laced with silver, it would cause him pain to hold it. My blood turned to ice when he didn’t flinch. “These are slayer bands, slayer magic. Who are you?”

  I jerked away, and he allowed me to gain my feet. “I’m not here to kill anyone. I’m a bartender, nothing more. And we’re busy, so I have to go.” Fighting back anger, I turned for the door.

  Dietrich was fast, and suddenly blocked my way. “Not so quickly, little girl. We’re not done yet.” Sienna colored eyes locked onto mine, his entire body tense.

  Adrenaline filled my veins. I was startled and scared, just a little bit aroused. My corset top was too tight, the room too warm, the vampire too dangerous. “What do you want?” My blood sang as I imagined Dietrich attacking me.

  Unlike the young vampires who frequented Blooddolls, this immortal was powerful, dominant, and he immediately called to something in me. “I want to know why a slayer is working in my club.” Dietrich stalked toward me, radiating danger.

  Vampires, like regular men, didn’t attract me. My wants were dangerous and violent, and I wasn’t going to stoop to someone who couldn’t satisfy those needs. In twenty-six years, no one had brought out actual lust in me.

  “I’m not a slayer,” I replied softly, heart racing as I held my ground.

  “Your gear and power say different.” He was within arm’s distance, close enough to grab me and force me to him. Dietrich flashed fang, voice low. “What are you doing here?”

  My knees trembled, heat filled my center, and I submitted. “Pissing off my family.”

  He paused, humor and disbelief replacing the danger. “Come again?”

  I’d cum as many times as he wanted me to. “My family are slayers. I wasn’t considered powerful enough to be properly trained, so I work for vampires to cheese them off.” He now knew what no one but my aunt knew.

  “How can I trust you?” The vampire came another step closer.

  I shrugged, cocking a hip so I wasn’t towering over him. It was hard to act casual around him, to keep my roiling emotions to myself. “How do you trust anyone?”

  A wicked grin came over his face, fangs gleaming. “You assume I have trust for anyone.”

  My blood chilled, a lump filled my throat. Gods, I wanted to give myself to him, wanted him to force himself upon me. “What would you have of me?” came my tremulous query. It took supreme effort not to throw myself at his feet.

  Dietrich wrapped a large hand around my throat, pressing against my protective collar. Pain pulsed through his aura, swiftly followed by pleasure. The vampire was a sadomasochist. “Your acquiescence is easily won.”

  “Would you prefer I fought?” I pressed against his hand, and blood flow was restricted. My head spun with
his rich scent.

  His thumb stroked my pulse, hooded eyes boring into mine. Desire spiked between us, and I bit my lip. “I really think I would.” The vampire’s voice was rich and dark, wrapping itself around my heart.

  I slapped him, jerking free of his grasp. Slayer training had been denied by my aunt after my parents’ deaths, but I still had some clan memories, a few skills. Dietrich wanted a fight, and I would put up the best struggle I could.

  He reached for me, using only human speed, and I dodged away. The dungeon was not a large room, twenty feet at its longest, and filled with bondage equipment. Dietrich followed my initial avoidance, and grabbed a handful of my hair. I grunted as he flung me over the sawhorse, padded wood digging into my gut.

  Springing forward, I flipped over the horse, kicking him in the face. Dietrich grabbed my ankle, halting the rest of my tumble. Clenching my teeth, I swung at him with my free foot. The vampire’s grip loosened, and I squirmed out of the boot. Rolling away, I took the time to remove the other one.

  Dietrich rushed over and kicked me in the side. I ignored the pain and forced myself to act despite the loss of breath. Wrapping myself around his leg, I bit his calf and punched his kneecap.

  I tried to hold on as he slipped fingers beneath my collar, taking up all the slack and cutting off my breath. My punches grew weak, and I couldn’t stop him from throwing me toward the rack of whips.

  The vampire stalked toward me, giving me the heartbeat I needed to recover. Snagging a heavy riding crop, I sprang to my feet and lashed out. The crop caught him in the mouth, splitting his lip. Blood welled, and his aura filled the room.

  Dietrich was angry and aroused and hungry. My vision swam as my empathy was overwhelmed. I almost submitted to him then and there, falling to my knees in worship, but he wanted to see how much further this could go.

  Assuming there would be release in the end, I kept up my attack.

  I struck again, and he blocked with his forearm. A twist of his wrist, and he wrenched the whip from me. I closed the gap between us, crossing my wrists against his throat, taking big handfuls of his shirt for leverage.

  The vampire snarled at the pain induced by my bracers, then brought the riding crop down hard on my ass. The initial sting caused me to yelp, then tingling pleasure spread from the spot.

  I was distracted by the sensation, and did nothing to stop Dietrich from ripping his shirt with his free hand. Cloth came loose, and my grip fell away.

  My heart skipped a beat when his lean and tattooed torso was revealed. Milky pale skin, tight muscles, a few scars, and a massive black dragon were mine to behold. I was lost.

  Dietrich struck me again with the crop, on the outside of my thigh, bringing my attention back to our tussle. I punched him, and he grabbed my bracer. Growling, he used my momentum to drive me to my knees. Keeping control of my arm, the vampire stood behind me, holding my chin up with the crop. “For someone not trained, you fight very well.”

  My heart thundered, and I drew several deep breaths. “Natural talent.” I twisted my wrist toward his thumb, breaking his grip and ducking between his legs. I leapt to my feet, moving to put him in a chokehold.

  Instead, Dietrich spun and kissed me.

  Passion had built during our fight, and now threatened to consume the pair of us. My heart raced while the world froze. I clung to the vampire, blind to anything but the touch of his mouth and his heady aroma.

  I cried out when he wrenched my head back. The collar dug into the nape of my neck, taut against my throat. Dietrich kissed my jaw, my ear, then the silver threads. Empathy told me it hurt, but he didn’t stop. I clawed at his chest, sharing the intensity of the moment.

  “We didn’t always kill psychics,” he said, nipping at my collarbone. I traced the lines of his abdomen, feverish from the feel of his skin. “Sometimes we set them against our rivals.”

  “I’m not a slayer,” I whispered, wishing we were naked and alone. “I can’t do those things.”

  Dietrich bit the top of my left breast, fangs raising welts but not breaking skin. “I can think of better uses for you.” The vampire forced me to my knees, and I sighed as I stared up at him. “But first, you must be bonded to me.”

  His grip in my hair was forceful, overpowering me. There was no use resisting, and I didn’t want to. “What do I do?”

  The vampire lifted his forearm to his mouth. He grunted when he bit, and he tugged on my hair. Blood spilled from two deep wounds, and he placed them against my mouth. “Drink of me. Take me into yourself.” Without hesitation, I obeyed him.

  Dietrich’s blood was the richest elixir I’d ever tasted. I latched onto the wounds, our eyes locked together, and took. Powerful and heady and intoxicating, I couldn’t get enough. The first swallow was bliss, the second was rapture.

  We groaned as one, still staring. I lifted my hands to cling to him, rocking slightly. I nipped and sucked and tongued the wounds, blood searing my mouth

  Dietrich shivered, closing his eyes and tipping his head back. He released my hair to stroke my head.

  I bit hard into his flesh, consumed by hunger. The more I took, the more I wanted. Pressure built, ecstasy filling me with every swallow. Gods bless me and let this never end.

  “Enough,” Dietrich whispered. I ignored him and clung to his arm. He groaned deeply, another shiver passing through him. “Kae, enough.”

  I growled, refusing to stop. The vampire’s power filled me, intensifying every sensation. He tried to pull his arm away, and I clung desperately, rising higher on my knees to follow him.

  “Enough!” he shouted, grabbing my hair, yanking me away. I cried out in disappointment, meeting his smoldering gaze.

  Dietrich swooped down and kissed me. His tongue sought the depths of my mouth, aggressive and invasive. I moaned, pressing against his body, wrapping my arms around his torso, longing to pull him down.

  Having his blood was wonderful, but could not be the end. Every nerve tingled, every sense worked on overdrive, every part of me ached for more. Dietrich was strong and forceful, a perfect match to the rising fire in my soul, to the dark longings I’d always buried.

  “Can you feel me inside you yet?” he asked, breaking the kiss. The vampire’s mouth caressed my cheek, my jaw, my ear. I sighed when he straightened up.

  “I do.” When I thought about it, I was aware of Dietrich, our spirits touching. He filled more than my psychic senses, like he was part of my very thoughts. “What is this?”

  The vampire knelt behind me and pulled me across his knees onto his lap. “A bond. Insuring your loyalty. You cannot lift a hand against me, and you must follow my orders. You will not want to leave me, and my happiness will be your happiness.” Dietrich continued touching me, hands tight on my waist, mouth seeking bare skin.

  Most people would have been upset at being forced into bondage. I’d never planned it or thought about it, but being on Dietrich’s leash seemed wonderful right now. As his presence surrounded me, I felt safe and secure. I was his, and was happy to be so.

  The vampire kissed the back of my shoulder, pulling me tight against him. I sighed softly, stroking his arms, writhing in his lap. Dietrich opened his mouth, fangs touching my skin, and I stiffened in anticipation.

  Working with vampires because it upset my stodgy old aunt didn’t mean I let them feed. I understood the bite was supposed to be pleasurable, but that there was pain as well. How would I react? Would I become a groupie like some of the waitresses? Would I hate it or love it?

  Dietrich paused, lifting a hand to my chin, tipping my head back onto his shoulder. “You’re a complete virgin?” His disbelief and wonderment made me blush, took me temporarily out of the moment. I nodded, unable to look at him.

  Not that the bond of blood would let me entirely avoid him. “Then it shall be done proper for your first time. Remove your collar,” he said with a hungry growl. My skin prickled as I obeyed. The clasp came undone quickly, and I shivered when his breath touched exposed skin. “You’re
frightened.” Dietrich licked the back of my neck.

  “Yes,” I admitted. The high from his blood was leveling out, though my senses were still overly sharp. Every touch thrilled me, aimed straight for my core. Fear competed with desire to keep my heart racing.

  Dietrich cupped my chin and jaw, his index finger sliding into my mouth. I licked and sucked his fingertip, and he shuddered. “You’re going to like this.” His mouth was chilled when it descended to my neck.

  I moaned, his tongue tracing a tiny circle on my skin, his finger probing deeper into my mouth. Pleasure raced along my skin, and I couldn’t catch my breath. Dietrich’s other hand locked onto my hip, pulling me hard against his erection.

  His fangs pressed into my skin, and I stiffened. He gripped me harder, holding me still, and bit slowly. There was pain and pressure, like getting a piercing, but more forceful and much larger. My breath caught in my throat, whimpers threatening to rise.

  Dietrich was glacially slow. His fangs felt enormous as he penetrated me, invaded me. Flesh parted beneath his razor teeth. The vampire was torturing me, and it stoked my desire.

  When he pierced the vein, I climaxed.

  He groaned with the first taste of blood, and writhed with me. I moaned and bucked, rapture taking over. There was no fear or pain, just wave after wave of heated pleasure.

  Dietrich and I clutched at each other, my nails digging into him, my bracers burning him. The vampire drank slowly, driving his fangs deeper, searching for my limits. As I kept cumming, I knew I had none. He could have everything about me.

  He continued to drink, and I continued to experience ecstasy. I moaned, and he growled, and we were one. Time meant nothing so long as he fed.

  I grew weak, my moans quieter, and Dietrich ended his pull. The vampire withdrew his fangs, and I lolled in his grasp. He kissed my neck and shoulder, wrapping both arms around my torso.

  My eyes refused to open as I turned my head toward him. Dietrich’s kiss was delicious and coppery, and wrested a sigh from me. Nerves still quivered with pleasure and my breath was ragged. His bite was better than I’d ever expected.


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