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Courage Runs Red

Page 7

by W. J. May

  “No, you don’t need to. I’ll be fine.”

  “It wasn’t a question, Kallie.” He smiled and moved in beside her, his fingers brushing along her lower back, a chill rushing down her spine. He seemed to notice and looked down at her, a soft smile tugging at his mouth again.

  “It was nice to meet you,” she said when they reached the door. “I can make it to my car on my own. Thanks.”

  He opened his mouth to argue.

  She continued, “I think perhaps another time I can ask you a few questions. You know, about where you come from and where you’ve been.” She turned to face him as she pushed open the club’s front door.

  His smile faded as he simply nodded. “When you’re ready for answers, or you’re in danger… I’ll be there.” He leaned down and much to her surprise kissed the side of her cheek, his hand sliding along her hip as if they had been intimate a million times. “Call for me and I’ll be there.”

  He winked and walked back toward her friends, her eyes glued on him. He seemed to know her very well. Too well. Like who she was and what she needed. The only question now was… how?

  Another question crossed her mind; how was she supposed to call him if she didn’t have his phone number?

  Chapter 10

  The large dance club was packed, people milling about around the edges of the large amoeba made up of a hundred bodies, but moving as one. Kallie stuffed her purse under the front seat of the car, leaving her hands free to tug and pull at the short dress she wore. Her legs seemed to go on for miles and were too thin as far as she was concerned.

  She moved to the bar as the bartender turned and smiled at her, giving her the once-over. “What can I get ya, kitten?”

  “I’ll just have a water, please?”

  “Not drinking tonight?” He smiled and moved to get her a bottle of water.

  “Need to find the guy I’m here with and then we’ll see.” She thanked him for the cool drink, turning her back to the bar and watching the door for Liam. She wasn’t old enough to drink and never liked the idea of losing control or your memory due to liquor. She’d had too much hell in her own life with control and blacking out to need anything to push her into another similar experience.

  Caleb popped into her mind, something about him so familiar and yet not at all. She would have to ask him his true age as vamps didn’t age like humans. Maybe he’d just recently turned and she knew him from his younger days.

  Who knew? The disturbing part was that she wanted to know him. Liam was at the top of her list for dating, but something about Caleb… she couldn’t pinpoint what it was yet. If the Blue Bloods were more laid back, the diplomats so to say, then the Red Bloods were the ballers, the fighters. She needed a fighter on her side seeing that her dad was being ganged up on by more of his kind.

  “You look deep in thought.” Liam moved in front of her, looking down as she straightened and looked up at him.

  She smiled, happy to see him. “Just thinking about my crazy life. If anyone knew the true drama of it all, they’d be interviewing me for the paper.” She laughed.

  Liam grinned and then leaned over her, making her inhale deeply to catch his delicious cologne as he ordered a beer. “You want anything besides water?”

  Tempting, like him. “I’m good. I’ll just stick to the pure stuff.”

  He got his beer and took a long drink, the tight fit of his black t-shirt and jeans calling her attention far away from Caleb and back to the man who’d stolen her breath the night before. He set the beer down on the counter and reached over, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear before letting his gaze freeze her in place.

  “Damn, you look good.” He brushed the back of his fingers along her hip, the color of his eyes lighting up the space between them. The dark lights of the club flickered and the music roared to life again, the song sensual with a drum beat that set perfect rhythm.

  “You don’t look too shabby yourself. You need to watch your eyes. It’s a bit more than obvious that you’re other worldly.” She set her water down, reaching for his hand. “Let’s stop staring at each other and do what we came to do.” She loved how bold she felt when around him. Caleb sent her into nervous excitement, Liam made her brazenly shameless.

  She tugged on his hand and he moved in behind her, the two of them maneuvering to get out into the middle of the dance floor where the crowd lightened slightly. Butterflies beat against the inside of her stomach, some of them flapping as high as her chest and the base of her throat. She turned to face him, keeping her hand in his as it pulled him close, their fingers locked together and pressed to her lower back.

  “Let’s see whatcha got.” He teased her with his words, but his eyes were not playful at all. He looked hungry, his gaze heavy and moving across her face and neck as she studied him.

  Kallie slid her free hand around his waist and pulled him a little closer as he moved in, closing the distance between them. She leaned back a little, the smell of his cologne mixed with the soft woodsy tones of his soap filled her senses, her eyes closing a little as they moved.

  Caleb was all but forgotten, the man holding on tightly and forcing her to beckon to the liquid sway of his body caused her heart to almost stop. He was much better than she had expected, other women moving in to dance up on his back as Kallie took all the attention granted from his front. He politely moved around the floor, his body never belonging to anyone but her. He reached down and turned her, his left hand sliding down her outer thigh until he reached the edge of her dress.

  Her breath caught in her chest and she was glad he couldn’t see the shock on her face that he might consider pulling up her skirt a little. He didn’t, but simply brushed the tips of his fingers along her exposed leg. His other hand reached up and moved her hair to the side before sliding around her other hip and splaying along her stomach, pressing her back to his front.

  The hot whisper of his breath hit her neck before his words reached her. “I could drown in you.” His nose ran up the soft skin just below her ear, his lips brushing by her ear. Chill bumps broke out along her skin, the moment so sensual it almost hurt. How lusciously right it felt to be wrapped up with him in the middle of a dark dance floor. Between the crowd and the volume of the music, no wayward thoughts could register or hold in her mind. Everything in that moment was about him. The tight grip of his hands, the deep timbre of his voice, the unspoken promise that he’d give her anything she wanted if he could.

  How had it come to that so fast? Were people meant to be together?

  Just call for me and I’ll be there. The sound of Caleb’s voice right beside her ear jolted her to her senses. She pulled from Liam and looked around, the confusion on his face telling her that perhaps she was losing it.

  “You okay?” He moved in, pulling her back flush against his front. “You need some of your water? Looks like you’ve seen a ghost.”

  “No, I’m good. Just thought I heard someone.” She shrugged casually and leaned into Liam, his arms wrapping around her tightly as he pressed his lips to the top of her head. “There’s no such thing as ghosts, right?”

  Liam’s chuckle helped her relax slightly.

  She sighed softly, trying to force herself back into the moment with the strong, sexy man that held onto her tight, but she couldn’t fully get there again. The song changed and she moved off the floor, offering her hand to him and him taking it. They stopped at the bar and he picked up his beer, emptying the bottle and turning her around to lean against him. She pressed her back to his chest and relaxed in his arms, his sudden touchy-feely attitude fine by her. The strong muscles of his arms held her tightly, their bodies damp with sweat from being in the middle of the floor, surrounded by the movement of lust around them.

  He leaned down again, whispering in her ear, “I hope you don’t mind, but I brought my bike tonight.”

  She turned her head toward him, their lips so close she could feel him breathing. “What bike?”

  “I had a motorcycle out
by that old car you saw the other day. I love riding it, but I rarely do.” He tilted away from her, looking down at her legs. “Now I’m a bit concerned about you riding it though.”

  She laughed. “I drove, remember? I’m not drinking tonight, so I’ll just drive myself home.”

  “No goodnight kiss on your porch where your father can see and potentially threaten my life? Damn… I thought I was going to get to live a little tonight.”

  She started to turn, a pair of crimson eyes burning into her from across the room. She paused, narrowing her gaze and seeing someone who looked a lot like Caleb. Was he here? Had he followed her? Liam pulled her the rest of the way around, his hands moving up to cup her face.

  “Where are you tonight? Something happened, so tell me about it and let me help bring you back to me. Tomorrow night is our time to be concerned, but tonight… tonight is all about fun. At least it was fun… now I feel I’ve lost you.”

  Not wanting to lose him, she nodded as her hands came to rest on his chest. She stood on her toes and pressed her lips to his. His hands slid down her neck and over her shoulders, pulling her tighter as he deepened the kiss. The sweet taste of his beer rolled across her tongue, the subtle groan from him, vibrating his chest and leaving her dizzy with desire for more of him.

  Her fingers curled against his chest, the firm muscles locked in place, hard and perfect under her fingers. He moved back a little, his eyes illuminated brilliantly. He looked at her only for a moment before pulling her up and kissing her again, the passion not slow burning or something to work up to, but explosive. He licked and kissed at her mouth until she forced herself to move back, air rushing into her depleted lungs as she gulped it in.

  He smiled sheepishly. “Sorry, Kallie. I forgot you needed to breathe. I would have kissed you to death.” He smirked and leaned down, rubbing the tip of his nose against hers. She kept her eyes open, coveting the fact that he had finally broken down and kissed her. She wanted more of those kisses, but the club wasn’t the time or the place for such intimacy. She reached up and brushed her thumb along his bottom lip.

  His eyes moved from her to the floor as his body stiffened. “We need to go. Trouble’s arrived.”

  She turned as he moved from the bar and took her hand into his, pulling her toward the door without thinking about her being in heels. She stumbled as they rushed outside, but he caught her as if he anticipated it. The look on his face was anything but sensual.

  Something was wrong. Caleb maybe? It had to be.

  “I’ll walk you to your car.” He reached for her hand, but she pulled it back.

  “No. I don’t want the night to be over yet. We’ve barely been here an hour.”

  He dragged his fingers through his hair. “Look, there are Red Bloods in there. It’s too dangerous. For you. And me.”

  She knew instinctively that Caleb wouldn’t hurt her. Could there be more and she simply hadn’t noticed them? “You couldn’t fight them off if they came after us?”

  “Of course I could, but if anything happened to you I’d go mad and slaughter everyone, which wouldn’t exactly help my reputation as one of the good guys, right?”

  She huffed, taking the step that lay between them and sliding her arms around his waist. She pressed her lips to his pectoral muscle and looked up at him, a pouty look on her face, one she’d only used as a child. “I’m not ready to go home.”

  He leaned down and kissed her nose, running his fingers through her hair and tugging on it softly. “This is the start of many nights… if you’re up for it.”

  Her heart sputtered a rhythm created just for him. “I am, but who knows what’s going to happen tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow is tomorrow. Tonight felt like the start of something amazing.” He tapped his knuckles against the roof of her car. “I feel like I should drive you home.”

  “What if I wanted to go home with you?” She bit at her lip, her thoughts shifting from fear back to lust.

  His eyes widened a little as he worked to gently move her hands off his waist. “I don’t think I could survive tonight with you. I’d ravish you senseless.” He backed up a step. “Get in your car and let me see you drive away. It’s for the better tonight. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”

  He had to play cop now. She knew it, she just didn’t want him to. She unlocked the car and opened the door. As she rested her elbow on it, she stared hungrily at him, a smile playing on her lips. “What if I want to be ravaged?” She liked how he bit into his lip with his teeth, those incisors sending chills like they begged to taste her.

  He shook his head and growled softly, the sound menacing and sexy at the same time. “I’m not a man, Kallie, but a monster. Help me remember that before you offer your body and unknowingly, your blood to me.”

  Chapter 11

  Dreams of death and darkness seemed to be ever present when she closed her eyes. After a night of meeting Caleb and feeling the lustful pull of Liam, she didn’t want the warmth washed away. Staying awake was her only course of action. Her father paced the floor down in the basement, the soft tapping of him against the walls her reasoning for knowing what he was up to. She slipped out of bed, the midnight hour long gone. He needed to get out, breathe fresh air and try to live whenever he was able to. She wished he would stop hiding.

  She yawned loudly, clamping her hand over her mouth as she walked toward the door that led down into the darkness of the basement. It smelled like wet dirt, very earthy down there, leaving her apprehensive about going down. She opened the door and leaned in, the darkness stealing her vision. “Daddy?”

  “I’m here.” His voice carried a hint of sadness mixed with frustration.

  “Come up here. I can’t sleep.” She swallowed, it sounding more like a gulp. “I want to talk with you about something.”

  The sound of him ascending the stairs calmed her, his mood off kilter the last week, leaving him moody and rather unpredictable. Where he would never physically attack any of them, his anger left him ragged and unpleasant. It was funny how nothing more than a look from him would undo her. She found herself tearing up several times in his presence the last week, her father’s heart hurting from behind his red eyes.

  It was unfair. It should have been her that turned. It was her fault the accident happened in the first place, and yet it was him suffering the consequences of it all. She moved back as he walked through the door, his eyes a soothing magenta color. He smiled at her, reaching over to pull her into a quick hug. “Your voice gives you away. What’s going on?”

  She returned his hug, happy for the strength behind it. She reached up to kiss his cheek before moving back. She motioned for him to follow her out the back door. The air now cooler at night and the moon illuminating their small patio as if it were a stage for the stars. She took a deep breath. “I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the accident. I want to know what happened.” She looked over toward him as he moved beside her, resting his forearms on the balcony of the wooden structure. His skin was incredibly smooth, years of hard work taken away by his new lot in life.

  “I’d rather you let this just lie, Kallie. It won’t do any good to dig into that horrible night. Something went wrong and we both ended up with our lives. That’s good enough.”

  She reached over and slipped her hand over his, closing her eyes and letting out a soft breath. She hated so much that he would never feel the warmth of the sun on his cheeks, never take her mother for their favorite lunch at the bistro in town. Her head dropped as her father moved over to put his arm over her shoulder.

  “Maybe if I understood what happened I could fix it,” she whispered, tears mixing with her words. She knew exhaustion played a part in her emotions getting the best of her, but she needed resolution. Everything had the ability to change, to morph into something new. Their situation was no different. Hope would afford them a chance. It had to.

  “We cannot fix the past, baby. We can only work to make the future better.” He brushed her hair with his fingers,
a heavy sigh leaving him.

  “It’s not going to get better if we keep living like this. We can’t hide and disappear.” She straightened, forcing his arm off her shoulder as she turned to face him. “Dad, I’ve found someone who can maybe help you.”

  Her father moved from her, his eyes burning bright against the dark. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “The detective at the police station, the hot-shot one everyone talks about. He’s a vampire as well.” She bit at her lip, her father’s expression not good.

  “How do you know this?” The accusation and the way his eyes raced to her neck and wrists were proof he had already assumed he knew how.

  “His eyes.” She lied - sort of.

  He took a step closer, his large hands coming to rest on her upper arm as he squeezed them. “They’re red, like mine?”

  She shook her head and tried not to wince from the strength he didn’t realize he had in his hands. “Brilliant blue.”

  He stared at her like she had gone half mad.

  “Liam explained that there are two types of—”

  Her father reached up and cupped his hand over her mouth, his face turning into a grimace. “Don’t speak of this out here, Kalls. The trees have ears.”

  She nodded, her eyes wide. His actions were a little dramatic, but she knew that monthly he walked through the boughs of hell. No one should have to see the things he saw, or feel the pain of not being strong enough to push the parasites off of you. She shuddered as he moved, grabbing her hand and walking quickly back to the house.

  “Inside. Now.”

  A flash of white moved along the trees and she pulled from her father’s grasp, walking back and cupping her hands around her mouth. “Caleb. Is that you?”

  Her father cursed and picked her up, toting her into the house and dropping her. He scowled at her and she returned the gesture.

  She stamped her foot. “That was ridiculous! I thought I saw someone. You didn’t have to go and pick me up like some caveman.”


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