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Claimed for Their Use

Page 10

by Ivy Barrett

  He framed her face with his hands and ruthlessly fucked her mouth. He took her, used her, staking his claim with each forceful drive.

  She submitted, surrendered her pride, and let the burning passion sweep her along. Her mouth belonged to him. Her body belonged to him. She existed to give him pleasure.

  He threw his head back and thrust deep one last time, releasing his seed with a throaty cry. His hot jets splashed against the back of her mouth then slid down her throat. She reflexively swallowed and swallowed until every last drop was inside her.

  His thumbs absently caressed her cheeks as she swirled her tongue around him. The subtle show of affection thrilled her, but all too soon he pulled himself free of her lips and tucked his semi-hard cock back inside his uniform pants.

  “You do not have permission to cover yourself, not even with a blanket. If you’re dressed when I return, I will punish you again.”

  Without another word he turned and strode from the cabin, leaving her naked and on her knees.

  Chapter Seven

  Rook triggered the privacy panel separating his small office from the rest of the command deck. He’d just received an urgent message from Chancellor Savator. It was the second in a matter of hours and Rook knew it was regarding the human females. He’d just finished a lengthy conversation with Dr. Baytor when Rook’s com-bots signaled the arrival of a new message. Still, he took a moment to celebrate. He’d been right about Jessica. She was genetically compatible with Dare and him. Not just compatible, they were nearly a perfect match.

  Pushing his excitement to the back of his mind, he sat in front of the work station and activated the holo-com. A quarter-sized image of the fierce chancellor appeared on his desktop. His wavy hair blended black and green, echoing the color of his eyes. Even his orvatta, visible on his forearms and the small section of his upper chest not covered by his uniform was deep, yet vivid green. The image wavered for just a second then came to life.

  “I’ll come right to the point, Fortar. We’ve both got better things to do than pretend. I know about the females. Bring them to Protectorate Headquarters immediately. Just so there’s no confusion, that’s an order!” He started to end the message then paused. “LeAuntiez rescued another one of the females. She was being held a short distance from where you recovered the others. Her name is Kyla and she asked, actually insisted, that we tell Erin that she is okay. Hopefully, you know who that is. I’ll see you soon.”

  As abruptly as the message began, it ended and the image blinked off. Chancellor Savator was never one to mince words, but his curtness hinted at anger, not just impatience. What had the commander of the Rynatta said when he delivered the rest of the captives? And how could Rook disobey a direct order from the ultimate authority in the protectorate without losing his command, or worse? He needed more time with Jessica. Even a couple of days would be beneficial.

  Could he fake some sort of disruption that would make obedience impossible? A solar flare or magnetic storm could disable navigation and communications. But both produced measurable effects on their environment. With a quick scan, anyone would be able to disprove his claim.

  What about a Skarilian scout ship? They’d encountered one two days ago. There had been no altercation. The scout ship simply engaged their hyperspace engine and flashed out of sight, but Savator didn’t know that. A firefight could explain damage to the ship, resulting in a moderate delay. Rook grinned as a plan began to formulate in his mind. They had video records of the scout ship that would only require minor modification. And the Lestrra’s hull had so much damage, repaired and otherwise, that no one would doubt they’d been in a fight. The largest obstacle was the crew. If even one male told the truth, Rook would be exposed as a liar.

  Damn it. This wasn’t a decision he could make alone. If Dare wasn’t willing to create a plausible delay, they’d have to take their chances with the chancellor.

  “Officer Ciffton to see you, sir,” the computer announced.

  What did the head of communications want? “Let him in.”

  Ciffton stepped just inside the room and waited for the privacy panel to slide shut before he said anything.

  “Is there a problem?” Rook prompted.

  Ciffton was by far the quietest member of the bride crew, which made his position in communications rather ironic. “I’m not sure, sir. Forgive my boldness, but can you tell me how many messages Chancellor Savator sent you?”

  Okay, that was odd. “I presume there’s a reason you want to know.”

  “Of course, sir.

  “He contacted the ship once, spoke with me once, and left a message for me once.”

  “Then a total of three transmissions?”

  “Yes.” He paused, but Ciffton just stood there. “Why?”

  His throat worked as he awkwardly swallowed. “Did you send a message to the chancellor or anyone at Protectorate Headquarters about forty minutes ago?”

  “I did not.”

  “Then I think we might have a spy.” Ciffton’s tense expression twisted even farther. The male looked as if he might throw up.

  “Why don’t you sit down before your knees buckle.” Ciffton hurried to the nearest chair and sat. Rook was not in the mood for drama. There was too much of that in his life as it was. “Now explain.”

  “There were three transmissions from Protectorate Headquarters, and one from this ship to Protectorate Headquarters. I knew you were…” He quickly averted his gaze.

  “You have permission to speak freely.”

  “Thank you, sir.” He glanced at Rook then away. “I’d heard that you were avoiding the chancellor, so the response seemed a bit suspicious. I tried to verify that you or Commander Dare sent the transmission, but the encryption was nothing I’d seen before.”

  Rook crossed his arms over his chest, growing more uncomfortable by the minute. “Were you able to determine an origination point on the ship?”

  “I was able to narrow it down to one section on one deck, but not the actual cabin.”

  “Cabin?” Rook asked. “It originated from a cabin?”

  “One of the officer cabins.”

  “Fuck,” Rook muttered under his breath. “Is there any way it could have been a legitimate conversation? Dare and I aren’t the only ones who contact HQ.”

  “No, sir. Legitimate conversations are logged. Whoever activated this comm was going way out of his way to conceal it. I’m sorry, sir.”

  “You’re sorry for uncovering a potential spy?” Rook slapped him on the back, hoping to rattle the fear out of him. “Most would compliment your initiative. In fact, I think I’ll do just that. Well done.”

  “Thank you, sir.” He finally looked at Rook again. “There were only three officers in their cabins at the time of the outgoing transmission.”

  Rook sighed. They worked hard to treat each crewmember fairly and with respect. It was frustrating to learn that they’d failed. “Which three?”

  “Gidurant, Lelo, and…” Again he couldn’t get the word out.

  “Who is the third?”

  “Gat, sir, but I can’t believe Gat would betray you.”

  Rook wanted to believe none of his officers would work to undermine him, but obviously that wasn’t the case. “Discretion is imperative. Have you shared this with anyone else?”

  “No, sir.”

  “Keep it that way.”

  “Of course, sir.” Obviously happy to have the awkward conversation finished, Ciffton escaped back onto the command center.

  Rook told his workstation to hibernate a few minutes later and left his office. Several of the officers nodded as he crossed the command deck, but none questioned his departure. It was nearly time for the midday break. Surely Dare and Jessica would be up and dressed by now.

  He went straight to the cabin he shared with Dare, one deck down and near mid-ship. He was anxious to see Jessica again. He’d thought of little else all morning. Once they’d joined her in bed the night before, the next few hours had passed
in a blur of pleasure and comfortable conversation. He was hoping to pick up where they’d left off now that they knew fucking her wouldn’t harm any of them.

  The cabin appeared empty when he stepped inside the common room. He was ready to leave and search for them elsewhere when he noticed diffused light coming from inside his bedroom. The privacy panel had been triggered, but hadn’t fully engaged. The damn thing stuck about half the time, so he wasn’t surprised. The lights, however, should have been deactivated by the computer when the last person left the room.

  He eased the privacy panel aside and inhaled sharply. Jessica lay on the bed, on top of the covers, facing away from the door. She was curled up on her side, legs drawn toward her chest. Her ass was visibly reddened, even in the dim light, and her silky hair was now a tangled mess. Why had Dare punished her? She’d been cooperative after her spanking the night before, had accepted their attention with greedy abandon.

  Creeping closer to the bed, he noticed tearstains on her cheeks. She must have cried herself to sleep, like a discontented child, alone and miserable.

  Emotions stirred in Rook that had been dormant so long he barely recognized them. He hadn’t held back the night before and Dare obviously spanked her hard again. Two spankings in less than twenty-four hours; her bottom must be really sore.

  He went to the utility room and opened a small compartment to the right of the sink, withdrawing a tube of cream that would ease the sting and protect her delicate skin. He grabbed a small drying cloth and a hair tool, then paused to consider if he would need anything else. He had no idea why he felt the sudden urge to groom her, but the need to care for her was nearly as strong as his sexual hunger. As he turned to go, he noticed a bottle sitting on the counter. Mouthwash. Had Dare made her suck his cock too?

  Lust stabbed into Rook’s gut as he pictured her naked and on her knees, Dare’s cock sliding in and out of her soft pink mouth. Anger flared a second later. They’d agreed to court her, which meant seducing her together. Why would Dare spill his seed inside her without offering Rook the same privilege? What in all the hells had happened while he was on duty?

  He returned to the bedroom and placed the items he’d collected on the small shelf beside the bed. Then he tugged off his boots and sat down beside her, carefully swinging his long legs onto the padded surface as he leaned back against the wall.

  She stirred, shifting her legs, but didn’t awaken. She faced away from him, presenting him with the elegant line of her back and her delectable ass. How long had it been since Dare spanked her? He must have really walloped her if her skin was still this red.

  Grabbing the soothing cream, he squeezed a good portion into his palm then returned the tube to the shelf. He warmed the cream between his palms as he analyzed his motivation. He was always careful with his partners after a severe punishment, but he hadn’t done this to her. And if truth be told, a bare-handed spanking wasn’t really a severe punishment. So why did he ache to reassure her, to take away her pain? It wasn’t like him to be so nurturing, and it wasn’t like Dare to be so stern. She seemed to have drawn out hidden elements of their personalities.

  Unable to puzzle through the mystery, he slowly spread the cream across her ass. She gasped and whipped her head around, looking over her shoulder. “What are you… Rook? When did your shift end?”

  “It hasn’t ended. I came to speak with my brother and found his handiwork instead. What happened?”

  She rolled to her stomach, arms folded in front of her and turned her head, so she could see him more easily. “What are you rubbing on my butt?”

  “It’s just a cream. It should make you feel better.” He gently stroked her, covering her skin in a thin, easily absorbed layer. “Why did he spank you, and is that all he did?”

  Guilt flashed in her eyes answering the last question. Dare had fucked her mouth, which probably explained the condition of her hair.

  Rook paused with his fingers splayed across her butt cheek. “Did you earn the punishment or do I need to have words with my brother?”

  She shook her head, then hid her face in the bend of her arm. “I deserved it.”

  She didn’t say more, so he finished with the cream, wiped the residue on the drying cloth, and went to work on her tangled hair. It looked as if she had braided it at some point, but whatever she’d used to bind it was gone. He carefully worked the tangles out before he dragged the tool through the thick strands from root to tip. He had nearly finished when he realized she was crying. Nearly silent sobs made her shoulders tremble and she rested her forehead on her folded arms.

  “Why are you crying? I know I’m not hurting you.”

  “Who are you?” She rolled to her hip and braced her upper body on one arm. Her breasts were bare, but he fought like hells to keep his gaze on her face. “I thought I had you two figured out last night, but everything changed today. You’re acting like Dare and he turned into Mr. Dominant Asshole.”

  The description made him smile. “Is that who I was last night? Mr. Dominant Asshole?”

  “You made your expectations clear from the beginning, so I wasn’t surprised when you punished me. With Dare, it was a total blindside.”

  “Do you only have one personality trait? Are you always exactly the same?”

  She stared back at him, strange green eyes wide and luminous. “I suppose not.”

  He was gradually becoming accustomed to her appearance. She was much more appealing than any other human he’d encountered, but she was still so… different. “I tend to be more aggressive, more disciplined. But that doesn’t mean I can’t be tender.” As if to prove his point, he reached over and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. His fingers lingered against her soft skin before he lowered his arm. “It’s the same with Dare. He is generally easygoing, but he still battles the Fortar temper. Are you going to tell me what happened or do I need to ask him?”

  “Erin, the really young redhead, asked about Kyla, the friend that was with Erin when she was kidnapped. It was pretty obvious Dare didn’t know anything about it and it made me angry. I felt like I was defending a friend, but I humiliated him in the process.”

  “You should have asked him about it in private. We aren’t opposed to discussing most things, but we expect you to be respectful, especially in front of others.”

  “I know.” She motioned toward her tender behind. “He made damn sure I knew.”

  “Besides, when did Dare have time to learn anything new? He wasn’t on duty, I was.”

  Challenge flickered in her eyes and her brows arched. “And have you learned anything new?”

  He grinned. “As a matter of fact I have. LeAuntiez rescued Kyla. She is safe and sound at Protectorate Headquarters.”

  “Who is LeAuntiez?”

  Irrationally annoyed by her interest in the other male, Rook paused for a deep breath. She’d never met the Celestian, couldn’t possibly be impressed with his unique abilities. “LeAuntiez is Chancellor Savator’s top advisor. They work very closely together. LeAuntiez is a Celestian. His people were also victims of the Skarilians.”

  Her curiosity must have been superficial because she immediately moved on. “We have to tell Erin. She’s really worried about her friend.”

  “You want to speak with her like that?” He let his gaze sweep from her neck to her knees, lingering in all the places he’d been attempting to avoid.

  “I’d love to borrow the robe again, but Dare told me I didn’t have permission to cover up, not even with a blanket.”

  He wondered why she was lying on top of the bedding. Soothing her was a gray area. He hadn’t actually undermined Dare, but he couldn’t let her cover up if Dare had forbidden it. “How about if I talk to her and you stay just off camera.”

  She nodded and tried to sit, but her wince made him angry all over again.

  “Stay on your stomach. Let the cream work.”

  With a sweetly rebellious sigh, she rolled to her stomach and pillowed her head on her folded arms.
r />   He climbed off the bed and activated his com-bots, then used his subdermal control band to remotely angle the camera inset in the ceiling away from the bed. He tightened the shot until his head and shoulders filled the frame, then pinged the cabin to which Erin had been assigned.

  “What was that?” a female voice came across the external line.

  They could continue an audio-only conversation, but he wanted to see Erin’s reaction when she heard the news. “Erin, this is Commander Fortar.”

  “Which one?” someone asked and several females laughed.

  He muted the connection and looked at Jessica. “Did someone move them all into one cabin?”

  She nodded. “I don’t know who. They were all together when Dare and I checked on them.”

  It had likely been Gat Stomptin. Their second-in-command was the only one aboard who would have made such a change without consulting him and Dare first. Rook reactivated the connection. “This is Rook Fortar and I’d like to speak with Erin.”

  “This is Erin,” the redhead replied.

  “There’s a control panel beside the main door, roughly chest level. Do you see it?”

  After a short pause, she said, “Yes.”

  “An amber light should be flashing on the panel. Tap it.”

  “Hold on.” He heard shuffling and footsteps, then video engaged and Erin stared right into the camera. “Oh, I can see you now. Can you see me?”

  “A little too well.” He chuckled. “Move back a bit.”

  She did. “Why did you want to talk to me?”

  “I have a message from your friend Kyla.”

  The young woman’s eyes rounded and she glanced over her shoulder, likely smiling at the other females. “They found her? Thank God. Is she okay? Where was she, Texas or Mexico?”

  “Mexico. She wanted you to know she is unharmed and safe. You’ll be reunited in a few days.”

  “Oh, thank you, Commander. Thank you so much.” She turned around and walked out of the camera’s range, talking happily with the other females.


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