It's My Life (Filming Rhiannon. Book 1)
Page 17
“I asked him to sleep up here. I haven’t had a bad dream with him here.” I inform her, hoping I have touched her sensitive side.
“He shouldn’t be in there with you, but it might be better if you don’t have nightmares with your drip in. We don’t want you pulling it out. I can give you a light sedative to help you if you like.”
“No please,” I plead with her, “having him in here helps me.”
“Okay, but this once only.” she holds up one finger.
“I only plan on been here one night.”
“Okay, let’s get this done so you can sleep.” she says pulling the tray closer.
“This might sting,” she says as I hand her my arm. “We need to draw bloods too; I’ll do that first.”
She proceeds to find a vein, and once she thinks she has one I feel the sharp sting of the needle.
I wince a little as it pierces my skin. She messes with the needle while its buried in my arm. After pushing it in further she comes to the conclusion she hasn’t hit a vein.
“Okay, I will try once more in this arm and try your other arm. Your veins don’t want to be found.” she says as she puts the needle through my skin once again.
“I'm sorry, this arm isn’t working.” she says apologetic. I hold out my other arm, and she proceeds all over again.
“Damn it.” she curses after the second attempt on my other arm. “I will have to try the back of your hand, but I'm afraid to say if that doesn’t work, we will have to try your feet.” she says making me cringe.
She turns her attention back to my first arm, and inspects it. “This one should work first time.” she says as she rubs her finger across my hand. Again she pierces my skin with the needle, but still doesn’t hit the vein.
“Your veins are not easy to access. Have you always had this problem?” she asks.
“Yes, when I have bloods taken I have to come to the hospital instead of the doctors’ surgery because no one at the surgery can find them.” I explain.
“I'll try once more, but if it doesn’t work I will have to try your feet. We don’t like to do the feet because it is painful, more so then the hand, and sometimes if the needle has to stay in, you’re bed bound, so it’s our last resort, because they do want to draw more bloods in the morning to check your alcohol levels.”
“Okay,” I say just wanting to sleep, and get more than half hour sleep at a time.
She sticks the needle in one more time, and it stings so much I flinch.
“Got it.” she says happily.
About bloody time I think.
Once she has finished messing about, putting the little tube over the needle, removing the needle, she adds a little tube while it fills with my blood. She fills two of them, before she puts a little screw cap on the end of the tube.
With the bloods collected, she starts with the drip. After its put it on the stand, so its higher up, she gets a little syringe, and flushes the tube clean, before she attaches the drip.
She explains to me when it will be removed.
“You will have it for about six hours, it’s just saline water to hydrate you. Once it’s done and we have checked you over for any delayed injuries you should be good to go. I will put on your chart you’re on a six-hour drip, so you shouldn’t be disturbed till it’s time to remove it. That way, a different nurse won’t demand him to leave. It’s against protocol, but in this instance, I think it’s in your better interests to let him stay. I suggest you get some sleep.” she says as she checks my bag of fluids again.
With that she leaves the room, leaving me to sleep.
“You are one awkward woman.” Kaleb says as I lay back down to sleep.
“Why?” I ask shocked. I thought he was asleep.
“It has just taken her six attempts to get a vein. I cringed just thinking about it” he says with humor.
“I'm used to it.” I say, “I'm always anemic, so my iron levels are tested every three months.”
“And you go through that every time?” he asks shocked.
“Just about, yes.”
“Have they ever had to take it from your feet? That sounds painful. I’m a man, and obviously I’m a strong man, but even that thought scares me.”
“Twice yes, and it hurts so damn much.”
“Why didn’t you put on your notes at work you’re anemic? Couldn’t that affect your work?” he asks confused.
“Yes, but that’s only if I don’t take my tablets, but I take them every day, so it doesn’t affect my work. I don’t want to be treated different at work, and right now, I don’t want to talk about work.”
“Okay, but we will have to come back to it.” he says.
Just as I’m about to reply, he continues taking.
“Well don’t have anything to drink, you will sprinkle like a watering can with all them holes.” he laughs at me.
“I thought you were asleep anyway.”
“Nope. I can’t sleep. You keep thrashing about and I have never been one for hospital beds.” he says.
Great now I feel even more guilty.
“I'm sorry, you can go home.” I say.
“I don’t want to leave you; I’ll be fine.” he says as he pulls me closer again.
“I don’t want to keep you awake.”
“I can manage on little to no sleep. It’s you who needs sleep.” he says.
“That’s true, so I am going to sleep now.” I say past a yawn. He chuckles at me but doesn’t say anything else.
“I would stay up all night to make sure you're safe. Don’t ever doubt my feelings for you, please.” I think I hear him say, followed by a soft kiss on my hair, but in my state I am guessing it’s my dream, which beats my other one.
I wake up the following morning, by a new nurse coming to remove my drip. It doesn’t feel like I’ve had six hours of sleep, but I was up most of the night, so I am still exhausted.
She doesn’t remove the drip just yet as Kaleb is asleep, and I’m still not awake. She just removes the bag, caps of my drip, so air isn’t getting in to my veins and leaves us both to sleep again. I’m surprised she didn’t say anything about Kaleb sharing my bed, but I’m glad she didn’t.
“About time,” Kaleb mumbles. “Every time you moved that bloody stand moved with you.” he stays with his eyes still closed.
“Stop moaning.” I say back wanting to go back to sleep.
He just chuckles, and pulls me closer.
When I finally wake up later, I am feeling miles better. No hang over, which I suspect is down to the saline drip, and I am finally feeling rested. I rub my eyes to rid them of sleep, and I suspect I grab Kaleb’s attention.
“Are you finally awake?” he asks me.
“Yeah,” I murmur back.
“Thank heavens, I need the bathroom.” he says sitting up.
“Well why didn’t you go earlier, stupid.”
“I didn’t want to disturb you, but I will get you back for that comment.” he threatens as he rises of the bed.
I laugh at his response as he walks to the private bathroom that’s adjourned to my hospital room.
Once he is done, he walks back in with a smile.
Well he is cheery for having very little sleep.
“How are you feeling?” he asks me.
“I'm feeling loads better actually.” I say happily. I’m trying to forget yesterday happened, although I doubt he will let me forget it as easily as I’m wishing.
“That’s good. Now what did you call me?” he asks as he jumps on the bed.
“I do believe it was 'stupid' why, do you have a problem with that?” I say laughing at him as he hovers above me.
“Too damn right I do.” he says as he starts to tickle my ribs.
I’m screaming and wiggling beneath him.
“Kaleb don’t do that; I haven’t been to the bathroom yet.” I say through my laughter. “Kaleb.” I shout as he continues the torture.
“What do yo
u say?” he says as he continues.
I don’t respond, I can’t get anything through my laughter now.
He slows his torture so I can even out my breathing, “Rhi, I do believe you insulted me, if you don’t apologize I will continue tickling you.” he says as his fingers go to my ribs again.
“Okay okay, I’m sorry please stop.” I beg him.
His fingers finally release me, and he helps me to my feet. I slowly walk to the bathroom and empty my bladder.
Once I have washed my hands, and face I walk back to the room, and Kaleb is sat against the bed with his hands behind his head.
“Comfy?” I ask him.
“I sure am.” he says with a big smile. He looks at me, and pats the bed beside him.
“Join me?” he asks me.
I climb on the bed beside him.
“How did you sleep in the end?” I ask him.
“Great, once they unhooked you. You don’t half fidget in your sleep.” he says trying to be serious, but his smile gives him away.
“Stop complaining, I didn’t have to let you share my bed.” I say as I rest my head on his shoulder.
Just at that moment my door opens, and in walks Jase, an angry looking Jase, who sees me with Kaleb, and I think he heard our conversation. He is raging mad.
“Jase,” I say as he walks in the room, and shuts the door behind him.
“Kaleb,” Jase greets him, “What are you doing here?” he questions him. It’s okay, it’s not like I’m here.
“Rhiannon needed me.” he says as he steps off the bed and walks over to Jase.
“Rhiannon.” he finally acknowledges me.
“Hello Jase.” I say.
“Why have I just walked in to this and heard what I heard?”
“Jase not here.” Kaleb says.
“Yes here.”
“Jase please.” I say trying to plead with him.
“No Rhiannon, why did he sleep with you?” he demands.
“It’s not what you think.” I say defensively.
“Right so I walk in to you saying you let him sleep with you, but it’s not what I think?” he asks angry.
“I fucking let him sleep on the bed because he couldn’t sleep on the sofa, grow the fuck up.” I spit at him.
“How did you know I was here?” I ask just as angry as him.
“Kaleb text me.” he says, “Was this a game for you two? Did you plan on me walking in on that? Is that why you text me?”
“If you had a fucking brain you would shut up.” Kaleb says to Jase.
“Kaleb, why didn’t you tell me you text Jase?” I ask him.
“I didn’t want to worry you.” he says as he walks back over to me. He sits on the bed and looks at Jase.
“You told me you were texting Liam.” I say infuriated with both males that are currently stood in my hospital room.
“At the time you asked, I was.” he informs me.
“You didn’t want me to know?” Jase looks at me.
“It’s not that I didn’t want you here, I didn’t want you knowing.” I say truthfully.
“That’s just great, so is this a set up?” he asks annoyed.
“How could we plan this you fool? I text you last night, how would I know you would not respond to a text saying your girlfriend is in hospital till the morning.” Kaleb throws at him.
“I thought you was going home, so how the fuck did you end up here?” he asks.
I have never seen an angry Jase, not this angry, and its showing me a whole new side to him.
“I didn’t go straight home. Last night when you pretended I didn’t exist I decided to leave. I went to a different bar, where I was away from you and your childish attitude.” I say truthfully. Jeez, I’m good at that today, time to watch what I say.
“I did not pretend you did not exist.” he says is defense.
“No? Let me see.... take the limo, I’ll call you tomorrow. That’s not pretending I don’t exist right?...... actually no, you did acknowledge me, you just didn’t give a fuck.” I say hurt, because I was hurt.
“I'm not doing this here.” is all he says in defense. So it’s okay for him to demand answers, but not for him to answer them himself.
“No actually I don’t want to do this here either. Kaleb can you ask when they're coming to discharge me please.” I ask him.
He looks at me a little unsure, but once I smile at him he leaves the room, but not before he gives Jase a warning look.
“Why is he here?” Jase asks as the door shuts behind Kaleb.
“I thought you wasn’t doing this here?” I respond my voice dripping in sarcasm.
“Just answer Rhiannon.”
“He found me at the bar after I passed out.” I inform him.
“You got so drunk you passed out?” he asks his voice laced with shock.
“What did Kaleb text you?” I ask him.
“Just that you were at the hospital.”
“So you jump to conclusions? Just get out Jase. I will talk to you this evening.”
I say as Kaleb walks back in.
“They are due to come in the next ten minutes.” Kaleb informs me.
“Great. Will you stay with me?” I ask him as Jase turns to leave.
“I'll stay with you. We have to go somewhere else remember.” Kaleb responds.
“So he gets to stay, but you're kicking your own boyfriend out?” Jase spits out as he spins on his heels, “And where is this other place you have to go? His bed?” he continues to snarl.
“Jase I have warned you once, I will not do it again. Shut the fuck up.” Kaleb tells him.
“So how long have you been sleeping with him?” Jase asks.
“Jase just get out now.” I shout at him. My earlier good mood vanished.
“Come on Kaleb, you can answer this too.” he turns his attention to Kaleb.
“I have not slept with Rhiannon.” he responds answering the question as he angrily pushes the hair out of his face.
“But you want to right?” Jase asks again.
“Jase, not here and not now. We have to be somewhere soon.” Kaleb tells him quietly, “And I’m warning you, do not do this here, I will make you regret it.”
“Stop talking in fucking riddles, and just tell me what the fuck is going on. Last night something upset you Rhiannon, now you end up in hospital with Kaleb by your side. Fill in the bloody blanks for me.” he says angry.
“I went fucking clubbing and almost got raped, then I passed out and had to come to the hospital. Are you fucking happy now? We have to go to the police after here. Just get out Jase. I will deal with you later.” I say as I start to cry.
“I am so sorry Rhiannon.” he says feeling guilty. He starts to walk towards me, but right now I am so angry with him, I don’t want him anywhere near me. I don’t want his pity either. He can shove that up his ass.
“Just leave.” I tell him, putting a holt to his movements.
“Please call me when you get home.” he please with me. I can’t and don’t look at him. He turns on his back and leaves.
Kaleb comes over to pull me in to a hug but I refuse it.
“Please, just leave me alone.” I tell him as my tears continue to fall.
"When did you text Jase?" I ask Kaleb. He needs to start talking now. He could of warned me Jase was informed. And after everything he said last night, he still told him. I don’t know who I’m most angry with. Kaleb because he went behind my back, even after he saw the way Jase dismissed me last night, or Jase for jumping to conclusions, and accusing me of shit while I’m sat in a fucking hospital bed.
"After your nightmare." he answers.
"Why?" I ask confused.
"He is your boyfriend Rhiannon, and I thought you would want him here." he says sadly.
"But after everything you said yesterday?" I ask confused.
"Rhiannon, I'm not a monster. You went through something horrible and I thought you would want him here. Yes I want what he has, but I had to put my
feelings aside for you. It fucking pained me to do it, because I am not willing to share you, but I had to put that aside for one night." he says.
"Look how great that turned out." I mumble more to myself.
"Hey, you're upset, tired, and in need of some sleep. Let's get this over with, then talk okay." he says as the nurse walks in.
After a thorough check up, I am declared well enough to go home. Kaleb wants to go straight to the police, but I would rather go home, shower, and get changed. Oh and avoid the police station at all costs, but I know I will be trying in vain. As Kaleb said, when he wants something, he gets it, and he wants me to report this.
"Kaleb, I need to change. I've had this dress on since six yesterday evening. That's seventeen hours. I need to wash all this crap away." I say pointing to all the products on my face and hair. He looks like he is having an internal struggle with himself.
"You can sit and wait for me if you must." I say, willing to try anything to shower before we go to the police.
"Fine, but I won't let you bail on me again." he says seriously.
“I want to get changed, not leave the country.” I snap back.
Once I am discharged, Kaleb rings his second hand man to bring his car.
“Why do you have him?” I ask as he hangs up, “I hardly ever actually see him with you.” I say confused as to what his role actually is.
“He’s almost always with me, you just haven’t noticed him. He is always standing somewhere close.” he says putting his phone away.
“So where was he last night and now?” I ask testing him.
“Right now he was at home, I sent him home last night after you was admitted. Who do you think drove the limo here?” he asks smugly.
“Okay.” I simply respond. What else can I say. I didn’t give that a thought.
“What did you text him?” I ask.
“We will talk about that later, don’t worry. The less you know the better.” he warns me. Ha, that’s a bit like what I think. The less he knows, the better, but I will not voice that and raise his suspicions.
Once we reach my apartment, I notice another note on my mat. I snatch it up, before Kaleb can see it, and walk to my room.
Sitting on my bed, I open the note, and read it.