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Taming Lucca: Red Devils M.C.

Page 5

by Woods, Michelle

  The ration cubes weren’t wet thankfully, but the map and her spare clothes were soaked. She used the rock nearby to lay out the clothes to dry. Laying the map under a rock setting in a patch of sunlight near her legs she untied the bed roll, and spread it out. Scooting over on to it taking out a book, the man who sold her the backpack was using it as a wedge for his table she’d given him an extra credit for it, now laying down with her leg propped up she was grateful she had bought it from the man.


  Molly shifted her pack the pack on her shoulder with an irritated huff. The last sign had read Fifteen miles to Devil Falls. She’d already spent two days at the clearing by the river now she was still six miles from the town of Devils Falls and she had just drank the last of the water two hours ago. She would have to stop to fill the two water bottles. She could see a diner called Devils beside the road about twenty feet up the road. It didn’t take long for her to reach it, but she hung back in the trees watching for about an hour.

  She wanted to see who was using the diner to be sure that she didn’t run into the bikers that had roared by a few hours ago. She’d been hearing more and more bikes going by in the last few hours, which worried her, she might be getting closer to their home base, she thought with a gulp of fear. As she waited watching she suddenly realized it didn’t matter, she was already parched, and without water there wasn’t a much of a choice. It was get more water or die from dehydration. She would have to take her chances, she thought standing and gathering her pack she walked towards the small diner.

  Chapter 7

  Entering the small diner Molly was relieved to see that hardly anyone was there. There were two men with grey hair at the counter with their backs to the door. One was very over weight, the other was lean and looked to be in good shape neither turned to see who’d come into the diner. The waitress behind the counter filling salt shakers glanced up and stared for a moment before she said.

  “You can sit anywhere, Darling. Menus are at the tables just yell when you’re ready to order.” She then stared at Molly for a moment making her nervous.

  The larger man noticed the woman staring and turned to glance at her then nudged the thinner man. Who turned to stare at her. When he did Molly’s heart squeezed a bit in her chest. The man looked a lot like her father, well if her father had longer hair and a tattoo covering the back of his neck. The man’s stare was piercing and, he didn’t look very friendly. She was worried, why was he still watching she wondered. She saw the sign for the bathroom and, she headed towards the back with a quicker stride trying not to show how nervous the man was making her. “I just wanted to barrow your bathroom. Then I’ll be going.”

  “Sure thing Darling. Let me know if you change your mind.” The woman went back to filling the salt shakers. She was almost to the door when she glanced back to see if the man was still watching her. He’d turned around completely and she saw to her dismay that he wore a Red Devil tee shirt. She also saw a cell phone in his hand which worried her even more. Shit she thought entering the bathroom and locking the door. She looked into the mirror and almost sighed in relief when she saw herself. No wonder they had been staring at her, she had dirt smudged across her left cheek and her hair looked matted in places. Well next time she got kicked out of a town she would make sure she had a comb, she thought with a silent laugh. Taking off her backpack she realized that her shirt was ripped quite badly and a gaping hole was present near her left hip, and her jeans had green stains where she’d fallen two days ago.

  She certainly was a sight, so that man had probably been calling someone to tell them about the homeless woman he’d seen today. She pulled the last pair of jeans out of the bag, then dug deeper to find a blue shirt, then she changed her clothes. Washing her hair as best she could in the sink. Taking time to wash her face and arms. She tore a strip off the shirt so that she could braid her hair. Taking out the three water bottles she filled one then drank about half while filling the second and third bottles. Refilling the first bottle she set it down then checked the map after Devil falls was a thirty-eight mile walk to the next town she’d have to carefully ration the water. Walking sucked. She wished forty credits could have bought a car. Laughing at her own joke she put everything except the hair tie she’d made from her ripped shirt and one of the three bottles of water into her backpack then braided her hair quickly. Picking up the bottle with another quick swig. She opened the bathroom door stopping dead outside the door.

  While she’d been in the bathroom the diner had filled with five men in leather vests and jeans or leather pants. The one closest to her was talking with his back to her, and his vest had a Red Devil with pointy ears and a flaming red pitchfork. Her heart began to pound drowning out there words, and she swallowed nervously. About to dart back into the bathroom she heard the light click of the door behind her, and all the men turned to look at her. Damn. The man who had his back to her caught her attention. He walked until he stood close enough for her to reach out to touch his bare golden abs. Tall, sexy was all her brain processed as she stared, a little shocked that those thoughts were in her head. It wasn’t shocking because she didn’t like men. It was because she normally had to know a man really well in order to think that way about him. Yet staring at this stranger wearing only a Red Devil vest and tight jeans she was already thinking about how sexy he was. The man had to be over six feet tall and for her five three frame that was tall. He bent slightly to catch her eyes, and smiled a devilish smile. “Hey, I’m up here sweet.”

  Again she was shocked by her own behavior her heart pounding, she looked at the man’s face to see a ruggedly handsome man with a day’s worth of stubble. A scar ran below the left side of his jaw, and his brown hair hung to just above his shoulders. His arms were thick, his biceps were almost as big as her thighs. It had taken almost six months for Luzen to get her to even notice him as a man, of course now she thought of him as that pompous ape who’d believe anything if it had tits.

  “Now that’s better, beauty,” He said with a hit of amusement Duck said you were a little homeless looking. Wanna stay at my home? I can be real sweet.” He said and the men surrounding him laughed.

  “No.” Molly squeaked. The man stood straighter and his face darkened as he glared at her with distaste.

  “Have you got a better offer? Or you just planning to stay homeless?” He asked his voice cold.

  “I w-was just leaving. I don’t want any trouble.” Molly said her voice was shaky and her hands trembled. Fear was getting the better of her. Carl’s warnings were ringing in her head, Don’t trust the other bikers with were you’re going Molly, he’d said as he’d walked her to the sentencing, if there rivals they could try to hurt you thinking they’d hurt the club. After that dire warning she was feeling a little dizzy the fear had her heart pumping so fast she might pass out. She clutched the water bottle to her chest the man’s piercing green eyes followed. She needed to get out of here she made to dart around the man. Another man she hadn’t seen sitting at the counter jerked to his feet moving into her path to stop her.

  “No, no little sheep not gonna get away that easy.” He was even taller than the first man and looked to be bigger than Slim, the man from the market, had been. Slim was slight and almost short compared to this man. This man could double as a mountain. He had raven black hair and brown eyes with a thick beard that hung to his chest. He was wearing a tee shirt under his vest and jeans with leather chaps and the boots all the men were wearing.

  “Please.” She begged.

  “Aw…so sweet. You beg so sweet little girl. Would you beg like that when I was fucking you?” He asked reaching out to grab her. She stepped quickly back running into a hard male body. Hands landed on her hips and a sharp voice said “No, Tank.” For a moment the man in front of her held his hands near her waist as he gazed over her head at the first man who held her hips in a tight grip, Then the moment seem to pass and the man dropped his hands then sat back down at the counter leaning b
ack as if he had not a care in the world. Molly felt strange and a little dizzy. She knew that the achy hot feeling in the pit of her stomach was desire for the man holding her, but the puffy almost dizzy feeling wasn’t the room seemed to be spinning slightly. She leaned heavily into the man behind her as the world swayed a bit and the man at the counter looking at her sat up watching her blinking.

  “Where did you get that water.” He suddenly demanded.

  Molly blinked again and swayed in the man who held her arms. The room was out of focus, and no matter how much she blinked it didn’t seem to be helping. The chest behind her rumbled as the man spoke in what sounded like a roar, but maybe that was the roaring in her ears.

  “You didn’t fill that bottle in the fucking bathroom did you?”

  Molly turned her head trying to look at the man who was speaking so harshly to tell him that of course she had what the hell did he care water was free, but all that came out were garbled sounds as the world around her darkened then the water bottle fell from her nerveless fingers rolling across the floor. She realize she was fainting from all the excitement. “Fuck. Fuck. Baby don’t pass out you have to tell us how long ago you drank that shit.” She could hear him yelling she opened her eyes seeing him hovering over her. So sexy she thought again. “Seckey” was what she said in a blurred version of the word she was thinking. If she wasn’t passing out she would have blushed at that slip of the tongue.

  “Baby, tell me how long. Fuck, we can’t take her to doc on the bike.” She couldn’t tell him she was passing out didn’t he know that? She thought.

  “Take my cage, Bone.” A gruff male voice that crackled with age said.

  She could feel hard arms wrapped around her and she was being carried at a jarring rate. The man holding her yelled “Tank, get the keys from Duck, and hurry the hell up.” She knew it was him because she could feel the vibrations of the words as the came out. It was weird that she was still aware even though she was unable to talk or move. She couldn’t figure out why she was feeling so strange. Her head was still spinning even though she was not moving as if she were on a tilt a whirl. The hard arms holding her gripped her tighter and she felt the chest that pressed against her.

  A few moments later she felt herself shifted into someone else’s arms, she didn’t like that this man didn’t hold her close as the first man had, then just as quickly as she thought this she was grabbed back by the first man. She could hear fading sounds as if her ears were working for a moment then fading. She could only hear the roaring sounds for a moment. A slamming of a truck door the next, and tires squealing as she was jostled and a sexy male voice was begging her to stay with him.

  Chapter 8

  Bone entered the diner with Tank, Rock, and Rash. Tiny, Lucky, and Stick were outside talking to Tessa, a busty blond sweetbutt, and her friend Lena that they’d found when they pulled up to the diner. Duck had called telling him that a dark haired woman that looked very young, twenty or so, had come into the diner looking like she’d been in a tussle. He said with the ripped shirt, backpack, and so small she was probably homeless, hurt, and hungry. He’d told Duck they be over in a minute the club could always use another sweetbutt or house mouse. Tank sat down next to Duck at the counter with his elbows resting back on it almost crowding Duck off his stool, and stretched his legs out in front of him with a sigh. Duck gave him a bored look then casually asked him. “Comfy?”

  “Yep, sure am.” Tank replied. Duck just reached out and swiped his elbows off the counter without a word. Tank smacked into the counter with the back of his head as he landed on the floor. Bone laughed as he watched Tank who was a foot taller than Duck with at least sixty pounds on the man get up off the floor rubbing the back of his head like a sissy.

  “Damn, Duck. You trying to kill me?” he asked in a whine.

  Duck just stared at him without saying anything. Fuck, that man was scary sometimes. He was a retired vice Prez. who’d lived through the storm days. The days when food was dwindling, and mini wars were fought over a safe place to stay. Whole towns had been burned to the ground during those dark days, and half the world had been a third world country before things had been finally been reset. Life had been hard back then, and the men had to be harder in order to survive. Keeping their families alive was even more of a challenge and Freda, Ducks old lady, had lived to the ripe old age of seventy two before she’d left this world. That was two years ago, Duck was seventy six and he said he was only here because Freda would kill him for die cause she left him. Freda and Duck were like Dog and Terry meant to be.

  Duck had watched as the world was rebuilt, it had taken forty years to get things back to almost the way it had been before mother nature had decided she really was a bitch. Duck wasn’t much of a talker that was for sure, Bone thought, watching him pick up his coffee and take a long sip. Tank sat down a seat away from Duck at the counter taking the same position but giving Duck his space.

  “She still here?” Bone asked Duck when he had set his coffee down again.

  “Yeah the little gals in the bathroom. Been in there for about twenty minutes.” Duck looked at the door with an odd wistful expression on his face.

  “I guess we wait then.” He leaned against the wall facing the front door his back to the bathroom while Rock sat in one of the booths along the window of the diner.

  “Hey Bone, what happened the other day at Tidwell?” Fat boy another retied Red Devil asked.

  “That was a freakin’ disaster Jackal’s were laying down heavy fire. We lost Deke, and Boggie got shot in the stomach still at doc’s recovering. In the end we killed twelve of theirs though. It was still a cluster fuck.” He ran his hand through his hair. Tidwell was a town one the Red Devils patched over clubs ran, and for a few months they’d been having trouble with the Jackals. Bone hated turf wars.

  “Boggie gonna be alright?” Duck questioned.

  “Yeah Doc said he was just gonna be laid up a while.” He watched as Lucky and Stick entered.

  “Hey Linda can I get a burger?” Yelled Lucky as he slumped into the booth with Rock. “A lemonade too.” He called a second later.

  Bone snickered. “What are you a damned pussy? A lemonade. Fuck, Wanna get a tampon too asshole? Get a damned beer like a man.” Tank let out a barking laugh while Stick sat down on the back of the booth putting his legs in the seat laughing.

  “Shit. Why are you letting a bitch in the club Bone? Didn’t Hairy tell you women had no place in the club unless they were free pussy or an ol’ lady?” Duck boomed with a chuckle.

  “Ya, he just didn’t tell me grown men would turn into pu-“ Bone heard a click behind him, and turned to see the woman had come out of the bathroom. Her eyes filled with panic when she saw him and his crew, and they darted around looking for escape. His cock turned to stone as soon as he let his eyes wander down her body, and he stepped closer taking up some of her personal space. She wasn’t his usual type, he liked his women busty, but something about her slender frame and wild eyes got his engine roaring. Her small breast were braless, and her nipples poked against the thin fabric of her shirt making him want to take it off and suck them till they were ripe little cherries. Her hair was wet and she had it braided. Some of the black mass had escaped and curled a bit around her ears which were small and pixyish. Her eyes had landed on his stomach her face softened her lashes lowered to a sexy half mast, and she seemed to be flushing a little. He realized that she was nearly as turned on as he was. Smiling he ducked until he could catch her eyes.

  “Hey I’m up here sweet.” He teased.

  She snapped her eyes up to meet his and he saw they were a warm honey brown color surrounded by dark thick lashes. Damn she was fucking hot.

  “Now that’s better, Beauty,” Amused by her startled expression. “Duck said you were a little homeless looking. Wanna stay at my home? I can be real sweet.” He didn’t question why he was offering her the privilege of living with him when he’d never offered that to a woman before his cock had m
ade that call. It still throbbed inside his pant and his zipper was gonna leave a permanent indention if he wasn’t careful. The fuckers sitting around laughed at him. He glared over his shoulder, but hell they knew he wasn’t sweet.

  “No.” He grit his teeth that word was his kryptonite. He’d been known to beat people half to death for saying no to him. His brothers stopped laughing staring at her waiting to see how he would react. Lucky for her she was a woman, and his dick was involved. Did she think she was too good for him? That thought pissed him off clenching his hands into fists of rage. He noticed her trembling hands, and the way she shifted from one foot to the other with her eyes bouncing around looking for an escape. Realizing that she wasn’t trying to insult him, she was just scared half to death, he released his clenched fingers.

  “I w-was just leaving. I don’t want any trouble.” She was shaking like a leaf. She darted to his left right at Tank who moved standing up to stop her from escaping.

  “No, no little sheep. Not gonna get away that easy.” Tank teased.

  “Please.” She said in a soft raspy voice that had his dick jerking in his pants. The soft sound of her begging made him think of being balls deep in her hearing her beg in that soft raspy voice.

  “Aw…So sweet. You beg so sweet little girl. Would you beg like that when I was fucking you?” Tanks hands began to reach out for her with his voice low and husky, but what surprised Bone was his reaction. He saw a red haze appear before him, and he was about two seconds away from ripping his brother’s heart out. Stepping up behind her his hands reaching forward to land on her hips while pulling her possessively back against him.


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