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Taming Lucca: Red Devils M.C.

Page 11

by Woods, Michelle

“NO!” Yelling she moved to stand in front of Dog. “Dog can take me to Aunt Mae’s. I’m not going back to that cabin.” Tears still in her eyes she raised her chin holding his gaze.

  “Fuck this! I will not have this conversation here.” Bone said as he scooped her up holding her hanging over his shoulder. She hit his ass screaming to the chuckles of Dog and Terry who watched the display. He began walking with her on his shoulder his hand sliding between her legs causing her to scream again for him to put her down.

  “No!” He said, carrying her toward the cabin. When she bit him on the lower back his hand landed hard on her ass as he called to Dog. “Find Tank tell him I found her.” Then he was jogging with her on his shoulder towards the cabin.

  They entered their cabin about ten minutes later with Molly feeling slightly bruised as he set her down inside the cabin. She immediately tried to run to the kitchen door to escape.

  “You go out that door again, and I will beat your ass Molly.” Bone said with harsh honesty.

  “Fuck you!” She screamed, blushing bright red when she realized what she’d just said. Bone only chuckled watching her intently.

  “Oh, you will don’t worry doll.” Molly was so mad at him how dare he think that she was just going to replace the blonde. Her heart ached with the pain his actions filled her with. She wasn’t a whore. She moved back from him when he reached out for her.

  “NO! Go find your blonde to take care of your sick needs. I will never allow you to touch me again!”

  “Fuck, you think I want that blonde bitch when I can have you in my bed!” He stared at her in disbelief. “Not happening you’re the only one I want in my bed tonight.” He said harshly moving forward to grab her again.

  Molly jumped back her arms knocking away his hands as she began running up the stairs. “I DON”T WANT YOU TO TOUCH ME!” she screamed over her shoulder heading to the guest room which had a sturdy lock.

  “Molly, get your ass back here.” He was walking up the stairs behind her. He sped up yelling when he saw she was headed to the guest room. “Don’t you dare lock that door!”

  She slammed the door just before he reached it and clicked the lock into place with a sigh of relief. She didn’t think he’d destroy his own house to get at her so she was safe for now. She threw herself down on the bed hearing him bang on the door yelling for her to open it and laughed with scorn. Did he really think she was gonna let him in? Not likely. He banged on the door bellowing for her to open the door as it rattled the windows on either side of the bed.

  “Molly you open this fucking door right now! Damn it I want to talk to you that’s all! You need to listen to me baby. OPEN THE DAMNED DOOR.” Bone roared banging on the door to his guest room.

  Fuck, Bone thought running his hand through his hair kicking the door wanting to break it down, this was a shitty night. Not only had he fucked up with the blonde debacle he’d also probably scared Molly half to death by pulling a gun. He kicked the door, but she still didn’t open it and he remembered the key in his dresser. Slamming his hand into the door once more he turned headed to his room. He stomped into the room heading for his dresser with purpose. She was going to listen to him and understand that he’d made a mistake and he had barely even touch the bitch.

  Molly pressed her face into the pillow her heart aching damn the man he could have at least tried to get in for more than a minute before he gave up. He was probably already searching out that blonde to screw she felt the tears, that had been threatening since she had walked in and seen him watching that woman dance half naked, begin to fall sliding down her cheeks as she sobbed in despair.

  The door hit the wall with a loud bang causing her to sit up looking at Bone as he filled the doorway holding a key tucking it into his pocket. She went to run into the bathroom to get away from him, but he grabbed her forcing her on the bed with his weight pinning her to it. “I don’t think so baby.” He said while holding her arms above her head.

  “Let me go Bone,” Molly was almost screaming in her face. “Get off me.” She trashed on the bed trying to knock him off her.

  “No. Calm down woman.”

  “Where’s your blonde. Go find her so you two can get it on, and LEAVE ME ALONE!” She turned her head trying to bite his arm her teeth snapping together when he moved it away from her. Realizing as he told her again to calm down that she wasn’t going to get away he was pinning her to the bed with his heavy weight letting go her tears begin anew and she sobbed not caring if he saw her pain.

  “Calm down you little Hell Cat!” He chuckled holding her both wrists in one of his hands to prevent her from biting him. Then suddenly the fight went out of her and she lay still beneath him. He felt his heart almost stop when she finally met his eyes.

  “Please….p-please.” She begged and he saw the tears that filled her eyes, with the sobs that made her whole body shake beneath him it made him want to slit his own throat. He watched the tears running down her face his heart aching painfully. He lowered his lips to her checks following the tears with his mouth trying to kiss them away. He’d done this to her. He’d taken a strong beautiful woman and made her hurt so bad she sobbed with it. He hated himself in that moment, as he begged.

  “Molly…Baby, please. I can’t stand to see you cry.” Still kissing her face feeling the wetness of her tears salting his lips. He was taken back to the nights he’d laid awake listening to the wrenching sobs of his mother when she realized that his father wasn’t coming home, again.

  “Baby….” His voice broke a little as he kissed her beneath each eye “I’m so sorry. So. So, sorry please stop.” He whispered with contempt at his own actions filling him. Knowing that the promise he’d made on those nights listening in the dark, had been broken by his own need to prove he was the same bastard he’d been before he meet her a week ago. He didn’t deserve her forgiveness, and yet he was begging just as his father had so many times before him. He should let her go. Let her find a man who deserved her someone like Dog or Slim, but he knew that he couldn’t let her go. If the gun wasn’t an indication of what he would do to any man who touched her he didn’t know what was.

  “Shh…baby it’s okay.” Molly sobbed listening to Bone try to soothe her. She felt him kissing her face her eyes and then he was kissing her lips gently caressing her lips in tiny sipping kisses that made her feel so soft even as she almost hated him for those kisses.

  Bone couldn’t stop himself from kissing her gently. “Baby, it was a mistake it will never happen again.” He kissed her forehead trying desperately to make her stop crying. He let her wrists go his hands cupping her face as he slowly kissed her salty lips thrusting his tongue into her mouth with a gentle caress. Damn she tasted sweet. His cock hardened with need and he almost moaned with the pleasure kissing her gave him.

  Chapter 17

  Molly couldn’t stop herself from returning his kisses even as she realized she was cheapening herself by allowing him to use her for sex. She was overwhelmed with the passion that filled her from just those lips gently caressing her own. She moaned as he began to slowly thrust his tongue into her mouth arching against him she felt so needy. Molly knew that she’d never felt like this with any other man, she was no innocent, but the passion Bone made her feel was so much more than she’d ever felt with Luzen. Her hands buried in his hair of the own accord, and she moaned when he thrust his tongue more forcefully into her mouth. His body hardened where he was pressed between her legs making her moan again pressing up into him.

  His hands traveled down sliding beneath her shirt to cup her breast rubbing her nipples beneath her shirt. Molly almost came apart at the light flick of his fingers on her breasts. Groaning wanting him to touch her bare breast she pulled her hands from his hair and moved trying to remove her shirt while he still pinned her to the bed.

  Bone realized that Molly was trying to remove her shirt, and pulled back slightly to allow her hands to move the shirt up, baring her slightly rounded stomach. Unable to look away from that small
bit of flesh she displayed, his hands fell from her breast stopping her from removing her shirt, as he tore his eyes from the skin she’d revealed to him. He had to be sure that this was what she wanted because if this went any further tonight he was not allowing her to leave him after he’d made love to her. Yeah he’d just thought that even though he’d never made love. He was turning into a fucking pansy, but with her small soft body pressed into his hard dick he didn’t care.

  “Baby look at me.” He said when he finally managed to look at her face to see her eyes tightly closed. Her eyes met his filled with desire that made him want to forget what he needed to say to her, and just rip her clothes off and love her.

  “You need to be sure Molly. I won’t be able to back off after this.” He said watching her intently waiting for her answer his hands clenched on the bottom of her shirt wanting to just rip it off.

  “Y-yes” Her voice raspy and soft her eyes deep pools of desire as she lay looking up at him.

  “Good.” He growled moving back slightly to rip the thin t-shirt up and off her. He stared with hunger at her small breasts covered in only a black lacy bra. He reached down pulling the front clasp of the bra baring her breasts completely to his gaze. Growling with ravenousness desire, he leaned forward taking one large raspberry colored nipple into his mouth sucking it deep, then scraping it lightly with his teeth, his hand possessively caressing her other breast.

  Molly arched beneath Bone in pleasure as his mouth caressed her breast as his other hand pinching her nipple. She’d never like for a man to touch her breast it always left her feeling awkward, but the feel of Bone aggressively sucking her breast while his fingers flicked her other nipple made her feel as if her body was going up in flames, and she was drenched with her own desire. She whimpered her hand buried in his hair holding him to her as her legs wrapped around his waist and she clenched his shoulder.

  “So good baby.” Bone kissed his way to her neck nipping her gently. He needed her naked against his bare skin with every inch of her pressed to him, Now. Reaching down with that thought filling him he jerked his own shirt off, then reached down between them and unsnapped her jeans and began to tear them off her. When they were off he pulled back, her hand pulling in his hair a bit before it fell to his shoulder, he look at her lying in his bed with only black lace covering her slender body with a groan.

  Damn she was fucking hot with her little nipples pointing up at him, and her box covered with only black lace, she was a fantasy come to life. He looked his fill for a moment, as she moved her hands down caressing his chest gently. Her soft hands sliding over the light dusting of hair he had on his chest as her fingers found his nipples, and she lightly pinched them as a grunt of pleasure escaped him. Seeing her little nipples made his dick throb, one nipple was rosy and slightly wet while the other looked pink and neglected. Umm that would not do he needed to make that better he leaned forward taking it into his mouth.

  Molly had never caressed a man so boldly, the few sexual encounters she’d had were quick tumbles in the dark, but she felt the need to mark him in some way so that when he left her for another woman she would always be there between them. He suddenly leaned forward his mouth covering her other breast sucking it as aggressively as he had the first, while her hands slid to his shoulders gripping him as she cried out wanting more.

  “Umm… such pretty berries baby…” He was almost devouring her, but he wasn’t willing to stop. As he felt her small body beneath his all he could think as he growled around her little nipples was MINE, MINE. It was a new thing for him to feel so possessive with a woman, but Molly was his. He reached down between them to unfasten his jeans to give his aching dick a little relief. He pushed them down as he kissed her again smelling her scent filling the room.

  Bone allowed his hands to catch her hips when they moved back up her body, his mouth slid to her breasts moving between them gently sucking each one, before releasing it to suck the other. Gently moving his hand between her legs to slide beneath the black lace to caress her wet heat he groaned at the soft wetness his fingers found.

  “Your so wet for me baby.” He thrust a finger inside her with a rumble of need almost coming when her hips trust up to meet his finger his mouth found hers again. Setting a quick rhythm he added another finger watching her as she took it with a groan panting in need. He worked her body till it was close to orgasm.

  “Umm you’re so ready baby.” Pulling his fingers from her, panting from the feel of her tight channel clenching at them, he wrenched her lace panties off moving between her legs to place himself at her entrance meeting her eyes he paused.

  Molly watched between their bodies as Bone placed the head of dick at her entrance. Wanting to feel him joined to her she tried to press down to take him inside her, she needed him now, she was on fire, so close to her orgasm from his caresses. He ducked meeting her eyes he asked. “Ready?”

  “Yes…Just do it!” She almost screamed her need to come causing her voice to be shrill and he chuckled making her want to hit him. Then she felt his tip slowly parting her folds, and she gripped his shoulders whimpering with demand. Her hands clenched when he gripped her hips, and thrust hard into her seating himself fully causing a slight twinge as her body was forced to accept his.

  Bone stilled for a moment feeling as if he was drowning in pleasure as he filled Molly for the first time. Giving her what he promised the first day they met. “Lucca,” He whispered unable to prevent a short stroke into her. “That’s what you should scream when you come around me baby.” He wanted to fuck her hard and fast, but he needed her to know that she wasn’t like any of the other women he had taken before her, she was different. He wanted to own her little body, wanted to erase every man who’d been inside her before him. Thinking of another man touching her started that insane refrain in his head again MINE, MINE “MINE.” He began to move unaware he had said it out loud in such a possessive tone that Molly began to trash beneath him as she came apart screaming his name in pleasure.

  Pounding into her, his body slamming into hers with heavy strokes as he grunted and groaned in satisfaction. She was keening a moan that didn’t stop, coming around him a second time as he pumped her. As her second orgasm gripped him he felt his balls tighten and he knew he was close to coming. He kissed her as his movements slowed, and he almost fell onto her as he finished coming, moving to his back bringing her with him so that he could stay connected to her unwilling to give up the tight grip of her wet sheath on his cock.

  Molly felt languid and happy as she lay on top of Bone where he’d dragged her after he came. She ran her hand up and down Bone’s chest caressing him as he held her close gripping her tightly.

  “Fuck, I forgot a condom.” Bone said suddenly.

  “It’s okay. I got the shot two weeks ago so I’m good for about two and half months.” Molly said tensing slightly as she lifted away from him referring to the shot that prevented pregnancy.

  “Why?” He demanded with a dark scowl.

  “Umm….I was seeing someone.”

  “Not anymore.” Bone’s voice was filled with angry jealousy as he gripped her hips and pulled her back down till she was resting on his chest wrapping his arms around her tightly.

  “No,” Molly said liking his Neanderthal like reaction a little too much. “not anymore.”

  “Good.” His hands began to caress her back sliding up and down as he lightly began to kiss her neck. She moaned when he found a particularly sensitive spot nipping and sucking on it roughly. She felt him harden slightly inside her which shocked her. Luzen never wanted to make love so soon after they had been together, Bone was already moving his hand to her breasts to cup them while urging her to sit up so he could play with them.

  Molly felt her body clench on him as she lifted and he pushed his hardening member up into her with a groan his mouth taking he nipple sucking it deeply.

  “You make me so horny with these sexy nipples.” He growled as he alternated between her breasts sucking ea
ch for a few second before taking the neglected one in his mouth for the same rough sucking. His tongue curling around the tip then sliding over it slowly. Molly was shocked that she was already beginning to feel needy again her body slowly wiggling on his hardened dick. His hands clenched her hips as he pushed her up a bit then let her slide back down causing her to cry out.

  “Lucca” He pulled back and smiled with true pleasure at her keening cry of his name.

  “That’s it baby ride me.” He said urging her to move up and down his thick length. His mouth taking her breasts in a lazy move from one to the other. She rose and slid back down moaning with desire as she set a light bouncy rhythm her hands resting on his chest gripping tightly with her nails digging into his skin with every stroke. He gripped her hips helping to even out her pace allowing her to feel every stroke of his dick.

  “Lucca….umm…Lucca” She cried out as her orgasm washed over her overwhelmed with the feel of him moving inside her.

  Bone felt her shudder above him and slow to a stop needing to really feel her little pussy grip him he pulled out rolling away from her landing on his feet beside the bed and dragging her to the edge he thrust hard into her grunting at the hot wet grip of her sweet body gripping his cock. Growling with her legs bent over his arms he set a hard rhythm that made a wet slapping sound with ever thrust of his body into hers. It didn’t take long for him to roar as he came pumping into her with light thrust before finally stopping.

  “You okay baby.” He asked as he gently pulled out of her a little afraid he’d gotten too rough with her. She opened her eyes that had been closed and smiled a soft satisfied smile that made him ache. Yeah that smile was sexy as fuck.

  “Yes.” She murmured then as if she couldn’t keep them open her eyes slid closed. He moved her back onto the bed gently arranging her, then wrapping her in his arms as he lay beside her with his own satisfied smile as he kissed her temple and whispered.


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