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Citrus Blossom

Page 7

by Sarah Pond

  Turning back to Olivia, she said, 'Would you like to come back to mine for a drink?'

  Olivia hesitated. Jasmine didn't want to rush Olivia, but she was desperate to have Olivia to herself, this week had felt so long. Olivia said yes, and Jasmine paid the bill. They put their jackets on, and made their way down the steps. 'Thank you so much for dinner, that was lovely.'

  Jasmine responded, 'You are very welcome, thank you for your company. I still can't quite believe we're doing this, I really thought that I had messed up when I told you how I felt about you.'

  Olivia looked down, 'Well, you did freak me out, to be honest. But there was another part of me that felt it was so right. It was like my head was screaming no, and my very being was saying yes, go with it... It's really hard to describe.'

  They walked through Covent Garden, still chatting, then headed to Jasmine's place. She did have a car, but generally used public transport to get around the centre of London. Once they arrived, Jasmine said, 'This is it.' Olivia looked up to see a beautiful town house, with regency windows and a white front door. Jasmine opened the door and invited Olivia in. 'Welcome to my home. Let me take your jacket.'

  Handing Jasmine her coat, Olivia said, 'Thank you.' Olivia followed Jasmine to the kitchen.

  'What would you like to drink? A glass of wine, coffee?'

  'A coffee would be good, thank you.'

  Once the drinks were made, they went through to the lounge. 'You have a beautiful home.' Olivia said, looking around.

  The walls were pale blue, and the furnishings were white and pale wood. There was a large cream sofa, and two armchairs either side of it. 'Thank you, I'm very happy here,' replied Jasmine.

  'Have you always lived on your own?'

  Jasmine nodded, 'Apart from when I was at University, I've always lived here. I was very fortunate that my parents bought this place and gave it to me when I started working. I do love to have my own space. Let's sit down, I couldn't wait to get you alone so that we could talk. I've been going mad this week, waiting for this evening. I know this week has been unusual, shall we say,' Jasmine laughed, 'and I so want to spend time with you. I also don't want to rush you into anything, and you must tell me if anything is uncomfortable for you at all.'

  Olivia looked back at her, 'Thank you. This is all very new to me. I might just need a bit of time to... adjust I suppose. But the way I've been feeling...' and she smiled at Jasmine.

  When Olivia smiled at Jasmine like that, it made her heart soar. She had been using all of her self restraint this evening to not grab Olivia, kiss her, hold her. She had never felt this way about anyone before. As they sat together on the sofa, Jasmine reached across for Olivia's hand. Olivia felt the electricity race through her body. She turned towards Jasmine, who responded by kissing her full on the mouth. Olivia reciprocated eagerly, and Jasmine pulled her closer. Then Olivia whispered in Jasmine's ear, 'I want to make you feel as good as you made me feel the other day.'

  Jasmine felt her insides melt, and she kissed Olivia deeply, holding her close. She could feel her heart beating, pounding with excitement. Jasmine moved herself over, and sat astride Olivia's lap. Olivia gently ran her hands down Jasmine's back. Then she went to the waistband of Jasmine's trousers, slowly undid the button, then lowered the zip. Jasmine watched Olivia as she did this, she couldn't believe how lucky she was, that this gorgeous woman wanted her too. Olivia looked up at Jasmine, and caught her eye. The look on Jasmine's face made her blush. Olivia touched Jasmine's body gently, feeling nervous. Although she knew what she wanted to do, she had never done this before. She started to move her hand down the front of Jasmine's trousers, and Jasmine groaned in response. This gave her the encouragement to carry on and go further. She moved her hand down, and then slowly entered her with her fingers. Jasmine was so wet and ready, and Olivia began massaging Jasmine, eliciting sounds of pleasure. Olivia moved faster, and Jasmine threw her head back in ecstasy, her body writhing. Olivia was really turned on by how she could make Jasmine feel, and moved her fingers in a circular motion, building the speed. Jasmine was so responsive to Olivia's touch, and the feelings that she could elicit, feelings of ecstasy. Jasmine's breathing was becoming more erratic, then she cried out with pleasure, and Olivia could feel the pulses of Jasmine's orgasm rippling through her. Jasmine said, 'Holy fuck,' and leaned forward to kiss Olivia.

  Olivia was so turned on and throbbing down below. Jasmine undid Olivia's top, and discarded it. She leaned down to kiss Olivia's neck, savouring the softness, and running her tongue along the contours of her neck. Each time Olivia felt Jasmine's soft lips on her skin, it sent an amazing sensation through her. Jasmine kissed her breasts, her stomach, and Olivia felt that now familiar twist of anticipation. Jasmine slid her hands down, and unbuttoned Olivia's trousers, revealing her lacy pink pants. As Jasmine kissed Olivia, she slid her hands further still, and entered Olivia. She felt so good. Olivia was so aroused and close to coming, that it didn't take much before she was bucking and sighing with pleasure. As Jasmine looked at her in awe, she said, 'You're amazing. Stay with me tonight.'

  Olivia was unsure, then Jasmine said, 'It's late now, and it's the weekend. It will be like a slumber party! We can have a lay-in, I'll make us breakfast.'

  'Mmm, that does sound nice. But I haven't got any of my stuff,' realised Olivia.

  'I think I can find you a spare toothbrush, and you can borrow a pair of pj's, not that you'll need them,' said Jasmine, smiling.

  Olivia agreed, why not. They snuggled up together on the sofa, chatting about nothing in particular, just enjoying one another's company. Rocky came along to join them, curling up on the end of the sofa, purring contentedly. At midnight, they decided it was time to get some sleep. Jasmine handed Olivia a toothbrush, and they got ready for bed. Olivia slipped under the covers naked, and Jasmine snuggled in beside her, and they drifted off to sleep. Jasmine was so happy, she couldn't have wished this to be any better.


  Olivia awoke to bright sunshine streaming in through the bedroom window. For a moment, she was disorientated, then saw Jasmine standing by the bed looking at her. 'Morning, beautiful!' Jasmine said, and climbed back into bed, under the soft cotton covers. Olivia smiled back. 'Did you sleep well?' asked Jasmine.

  'Yes thank you. Did you?'

  Jasmine replied, 'I had the best nights' sleep that I've had in a long time. I still can't believe that you're in my bed.'

  'Um, nor can I. I think I may be dreaming, or perhaps I've just been dropped into someone else's life,' Olivia looked a bit bemused.

  Jasmine sat up and removed her top, revealing her beautiful breasts. She moved closer, whispering into Olivia's ear, 'Perhaps I can give you something to dream about...' and Olivia felt Jasmine's fingertips trail from her breasts, very slowly down her stomach, moving slower still, further down. Olivia felt that now familiar tightening of her stomach, and that tingle down to her core. Jasmine leaned forward and kissed Olivia, slowly and sensuously at first, then harder and faster. Olivia responded, holding Jasmine close. Olivia was experiencing feelings unlike anything else, and she felt as though she was floating on air. But she still kept getting the feeling that she was having an out of body experience, like part of this wasn't her, or was perhaps a different version of her. As she was having these thoughts, sensation took over again, and now she was feeling Jasmine's warm breath on her neck, soft kisses being rained down on her. Olivia felt Jasmine's lips move down her neck, to each of her breasts in turn. Jasmine breathed, 'You have amazing tits,' and Olivia couldn't help giggling.

  Jasmine continued down Olivia's body, gently kissing her stomach, her hips, going lower and lower still. She slid her hands to her thighs, and gently started pushing them apart. Olivia started to feel shy, thinking, surely not... And then she felt Jasmine's warm breath between her legs, her mouth on her, her tongue exploring Olivia. 'Oh, fuck!' Olivia cried out, the feeling was amazing, her body writhing in response to Jasmine's touch.

  'I cou
ldn't wait to taste you. Fuck, you taste so sweet.' Jasmine was relentless, and Olivia threw her head back, breathing heavily. Olivia could feel her orgasm building, her body a mass of sensation, feeling Jasmine's hands on her skin, her tongue in her sex.

  'Aaahhh, aaahhh, aaahhhhh', Olivia cried out as her hips bucked, and she orgasmed again and again. 'Oh my god. Oh my fucking god,' breathed Olivia.

  Jasmine moved back up the bed, searching for Olivia's mouth. She kissed her passionately, she was falling for Olivia so hard, she couldn't get enough of her. Olivia kissed her back with an intensity that she felt she was not in control of. She'd heard of people talking about two becoming one, now she was getting a sense of what that really meant. Jasmine looked lovingly into Olivia's eyes. When Jasmine looked at her like that, Olivia felt that she could see into her very soul, her being. Olivia looked straight back at her, smiling, 'Are you the orgasm fairy or something? That was mind-blowing.'

  Jasmine laughed, then looked serious, 'I think I'm falling in love with you.'

  Olivia sat up, drawing her knees up to her chest. She pulled the covers over herself, and pushed her hair away from her face. Looking down, she said, 'Jasmine, this is amazing, the way you make me feel. You are a gorgeous woman, and to be honest, I'm not sure what you see in me. But as amazing as this is, I'm still trying to get my head around this. I'm straight, well, I always thought I was, now I just don't know. I've never been attracted to a woman before, but believe me, if I was going to be with a woman, it would be you.'

  Jasmine felt her heart drop heavily. Suddenly her colourful world felt black and white. Oh shit, she thought, I moved too fast. I can't believe I've blown it, what on earth is wrong with me. Jasmine reached out, gently lifting Olivia's chin so that she could look into her eyes, 'I'm moving too fast, I'm so sorry. I said I was going to take things slowly with you. It's just that you have this effect on me, and any logic goes out of the window. You drive me wild with desire.'

  Jasmine dropped her hand, and sat back on the bed. Olivia couldn't bear the sadness in Jasmine's eyes. 'Look, I'm not saying we can't do this, I'm just saying that I'm having some difficulty with it.' At Olivia's words, Jasmine felt some hope spring back. 'Have you always liked women?' asked Olivia.

  'Yes, it was something I realised at an early age, and I fell in love with a girl in my class at school. Look, what do you want me to do? We can slow things right down, I promise.'

  Olivia leaned over to gently kiss Jasmine. Jasmine felt such a longing that it hurt. She composed herself, and said, 'Why don't you have a shower, and I'll make us some breakfast.'

  Over breakfast, Jasmine asked what Olivia wanted to do that day, perhaps visit a museum or an art gallery. Olivia said, 'That would be great, but I need to pop home and get a change of clothing. I was wearing these clothes for work yesterday.'

  They decided that they would go to the National Gallery, and would stop off at Olivia's place first so that she could get changed.

  On their way to Emma's, Jasmine said that she would wait outside whilst Olivia popped inside to change. Olivia put the key in the door, and walked in. Emma and Matt were on the sofa, looking at the newspapers. 'Morning!' Olivia said brightly, 'I just came back as I forgot something.'

  Emma looked at Olivia, noticing that she was in the same clothes as yesterday. 'Okay,' she replied, smirking, and Matt and her gave each other a look.

  Emma thought, I'll ask her about it later. I wonder whether it's her boss, she certainly seems to fancy him.

  Olivia re-emerged from her room, wearing jeans and a white blouse, with her favourite brown biker jacket. 'See you tonight, then. Have a good day guys.'

  Emma replied, 'I'm staying at Matt's tonight, so I'll see you Sunday.'

  Olivia closed the door behind her, and walked down the steps to where Jasmine was waiting for her. Jasmine watched Olivia, the sunlight catching her hair. Jasmine looked right at Olivia, in that way that she had, and said, 'You are so beautiful. You take my breath away.'

  Olivia smiled back. Jasmine had a way of saying things which made Olivia feel as though the floor had been taken away from under her feet, and she was free-falling.

  Jasmine and Olivia walked along side by side, idly chatting. Olivia said, 'When I was a kid, we had a school trip to the National Gallery. I remember loving Monet and Renoir, and I did a school project on the French Impressionists. The school trip was also the first time that I had seen a Turner painting. I remember, the one that struck me the most was The Fighting Temeraire, and I bought a postcard of it. I thought that the ghost-like ship was one of the most beautiful paintings I had ever seen. I've loved Turner ever since.'

  It was at these moments, when Olivia was lost in the beauty of something, and the way she expressed herself, that Jasmine could feel herself fall that little bit more for Olivia. She wanted to hold her in her arms and kiss her, right there in the street. Instead, she looked at Olivia and smiled.

  It was a typically busy Saturday in Trafalgar Square. As it was approaching lunchtime, Jasmine suggested that they go to a nearby cafe first to eat. They ordered paninis and hot drinks. After lunch, they made their way across Trafalgar Square, to the National Gallery. Walking up the steps, Olivia paused to look around her, taking in the marble pillars and golden arches. At the top of the steps she stopped to look in wonderment at the mosaic floor. Within the mosaic were various pictures. She noticed that one of the pictures was called 'wonder', which she thought was very appropriate. Jasmine stood alongside her, watching Olivia taking everything in. 'It's so beautiful,' Olivia said.

  'Beautiful, certainly,' Jasmine said softly, looking at Olivia.

  Jasmine realised that it was so easy to take things for granted when you are surrounded by things that are familiar to you, whereas Olivia was seeing with fresh eyes. In that moment, Jasmine felt a wave of love for Olivia, and gently touched her hand. She felt a connection, and as Olivia turned her head to look into Jasmine's eyes, knew that Olivia felt it too.

  They wandered around, taking in the paintings, standing back to get a good perspective. There were so many paintings to see, but Olivia particularly wanted to see the Turners. They walked through a set of doors, and on the left was The Fighting Temeraire. All over again, it took Olivia's breath away. Jasmine stood back, watching Olivia's reaction. She noticed a tear run down Olivia's cheek, which she quickly brushed away. Jasmine didn't say anything, she just walked over to Olivia and stood beside her in silence. As they walked slowly around the room, with its blue wallpaper giving the room a subdued feeling, they came to Turner's The Parting of Hero and Leander. Olivia exclaimed, 'Oh, I remember this painting now, I used to have a postcard of this one too. I had completely forgotten about it. It is so exquisite, I don't think that there are words to describe it.'

  Olivia stood for a long time, absorbing the beautiful painting. At about half past three, Jasmine suggested that they go to the coffee shop. She went to order the drinks, whilst Olivia sat at a table. Jasmine couldn't help noticing how quiet Olivia was, but decided not to ask her why at the moment. She returned with their drinks on a tray. Olivia looked up, and thanked Jasmine as she took her coffee. Jasmine waited for her tea to brew for a bit longer, then poured herself a cup.

  They spent another hour or so wandering around, then made their way to the shop to have a look around before they left. Jasmine noticed that Olivia spent a long time looking at a book on Turner's paintings. Around the shop were some glass cabinets, and there was one with an unusual vase of The Fighting Temeraire. 'Oh, isn't it exquisite!' exclaimed Olivia.

  Looking at Olivia, the contours of her face, her wonderment, Jasmine softly said, 'Yes, it is.'

  For a moment, Jasmine felt light headed, and knew that she was deeply in love with Olivia. Olivia turned to look at Jasmine, and held her breath. She could feel it too. After a while, Jasmine asked, 'Are you ready?'

  Olivia nodded, 'Yes, let's go. I'm really tired now.'

  On their way back to Olivia's, Jasmine tried to make conversation, but Ol
ivia seemed lost in her thoughts. They arrived at Olivia's, walked up the steps, and Olivia searched for her keys in her bag. 'Would you like a cup of tea?' she asked, as Jasmine followed her up the steps.

  'That would be lovely, thank you.'

  As they went inside, Olivia dropped her bag on a chair, and went to the kitchen and filled the kettle with water. Jasmine followed her. Jasmine asked, 'Is everything alright, you seem really quiet this afternoon.'

  'I'm fine, I just feel really tired. Things have been so busy recently.'

  She made the drinks, and carried them through to the lounge, where they both sat on the sofa. 'Is Emma here today?' asked Jasmine.

  'No, she's at Matt's. She'll be home tomorrow.'

  Jasmine looked concerned, 'Olivia, do you want to talk? I know something's up.'

  Olivia sighed, 'I don't know, really. Since that day when you kissed me, it's been a bit of a rollercoaster.'

  Jasmine reached out for Olivia's hand. 'I guess things have moved pretty quickly for you. I should have been more thoughtful.' Shit, Jasmine was getting really worried she'd screwed things up.

  'Don't get me wrong, I've been feeling things that I never thought possible. It's been really exhilarating, and also so overwhelming,' she looked at Jasmine, smiling weakly.

  Jasmine said, 'I couldn't help watching you when you were looking at The Fighting Temeraire. Standing there, lost in thought. You looked so beautiful, I wanted to hold you, then and there. What were you thinking about?'

  Olivia hesitated, and looking down as she spoke, said, 'I saw again how beautiful and sad it was. It took my breath away.'

  'You take my breath away,' whispered Jasmine, and she lent over to kiss Olivia gently on the lips. Jasmine continued, 'It was more than that, wasn't it?'


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