Citrus Blossom

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Citrus Blossom Page 16

by Sarah Pond

  They both said thank you, and Olivia blushed. Olivia was wearing her dark red dress, the one she wore for the party at Phoebe and Fran's. She didn't have much in the way of dressy clothes, as she had never really needed them before. She usually wore smart casual clothes for the office. Olivia said, 'I could do with a couple more outfits for going out, maybe we can all go shopping together?'

  Jasmine said that she would love to, 'Mmm, watching you get into and out of outfits all day, sounds good!'

  Emma pulled a face of mock horror, 'Okay, I'm in as long as I'm not the third wheel, and you two can keep it in your pants.'

  Olivia and Jasmine exchanged a look between them, like naughty children, and they all laughed. As they were leaving, Emma said, 'Have a good time. I would say don't do anything I wouldn't do, but I know what you two are like!'

  As the taxi drove along Regent Street, Olivia asked, 'Does your Mum know about us?'

  Jasmine replied, 'Yes, of course,' and leaned across to kiss her.

  Arriving at the Cafe Royal, Olivia was glad that she had dressed up, she thought that it was very smart, not the kind of place that she would usually go to. Jasmine gave the name of their booking, and they were shown to their table. The carpets were a rich navy blue, and the tables had deep burgundy tablecloths on. The whole place reeked of class. They had just sat down, when Jasmine looked up to see her Mum arriving. Jasmine stood to greet her, 'Mum, I would like to introduce you to Olivia. Olivia, this is Grace.'

  Olivia was feeling really nervous. They shook hands, Olivia saying how nice it was to meet her, and hoped that Grace didn't notice how sweaty her hands were. Grace was of medium height, and her medium length grey wavy hair was pulled back off of her face with a hair clip. Olivia thought that she had a kindly face. The waiter came over to take their drinks order, then disappeared. Jasmine asked, 'So how are you, how is Dad?'

  'I am very well, thank you. Your father is well, the same as usual, you know how he is. So, tell me what you've been up to.'

  Olivia thought that Grace was very nice, but she also felt a bit like she was there for an interview. She knew that was because she was so nervous, and she really wanted this to go well. Jasmine spoke about how well the business was doing, which was one of the reasons that they had needed to hire another assistant, which in turn is how she had met Olivia. Jasmine looked at Olivia, smiling. They also talked about the book launch that she and Olivia had organised. Grace then asked Olivia about growing up in Cornwall. She was very interested to hear about St Ives and Becky's gallery. Jasmine told Grace all about their recent visit, and the beautiful painting that she had bought at the gallery. Grace was particularly interested to hear about the Eden Project, as she was very interested in plants and flowers. The meal was delicious, and as the evening wore on, Olivia began to relax. Every now and again, Jasmine would touch Olivia's hand under the table, which she found reassuring. Towards the end of the evening, they had all just ordered a coffee to finish with, and Olivia felt Jasmine's hand slide up her thigh, and she let out a little squeal, which she hoped she covered with a cough. When Jasmine touched her unexpectedly like that, it sent a feeling through her body that took her breath away. Olivia excused herself, and went to the ladies room. She was feeling hot and bothered, and splashed some cold water onto her face. Olivia was leaning on the sink, regaining herself. The door opened, and Jasmine was behind her, hands around her front, stroking her breasts. Jasmine's hand started to move towards the hem of Olivia's dress. Olivia breathed heavily, 'We can't do this here...' but Jasmine had this effect on her that she couldn't explain, and all reason went out of the window.

  Jasmine's hand slid into Olivia's lacy pants, and Jasmine kissed her neck, breathing in her ear, 'You are so gorgeous, I can't keep my hands off you,' and Olivia just gave into it...

  Olivia followed Jasmine back to the table, knowing that her face was as red as her dress. Fuck, how was she going to carry on talking to Jasmine's Mum as if nothing had happened, surely she would guess. Jasmine sat down, as cool as a cucumber, and put cream in her coffee, which had since arrived. She carried on the conversation effortlessly. Olivia wanted to know how she could do that so easily, and wondered whether she could learn to do it, too. Olivia busied herself putting sugar into her coffee, and then cream, and kept sipping it, hoping that her face was returning to it's normal colour. After they had all finished, Grace got up to leave. 'Dinner is my treat, I took care of it whilst you were... otherwise engaged.'

  Olivia was sure that she gave a knowing smile. Olivia felt her face go red again, wishing that the ground would swallow her up. As embarrassed as she was, it was at this point that Olivia realised how much she liked Grace. Grace continued, 'Olivia, it was lovely to meet you. I can see that you make Jasmine very happy.'

  Olivia replied that it was lovely to meet her too, and thanked her very much for dinner. They watched her leave, then Olivia sat back down. 'I am so embarrassed, your Mum knew, did you see her face?'

  Jasmine laughed, 'My mother thinks that you are charming, she said so when you had left for the bathroom. Also, she was a bit of a girl, too. Maybe I'll tell you one day.'

  They walked out onto Regent Street, and decided to walk for a bit to get some fresh air, and headed towards Oxford Circus. As they walked, Jasmine asked whether she had enjoyed herself this evening. Olivia said, 'Yes, I did. Your Mum is really nice. I was really nervous to start with, but I had a good time. That is, until the end of the evening, when I could have died with embarrassment!'

  Jasmine laughed, 'I told you, my Mum is fine. As I said before, she is open minded, and was very supportive when I came out.'

  Olivia asked, 'You once mentioned that you had fallen madly in love when you were twenty, and came out to your parents. What was her name?'

  As they walked along the road, Jasmine looked down, and when she raised her head, she looked worried, 'Phoebe.' She looked sideways at Olivia, who now slowed her pace.

  'Phoebe. Not your best friend Phoebe? Shit, when were you going to tell me. I can't believe you.'

  Jasmine said, 'Look, it was a long time ago. We were together for about six months, that's all. It was all over years ago.'

  Olivia felt humiliated. They walked the rest of the way in silence, and as they approached Olivia's flat, Jasmine went to follow her up the steps. Olivia turned, and Jasmine could see tears in her eyes. Jasmine desperately wanted to hold Olivia, and make everything better again. Olivia said, 'I think that it's best that you go now,' and went inside the flat, shutting the door behind her.

  Emma was in the kitchen, and heard the front door open. She was about to go and ask if Olivia and Jasmine had had a good evening, when she caught the back of Olivia going to her room, and slamming the door. Oh dear, she thought, trouble in paradise.

  Jasmine stood outside, weighing up what to do. She knew from before, that Olivia was better if she was left alone to start with, so she could get her head around things. She went back around the corner, and called a taxi. When she arrived back home, she tried ringing Olivia. Predictably, it went straight to voicemail, and Jasmine left a message saying that she would call her again in the morning. It was getting late now, so Jasmine decided to go to bed. She lay there for a long time, thinking about Olivia, and willing herself to go to sleep.

  Olivia threw herself down on the bed, crying. She couldn't believe it, she felt so stupid. It wouldn't be so bad if Jasmine had told her. She heard a tap on the door, then Emma's voice, asking if she would like a drink. 'No thanks, but you can come in.'

  Emma opened the door, and Olivia sat up. She was still wearing her dress, but looked all dishevelled. Emma sat down on the bed next to Olivia. 'Want to talk about it?'

  Emma was the one person that Olivia could talk to about Jasmine, and she nodded, and told her what had happened, then she started crying again. Emma put her arm around Olivia. 'Unfortunately, things like this are going to happen sometimes. I don't suppose Jasmine was thrilled when Liam turned up out of the blue.'

  Olivia l
ooked at Emma. Actually, she had a point there. 'But I told Jasmine everything, she knew about Liam.'

  Emma squeezed Olivia's shoulder, 'Yes I know, but, I'm trying to put this delicately. Jasmine is thirty, there are going to be some exes around, and I think that you're going to have to come to terms with that eventually. She was hardly going to introduce you to Phoebe as her ex.'

  Olivia said, 'Yes, I know, but she could have told me sooner.'

  Emma looked at Olivia, 'I think you need to talk to Jasmine, shutting her out won't help. And remember, she is crazy about you, I don't think I've ever seen two people more potty about each other.'

  Emma smiled, then asked Olivia how the meal had been, and about Jasmine's mum. She said it had been a very nice evening, then Emma noticed her blushing. 'Oh my god, what happened?'

  Olivia told her about Jasmine following her to the bathroom, and what had happened. Emma was incredulous. 'I can't get over you, I never dreamed what you would get up to, the quiet girl from college.'

  Olivia smiled, 'Jasmine brings out something in me, I've never felt so free in all my life.'

  Emma got up, saying, 'Call Jasmine,' and left the room.

  Jasmine had drifted off to sleep when she heard her phone ringing. She came to, and seeing that Olivia was calling her, picked it up. 'Olivia, I'm so glad you called. I'm so sorry.'

  Olivia said, 'Me too, do you want to come over in the morning, and we'll talk.'

  Jasmine said, 'We can talk now, I can come over.'

  Olivia said no, that she needed some sleep. She said goodnight, and hung up the phone. Jasmine lay in bed, looking up at the ceiling. Eventually, in the early hours, she drifted off to sleep.

  Bright and early the next day, there was a knock at the door. Emma opened it, and let Jasmine in. She said that Olivia was still in bed, so to go and knock on her door. Jasmine tapped the door gently, and Olivia said to come in. She was expecting to see Emma, so was surprised when it was Jasmine at her door. 'Can I come in?' Olivia nodded, and Jasmine went and sat on the bed.

  Jasmine said, 'I'm really sorry I didn't tell you about me and Phoebe. Look, it was nearly ten years ago. It was a short relationship, and it finished because Phoebe wanted to be with Fran. You've seen how they are together, how happy they are. Phoebe is a good friend, and as I say, she helped me deal with coming out, especially when my Dad was being such a bastard. It's like with you and Liam, you don't want to be with him in that way, but he was a big part of your life, and nothing is going to change that.'

  Olivia looked at Jasmine, 'Yes, but you knew about Liam all along. I've never kept anything secret from you. If you had told me before, I don't know...'

  Jasmine lifted Olivia's chin, and wiped her tears. Looking her straight in the eye, she said, 'Olivia, I am really sorry that I didn't tell you sooner. I have no idea when would ever be a good time for a conversation like that. But I do know that I am head over heals, completely in love with you. You make me feel like no one has ever done, when I'm with you, I feel I can do anything. I can't stand to hurt you, and I also don't know what to do now. Please, tell me what to do.'

  Jasmine looked so distraught, Olivia couldn't bear it. 'Kiss me,' Olivia said, as she looked at Jasmine's beautiful, dark eyes.

  Jasmine leaned in, and kissed Olivia as if she were at sea, and Olivia were her life raft.


  As August began, Olivia asked Jasmine what she would like to do for her birthday, which was on the fifth. Jasmine said that a meal out together would be good, but she really didn't mind what they did. When they finished work on Tuesday, Olivia told Jasmine that she had booked a table at the restaurant in Covent Garden where they had gone on their first date. They left the office together, and headed towards the restaurant. Olivia had reserved a table on the veranda again. In this hot weather, it was perfect. Once they had sat down, Jasmine looked at Olivia across the table. 'Do you know, it's nearly a year since we first came here.'

  Olivia smiled, and blushed, 'Yes, it's not a day I'll ever forget! You really did turn my world upside down.'

  Jasmine asked, 'Do you think I should have never told you how I felt?'

  Olivia looked down, 'No, of course not. I know we've had some ups and downs, but I wouldn't swap any of it for how I feel now. I didn't realise it at the time, but I think you freed me.'

  Jasmine looked deeply into Olivia's eyes, 'Actually, I think it was you who freed me,' and she held Olivia's hand across the table.

  Olivia looked back at Jasmine, and was overwhelmed with feelings of love for her. The waiter came over to take their order, and Jasmine let go of Olivia's hand. Once they had ordered, Olivia handed a gift to Jasmine, 'Happy birthday.'

  It was a pretty pink gift bag, and inside was a blue velvet covered box. Jasmine opened it to see a beautiful platinum necklace with an abstract pendant, which was both delicate and stunning. Depending on how you looked at it, it could possibly be a bird or an angel. 'It's beautiful, thank you so much,' Jasmine smiled at Olivia.

  She put it on, and it sat perfectly at the opening on her open necked blouse. Olivia looked at Jasmine, 'It looks perfect on you. Also, I have booked us tickets to see Hamlet at the Barbican on Saturday evening.'

  'That's fabulous, I really wanted to see it. Thank you, you're spoiling me.'

  As the meal came to an end, Olivia settled the bill and they walked down the stairs, and back into Covent Garden. They decided to go for a walk before they headed back, and Olivia asked whether Jasmine would like to stay with her that night. They walked down onto The Strand, then over Waterloo Bridge to the South Bank. As they walked alongside the river, Jasmine took Olivia's hand, and Olivia looked up at Jasmine, surprised. 'More public displays of affection!'

  Jasmine simply said, 'I don't want to hide anymore.'

  Olivia stopped and turned to face Jasmine, and gently ran her hand down the side of her face, then she leaned in and kissed her.

  On Saturday evening, Jasmine and Olivia arrived at the theatre to see Hamlet. It was one of Jasmine's favourite plays, but Olivia had never seen it before. The theatre was packed full. They took their seats, and after a few minutes the house lights dimmed, and the audience quieted down. Jasmine found the play mesmerising. After the play had ended, and they were getting ready to leave, Jasmine turned to ask Olivia whether she enjoyed it. 'Yes, it was is excellent. What did you think of it?'

  Jasmine said, 'I loved it. It's quite different to other versions that I've seen. It's also a visually stunning production. I love how they did the dinner party scene. When Hamlet was speaking his soliloquy, with everyone in the background moving in slow motion, it was quite beautiful.'

  They left the theatre and went back to Jasmine's place. Jasmine unlocked the door, and Olivia followed her inside. 'Thank you so much for tonight, I loved the play.'

  Jasmine went into the kitchen to pour them both a glass of wine. Olivia walked up behind Jasmine, sliding her hands around Jasmine's hips, and kissing the side of her neck. Olivia whispered, 'I like it when you wear your hair up, then I can see your neck. You're so beautiful.'

  She kissed softly down Jasmine's neck, and along her shoulder. Jasmine thought that she had better put down the bottle of wine before she dropped it. With Olivia whispering in her ear, kissing her like that, and the touch of her hands on her hips, she felt that she didn't have any control over her body. It was as if Olivia had put a spell on her, and it felt divine. She felt a tingle down to her core, and then Olivia began to slowly slide Jasmine's skirt up her thighs, revealing the lacy tops of her stockings. Jasmine was breathing more heavily, and Olivia was kissing Jasmine's back, whilst also running her hands along Jasmine's thighs. Olivia undid Jasmine's top and discarded it, then unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor. Then she slipped Jasmine's panties down her legs and Jasmine stepped out of them. Now Jasmine was wearing just her black lacy bra and stockings.

  'You look so gorgeous, I think I'm just going to have to make love to you right now,' Olivia whispered.
/>   Jasmine sighed with pleasure, melting at Olivia's touch, 'Oh, yes.' She felt that delicious build, and Olivia massaged her breasts with one hand, whilst slowly exploring Jasmine with the other. Jasmine closed her eyes, leaning her head back on Olivia's shoulder, and gave in to the sensations. She was close to coming, then Olivia turned Jasmine around, and dropped to her knees. Jasmine felt Olivia's tongue where her need was greatest, and oh, it felt so good. Jasmine was all sensation, and it wasn't long before she came hard, supporting herself with her hands behind her on the table. Olivia was relentless, and the spasms continued, orgasm following orgasm. As Jasmine came back down to earth, her legs weak, Olivia held her, and kissed her passionately. Jasmine threw her arms around Olivia, kissing her fervently. 'Fuck, that was mind blowing,' Jasmine said eventually.

  It was a hot summer, and JJ Publishing were very busy with two book launches. They were all doing long hours, but knew things would slow down again afterwards. One evening after work, Jasmine said that Phoebe and Fran were going to be having a barbecue on Saturday. She thought that it would be a good chance for them to relax as work had been so busy. At Phoebe's name, Olivia's stomach turned over, and she told herself not to be silly. Jasmine had explained everything, and Phoebe was a part of her life, whether she liked it or not. Jasmine had never said anything about her still being friends with Liam. As Jasmine had said, their relationship was over many years ago, long before Olivia was on the scene.

  Saturday was another hot day, and Jasmine wore pale lemon capri trousers and a white strappy top. Olivia thought how Jasmine always looked so elegant, whatever she was wearing. Olivia was wearing short denim shorts with a white tank top, and a straw hat. The barbecue was from noon, and would go on for as long as people stayed. Jasmine and Olivia arrived a little after one o'clock, and greeted Fran at the door. They all said their hellos, and Olivia gave Fran the bottles of wine and snacks that they had brought with them. They walked through to the garden, and Olivia was glad of her straw hat, as it was such a hot day. Olivia recognised people from the last party, and they greeted her warmly. She was thinking that such a lot had happened since that party. Olivia had broken up with Jasmine, and a few months later they had got back together, and been away to Cornwall. Jasmine's friends were so pleased that they were back together, as Jasmine had been in such a state after they had broken up. There were a couple of women who had hoped that they might have a chance with Jasmine, but she hadn't been in a place to be with someone else. Then suddenly Jasmine had met Chloe, although that had been pretty short lived, once Olivia was back in her life.


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