Citrus Blossom

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Citrus Blossom Page 17

by Sarah Pond

  The garden was beautiful, with a big lawn, and a large patio where the barbecue was set up. There was a long table with check table cloths, which had bowls of salad, fruit, cream and an array of drinks. There was also a big jug of Pimm's and lemonade, and another of fruit punch. Jasmine and Olivia had a very relaxed day, idly chatting, and just laying in the sun. Jasmine was catching up with a group of friends, and Phoebe came over to talk to Olivia. 'I hear Jasmine had a fabulous time with you in Cornwall. I've never seen her so happy.'

  Olivia smiled, 'Yes, it was really lovely. We didn't get much time to ourselves, though, as we stayed at my parents. I didn't have my own place until I moved to London.'

  Phoebe asked, 'Does your family know that you and Jasmine are an item?'

  'Not yet. I need to speak with them. I'll have to go down there, speak with them in person. I'm not sure how to broach it, really. I've never had a relationship with a woman before, this is all so new to me. I'm not sure what to do,' Olivia looked concerned.

  Phoebe smiled, 'Well, there isn't a manual unfortunately! It's always best to be yourself. If you are true to yourself, you can't go wrong. I'm not saying it's not difficult, but sometimes the best things are worth fighting for. When the time comes, you'll know what to do.'

  Olivia looked at Phoebe, 'Thank you.'

  'Any time. Now, go and help yourself to some more food.' Olivia got up to look for Jasmine.

  Jasmine was talking to Susan, over by the table where the food and drinks were laid out. Susan noticed that Jasmine kept looking over to where Olivia was sitting, chatting with Phoebe. They had been talking about work, as Olivia walked over to join them. 'Hi,' said Jasmine, kissing Olivia. 'Olivia, this is Susan, I don't think you've met. Susan, meet Olivia.'

  They shook hands. Susan thought that it was so sweet, how Jasmine couldn't take her eyes off of Olivia. She thought to herself how lucky Olivia was, and what she wouldn't give to be with Jasmine. She wondered whether Olivia realised how lucky she was. The three of them chatted for a long time, and then they went to get some more food. They took their plates and sat on the grass to eat. Susan saw a friend arrive, and excused herself. Jasmine noticed Olivia smiling as she walked away. Jasmine asked her what she was thinking. 'Have you known Susan long?'

  Jasmine thought for a moment, 'I'm not sure, maybe a year or so, I met her here at one of Phoebe and Fran's parties. Why?'

  Olivia laughed, 'I think she wants in your pants!'

  Jasmine laughed, 'No way.'

  'Yep, she was so flirty with you, fluttering her eyelashes,' Olivia nudged Jasmine playfully.

  'Well, maybe she had something in her eye. I'm yours and yours alone.'

  Jasmine leaned forward to kiss Olivia, who kissed her back eagerly, until someone said that they would throw water over them. More people were arriving, and Jasmine said that she would go and get some more drinks. Olivia stayed sitting on the grass, watching as Jasmine walked over to the table, collected a couple of glasses, and reached for the fruit punch. Whilst she was pouring the drinks, Jasmine heard a couple of women talking. They were wondering who was the girl in the denim shorts and straw hat, sitting on the grass on her own, as they had not seen her before. 'She is gorgeous, and those legs, they go all the way up! I wish she'd move her hat so I could see her eyes.'

  Jasmine smiled to herself, and as she walked past the women, she said, 'They're green, and they're gorgeous!' and headed back over to Olivia with their drinks.

  The women looked at each other, embarrassed, and laughed. Jasmine told Olivia what she had just heard. Olivia said, no way, they can't have done. Jasmine replied, 'You may have not realised it, but you are a beautiful person. Also, you are sweet, kind and passionate. Not to mention you have fabulous tits!'

  Olivia laughed out loud. Again, she thought about how outrageous Jasmine could be.

  It was now after ten, and most people had left. Those who remained had moved some chairs into a circle near the remaining warmth from the barbecue. Olivia was teasing Jasmine about Susan flirting with her, and Jasmine brushed it off again. Phoebe said, 'Actually, she does fancy you something rotten, but everyone knows you only have eyes for Olivia. She realised that it's a lost cause, and is dating Samantha now. Probably best not to mention that to Samantha, by the way!'

  Olivia was feeling tired now. It had been really hot, and at the end of a busy week, she was ready to go home. She and Jasmine said their goodbyes and thank you's and headed home. On the way, she said that she had really enjoyed herself, and that she had had a good chat with Phoebe. Jasmine asked her what they had talked about, and Olivia said that she knew she was going to have to have a chat with her family, and Phoebe had been helpful, and told her to just be herself. She decided that she would speak to them soon, although the thought of it made her nervous.


  Once work had quietened down, Olivia arranged to go and visit her parents for a few days in September. She thought that it would be best to go alone, and said that she would call Jasmine when she arrived. Olivia was feeling really nervous, but now that she had made the decision, she just wanted to get things out in the open, and tell everyone about her and Jasmine. She decided that she would talk to her parents first, alone. She arrived home on the Saturday, and she had just had dinner with her parents. Ella had noticed that her daughter didn't quite seem herself, and asked whether she was alright. Olivia took a deep breath, 'Mum, Dad, there's something I need to talk to you about. I'm not quite sure the best way, so I guess I'll just start. As you know, I met Jasmine when I got the job in London. We all get on really well at work, as you know. Well, um, I don't really know how to tell you...'

  Ella touched Olivia's arm, 'Darling, you know you can talk to us about anything,' and smiled, although she was getting concerned, wondering if something had gone wrong at work.

  Olivia continued, 'Well, the thing is, Jasmine and I became very close.'

  Ella said, 'Yes, I know when you were both here, you seemed to be very good friends.'

  Olivia took another deep breath, 'Well, we became very, very close,' she paused, her heart beating so fast and heavy in her chest, this was really hard. 'Well, we, we've become rather more than friends, actually.'

  Ella looked at her daughter, not sure if she was following where the conversation was going.

  'Well, um, she's my girlfriend.'

  Phew, at last. Olivia felt so relieved to say the words out loud, and she now felt really worried about her parents' reaction. Ella and Steve looked at her, then each other. They didn't know what to say. Eventually, Steve said, 'But you were with Liam. Do you like women now?'

  Olivia paused, then said, 'I like Jasmine. Not women, just Jasmine.'

  Ella looked at Olivia, 'Are you happy?'

  Olivia beamed, 'Yes, happier than I've ever been. I love her, and she loves me.'

  Ella and Steve looked at each other again. Olivia said, 'Look, I know this is a bit of a shock. It came as a shock to me too, actually. We went out for a few months and I broke it off, because I couldn't quite come to terms with it. At that time, Liam was in London, and we were spending lots of time together. I wanted it to work with Liam, but it just didn't. I did date this really cute guy, Will. He broke it off with me because he knew I was in love with someone else. Then finally, I had to admit it to myself, I was in love with Jasmine. We got back together not long after my birthday.' Olivia sat back in her chair.

  Ella looked at her daughter, 'So you were together when she came here to stay?' Olivia looked wide eyed at her Mum, wondering what she was going to say. 'Why didn't you say something at the time?'

  'I didn't know how to, and I wasn't ready to tell anyone, to be honest.'

  Ella smiled, 'Well, that is about the last thing that I thought you'd ever say, but I know when you were here together in the summer, you were both very happy, running around like children! If you're happy, then that's all that matters.'

  'Oh, Mum.' Olivia got up and hugged her Mum, and a tear ran down her face.

  She looked at her Dad, and he said, 'I feel the same as your Mum, if you're happy... Jasmine is a lovely girl.'

  Olivia hugged them tightly, telling them how much she loved them. She said that tomorrow she would talk to her friends and Ben, but that now she was so tired, she was going ring Jasmine, then have a bath and go to bed.

  Jasmine had been thinking about Olivia all day, although she knew that she wouldn't arrive at her parents until the afternoon. Olivia had sent a text saying that she was nearly there, and that she would ring when she had spoken to her parents. Jasmine popped out in the morning to go food shopping, to keep herself busy. In the afternoon, there was a Doris Day film on television, which she watched with Rocky curled up on her lap, purring contentedly. After dinner, she was relieved when the phone rang, and she heard Olivia's voice. Olivia sounded excited and relieved, and until now, Jasmine hadn't realised how tense she had been. She let out her breath slowly, and let her lungs fill with air again. Olivia was saying that her parents were surprised, but very supportive. Jasmine loved hearing how happy Olivia was, and felt a tear run down her face. After chatting for a while, Olivia said that she was going to have a bath and go to bed, as she was exhausted. Jasmine put the phone down, and gave Rocky a big hug. She couldn't wait for Olivia to come home, and didn't know how she would manage to wait a whole week without seeing her.

  Olivia awoke on Sunday morning to the smell of a cooked breakfast. She walked into the kitchen, rubbing her eyes. Ella said, 'Good morning darling, I was just about to wake you, it's gone eleven.'

  'Really? Well, I was so tired, physically and emotionally. I was so worried about telling you and Dad about me and Jasmine yesterday,' Olivia sat down at the table to eat.

  Ella sat down opposite her daughter, 'Well, as I say, as long as you're happy, I'm happy. But I am a bit curious as to how it happened.'

  Olivia smiled, 'Actually, it was all rather romantic. It turned out that Jasmine had liked me for ages, and wasn't going to say anything, then one day it just happened. I was very surprised to say the least, and I was also confused. But I couldn't deny how I felt about her. Like I said yesterday, I spent some time with Liam, then dated Will, but I just knew it was Jasmine that I wanted to be with.'

  Ella said that Ben was going to pop in that morning, and Olivia felt nervous again. Ella said she was sure he would be okay. When Ben arrived about an hour later, he kissed and hugged Olivia. The conversation was very similar to the previous night's, and just like Ella had said, it was all fine. After they had a general catch up about work and Ben and Tina's wedding plans, Ben said, 'Huh, I've just remembered something that Liam said to me when you were down here with Jasmine. He told me that he had seen you and Jasmine on the beach, and it looked like... but I told him he was imagining things.'

  Olivia felt her cheeks go bright red, 'But we didn't do anything, he can't have seen anything.'

  Ben said, 'Don't worry about it, he didn't see anything. He had an impression of something, and I said no, he must have got it wrong. He was still carrying a torch for you.'

  Olivia calmed down, and said that today she was going to be speaking to her friends.

  Olivia walked into the cafe, and was feeling really nervous. Becky leaped up when she saw Olivia, and they hugged. Becky was really pleased that Olivia was on her own this time, so they would get more time together. Dan went and ordered their drinks and they all sat down again. Liam asked whether Olivia was okay, she seemed a bit worried. Ah well, moment of truth, she thought.

  'There is something I need to talk to you about, actually. It's about me and Jasmine. We've been working together since last summer, as you know. As you also probably know, we've become very close friends.' Olivia hesitated, she was feeling so nervous, and her heart was thumping so hard in her chest. 'I don't really know how to say this, other than to just come out and say it. We spent a lot of time together, and became very close. Over time, things developed. And, um, well, we started a relationship. Jasmine is my girlfriend. I just thought that you all should know.'

  Liam looked flabbergasted, 'Bloody hell, I wasn't imagining things.'

  Becky said, 'What do you mean? Did you know something about this?'

  Liam said, 'Back in the summer, I saw them on the beach, and it looked like, I don't know, I didn't actually see anything.'

  Becky looked shocked, 'I don't believe it, Jasmine. Since when are you gay, what the fuck.'

  Olivia said, 'Look, I didn't plan it, it just kind of happened.'

  Becky said, 'Oh, so if I had said to you, I fancy you, you and I would be together would we?'

  Olivia sighed, 'No, of course not. When you met Dan, you just knew that you wanted to be with him. Jasmine is amazing, and although it took me a while to get my head around it, I am in love with her, it's as simple as that. I just wanted you guys to know, I didn't want it to be a secret any more.'

  Becky looked hurt, 'So, when you were both here in the summer, you were already together?'

  Olivia hesitated as she looked at Becky, 'Yes.'

  Becky got up, 'I need some fresh air, I have to go,' and left.

  Dan got up too, saying, 'She'll come around. She found it hard in the summer when she didn't get to spend much time with you. Look, I'm going to go and find her, I'll see you later.'

  Olivia couldn't believe it, she really hadn't expected Becky to act like that. Becky knew how Olivia felt about Liam, so that wasn't the issue. Olivia looked at Liam, and he seemed lost for words. Eventually, Olivia said, 'I'm sorry about this, but I had to tell you guys. We've had some ups and downs, but Jasmine and I are together now.'

  Liam looked at Olivia, and smiled, 'Jasmine is one lucky girl.'

  Olivia smiled back, and they started chatting. Olivia asked about Lucy, from the gallery. Liam said that Becky had been trying to get them together. He thought she was very nice, and he was thinking about asking her out. Olivia was thrilled for him, and asked lots of questions. He said that he didn't want to rush into anything, after being with Olivia for such a long time. They spent about an hour together, and Olivia was relieved that things seemed to be okay between them. Olivia thanked Liam for staying and chatting with her, then they went their separate ways.

  Olivia went back home, and rang Jasmine. Jasmine was thrilled to hear from her, and asked her how it was all going. Olivia explained that her family were very supportive, and happy for her. Her friends were a different matter, though. Becky in particular was struggling with the news. 'I've tried calling her, but she won't answer. Dan said to give her some time. I guess it was a bit of a shock, but I expected if there was going to be a problem, it would have been with my parents if anything.'

  Jasmine said, 'Oh, you poor thing. I wish I was there with you. I'm sure that Becky will come around. When I came out, I had some issues with friends too. People often don't like it when you change, they seem to see it as a threat somehow.'

  Olivia asked what had happened with her friends. Jasmine continued, 'Well, I was meeting new people a lot anyway, so I guess my circle of friends did change over time. Some friends couldn't accept my lifestyle, so over time I moved on. If they didn't like my lifestyle choices, there wasn't anything I could do about it. Not that it was a choice, it's just that until I came out, they just didn't know.'

  Olivia said, 'But I haven't changed, I am still the same person, surely Becky can see that.'

  Jasmine really felt for Olivia. From her vantage point and experience, she could see that Becky was struggling with jealousy and also the changes that had been happening. Becky's best friend had moved a long way away, and now she had fallen in love. Becky probably felt like she was losing Olivia, and she knew how that felt. Jasmine was sure that Becky would come around in time. After chatting for a while longer, they said their goodbyes. Olivia said, 'I love you.'

  'I love you too. Ring me any time,' said Jasmine, and they hung up their phones.

  Ella came home to see Olivia sitting morosely at the table. She asked her what was the matter, and Olivia told
her Mum how Becky had responded to her news. Ella gave her daughter a hug, saying that she was sure Becky would get over it sooner or later. 'Becky does come over quite a bit to chat with me and your Dad. She has been like a sister to you, and she misses you so much. Give her some time, it's just been a bit of a shock, that's all.'

  Olivia hugged her Mum, crying, 'Thanks Mum, you're so great.'

  It had now been three days since Olivia had spoken to Becky. Becky hadn't returned any of her calls, so Olivia decided to go to the gallery. When Becky saw Olivia, she asked Lucy to take over, and they went out the back, to the staff area. Olivia said, 'I'm going home tomorrow, so I just wanted to say goodbye. I really wanted to be able to talk to you, and I know my news was a bit of a shock.'

  'That's putting it mildly,' Becky said sulkily.

  Olivia looked at Becky, 'You're my best friend, nothing will change that. I'm going to go now, but you know you can call me any time.'

  Olivia hugged Becky awkwardly, then left the gallery. She decided to go for a walk on the beach, she found that it was always a good place to go when she needed to clear her head. She thought about when she had brought Jasmine here, and them dancing and laughing on the sand. In that moment, she missed Jasmine so much. Taking her phone out of her pocket, she dialled Jasmine's number. 'Hey you, how are you doing?' Jasmine asked.


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