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Citrus Blossom

Page 21

by Sarah Pond

  She began undoing Olivia's top very slowly, as if she was unwrapping a gift, kissing gently down Olivia's body. Olivia was already tingling with anticipation, and arched her back as she felt Jasmine's fingers running down her body.

  It was an hour or so later when Jasmine looked over at the clock. They had drifted off to sleep, and Jasmine stroked the side of Olivia's face. 'Hey you, wake up, we've got to get ready. We've got Phoebe and Fran's new year party this evening,' and she kissed Olivia.

  They got up, showered and dressed. Jasmine wore her long black satin halter neck dress, with stunning blue glass drop earrings and a matching necklace. Olivia wore her green dress, which Jasmine loved on her.

  Arriving at Phoebe and Fran's place, they hugged and kissed each other welcome. Jasmine took the bottles of wine that they had brought with them through to the kitchen. Then they made their way into the lounge. There were fairy lights strung around, soft lighting and music was playing. The table with the buffet on it had been pushed to one side, to make space for people to dance. Jasmine and Olivia recognised a few people from the barbecue in the summer, and said hello. Then Jasmine noticed the woman who had been eyeing up Olivia at the barbecue, wondering what colour her eyes were. Jasmine introduced herself, and the woman shook her hand, 'Hi, I'm Sylvie. This is Jenna.' Jasmine introduced Olivia, who smiled and shook hands with Jenna and Sylvie. Sylvie said, 'I love your dress, Olivia.'

  Olivia blushed, and thanked her. Jasmine smiled cheekily, 'It brings out her eyes, don't you think?' and looked at Sylvie, giving her a wink. Sylvie blushed.

  Jasmine and Olivia went to dance, and on one of the slower numbers, Phoebe noticed the rings on their left hands. She nudged Fran, who raised her eyebrows. When they walked over to get a drink, Phoebe asked, 'Is there something you wanted to tell us?' Jasmine looked nonplussed.

  'The rings?' said Phoebe.

  Jasmine smiled, 'Oh, yes. I bought it for Olivia as a Christmas present. And Olivia gave this one to me. Olivia has moved in with me.'

  'Congratulations,' Phoebe hugged both of them.

  As midnight approached, everyone started the countdown, and then cheered, kissed and hugged each other. Jasmine whispered in Olivia's ear, 'Happy new year, I love you.'

  'I love you too,' and they kissed, getting lost in one another, and danced into the early hours.

  Jasmine loved living with Olivia, and waking up with her every morning was divine. She couldn't remember ever being this happy. Going back to work, Jasmine and Olivia happily walked along side by side, smiling at each other. When they got to work, Jasmine went to her office, and Olivia sat at her desk. When Laura arrived, they caught up about their Christmas and new year celebrations. Then Olivia told Laura that she had moved in with Jasmine, and Laura congratulated her. At lunch that day, Laura was admiring the ring that Jasmine had bought her. Laura started to say something, then stopped. Olivia asked her what she was going to say. 'Well, it's a bit of a personal question, and really none of my business.'

  Olivia prompted her anyway, saying that she could always not answer her! Laura hesitated, 'Well, I can't help wondering how you ended up with Jasmine.'

  Olivia smiled, 'I wonder that myself sometimes! It was after the first book launch which I helped with. You had just gone home, and Jasmine told me how she felt about me. I was completely gobsmacked. I had never been involved with a woman before, it had never entered my head. We kissed, and then I freaked out and bolted. I was in a bit of a mess that weekend. Partly it was because of the way I felt after that kiss. It was so sexy, and that really confused me. Anyway, I tried to forget about it. Jasmine had been going mad with worry, and kept ringing me, trying to apologise, saying it would never happen again. I just avoided her, until she turned up at home to say sorry. Well seeing her, I don't know, I was just so drawn to her, and I walked over and kissed her.'

  Laura was listening, rapt in the story. 'If she hadn't kissed me, I don't know if anything would have happened, but the way that she makes me feel...' Olivia blushed. 'I found it difficult to get my head around, though, and that's why I broke things off. I felt terrible, but I needed some space. Then I realised what a huge mistake I had made. I thought I had lost her.'

  Laura looked at her friend, 'Well, you certainly make each other very happy. I must confess I did wonder about Jasmine, she's very private about her personal life.'

  'Well, even if you hadn't walked in on us, she was going to tell you and Jason, because we all work together.'

  Laura was blushing, 'I felt awful when I walked in on you both. I could not have been more surprised!'

  'You and me both, we're usually well behaved at work! We thought that we were alone. Anyway, it's good that everyone knows.'

  One evening after work, Jasmine and Olivia were having dinner. Jasmine was saying that she thought it was about time that she had a talk with her Dad. 'I don't know that it will get me anywhere, but I'm going to tell him that we're living together. I'm so sick of him dismissing what's going on, pretending it's not happening. Once I've told him, it's up to him what he does with that information.'

  Olivia could see the look of determination in Jasmine's eyes. She realised how lucky she had been with the way that her parents had handled her coming out. That weekend, Jasmine went to visit her parents. Grace opened the door, and hugged Jasmine. She asked after Olivia, and Jasmine said that she was well. Jasmine took off her jacket and went into the lounge, where her Dad was sitting, reading the newspaper. 'Hi Dad, how are you?' she walked over to give him a kiss on the cheek.

  He said that he was well, and asked how she was. Grace came into the lounge with some drinks, and they sat down. They made some small talk, but Jasmine couldn't really concentrate, she wanted to get this conversation over with. Jasmine took a deep breath, then said, 'I've got something that I wanted to tell you both. You know that Olivia and I have been together for quite a long time now, well, she's moved in with me. We're living together.'

  Henry made a huffing noise, threw his paper to the floor, and went to get up. Jasmine glared at him, and stood up, saying, 'Sit down, I haven't finished talking.'

  Henry was so shocked, that he did just that. Grace just looked at them both, wondering what on earth was going to happen. Henry's face looked like thunder. Jasmine had never spoken to him in that way before, and now it was like the flood gates opening. 'I'm so fed up of you treating me like an itinerant teenager. Just pretending something isn't happening doesn't make it okay. I've been gay for as long as I can remember, it's not something I can put in a box, and nor can you. It's not a choice I made, either. It's who I am. I thought that by keeping my sexuality secret from everyone except my close friends, it was because it was no one else's business, which is true to a point. What I hadn't realised, is that by playing along with your ridiculous game, I was denying myself who I am. Meeting Olivia, she's such a truthful, free person, that's when I realised that I was putting myself in a box. Not because of my privacy, but because I was trying to hide that part of me. I'm not going to do that anymore. Olivia is the most honest, open, beautiful person that I've ever met. Through knowing her, I'm learning to be myself. I'm madly in love with her, I'm happier than I've ever been, and I want to spend the rest of my life with her. If you don't accept me for that, that is your choice.'

  Jasmine sat down, breathing heavily. It felt so good to at last express what had been building up inside her for so many years. Grace was still watching wide eyed. She admired her daughter, and had no idea how Henry would react. Jasmine had never faced up to Henry like that. Henry looked at Jasmine with steely eyes. 'You have made yourself very clear. Now, I wish to go to my study, please excuse me.'

  He got up, walked across the room, and left, closing the door behind him. Grace went over to sit next to Jasmine, putting her arm around her. 'Well, do you feel better for that?' she laughed.

  Jasmine turned towards Grace, 'Mum, I just had to say something. What he does with it is up to him. At least I've said my bit.'

  Grace hugged h
er daughter, 'Congratulations on moving in together. Olivia is a lovely girl.'

  'Thanks, Mum.' Jasmine said that she was going to leave now, she wanted to get back home.

  Olivia heard the key in the front door, and looked up as Jasmine arrived home. She was anxious to hear about what had happened. 'How was it?'

  Jasmine took off her coat, and sat down next to Olivia, 'A bit brutal.'

  'Who for, you or your Dad?'

  Jasmine smiled, and told Olivia everything that had happened. When she had finished, Olivia said, 'Well, good for you.'

  Jasmine admitted that she felt so much better for getting her feelings off of her chest. She had expected that her Dad wouldn't take the news well, but at least he had stayed long enough for her to say what she had wanted to, for the first time in her life. 'It was very cathartic. I've decided that I'm not going to hide who I am anymore, from anyone.' Looking at Olivia, she said, 'I wanted to thank you. You've given me the confidence to be myself.'

  Olivia replied, 'I always thought that you were a very confident person. You've always seemed so bold and in control.'

  'In control isn't confidence, though. Actually, it's probably the opposite. Letting go, although it feels a bit scary, is also exhilarating. I feel that now, I can truly be me, and it's though you, living your own truth, that I've been able to see that.'

  Olivia didn't know what to say. See looked at the earnest expression on Jasmine's face, and leaned in to kiss her.

  Jasmine and Olivia had settled in together very well. They got together regularly with Emma and Matt. Emma said that she missed Olivia, but was glad that she was happy. Emma said, 'Actually, Matt and I have been thinking about him moving in with me, but we haven't decided for sure yet.'

  'Well, that sounds great. You two are so good together, and I can highly recommend it.'

  'I know, I can see how happy you are.'

  One evening, Olivia was chatting with Jasmine about going to Cornwall for a long weekend to get fitted for her bridesmaids dress for Ben and Tina's wedding, which was now only a few weeks away. She said that if she went on a Friday, she could be back home on a Monday, ready for work on Tuesday. Olivia arranged the date, and booked her train ticket.

  When it was time for Olivia to catch her train, Jasmine hugged her, saying, 'I'll miss you, call me when you get there. Send my love to everyone.'

  Olivia kissed her, 'I'll miss you too.'

  Jasmine waved Olivia off, and set off to work. Tomorrow would be Saturday, and Jasmine had planned to spend the day with Phoebe. Fran was going to be out for the day, and with Olivia away, they decided to get together, something they didn't do very often these days.

  Saturday arrived, and Jasmine and Phoebe decided to go shopping, and have lunch out. In the afternoon, they went to Camden Lock market, somewhere that they used to go a lot when they were dating all those years ago. Phoebe asked whether Jasmine had brought Olivia to Camden Lock. 'No, I haven't yet, although I'm sure that she would love it here.'

  'You two seem very happy. Are you enjoying living together?' Phoebe asked.

  'Yes, it's great. I'm so happy.'

  Phoebe smiled at her friend, and Jasmine noticed a look in her eyes, almost of sadness.

  Back at Jasmine's after dinner, they were drinking coffee, and Phoebe said, 'Oh, you were telling me about the painting that you bought in Cornwall, on your first visit. I'd love to see it.'

  'Yes, it's in our bedroom, come and have a look.'

  Phoebe followed Jasmine upstairs, and they stood back to admire the painting. Jasmine said, 'It's beautiful, isn't it. It really captures the spirit of the place.'

  Phoebe turned around, kissing Jasmine full on the mouth. Jasmine pulled back, shocked, 'Shit, what the hell are you doing?'

  'I've been wanting to kiss you all day. I hardly get to spend any time with you alone. I can't stop thinking about you.'

  'What the hell are you talking about? What about Fran?'

  'I do love Fran, but I think I'm in love with you.'

  Jasmine sat back on the bed, trying to take this in. Phoebe made a move towards her, and Jasmine pushed her away. 'No, no way. What is going on?'

  Jasmine couldn't believe what was happening. Phoebe looked at Jasmine, 'I don't think I should have let you go all those years ago. You were madly in love with me, I don't know what happened.'

  Jasmine replied, 'I do. You fell in love with Fran. You two are meant to be together.'

  'Most of the time, things are good, and other times, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't feel the same as I did. But when I see you, I think of what could have been. I had to tell you how I feel about you.'

  Jasmine put her head in her hands, then looked up at Phoebe, 'Shit, you've really got to talk to Fran. Relationships do change over time, it's natural. You need to sort out whether you want to be with Fran or not, but you won't do that by jumping into another relationship, and certainly not with me. I love you as a friend, but that's all. We were together over ten years ago, we're long finished. And I love Olivia, and I've never been happier.'

  Phoebe looked at Jasmine, then started to laugh. Jasmine looked confused, then Phoebe started to cry, and Jasmine sat down on the bed next to her. 'I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking. Please forgive me.'

  Jasmine put her arm around Phoebe, 'It's okay, just forget about it.'

  Phoebe turned to hug Jasmine, crying into her shoulder. Then she looked up at Jasmine, and went to kiss her again. Jasmine jumped up, 'I think you ought to leave.'

  She stood up and went downstairs to get Phoebe's coat. Phoebe walked slowly down the stairs, and put her coat on, without saying anything. As she opened the front door, Jasmine said, 'I don't want to talk about this again.'

  Phoebe simply said, 'Sorry,' and she left.

  Jasmine watched her walk down the road, then she closed the front door, and leaned against it, breathing a sigh of relief. Fuck, where the hell did that come from. Jasmine walked back in to the lounge to finish her coffee, and sat down in the armchair. She replayed what had just happened in her head, and still couldn't believe it. Why now, after all these years. Poor Fran, she thought, I wonder if she knows anything. Should she tell Olivia? Jasmine thought back to how Olivia had reacted when she had found out that she used to date Phoebe, she had been very upset about it. Jasmine decided that she would wait and see, and if there was an appropriate moment, she might broach it. Jasmine had no interest in Phoebe whatsoever, and Olivia didn't see Phoebe and Fran unless she was with Jasmine, so that shouldn't be a problem.

  Phoebe made her way back home, feeling upset and frustrated. She didn't know why she had acted like she had, she should have spoken to Jasmine, explained her feelings. Not that it would have made any difference, Jasmine only wanted to be with Olivia, that much was clear. Since Jasmine had been with Olivia, it had reminded Phoebe of what she was like when they were first together. They had been so happy, so in love. Then Phoebe fell for Fran, and for years she had been happy staying friends with Jasmine. She did love Fran, but being around Jasmine in love, seeing the glow in her face, it had reminded Phoebe of what it was like when they were together. Phoebe unlocked the front door, and after hanging up her coat, she walked into the lounge, and saw Fran. 'Oh, hi. I didn't realise you'd be back yet.'

  Fran smiled, 'Well, it's well past eleven now. Did you have a good day with Jasmine?'

  'Yes thanks. I'm really tired, I'm going to go to bed now.'

  Phoebe disappeared, and Fran thought that she didn't seem quite herself. About half an hour later, Fran went to get changed for bed. She brushed her teeth, and as she got into bed next to Phoebe, she could hear Phoebe crying.

  Fran leaned over, touching Phoebe's shoulder, 'Hey, what's up?' Phoebe just shook her head, she didn't want to talk.

  Jasmine met Olivia at the station on Monday afternoon. 'I'm so pleased that you're home, did you have a good journey?'

  'Yes thanks, I really missed you. Mum and Dad send their love.'

  'Would you like to eat
out this evening or at home?'

  Olivia looked at Jasmine, with yearning in her eyes, 'Home, please. I don't think that I can wait though a whole meal before I get my hands on you!'

  Jasmine's stomach clenched with anticipation, and they headed home. As they got inside and closed the door, Olivia dropped her bags and grabbed Jasmine, kissing her long and full on the mouth. Jasmine responded eagerly, and they hastily pulled off their coats and shoes, and Jasmine led Olivia upstairs. Olivia undid Jasmine's blouse, and slid it off. She kissed her bare shoulders, and up her neck, whilst running her fingers all over Jasmine's body. Jasmine's skin tingled in response to Olivia's touch, she wanted her so badly. Jasmine unbuttoned Olivia's jeans, and slid them down her hips. Then she undid her own trousers and stepped out of them, whilst Olivia took off her jumper and bra. Jasmine whispered in Olivia's ear, 'I'm so wet for you.'

  Olivia ran her hands down Jasmine's body, then dropped down to her knees and kissed Jasmine just where she yearned for it the most. 'Oh my god, that feels so good, ah.'

  Olivia ran her hands over Jasmine's stomach and bottom, whilst she expertly built up the pressure and made Jasmine come, her legs weakening as she let go. Jasmine fell back on to the bed, and Olivia leaned over her, kissing her passionately. Jasmine began kissing down Olivia's body, and those fabulous tits that she couldn't get enough of. Jasmine said hoarsely, 'Fuck, you are so sexy,' and rolled Olivia onto her side, so that she was behind her. Then she slid her hand under her bottom, stroking her gently, then Olivia could feel Jasmine's fingers inside her. Olivia closed her eyes as she gave in to the sensuous feelings, and Jasmine kissed Olivia's back whilst working her magic, causing Olivia to sigh and groan with pleasure. Oh, yes, it was good to be home.

  A couple of days later, Fran finally got Phoebe to talk. 'I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry,' Phoebe was crying.

  Fran was worried, 'Sorry about what. I know something is wrong, but I have no idea what it is. You were upset when you came home Saturday night. Is it something to do with Jasmine?'


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