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Deviant Knights

Page 13

by Alexandra O'Hurley

  “Like?” Kadence looked at him innocently, but he felt the hint of her ire. She wanted to torment him a bit. He could see it in her eyes. And she deserved to after what he’d done to her.

  “You’re going to make this hard, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, perhaps a little.”

  “Saying you weren’t the one. I was wrong.”

  “So now you think I am? Because I got hurt?”

  “Because you cared enough to attempt to save me.”

  She pursed her lips a little, he thought to hide a smile. “I had to get hurt for you to finally trust me?”

  The words were on the tip of his tongue. It felt like acid dripped there and he didn’t want to say the words. “I didn’t tell you everything about my time—with Paloma. She—tortured—me. She—”

  “I can see it on your face. You don’t have to relive it. Unless you need to.”

  “I’ve never spoken them aloud, to anyone. I think it’s well past time I did.”

  Kadence took a deep breath, as if she was readying herself to hear what he had to say. “What did she do to you?”

  “She wooed me, seduced me into her bed. She made me wish to have a future. And then she fucked my torturer as I was forced to watch, cut into bits as they laughed at me. That was when I wasn’t beaten and maimed. By the time Thierry and Gabriel saved me from that hellhole, I barely knew my own name.”

  “When was this?”

  “The Spanish Inquisition.”

  Kadence’s eyes rounded as she looked at him. “So, like iron maiden and the rack kind of torture?”

  “Something along those lines, yes.”

  “We are going to hunt her down and make her pay.”

  Michel chuckled inwardly. Even a sword piercing her chest wasn’t stopping her. “No, you’re not going to get involved, any more than you have to. I can’t—”

  He couldn’t vocalize the fear he’d felt, the words just choked in his throat. If she’d died, he wasn’t sure he would have held on to his last shreds of sanity.

  “You can’t, what?” Tears glimmered in her eyes. He knew she sensed what he was about to say, but she wanted to hear the words. And after everything he’d said to her before this moment, she deserved to hear them. No matter how hard they were for him to say.

  “I can’t—I can’t—lose you.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Kadence looked into Michel’s eyes and saw the raw emotion facing her. He was letting her in. The walls were caving and she could finally see the vulnerability in him. He was afraid she wouldn’t accept him after he’d turned away from her.

  But she’d known he’d needed to walk away from what had happened. His nerves had been raw, cut open, and on display for all to see. He’d needed time for those to heal over, to be able to face what came next.

  Her eyes drifted to Gabriel’s. He stood against the far wall, a look of utter disappointment on his face. Did he think she was going to choose Michel over him? Would she?

  Gabriel had been the constant. He hadn’t walked away when things had gotten hard. He’d protected her, soothed her. He was her dream man.

  Michel was the broken man, the one she wanted to be able to save. He deserved such love, a woman to fill the empty spots Paloma had cut from him. She wanted to be that woman.

  How could she decide between them? How unfair was fate to put these two perfectly imperfect men in her path and expect her to choose? She wanted them for completely different reasons, and there was no comparing the two.

  She hadn’t seen this in any of her dreams. But now she wondered about those nightly reveries she’d had of Gabriel. There had always been that “something” on the edges of her dreams. What did it mean?

  Michel looked to her, hope shimmering on his face. Her eyes looked again to Gabriel, though he averted his eyes as if unable to gaze into hers.

  She wrapped her arms around Michel, pulling him close. “You won’t lose me. I’m here.”

  Before she could turn to Gabriel, she heard the door open. Gabriel’s back was through the frame before she could open her mouth. “Wait! Gabriel! Where are you going?”

  Gabriel peeked back through the open door, an angry set to his shoulders.

  “I know you wanted me to choose. I have chosen. You were both willing to share from day one. Why stop now?”

  Gabriel’s mouth dropped. “To share a woman for a night or two, sure. Indefinitely? That’s absurd.”

  “Don’t make me choose, Gabriel.”

  Her Spaniard dipped his head, not looking at either of them as he stood framed in the doorway. Kadence felt her breath catch in her lungs. She didn’t want to push either man away. Gambling her future, she realized it was now all or nothing. They would either accept her proposition, or she’d be lost and alone without either of the larger than life personalities she’d already grown to crave.

  “I want you with a depth I’ve never felt. But this—”

  “Is asking a lot. I know. But you’re both a part of my life. I have feelings for you both, and you’re asking me to make a difficult decision. One made even more difficult by the fact we don’t know what tomorrow brings. Michel is your best friend. He’s stood at your side for years. You’ve both shared me already. I’m only asking for it to continue.”

  “Until what?” Michel had been silent up until now.

  “I can’t answer that. It’s too soon. But, I know I want to see what tomorrow brings—with you both.”

  She held out her hand to Michel, holding her breath, hoping he would accept her proposal. He eyed her fingers warily, before finally clutching her hand in his and pulling himself into the bed beside her. He nuzzled her neck as she moved her gaze to Gabriel.

  An envious light lit his eyes. He wanted her; she could see it. He also warred with his inherent sense of right and wrong—this being wrong in his mind.

  “I want you for my own.”

  “I am yours.”

  “And his.”

  “I have enough—”

  “Enough, what?”

  Kadence choked on the words. She knew where this was leading. They had shared too much, seen too much, not to face the fact that they were forever entwined within each other’s lives.

  “I have enough—love—to share with you both.”

  Gabriel visibly softened at her admission.

  “But, I’m making no declaration here. I’m saying that I care for you both deeply. I want to see where this takes us and I need to know you want to follow alongside me.”

  “Agreed. I make no promises. I only agree to this journey to see where it leads.” Gabriel smiled slowly.

  She smiled in return, her body easing at his response, although she instinctively sensed he held back the true wealth of his emotions. She reached to him, a silent request for him to join them, to become part of a whole.

  “You’re well enough to consummate our arrangement?” Michel asked from her side.

  Consummate. It was such a heavy, expectant word. It reminded her of all the dreams she’d had with Gabriel, how close she’d been to pleasure, reaching out in need for so long, only to be denied. Now, she had both these incredibly virile men at her side, ready to give her exactly what she needed, to consummate the relationship they’d just agreed to attempt.

  The men had brought her to such heights of pleasure, run the gambit of emotions. And she knew there would only be more of the same, a roller coaster ride their journey. She still was unsure of what she was, what her future held, but these two strong men would be there at her side to help her find her path.

  “I’ll let you know if I need to stop.”

  Gabriel sauntered into the room, closing the door behind him. He stalked to the bed and crawled in, capturing her lips in a ferocious kiss that nearly stole her breath. He pushed her back into the bed, pressing his hardening cock against her, a massive show of strength and dominance. She played a precarious game with these two strong alpha males. The testosterone alone could kill her.

  But what a
way to go.

  Michel’s pants tented, an affirmation of his desire, his cock straining to reach her. He lowered a hand to it, stroking his dick through the material. Her eyes followed the trail and watched as he gripped his dick through the denim, fascinated with his raw sexuality. He was completely unafraid to touch himself as she watched. And she had to admit to herself that she enjoyed watching him. Watching him masturbate on the train had been one of the most erotic visions she’d ever seen before.

  She saw the lust spread through Michel as he watched Gabriel peel back the sheets and cautiously remove her bra from around her wound, releasing her swollen breasts. Gabriel’s hands plumped the flesh, his mouth fastening on a nipple and pulling it into his mouth. Michel enjoyed watching as well, his breaths coming faster the more he watched Gabriel touch and caress her fevered body.

  Gabriel reached under the sheets and slid her underwear down, the dampness coating them grazing her inner thigh as they moved. She was ready and willing for them both, delayed only by her body, still healing slightly from Paloma’s sword.

  Her eyes moved back to Michel, his wickedly decadent motions enough to make her come on the spot. Seeing him touch himself intensified her longing, and she sighed aloud when he unzipped his pants and freed his cock. The thick hand and strong forearm pumped the shaft, his hands stopping for a moment as he removed his t-shirt, revealing the firmly packed abs that rippled down to his narrow waist.

  He quickly returned to thrusting his shaft into his palm as she watched a pearl of fluid rise to the tip. Her lips quivered with the need to taste his cum, but she’d never experienced that with any man and hesitated now. Michel’s face shined from the light coat of sweat that appeared on his brow, and his lips parted as he began to breathe harder. He was nearing the edge of control and that was where she wanted him.

  A hand swiped over her mound, descending lower through the wetness of her pussy, forcing her eyes downward. Gabriel slid down to lie between her spread thighs, his tongue swirling through the folds of her pussy, his eyes locked with hers as he tasted her. A finger stroked her labia and carried wetness down to her tight bud. Caught up in his caresses, she let her eyes drift closed, her head tumbling back against the fluffy pillows.

  Opening her eyes, she sought out Michel beside her, still stroking his dick. He’d yet to touch her and she needed his hands on her aching flesh. She reached out, replacing Michel’s hand on his cock. She thrust the shaft in her palm, rejoicing in the feel of the supple skin covering the hard, engorged organ.

  She pulled him closer, bringing him up on his knees beside her. She then lapped at the springy, plum-shaped head with her tongue, whirling it around the tip that held a pearly drop. Covering the slit, she scooped his essence up, swallowing his flavor. His taste was musky and slightly salty, and all male. Kadence eased her tongue down the entire length and back up again, capturing him between her lips and sucking as much of him as she could into her mouth. The head of his cock bumped the back of her throat and she could take no more. His stifled groan told her of his appreciation.

  Michel gathered her head in one hand, winding his fingers into her coppery tresses. He held her to him and thrust his hips leisurely. He set the speed he wanted, slowly moving his cock, the strangled groans coming from his chest making her smile around his dick. She’d rarely done this with a lover, but he seemed to have no complaints about her lack of experience. Gabriel continued to taste her pussy, his fingers spreading her open, spearing into her cunt, her ass, readying her for their dual invasion.

  The scent and taste of Michel was overwhelming, his thick cock aggressively pushing her lips wide. She caught his balls in her hands, carefully stroking the tender sac in time to the sucking. Gabriel sat, leaning over to capture a nipple in his mouth as he rolled a condom over his shaft and then pressed the tip of his cock to her channel.

  Kadence paused as she felt Gabriel’s long length languidly fill her pussy. She released a moan around Michel’s cock as Gabriel thrust inside her, completely filling her cunt. Both men began to move. The rapid-pulse of their thrusting, combined with Gabriel’s added stroking of her clit, pushed her toward the edge. Soaring, she crested, her frame bowing as she felt surge after surge of her orgasm inundate through her body.

  Michel removed his cock from her mouth as her orgasm slowed. Michel carefully lifted her as Gabriel moved below. Delicately lowered, she felt the tip of his cock at her anus, pressing in gently, lubrication coming from her own juices and the condom that coated his flesh. Hands rubbed along her rib cage as she closed her eyes. Squeezed shut, it allowed her to focus on the sensation in her ass, the friction of a wet cock sliding into her tight bud.

  As the cock was fully settled within her, she opened her eyes to see Michel moving before her, lifting her thighs to wrap around his waist as he navigated the head of his latex-covered cock to her ready cunt. He entered her slowly, his gaze locking on hers as he filled her pussy. Once both men were within her, she realized she felt cherished, complete.

  Kadence knew that she’d wanted them both. They were such polar opposites, yet were so alike in some regard. They were the two pieces that fit her. And she knew she’d go down fighting to keep them in her life.

  The men began to thrust within her, the variation of their precise movements timed perfectly. One would pull back as the other surged forward, the meeting point where the two heads pressed past each other sublime. The men stiffened each time the crowns met; the only thing separating them was the thin barrier of skin between the two channels. Each was like a piston within her, amping her up another degree with each stroke.

  Her clit throbbed in time to her beating heart, which raced with the need spiking it. Gabriel’s tongue swelled over her neck, his hands reaching forward around her ribs to grasp both breasts, tweaking the nipples in his strong fingers. The pinching was almost too hard, enough for her to hiss in pain, enough to make her moan in delight as he released the pebbled flesh. Michel ground his roughened thumb at her core, circling the nub as he pumped into her.

  A sheen of sweat covered Michel’s skin. She watched as a single rivulet coursed down the side of his angular face, dropping to his strong chin. More rivulets slid down his hulking chest and tight abdomen. Gabriel’s firm chest lined her back. Both men were perfect physical specimens, gorgeous, strong men. She watched the graceful sweep of Michel’s body as he rolled his hips into her, the sharp, angular indentations and muscularity infinitely defined in his position.

  These men were made for sex. They drove her over the edge like none other. She could sit for hours and watch the flex and tighten of their frames as they poured themselves into her, giving her everything they had as they fucked her over and over.

  Watching the dance, the ebb and flow of their movements was enough to carry her over the edge. She moaned out her release, the sound echoing in the large bedroom.

  They continued to move within her, their bodies sliding against hers as they moved. Gabriel came soon after her, his cock spasming in her ass, his hands digging into her hips as he rocked violently against her, groaning her name. Michel followed right after, his mouth seeking hers as he exploded in release.

  Her thoughts returned to their physical prowess as they all lay catching their breath. Both men were perfect male specimens, and yes, it delighted the hell out of her. But even more than that, she felt cherished for the first time. They both wanted her to a degree she never thought possible, the connection she shared with them unlike anything she’d ever known.

  It had only been days, but it felt more like a lifetime. Her heart screamed at her that this was the forever kind of love, but she couldn’t say those thoughts out loud. Not yet. For now, she would give as much of herself as she could to both of them and take whatever they had to give in return.

  Chapter Twenty

  Gabriel awoke early the next morning, his eyes taking in the lovely sight before him. Kadence lay nude against his body, her copper hair sprawled out along the pillow, the morning sun setting i
t aflame. Her rolling curves demanded his touch. He refused the call of her tempting body, slowly easing out of the bed and into the bathroom.

  Looking into the mirror, he didn’t think he looked any different than he’d looked the last time he gazed upon his image. Yet he felt so different. A violent storm of emotion whirled within him, his thoughts and feelings warring against one another.

  He desired Kadence. He wanted her for his own. His selfishness shamed him.

  He also knew Michel cared for her, had become a better man in her presence. How could he deny that relationship the chance to blossom?

  What Kadence offered was the best of both worlds. His mind easily understood that. It made perfect sense to open themselves to whatever came. Tomorrow was an unknown. They didn’t even know what they were up against, so why muddy the water further with questioning her love for them both?

  And that was what it was. She loved them both, he could see it in her eyes. No matter how much she tried to deny it, it was love. He’d also seen it on Michel’s face, shining in his eyes, when he’d succumbed to her. He felt it in his own chest when his mind thought of her, when his eyes saw her.

  Opening the French doors in the bathroom, he walked nude out onto the balcony and into the cool German morning. The cool air woke him further, making him feel alive. The Rhine roared below them, the valley beautiful as the sun rose over the mountains.

  His mind continued to meander as he leaned against the railing, watching the violent waters rushing below. Kadence was scared. She had every reason to feel that way. There were no guarantees in their world of bloodshed and war. They were lucky she hadn’t talked about leaving them. Danger surrounded them. Tomorrow could potentially never come for any of them. Precarious was an understatement.

  Yet another reason to accept whatever love they could forge, together.

  “Are you hiding out here?”

  Gabriel looked over his shoulder, seeing Kadence standing in the doorway. “Why would I hide?”

  She floated over the cobbled balcony and into his arms.


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