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All Hail the King: Modern Greek Gods YA/NA Series (Grace of Gods Book 4)

Page 10

by Kyleigh Castronaro

  “Aidan!” Her mouth moved but no noise made its way to me as the wind stole her voice and carried it away down the mountain. She pushed her hair out of her eyes with determination and began to move. She had the sense to get low to avoid giving the wind a larger target to hit, crawling painfully toward me. Her knees were bare in that tiny dress she was wearing, I could only imagine the damage she was doing to them as she made her way toward me.

  It felt like an eternity before her hands touched my feet, holding onto them before taking the rock to brace herself. With one foot in front of the other she stood, holding onto the rock so the wind didn’t carry her small body away.

  “Valentina? What are you doing here?”

  “Saving you!” She reached out, touching my side where the eagle had torn my liver away. I winced inwardly, desperately trying to keep a steel look of bravado on my face.

  “Looks painful,” she said as she looked back at my face, hopefully I gave nothing away.

  “I’ve dealt with worse.”

  “You don’t need to act tough right now Aidan, no one is watching but me and I can tell you that looks extremely painful.” Except I did. The last thing I needed was this teenager knowing I wasn’t tough as nails like I pretended to be. I shrugged, as best as I could in my condition, and looked at her nonchalantly.

  “Only mildly painful.” She looked like she wanted to slap me or stick her finger in the wound if only to prove her point but good sense stopped her.

  “C’mon, we’ve got to get off here and find the others.” The others. My mind returned to the throne room, to the damage they had caused, to Griffin… His betrayal. My eyes flashed with anger and hatred before looking back at her.

  “How did you find me?” They hadn’t announced what my punishment was and I was sure as hell no one had followed me through the portal to this place.

  “I was in the Underworld when the Titans mutinied.” I frowned for a second, shaking my head. I could’ve sworn I saw her at the party last night. Although, Savannah had been looking for her. She wanted to get ready together but the wasn’t able to find her best friend. I told her not to worry, Val would show. I was sure she had, hadn’t she?

  “It’s a long story, I’ll tell you once I’ve gotten you unchained.” She took the chains in her hand and began to tug with all the might her tiny body would give her. But nothing happened, not that I expected it to. Did she not think I had tried? I had been here for twelve hours already, there was nothing else to do but tug at the chains.

  “I’ve tried pulling them,” I tried to remain as nonjudgmental as I could. What were teenagers learning in schools these days?

  “Any other suggestions?” Yes, and now I had a second God here with me, it might work. I nodded my head and closed my eyes, my ribs were aching as they continued to try and stitch themselves back. Being immortal had its perks, like not dying, but the pain didn’t disappear because I was immortal. Oh no, I had to live through it. Curling my hand into a fist like I was holding something I concentrated all my power into it, forcing it to manifest in the shape I wanted.

  I felt the lightning bolt long before I saw the brightness behind my eyelids. I also felt Valentina step away, abandoning her post at my side. The force of the power I held in my hand made my weak body shake and my ribs felt like they were ready to break open and rip apart again.

  “Take it.” I managed to grunt through gritted teeth.

  “I can’t. I don’t have the power to hold it.”

  “Yes, you do. Zeus is Persephone’s dad, he won’t let it hurt her.”

  “How… - How did you know I was Persephone?” This was not the time to talk about this but I opened my eyes anyways to give her a look that hopefully said it all. After all, I was King of the Gods, plus of course, Zeus was going to recognize the vessel of his daughter when he saw it.

  “It was evident Valentina, but everyone was under strict orders to let it play itself out.”

  Something flashed across her face, pain maybe or betrayal, I felt bad instantly but I knew I didn’t have time to throw her a pity party on top of the mountain. We needed to get out of here before the eagle came back.

  “Atlas knew that Hades would kidnap me again? He knew and he forced all of you to let it happen.” My second guess was right. Betrayal.

  “Well, we didn’t know that he would kidnap you and I wouldn’t have let it happen, even if I did know. But Atlas said that certain things needed to happen in order for you to fully ascend to your Goddess. This isn’t the time to discuss it though, take the lightning bolt.” I seemed to get through to her as she reached out and took it, the power and might of the bolt shaking her entire body. “Okay, you should only need to touch it to the chains and they will break.”

  She did as I asked, touching the bolt to the chains as she looked at me with a strange look in her eyes.

  “So, you’re my dad.” I wasn’t sure what she meant by asking, there was some soft kind of longing in her voice that had me questioning what it meant. I was a decade older than her, not old enough to truly be her father and yet there was something in her eyes that almost seemed to beg me to be it anyways.

  “In a way.”

  “My last dad kind of sucked at his job.” The emotions shifted and this time an unmistakable pain and anguish appeared on her features.

  “Apparently, so do I.”

  “You said it yourself, you didn’t know that Hades was going to kidnap me. Besides, it looks like it all worked out for the best.”

  “For now.” She broke the last of the chains and stepped away as I pulled myself out of their shells and twisted my wrists to loosen them. She gave me back to the lightning bolt and I freed my ankles before dropping off the rock. I couldn’t help but look to the sky to make sure the eagle wasn’t on his way back before my numb limbs went out from under me and I slipped to the ground. One hand held the side where the ribs were still healing, the aching echoing through my entire body. When I turned my eyes to her as she spoke, the sun low in the sky illuminated her from behind like a halo and for the first time I saw what everyone else saw in Valentina.

  The memory ended and Hecate let go of my hand and stepped back.

  “You wish for me to take on the form of this child.” I nodded my head and stepped away as well, crossing my arms over my broad chest. This vessel wasn’t nearly in as good shape as I had once been, in fact he was almost scrawny compared to my former self and yet, I had seen the others. Apparently, future mortals took little interest in conveying their power through the sheer size of their muscles.

  “Hades’ vessel fell in love with this child and she died recently, as you know. I believe if we can convince Griffin he is seeing her, he will agree to be with you. It will be your choice whether you reveal your true form to him or not but for now, in his grief, I know this is the only way you will see yourself on the throne by his side.”

  Hecate looked thoughtful for a moment as she considered this before she finally nodded. Truthfully though, she knew she had no other choice. If ruling the Underworld was her desire, she had to play by the rules of its King and right now, Hades was missing his real Queen.

  “Alright.” I looked back at her and before me stood a perfect copy of Valentina. If Aidan were here he would've believed it to be her, she had managed to mimic her voice as was my intention by showing her the memory.

  “Excellent.” I held my arm out to her and smiled deviously. Aidan didn’t have the ability to think about these things, he desired to trick Hecate at the end of the deal but of course, he did not know the witch the way I did. She would not be tricked easily and it was better to play in tandem tha
n double-cross a Goddess, anyone who desired to survive in our world needed to know that.

  “Let’s go find Griffin.”

  Hecate was better suited to manipulate this world than I was and it only took a small amount of magic to navigate our way back to the so-called throne room. It was nothing compared to the glory of my own but if it satisfied my dark-souled brother, then so be it.

  Speaking of the dark one, he was seated on his throne with a bottle precariously balanced on his knee as he watched the souls file by him desperately calling out for relief from this existence. I could never understand how he tolerated these pathetic mortals but he did not seem to be looking at them as his glazed eyes stared vacantly across the room.

  “Had—” I stopped myself, realizing perhaps it was best not to give away Aidan’s lack of control if Hades’ mortal was still in control. “Griffin.” His name echoed around us, amplified by the spirits around us. His eyes turned away from whatever ghosts he was seeing and his eyes widened as he stared at Hecate beside me.

  “How- What- Is-” He spluttered, his thoughts, no doubt, short-circuiting as he tried to make sense of what was going on. Hecate, for her due, played the role perfectly as she left my side and ran to Hades like she was truly the child she appeared to be. Griffin barely had time to get up as he caught her in his arms.

  “You’re real, this is real?” His hands moved up and down her body before cupping her face, staring into her eyes as he found himself incredulous. “It’s not possible, I saw you die,” he whispered, bowing his head so their foreheads were pressed together. In a tender exchange, I stepped forward with only one intention on my mind, to move this all along.

  “This is the Underworld after all Griffin, it is the realm of the dead.” He pulled away from her slightly so he could see me as I spoke before he looked away again. He ignored what I said to cup her face once more and kiss her deeply. Whether this was what Hecate wanted or not, it was what she was getting. It took a bit of effort not to roll my eyes at the display until they finally broke for air.

  “Yes, she is alive, yes, I found her, you’re welcome.” I smirked at him before getting closer, taking her arm and pulling her slightly away from him to refocus them. “But I need her help, she’s seen the side of Asher none of us have. She was telling me on our way here Asher was talking to her about his plans, she is going to help me stop him.”

  “No, it’s too dangerous.” He stepped off the dais and reached for her.

  “Griffin.” I held out my hand, stopping him from getting closer. “I’m not going to let her get hurt again, she’s going to take me to where I’ll be able to corner him and hopefully kill him. She’ll come right back here to you.”

  “I’ll come with you, I’ll help. I want him dead too.”

  “You’re drunk, and if your eyes are any indication, you’re high too. I can’t afford to have to babysit you while I’m trying to fix all this. You need to stay here, when the time is right, you should be here to allow everyone to go through and back to Olympus when it’s safe. You’re needed here, in the Underworld.” He looked torn and whatever it was battling inside of him made no difference to me.

  “Baby,” Hecate stepped forward, laying on the concerned girlfriend a little more thickly than I thought was believable but Griffin bought right into it as she took his hand and kissed his palm. “I want to do this, I want to help. Like Aidan said, as soon as I’ve made sure he is where he needs to be, I’ll come right back to you. We’ll get you sober and we have an eternity together, an eternity of love and happiness.” It was a momentous effort not to roll my eyes and manage a smile instead of a grimace but I did it.

  And Griffin bought it.


  “Good, great. And the first thing you should do is shower because you smell like death and whiskey.” Griffin looked over at me with a glare before glancing back at Hecate, sweeping her hair out of her eyes before kissing her again.

  “Be safe.”

  “I will. I promise.” He nodded and let her go, she could return to my side. With her back to the prince of darkness, she smiled mischievously as if to ask how her performance was. I nodded and set my hand on her back, guiding her back out of the throne room.

  “Don’t forget to shower, Griffin.”

  Chapter 12

  “Where do you want to be sent?”

  “I haven’t figured that out yet. The next thing I must do is go and track down Atlas, he’ll know when Asher was born and where. Once we get information out of him, I’ll be able to tell you.” I looked at her and she had shifted back into her true form.

  “Is that where you’re off to next?”

  “Yes, I’m going to find Atlas and make him pay for his treachery. Not before he tells me where we’re going.”

  “You’re going after Atlas?” I turned to find Hunter and Zane enter the hallway behind us. Zane’s eyes jumped to Hecate and sized her up before flashing a grin that likely tore the panties right off Aphrodite when he wanted it. Hunter arched an eyebrow, “What the hell are you wearing?”

  I looked at my toga, back at Hunter mimicking his expression, “What the hell are you wearing?”

  “Something normal, you look like you’ve stepped out of. What’s with the toga?” I had no idea what he was talking about I ignored him, Animal House carrying on as I brushed his second question off flippantly and replied, “Yes, I am off to find Atlas. He will have information on Asher we need and I think he needs to pay for his lies.”

  “I want to help.”

  “Funny, you are showing your face, Hunter.” I turned to face the vessel of my brother, leveraging him with a cold look.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “You didn’t back me in the throne room yesterday when I was trying to come with a plan and now here you are wanting to help. What’s with the new attitude?”

  “It’s no attitude. I’m in the same boat as you, metaphorically of course. My God is dying without our connection to Olympus and I don’t exactly want to lose this new lease on life I’ve gotten with the whole Olympian thing, I want to help and fix things.”

  “I’m in too.” Zane looked over at me finally, “I like a good fight.”

  “You’ll be helpful anyways, you were a military man in your previous life?”

  “Yeah, special ops overseas.”

  “Good, we’ll need that training to get the information out of Atlas that we need.”

  “You’re not going to torture him for information, are you?” Hunter seemed for a moment concerned about the wellbeing of Atlas but as far as I was concerned, what he was going to get was mild compared to what he deserved. When Hunter realized what I was going to do, he swallowed hard and changed his question, “Okay, where do we start?” Hunter spoke again but I ignored him, Poseidon was always fickle though that likely had to do with his connection to the sea. Waters were fickle as well.

  Turning to Hecate I arched an eyebrow, “Any idea where we might find the devious Titan?”

  “I’m sure I could find him, for a price.”

  “Zane, anything you have to offer the lady?”

  “About nine things, if she’s interested.” He grinned at her again and she arched an eyebrow before looking at me.

  I shrugged, “I have nothing left you would be interested in.”

  “I doubt it. But I’ll take Zane’s… nine things. Hopefully he’s not stretching the truth.”r />
  “I might be underestimating it, to be honest.” He gave a casual shrug like he was being modest before Hecate drew her hands up and closed her eyes. She seemed to suck the air out of the room, the magic in my veins burning in reaction to hers before a wall grew out of the ground and in the middle stood a door.

  “That should take you through to where you want to go. Find me when you get back.” She was speaking to me but Zane took it as a suggestion for him as he slapped her ass on the way through the door.

  “All brawn, no brain.” I assured her before following my son and brother through the door.

  We came out on the other side in Olympus. Standing in the throne room, I took in the shambles of my once great center of worship. Although I was out for his blood, I had to admit Atlas had placed such an endearing touch of nostalgia on the room it looked as if I had never left it. It might be two thousand years later but I felt like I was back in Hellenistic Greece. But this was not where I wanted to be, why had Hecate sent me back to Olympus? Atlas was with Asher if our intel was right.

  I looked around suspiciously, “This cannot be right. That little witch lied.”

  “Hang on a second, I know Atlas had an office but he also needed somewhere to live like us.”

  “An apartment?”

  “Perhaps.” Hunter led the way out of the throne room and into the hallway of doors. He had a destination in mind as he walked through, coming to the end and pushing the first door open. Beyond the threshold, a mess of an office appeared. Everything was trashed and one thing was for certain, Atlas was not here. This did not deter Hunter as he stepped through the wreckage, eyes narrowed as he looked for something neither myself or Zane could see.

  The office was cramped with furniture from different eras, bookshelves which had teetered over and spilled scrolls and tombs out on the ground. It was a cacophonous mess. Perhaps in this wreckage I could find something about Asher. As Hunter looked around, I stepped forward and picking through the remains looking for anything that may be of use. Most of the books were nothing, literature collected over the years no doubt for amusement purposes more than anything else. The scrolls held ancient spells but nothing that would be helpful to me.


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