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All Hail the King: Modern Greek Gods YA/NA Series (Grace of Gods Book 4)

Page 13

by Kyleigh Castronaro

  “Hope he wasn’t too much trouble, Kaye.”

  “Not at all Mr. Cartwright, barely even noticed he was there he was quiet and well-behaved.” She smiled, hoping maybe by singing my praises she might entice my father to care a little bit. He wouldn’t though.

  “And who is this?” The nameless slut walked toward me, a bright shameless smile on her face. I didn’t care who she was and she shouldn’t care about me. She was the flavor of the week and it wouldn’t be long before we never saw each other again – thank God.

  “Linnea, my son Aidan. Aidan, this is Linnea, she works out of the New York office.” She got closer to me, looking at me like I was the most precious thing she had ever seen comparable to a Yorkie or some other annoying little dog with too much fur.

  “Well, aren’t you adorable.” She fluffed my hair playfully earning her a scowl as I stood, patting it back into place.

  “I’m eleven, I’m past the point of being adorable,” I told her with a cold tone.

  “Aidan.” My father’s voice was sharp with warning telling me more in a single word than he would in a sentence.

  “Oh, he is your son, Jack.” She giggled, unaffected by our exchange. She tried to ruffle my hair again and I ducked under her arm, walking over to my father.

  “Can we go now? Mum thought we’d be home in an hour and we haven’t gotten dinner yet. Didn’t you promise her roses?” I was pushing it, playing it too hard but I wanted slutty Linnea to know he wasn’t available and whatever she thought she was going to get out of this didn’t exist.

  “Of course sport, I have to get Ms. Kemper a cab to the airport and we’ll be on our way.” She might not have noticed but there was an edge to his voice that told me he didn’t appreciate being goaded be me. Any hope I had of still having a guy’s night tonight was shot, instead I was in for a long lecture on respect, how none of this was any of my business and to stop being a momma’s boy.

  “Your tone was uncalled for. Your mother raised you better than that,” Jackson took his eyes off the road long enough to give me a look to tell me how uncalled for my attitude was. We were going straight home, no dinner or movie and no roses for Mum. Typical.

  “You taught me that tone,” I shot back.

  “Goddamnit, Aidan.” He slammed his hand on the steering wheel before tightening his fist until it was white. “I’m your father; you will not speak to me that way nor disrespect me the way you did!”

  “Why would you introduce me to her? Why would you let me see that or drag me to your office knowing she was there waiting for you? Don’t you have any respect for me or for Mum?”

  “What the hell are you talking about, Aidan? Linnea is a colleague.” If he was shocked by how much I had picked up he didn’t show it, his poker face desperately tight with denial.

  “I don’t think it’s for her work ethic you pay her,” I snapped back, turning to look out the window as I fisted my own hands tightly in my lap.

  My father was silent for a moment before he spoke again with a carefully controlled tone, “You will not mention this again, do you understand? And you will not say anything to your mother. What you think you saw, you didn’t. Understood?” I didn’t bother to answer him, he was such a dick.

  “Aidan.” His tone grew sharp again, one hand reached out to roughly grab my chin forcing my face to turn and look at him.

  “Yeah, I get it.” I tugged my face out of his grip, crossed my arms over my chest and we didn’t say another thing the entire way home.

  One thing men with no morals had in common was their conquests were ones of convenience. Finding Asher’s mother would mean finding where Zeus himself hung out, which circles he revolved in and that’s where I would find her. When I found myself standing outside the largest manor built in the area, I knew one or both of my targets had to be here.

  Carriages pulled up outside the house, guests exited in evening wear as they approached the home.

  “What are you doing here?” I turned to look at Hecate who appeared at my side.

  “Looking for Zeus, or Asher’s mother.”

  “This is Hart’s house.”

  “This is Hart’s house?” I said with surprise, looking back at the house.

  “Yeah,” she waved the piece of paper in my face, “you’re underdressed.” She waved her hand once more and my outfit changed again to something I supposed was fancier for the time.

  “C’mon.” She took my arm, leading herself toward the building. Two footmen stood at the bottom of the steps, looking at us curiously while we arrived without transportation. One opened his mouth to say something and a voice shouted,

  “Not to worry Charles, they are my special guests tonight!” Hart stood sat the top of the stairs, grinning at us but I guessed that had more to do with Hecate than me. “Come up, come up!” He waved at us and Hecate let go of my arm to ascend while I stood there, a creeping feeling easing its way up the back of my neck. I didn’t like that guy and I couldn’t place why.

  Chapter 15

  I had been to many parties hosted by rich men who liked to show off their wealth. I called it overcompensating, and if that were truly the case with Hart, I wondered if he had anything between his legs at all. By the time I reached the front doors, he already swept Hecate off and they were dancing around the room without a care in the world. I crossed my arms over my chest as I surveyed the scene, my eyes searching for a clue as to who might be the vessel holding Zeus’ soul.

  From what I understood of my intel, this party was being held and every rich man in the area had come. There was no doubt in my mind Zeus would be here somewhere as I couldn’t imagine his soul choosing a pauper for a vessel.

  “Wine, sir?” A butler held out a glass with red liquid in it, I took one to be polite and it was only curiosity that pushed me to sip from it. My face twisted at the sour taste, it was nothing like the wine I was used to. This stuff tasted like vinegar.

  “Thanks, excellent.” I managed to mutter at the butler, wanting instead to scrape my tongue clean. I walked away, searching now for somewhere to leave the glass as I forgot temporary of my search.

  “She’s beautiful, isn’t she?”

  “Course Hart would be all over her, he’s spoiled half the women in this place.”

  “Lucky bastard.” Two voices laughed, drawing my attention to them for a moment before looking back at the dance floor where Hart was dancing with Hecate. He’s spoiled half the women in this place, echoed in my thoughts for a moment before my stomach dropped and I realized our first nameless rescuer was none other than the vessel.

  “Damnit,” I muttered to myself, annoyed I hadn’t picked up on it once Zeus switched with me. Worst still, had he not sensed himself? Did Hecate know? Is that why she was giving him so much of her attention?

  “Who is she, anyways?”

  “I do not know, never seen her before.” I scowled to myself, moving away from the two men and circling them from the outskirts of the dance floor. With time, it became clear to me Hart had no interest in any other woman except Hecate and it left me wondering how I was supposed to find Asher’s mother if he was going to be smitten with her all night.

  I had to get her out of here so we could get out of here.

  Crossing over to them, I grabbed Hecate’s arm and tugged her away from him. “Correct me if I’m mistaken but should you not have asked me first to dance with my sister, Mr. Hart?”

  I put my body between hers and his, arching an eyebrow challengingly.

  “Ah, yes, my apo
logies Mr. Rockefeller, I got swept up in those eyes.” He flashed her a charming grin and I gritted my teeth together. Maybe it was because I had used this move before myself or maybe it was something else, my feelings for Savannah for instance, but his blatant disrespect for women bothered me.

  “Yes, well, I’m afraid my sister has to retire for the night. You’ve been on your feet for far too long.” I turned to her, giving her a sharp look I could only hope she would understand. If she did she didn’t care as she laughed, patting me on the arm like a child and turning back to Hart.

  “My brother has trouble coming to terms with the fact I’m a woman now, a headstrong one at that, and I like to make decisions for myself… Such as dancing with Mr. Hart.” She held out her hand to him, making him grin as he took it in his and kissed the back of it. They swept away from me, leaving me there speechless.

  “Wine, sir?” Another waiter appeared at my side, offering me another glass of the sour drink. I shook my head, my eyes sweeping the room to find out where Hart and Hecate had gotten off to. My mind was reeling with all the possibilities. He had eyes for no one else in the room but her, if there was no one else he was interested in, who else could be the mother of Asher?

  Huffing to myself, I crossed the room over to the door exiting the ballroom and followed the length of the hallway to the stairs. Instinct drove me through the house in search of my prey. I feared fate seemed to be playing itself out by bringing me here with Hecate in tow, if we had stayed in the future and she had stayed there with me, would this have played out like this? Or would he have found someone else?

  What didn’t make sense was if Hecate was Asher’s mother, then he wasn’t the son of a single God, but two. The idea Asher was in fact a full-fledged God, not to mention my son by Hecate turned my blood cold. It now felt imperative to ensure Asher’s conception never happened and reverse all the damage he inflicted on the future.

  Another waiter passed me with a tray of flutes. I grabbed two, walking into the hallway in search of privacy. I needed to get them back into the dancing hall, if I charged the wine and convinced Hart to give a toast, when he drank it might trigger his powers. I wasn’t sure what that might achieve but I hoped whatever did happen would be enough to scare everyone and cause the party to break up. I could get Hecate out of there, lie to her and tell her I handled the situation.

  Finding a table down a darkened hallway, I stood there contemplating how I would manage to get the wine to hold the charge until he drank from it. I called for the lightning, drawing little shocks of electricity into my fingertips and practiced sending it into the wine. It took a couple of times, dousing my fingers in the wine but eventually it crackled slightly and I knew it would do the trick.

  Now it was a matter of finding the two of them before they got down to anything. I walked back towards the party, pausing for a moment to ask other patrons whether they had seen Hart before taking their leave to go search for them.

  I found him cornering her in an empty room that looked like the servants used it to prepare trays before dispensing food. She was leaning against the wall and his body pressed closer to hers, arms barring her in. I cleared my throat, making him turn to look at me. Hecate looked pissed more than anything that I interrupted.

  “They would like for you to give a toast if you’re up for it.” I held out the two glasses of wine before Hart smiled, taking the bait. He couldn’t resist the idea of being the center of attention. They followed me out of the room and back to the ballroom. I hurried ahead to warn the band in order to make my story seem legitimate.

  They quieted as Hart made it into the room, he looked around at his patrons and held the glass.

  “I want to thank you all for being here. It is thanks to your hard work our little town prospers and we all benefit for it. This is the dream for which we have all crossed the ocean and every day I am grateful for my choice. To prosperity and good health!” Everyone cheered and clapped as he took a sip from the wine. I steeled myself, ready to see what would happen.

  What I got instead took me by surprise, it was not the outcome I had expected. He took a sip and the wine crackled through him, his veins lit up and from his fingertips shot bolts of lightning. The lightning crossed the room and hit a man standing beside his wife. His body shook like he was a puppet dancing on strings before he collapsed on the ground; his chest charred.

  People screamed and chaos erupted. In that way, I got the result I wanted as someone pushed Hecate safely away from him and someone else shouted loudly enough for the entire room to go silent once more.


  If the response before was chaos, this was anarchy. People tripped over each other as they stumbled for the door. Hart was left standing there looking bewildered as three men ran for him. In a tackle, they seized him and threw him face down onto the ground. Binding his hands behind his back, they hauled him back onto his feet. One of the men wore a badge of honor denoting he was the officer in charge as he handed out commands to the other men. Hart insisted on his innocence as they carried him away toward the door, dragging his feet as he tried to slow them from taking him away.

  I looked around before my eyes landed on Hecate who didn’t look too happy with the turn of events.

  “What the hell, Aidan?”

  “He’s Zeus, I don’t know why I didn’t see it earlier.” With a shrug, I turned away from her, uninterested in explaining myself.

  “If he’s Zeus, who is the mother?” I didn’t say anything and after a beat she realized the truth with a small gasp. “Coming here set it in motion for Asher to be born.”

  “I guess, but now it’s dealt with.” I turned back to her, expecting she would make the portal to send us back to the future. What I found instead was Hecate looking thoughtful. I didn’t like that look, especially knowing how conniving she could be.

  “Whatever you’re thinking, rethink it. We can’t afford letting Asher live.”

  “Hm, no, you’re right.” She nodded her head and walking toward me, a look still in her eye that made me uneasy. I grabbed her arm, directing her to the door with the intention of getting out of there as soon as possible.

  “C’mon, let’s get back.”

  “Don’t you want to see the trial, make sure he gets killed or at least ensure Atlas comes for his soul?”

  “I don’t need to see the trial if I know Atlas is coming for him soon enough, besides, he won’t be getting into any trouble while he’s in prison.”

  “You don’t want to take a chance, do you?” Sweet and innocent did not look good on Hecate and if the knot in my stomach meant anything, it meant trouble. But she did have a point, I couldn’t risk the charm of Zeus messing up my plan if he slept with someone in the small window of time between now and Atlas’ arrival.

  “Alright, but as soon as the trial is done or Atlas comes, we’re out of here. And you have to stay with me the entire time. I’m not risking you interfering either.”

  She held her hands in a mock innocent gesture and smiled sweetly. It was still more unnerving than reassuring. Nodding my head in the direction of the door, I led the way out of the manor with the intention of heading back into town. I wanted to speak to the officer and make sure the trial was going to go ahead. If I had to be a key witness then so be it, after all, I did see the magic first hand.

  Turned out the judicial system of the 17th century was a little less disorganized than its modern counterpart and it lacked the specifics necessary to ensure a conviction. A mysterious death was good enough for them to convict, but they still needed a trial for show. I was assured at that very moment letters had been sent to the city for a court official versed in the witchcraft laws. He would hopefully be there in t
he morning and the trial would begin right away.

  Needing to find a place to sleep we ended up at a pub renting out a room for the night. The bed looked less than promising, stuffed with hay and covered in the itchiest wool blanket I had ever seen in my life. But it was better than sleeping on the hay in dank barn.

  I sat on the bed, watching Hecate as she undid the plait in her hair and worked her fingers through the knotted curls. She let the spell on our clothes disappear and she was back to wearing her lacy black number and I was once more in my jeans and t-shirt. She stripped to nothing and walked brazenly over to her side of the bed. She paused, smiling in her nude glory before lifting the wool blanket.

  “I sleep naked, hope that doesn’t bother you.” No, but what did bother me was the fact maybe she planned all along to mother the Demi-God we knew as Asher. I needed to come up with a plan to ensure that if that was her intention she wouldn’t see her plan through.

  “Sure, you do you, love. I’m going to get a drink,” I said as I rose, grabbing the purse of coins for show before leaving the room. As soon as the door closed behind me, I stood there for a moment considering my options. They were few and far between if I wanted to ensure Asher was never born. I had to make it believable.

  Heading downstairs, I sought out the owner and asked him to call an officer of law. I feigned being shaken and told him how I had been attacked by a witch. He poured me a pint of whatever kind of beer he kept, offering it to me to soothe my nerves. Besides myself and the bartender the pub was mostly empty, except for the old drunk parked in a back booth.

  I sat at the bar contemplatively, working my best acting chops as I continued to pretend to be nervous. By the time the officer came around, I managed to swallow the beer and understood why it was offered for nerves. It tasted like a medicinal tonic, something that tasted awful but soothed a sore throat. It wasn’t the lager I was used to enjoying back home.


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