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Surpassing Pleasures

Page 7

by Anny Cook

  “Get the matches.”

  He nodded. “Okay!” He hopped up and went to the box. After rummaging around for a few minutes, he returned with several items. “Here we are. One small butt plug in a lovely purple color. One pale pink bullet vibrator. One vibrating dolphin-shaped dildo. One package of batteries. And finally, a bottle of raspberry-flavored warming lube.”

  “All of that?” she observed dubiously. “Where will your cock go if we use all this stuff?”

  He fetched his pocketknife from his jeans pocket and cut the packaging open. “I’ll think of something. In the meantime, I’m going to take your toys into the bathroom for a quick cleaning. Rule number one. Always wash your new toys before using them. While I’m doing that, you break out the batteries.”

  Intrigued by the idea of actually using the toys with Seb, she quickly opened the battery package and set it aside, then picked up the lube bottle and read the directions. Warming lube. Wasn’t she already warm enough? Heat flashed through her when she realized that Seb was going to use the lube to insert the butt plug up her ass. She shivered as she pictured wearing the plug while he filled her pussy with his cock. At the hotel when he’d stuck his finger inside her, it seemed so big. What would the plug feel like?

  What if he wanted to put his cock in her ass? A sudden wash of cream trickled from her pussy and she pressed her thighs together. Did she really want him to fuck her butt? Her pussy clenched and pulsed. Evidently the answer was yes.

  Seb returned from the bathroom with the freshly washed toys. At the expression on her face, he stopped dead next to the bed. “What were you thinking about?”

  “How it will feel to have your thick cock in my ass.”

  His brain froze for a moment, then he curtly directed her, “Get on your hands and knees with your ass facing me.”

  Shaking with surging arousal, she immediately obeyed him.

  “Good. Cross your arms and put your head down on them. Lift your butt and spread your legs.” Seb had trouble concentrating on the sharp instructions he was barking at her. He wanted to fall on her, shove his cock in her slick pussy and pound away like a madman. Knowing that she would let him do that kept him at the very edge of his control.

  Snagging the bottle of lubricant, he squirted a tiny pool in his palm. Then with one trembling finger he daubed it all around her anus, making sure that her tight opening was thoroughly coated. “All right. When I push in, you need to push out. Ready?”

  “Ready.” Her whisper was so quiet, he nearly didn’t hear it.

  “Now,” he said as he pressed forward. His slippery lube-coated finger slid in without a problem.

  Zip gasped and pushed back, instinctively seeking more.

  “Hold on. We have all night so there’s no hurry.”

  “That’s what you think.”

  “Shhh. Just relax. You want more?”

  She whimpered softly. “Please.”

  With his middle finger he scooped up the remainder of the lube. Withdrawing almost to his fingertip, he slid it back in slowly, adding a second finger.

  “Yes!” she hissed as he thrust in and out, in and out until her muscles were relaxed and open.

  Seb felt like his skin was shrinking too tight to bear, watching her take his fingers with such enthusiasm. If he didn’t bury his cock in her pussy soon, he would explode. Drawing a deep steadying breath, he asked, “Do you want the plug now?”

  Her chest curled under as she lifted her ass eagerly, spreading her legs in invitation. “Hurry,” she urged.

  “No hurry,” he countered. “This is about pleasure.”

  “That’s what I’m talking about. I need your cock inside me. Get on with it so you can fuck me before I go crazy!”

  When he smacked the smooth firm curve of her ass on his left, she jerked, then hiked her ass higher. “Again?” he asked hopefully.


  His hand came down on the right side. “Your ass turns such a pretty shade of pink. I love the color and heat.” He withdrew his fingers and picked up the butt plug. After lubing it generously, he pressed it against her rosette. “Push.” He’d prepared her well. The plug slid in with minimal discomfort, just taking up a bit more space than his fingers.


  “What is it, sweetheart? Are you in pain?”

  She writhed, twisting and pressing back against his hands where they cupped her hips. “I need you. Please?”

  “Hold still.” He reached for a condom, ripped it open and slicked it over his aching cock with shaky fingers. Concerned that she might not be quite wet enough, he drizzled a few drops of the lube along the condom, spreading it out with a couple of strong strokes. Then placing the tip of his cock at the slick opening, he thrust in, sliding into her warm, very snug passage. Little tremors pulsed along his cock as she adjusted to his loving invasion. He pressed deep, filling her to the hilt.

  With a shuddering sigh, she said, “Oh, that feels wonderful. Your cock is so big!”

  He squeezed his eyes shut. “I suppose you want me to just leave it in?”

  “Oh, I like it when you move,” she admitted.

  “Good.” He settled into a slow, steady in-and-out rhythm that lit up every nerve in her pussy in a series of mini orgasmic explosions. In spite of her urging him to go faster, he steadfastly held to his unremitting tempo, moving quickly enough to keep her on the edge of climax, yet slowly enough that she didn’t quite reach the peak she was striving for. Her slick walls tightened around his pistoning cock until he could hold off no longer.

  He cupped his fingers over her mound, lightly strummed her erect little clit and grunted out one word. “Come.”

  Suddenly the peak she’d strived for was right there. With a wild shriek, she submitted to his growled command as waves of fiery contractions rippled through her belly. They seemed to surge endlessly as he continued his ceaseless thrusting until finally, her body went lax beneath him, satiated and exhausted. A final thrust and he burrowed deep, his cock spurting hard and hot as his own climax claimed him.

  Slowly, they rolled to the side, still joined. Seb wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly as he tried to comprehend the incredible gift he cradled in his arms. She was his woman. All his in every way he needed her or wanted her. His arms tightened as he tucked her head under his chin and uttered the words that wouldn’t stay silent.

  “I love you, Zipporah Jericho. You’re mine.”

  Chapter Six

  When he woke in the darkness just before dawn, Seb was alone. He knew immediately that Zip wasn’t in the cabin. He didn’t need to get up to search for her. She was gone. Burying his head in the pillow, he gritted his teeth and wondered what had driven her to leave. Was it the words he could no longer contain?

  With a curse, he crawled from the rumpled bed and stalked into the bathroom. On the vanity counter, the toys were lined up on a towel, still damp from cleaning. He frowned down at them as he stood in front of the toilet. If they were still damp, how long ago did she leave?

  He leaned over, flushed the toilet and washed his hands while he studied himself in the mirror. He didn’t think he looked scary. Maybe he was a tad scruffy with a bristly beard but not enough to frighten a woman out of her bed at dawn. Especially when the snow was a foot deep.

  Seb went back out into the main room of the cabin in search of clothing and coffee. He found his jeans neatly folded on the chair by the bed, pulled them on and zipped them, then padded barefoot across the room where a pot of coffee was waiting on the counter. At times like this, he wished he was a morning person. He had the feeling he was missing something significant…some especially important detail related to Zip.

  A clean empty mug was sitting next to the coffeemaker. Absently he poured the dark aromatic liquid in the mug and carried it to the table. Sitting there hunched over his steaming coffee, he contemplated the events of the past week. Surely it was longer than that? No…just one week and one day. Wearily, he yawned before taking another sip of hi
s coffee. When would Zip come back?

  An odd buzzing captured his attention. Then he realized it was his cell phone and he leaped up and rushed across the room to the bedside table. Maybe it was Zip. Snatching it up, he punched the talk button. “Yeah.”

  “My, aren’t you civil this morning. Usually you growl at me.”

  “Quill. I thought it might be Zip. She seems to have disappeared this morning.”

  “She’s having coffee in the kitchen with Pa. She’ll be back before too long,” Quill assured him. “I need to run something by you.”

  “At six fifteen in the morning? It better be good.”

  “Unity Brooks is here. At my parents’ place.”

  Seb stomped across the room and sat down at the table. He stifled the urge to beat his head on the wooden surface. “Why is she there?”

  “She’s dog sitting.”

  Seb swallowed a hearty gulp of his cooling coffee. “Dog sitting. You’re messing with me, partner, and it’s too damn early in the morning for that.”

  “Nope. I kid you not. She was out walking the dog she’s taking care of and saw two guys carting a body out of a neighboring apartment building. Unfortunately, they saw her too. They didn’t want to leave any witnesses. This morning while they dumped the body in the woods over on Stonycreek Road, she escaped. I ran into her when I was out for my morning run.”

  “Of course you couldn’t resist taking her home.” Seb squeezed his eyes shut as he considered all the ways Unity’s presence was going to complicate the assignment that Harry had dumped on him. “I don’t suppose you found anything else interesting while you were out prowling around in the dark?”

  “No. But I think you’d better call in the team. I’d feel better if they were nearby.”

  “Yeah. Okay, do I dare call Harry and bring him up to date? And where shall I stash Michael and Suko?”

  “I thought Harry rented a hunting cabin for them.”

  “I’ll check with them after breakfast. Maybe by then Zip will be back.” He yawned again. “She’d better be. Where are you taking Unity?”

  “We’re going to settle at my cabin. I figure that’s the safest place in the county.”

  “All right. I’ll talk to you later after I get the rest set up.” Seb disconnected and tossed the phone down on the table. He felt like he’d been running nonstop for days. Harry’s little assignment that was supposedly to keep Quill busy was getting more complicated by the minute. If there was a white slavery ring in this area, Quill hadn’t found any evidence of it, even after checking out every plausible cabin and outbuilding in the county. Seb was beginning to wonder if Harry was just trying to keep them out of the way. Abruptly, on a hunch, he called Suko and set up a meeting at midmorning.

  When he finished the call, he stretched, yawned one more time and shoved his chair back. Time to find something for breakfast. And then he would dress and see if he could track down his woman.

  * * * * *

  In the small snowy clearing, Zip paced impatiently as she waited for her sister Ellie to show up. Shivering despite the heavy coat she wore in the St. Bernard form she’d chosen, she briefly debated shifting to a husky form but decided to remain as a St. Bernard. After all, the insulating layers of fat should keep her warm enough. And she didn’t plan to hang around in the woods all day.

  Ellie padded into the clearing in the wolf form she favored, snorting in sisterly contempt when she saw the St. Bernard. That’s the best you have? You couldn’t pick some form that was a little more slimming?

  Oh shut your trap! I’m not worried about whether or not I’m skinny! I just want to be warm. Zip tromped around on the snow until she’d hollowed out a comfortable spot to curl up. I’m glad you finally showed up.

  What’s wrong, Zipporah? Ellie sat on her haunches next to Zip and cocked her head.

  Zip’s head rested on her stocky forelegs. I think Seb’s going to ask me to marry him.

  And? This is bad? I don’t think so. You and Seb are made for each other.

  How am I going to tell him about the angel stuff? That will be enough to freak him out. And then the shifting? He’ll probably run back to Knoxville so fast we won’t see him for the dust! Her big body shuddered when she sighed. I love him, Ellie. He’s going to really come unglued when he finds out I was the Yorkie.

  Elisheba shook her head irritably and stretched out in the snow next to her sister. Isn’t that just like you? You’re always expecting the worst. Sebastian’s a very intelligent man. You can’t tell me that he hasn’t wondered over the last two years that he’s partnered Quill. Even if he doesn’t know exactly what we are, I bet he suspects something. He wouldn’t be a very good agent if he didn’t.

  That’s true, Zip replied gloomily. He’s been asking a lot of questions about Mickey Mack. Ever since someone killed her, Seb’s been pushing Quill for answers. Things are getting so complicated.

  Ellie touched her pointed nose to Zip’s soft broad one. You’re not worried because he’s black and you’re white?

  Snorting, Zip shot her a look of disbelief. Get real. Color? I love his dark skin. It reminds me of a yummy chocolate bar. I can barely wait to get my mouth on him.

  Yeah, yeah. Enough about your sex life. Too much information!

  Jealous, little sister?

  Nope. My day will come. Until then, I’m content watching you other lunatics mill around in chaos. It’s better than a circus.

  Hah. Just remember what goes around, comes around.

  Speaking of going around. Quill’s woman, Unity, showed up this morning. She’s back at Jericho Hollow.

  Zip’s head jerked up in surprise. Unity Brooks? What’s she like?

  Not quite what I expected. Cushy. Long, long blonde hair and blue eyes. Hurting underneath. I think she had a really rough life. Ellie’s tongue flickered out as she slowly licked her lips. I think she’s perfect for Quill though. Once they get past the awkwardness, they’ll probably light a bonfire in Quill’s bed. That’s always a good sign, isn’t it? she asked slyly.


  Snot. Ellie stood up and shook the snow from her heavy fur. Pa’s cooking breakfast this morning. Are you coming?

  Maybe for a cup of coffee. Then I need to get back to the cabin before Seb wakes up.

  Ellie trotted to the edge of the clearing, then turned her head to stare at Zip. Too late. Quill’s already called Seb to tell him about Unity. Care to change your mind?

  Zip clambered to her feet and shimmied her heavy body. Snow flew in all directions. Nah. Just let me grab my clothes from the hollow tree where I usually stash them. After I have some coffee, I’ll think of something on the way home.

  Your funeral. Hope you remembered shoes this time. Ellie disappeared in the pearly dawn lit woods. Leave your clothes. I have a sweatsuit you can wear.

  After coffee with her folks, Zip shifted back into her St. Bernard form and headed home. She waded through the snow drifts until she reached the hollow tree where her clothes were stuffed in a plastic bag. Shifting, she dressed with chilly haste in sweatshirt and pants and stuffed her feet in her snow boots while she jerked on her hooded jacket. Though she didn’t need them, she made sure that her gloves were still in her pockets. Seb was sharp. No need to try to explain why one of her gloves was left in the woods. Then after poking the big dark bag back in the hollow, she trudged through the snow to her front porch, stomped her feet to clean them and trotted up the stairs.

  Seb flung the door open just as she reached for the door knob. “You’re back! Breakfast is ready!” He brushed a kiss across her lips and turned away to rescue the pancakes on the griddle.

  Dragging her jacket off, she draped it over the hook by the door before toeing off her boots. Her thoughts were circling like demented butterflies, darting to and fro. “Why are you awake this early?”

  “I guess I missed you. I woke up and you were gone.” He scooped the pancakes onto a plate and poured more batter on the griddle. “How many pancakes do you want?”
br />   “Three.” Frowning in puzzlement, she joined him in the kitchen area. “Why aren’t you upset?”

  “Why should I be? Just because I woke up alone? I’ve done that most of my life. It might have been nice if you’d left me a note but I’m a big boy.”

  She poured herself a mug of coffee, doctored it with extra cream and a sweetener and cautiously sipped. “You’re really angry,” she said in surprise.

  “A little. More than that, I’m disappointed. You hold your secrets to your chest as though they were a fabulous pirate’s treasure. Trust isn’t about what you’ll let me do to you in that bed over there. It’s about sharing your heart. And you clearly aren’t ready for that.”

  “Some of the secrets aren’t mine to share,” she blurted out.

  “Okay. I can understand that. I know that there’s something about your family that none of you are willing to talk about. But you have your own secrets and feelings, Zip. And you guard every part of your heart with a vengeance.” When she would have spoken, he stopped her with a curt motion of his hand. “No. Not now. Just sit down and eat.”

  He set a plate in front of her piled with pancakes, scrambled eggs and bacon. “Eat.” He plunked the syrup and butter on the table in front of her and slapped down the utensils and a paper napkin.

  Sliding the last of the pancakes on his plate, he switched off the fire and placed the spatula in the sink. After pouring himself another cup of coffee, he gathered his plate, utensils and mug and carried them to the table, choosing to sit across from her. They ate in uncomfortable silence.

  Finally, Zip set her fork down and looked at him. “I’m sorry I hurt you. I’m not sure what you want from me though.”

  “Right now? I just want to finish my breakfast in peace. After I’ve eaten and taken a shower, maybe I’ll be awake enough to talk. But as you know, I’m not much of a morning person.”


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