Vegas Vacation

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Vegas Vacation Page 6

by Clare Revell

  Tamlyn shook her head. “You’re wrong.”

  He studied her. “I am?”

  She nodded. “So you got a few scars. So what? It doesn’t stop you from walking and talking and thinking. Or from being pretty good-looking.”

  His handsome features creased into a trademark Martin frown. “It stops me from running. I have to walk with a cane.”

  “I beg to differ.” She picked up a piece of pineapple. “You manage both running and walking without it pretty well. You should do it more often.”

  He raised an eyebrow. His blue eyes glittered. “I’m sorry?”

  “Yesterday, you ran into my room with no cane anywhere to be seen. Makes me wonder if you’re simply using it as a crutch because you’re scared of something.”

  He twisted back in his seat, looking out of the window. “Me, scared of what?”

  “I have no idea. Besides, it could be worse. The scars could be on your face or all over.”

  “I guess.”

  “As it is, no one can see them or even know they’re there.” She took another piece of pineapple. “And if you want my opinion, your ex-girlfriend’s a numpty to let you go.”

  “A numpty? That doesn’t sound like a good thing.” He turned towards her again.

  “It isn’t. A numpty is a prat, or a total idiot. You’re a nice guy. You don’t deserve to be treated like that.” She paused. “It’s personality, not looks, that counts in my book. Of course looks help, but you got both.”

  A smile filled his face. “You know as picnics go, this is, by far, the best I’ve ever had.”

  Tamlyn noticed the inevitable change of subject and dropped it. “It’s thundering. Again.”

  “Yeah, but it’s my first picnic with you.”

  Tamlyn pulled a face, running her tongue over her front teeth. “I hate it when that happens. Got something stuck in the plate.”

  Martin frowned. “You’ve what?”

  She grinned. “Excuse me a moment.” She pulled down the sunshield and removed her front tooth. “I broke it when I was twenty-one. And as I am terrified of dentists, having a crown or an implant wasn’t an option. The plate means I never burn the roof of my mouth.” She shot him a gap-tooth smile. “And no one knows.”

  “Except me.”

  “Well, yeah.” She removed the bit of pineapple from around the top of the tooth and put the plate back in. “I think I can trust you not to give away my secret.”

  He nodded. “You know, it wouldn’t hurt to talk to your father. Try explaining nicely that you want to make your own decisions.”

  “Maybe I tell him I want to join a convent.”

  Martin laughed. “That would be one way of tackling your faith issues, but there are easier ones.” He pulled up his jacket collar. “I’m gonna head to the restroom before we drive back.”

  Tamlyn nodded. “I’ll wait here.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  She shook her head. “There are some places I ain’t going, and standing outside the men’s room is one of them. Lock me in the car and I promise not to go anywhere.”

  He raised an eyebrow.

  “Cuff me to the wheel if it’ll make you feel better.” She held out her wrists.

  “It’s fine. Don’t move.”

  “I promise.” She leaned back into the seat as Martin got out of the car. She closed her eyes imagining how the joining-a-convent conversation would go with her father. She’d got to the part where he threw a blue fit and went up in smoke when Martin returned.

  He sat down and rubbed the back of his neck.

  “You OK? What’s up with your neck?”

  “It’s sore. I must have pulled it. We should head back.”

  Her phone rang and she pulled it out of her pocket. “Excuse me. Hello? That’s because we’re not there, Dad, not sure how long we’ll be. OK, bye.” She hung up. “He wants me back at the hotel. I don’t want to go.”

  “Remember what I said earlier about co-operating with the police and you being a possible suspect even though you’ve not been charged? Starting to ring any bells?”

  She caught her breath and sighed. “OK.” Acting like an adult, and letting her father walk all over her, was the last thing she wanted. What if he was trying to marry her off again? If she had to marry anyone she’d rather marry Martin.

  Where’d that come from?

  On reflection though, marrying Martin was a good idea, even if he’d never go for it. He’d raise his eyebrow, stare at her and say ‘Tamlyn, you’re running away from the issue and using me to get your father off your back.’

  The car swerved, breaking into her chain of thought.

  “What are you doing?” She turned in her seat.

  Martin collapsed face down onto the wheel.


  The car veered across the lane of traffic, and Tamlyn grabbed the wheel, trying to pull them to the side of the road. Screeching metal turned into a sickening thud as they hit the crash barrier.

  She screamed, throwing her arms up to protect herself as the car flew into the air and rolled. It came to an abrupt halt as it hit the ground, tossing her against the seatbelt. Her head smacked into the window and she knew no more.


  Tamlyn opened her eyes, every part of her body hurting. “Martin?”

  A hand closed over her arm. “Tammy, it’s OK, I’m here.” She knew that voice, and it wasn’t Martin. For one thing, he didn’t call her Tammy, and for another the accent was wrong.

  She turned her head, wincing. “Dad?”

  Lord Bradshaw nodded. “Yes, Tammy. How are you feeling?”

  She took a deep breath. That hurt, too. “Like the car crashed.”

  “You were lucky you weren’t badly hurt. Just cuts and bruises. The doctor says you can leave here as soon as he’s checked you over again. Although your police guard seems to have other ideas. Anyone would think you’re killing off all your protection officers.”

  “Well, I’m not.” She sat up.

  Her father pushed her shoulders back down.

  “Where’s Martin? Is he OK?”

  “Don’t worry about him, he’s not important.”

  Yes he is. Not that you’d understand. “Is Martin OK? I want to see him.”

  Her father sighed. “Sgt. Ames is fine. He needs to stay in overnight for observation. Stay there while I go find a doctor to check you over.”

  Tamlyn watched him leave, then slowly sat up, her hand rising to her head as everything swam for a moment. She shuffled off the bed and grabbed her father’s jacket. She tied the arms around her waist over the back of the hospital gown and moved slowly towards the door. She poked her head around it.

  A police officer looked at her. His eyes narrowed. “Should you be out of bed?”

  “I need to see Martin Ames.” She paused. “Please.”

  The officer hesitated.

  “I didn’t crash the car on purpose. I just want to make sure he’s OK, and then I’ll go back to bed. You can even come with me to see him, if you want.”

  “I’ll take you. You can have two minutes.”

  Tamlyn let the officer help her down the hallway to another room. She pushed the door open and saw Martin lying there, monitors beeping. “Martin.”

  His eyes opened and a smile crossed his bruised face. His long dark hair was now very short. “Hey.” He held out a hand to her.

  Tamlyn crossed the room to him and grabbed it. Her gaze ran over him looking for signs of plaster casts, relived not to see any. “Are you all right?”

  He nodded, his intent gaze taking in the cop at her side. “Give us a minute here.”

  The officer nodded, standing the other side of the door.

  Martin looked at Tamlyn. “The doctors want me to stay in until the test results come back. How are you?”

  “Bit bruised. They cut your hair.”

  “They needed to stitch the gash in my head. I told them to cut all of it rather than leave it one sided.”

She pushed her fingers slowly through it, avoiding the cut. “It suits you. As long as you’re all right, that’s all that matters. Dad’s here. He wants me to go back to the hotel with him. Along with another police escort, most likely.”

  Martin squeezed her hand. “There will be one, with Raleigh dead and me injured. They’ll want you protected. You need to go with them. I’ll be in overnight. I’ll come see you tomorrow.”


  “I promise.” He lifted her fingers to his lips and kissed them.

  The sensation sent shivers down her spine. “Martin.”

  The door opened behind her. She recognized the heavy tread and sighed, having hoped it’d take him longer to find her.

  “Lady Tamlyn.”

  She closed her eyes for a moment. “Yes, Garth?”

  “You shouldn’t be in here. Your father is looking for you. You have to come with me.”

  “You can’t tell me what to do.” Irritation and worry spilled from her in the usual form. She wanted to stay here, with Martin.

  Martin squeezed her hand. “Tam, remember...”

  Tamlyn’s gaze held his. “Tam?”

  He managed a smile, pain showing in his eyes. “It kinda suits you.”

  Tamlyn smiled back. “OK, Marty.”

  “Don’t push it.” His index finger tapped the back of her hand.

  Garth put a hand on her shoulder. “Now, Lady Tamlyn.”

  She squeezed Martin’s hand. “Come to the hotel tomorrow as soon as they let you out of here. I’ll be waiting for you.”

  He nodded. “I’ll see you there.”

  Garth shook his head. “That’s not a good idea, Sgt. Ames. Your services are no longer required. Lord Bradshaw has other plans for Her Ladyship.”

  Martin shook his head. “This is a murder investigation and my case. I will be seeing her in the morning.”

  Garth pressed down uncomfortably hard on Tamlyn’s shoulder. “He’s waiting for you. Come on.”

  Martin glanced at him and then back at Tamlyn. “Go, Tam.”

  Tamlyn reluctantly let Martin’s grip on her fingers go and sighed. “We best go find Dad, then.” Standing up, she turned to leave. Then she took a deep breath and turned back. Seize the moment, Tam.

  She leaned down, and kissed Martin’s cheek softly. “Thank you. For everything. Come see me tomorrow. I care about you a lot.” She took a deep breath and left the room, glancing back to see him sitting there with his hand touching where she’d kissed him.


  Martin leaned back into the pillows, his gaze on her until she vanished from sight. His cheek burned with the echo of her kiss and he held it, trying to keep the sensation from flying away. He closed his eyes. Why did he feel like this when he couldn’t act on it?

  The echo of the lecture he got from Garth for endangering Lady Bradshaw’s life rang in his mind and ears. Garth hadn’t threatened him, but he made it clear what would happen if he tried to see her again.

  However, this was his case, and she was the one and only suspect present when her last two bodyguards had been attacked.

  So he’d see her again. Sure, she was spoiled and reckless, but in his heart he knew Tamlyn wasn’t a killer. And if she wasn’t the killer, she was in danger.

  He cared for her and he’d like to explore his feelings, but what was the use? He’d never be the husband she deserved.


  He opened his eyes and saw his partner standing there. “Hi, Vance.”

  Vance Wicks looked at him, concern in his gaze. “What happened? I hear your car is totaled. And I’m not just asking as your partner. The brother-in-law side of me has kicked in hard.”

  Martin waited until Vance sat down. “I’m surprised Peggy isn’t with you.”

  “She would be, but she couldn’t find a sitter. She said to tell you to stop doing this. Her blood pressure can’t take it, especially with the baby coming.”

  Martin inclined his head a little, rubbing his neck again.

  Vance frowned. “Whiplash?”

  “No, it hurt before the crash.” He paused. “I’d gone with Tamlyn, uh, Lady Bradshaw, for a picnic on Mount Charleston.”

  “Tamlyn? And a picnic in the worst storm Vegas has seen in a year. Her idea, I bet?”

  Martin scowled. “I went to the restroom and got a sharp stabbing pain in my neck here. They’re running tests to see why I blacked out at the wheel and whether the two are connected.”

  “The woman loses two bodyguards in three days and you don’t think this was merely an accident?”

  “Cut the sarcasm. Someone murdered Raleigh, the guy I replaced. Lord Bradshaw seems to think that his daughter is next on the list, but I’m not sure.”

  “And you didn’t state the obvious. You’re not sure because she could be the killer.”

  Martin just looked at him. “There’s a lot more going on here than meets the eye. I’m just not sure what yet. Can you get a copy of the autopsy report? Did you do a background check on Daniel Haynes?”

  “It’s in the works, and I’ll glance at a copy of the autopsy info next time I’m in the office. Lord Bradshaw spoke to the captain and wants you reassigned.”

  “Has the captain made a decision yet?”

  “He thinks like you do. Something here just doesn’t add up.” Vance stood. “Now get some rest, and I’ll go home and let Peggy know you’ll live. She’ll call you at some point.”

  Martin rolled his eyes. “Oh, joy.”

  “She loves you. Live with it.”

  He reached out and grabbed Vance’s arm. “Do me a favor? Swing past the Bellagio and check on Tamlyn for me?”

  Vance laughed. “Seriously?”

  “Trust my gut on this, she’s not safe.”


  Tamlyn stared at her reflection in the mirror in her bedroom as she finished covering her bruises with makeup. Going to dinner tonight was another stupid idea, but Martin advised her not to argue so much, so she’d given in, instead. She shifted her gaze to the reflection of the door as someone knocked. “Come in.”

  The door opened and her father crossed the room in five long strides. “Are you ready? The table is booked for seven thirty, we should head down there.”

  She stood up and smoothed down her blue evening gown. “Honestly, Dad, I’d rather just go to bed and sleep. It’s been a horrible day and I feel sick. Besides, if someone is trying to kill me, I’m safer in here.”

  He put his hands on her shoulders. “You’ll be fine. You need to eat.” His eyes rested on the cross around her neck for a long moment. “Garth will be there and I’m sure the cops will have someone around. And I want you to meet someone.”

  Tamlyn sighed and grabbed her bag. “Who is it?”

  “A new business associate—Daniel Haynes. He’s in the other room with Garth.”

  Tamlyn stiffened. It couldn’t be.

  “Something wrong, Tammy?”

  “No. Everything’s fine.”

  It will be once Martin’s here. God, I know I’ve kind of been ignoring You of late. Perhaps Martin was right about not living my faith, and I’m sorry, but I could really do with some help about now.

  Her father patted her shoulders. “Good. Come on then. You know how I hate being late. “

  Taking a deep breath, Tamlyn left her bedroom and went into the lounge. Shock and numbness flooded her as she caught sight of the blue-suited man standing with his back to her.

  Lord Bradshaw took her arm, almost propelling her across the waiting black hole. “Tammy, I’d like you to meet Daniel Haynes. Daniel, this is Tamlyn, my daughter.”

  He turned and smiled. “We’ve met. Several times.” He reached out and grabbed Tamlyn’s hand, kissing her fingers. “It seems fate keeps pushing us together.”

  Tamlyn pulled her hand away. “Unfortunately.”

  “Tammy…” Her father’s tone contained an all-too familiar warning.

  She forced a smile, and mentally steeled herself for the inevi
table fight later.

  Daniel took her arm and led her to the door, as he struck up an animated conversation with her father.

  Tamlyn tuned him out. More than ever she wished Martin were here. Lost in her thoughts, she found herself sat at a table in the restaurant with Daniel’s hand on her knee before she realized. Glaring at him, she pulled her leg away from him and crossed it over the other. “Do you mind?”

  He smiled at her. “Not at all.”

  “Well I do. Do that again and I’ll scream and have you arrested.” She scowled at him and grabbed the menu, hiding behind it.

  “Tammy, what can I get you to drink?” Daniel’s fingers slid down her arm.

  She cringed at the use of the nickname. “Water, please. And it’s Lady Bradshaw to you.” Letting out a deep breath of anger, she moved her chair a couple of inches to the left. She lowered her voice so only Daniel could hear her. “I wasn’t kidding about screaming.”

  Tuning out the conversation between the men, she turned back to the menu, rubbing her temple. Her head throbbed. Martin would stop this bloke in his tracks.

  She raised her eyes to find her father glaring at her. Now what? Is standing up for and defending myself wrong now? “Sorry. Did you say something?”

  “I asked if you’d decided yet, but then Daniel chose for you.” He took the menu out of her hands and handed it to the waiter. “I also ordered champagne.”

  “I can’t drink champagne with the meds the hospital gave me. And what are we celebrating, anyway?” She picked up her glass of water, taking a long drink.

  Lord Bradshaw smiled. “My new business arrangement. Daniel has agreed to make a large investment in the estate. He now owns half of it. And when you marry him…”

  Tamlyn sprayed her mouthful of water across the table in a most unladylike fashion. Her suspicious mind suddenly ran rampant. Had the crash been an accident? Why had Martin passed out like that?

  It wasn’t anything he ate or drank because I had the same. Besides, I bought all the food. Or was it a reason to get him out of the way? First Raleigh, then Martin and now this?

  “I don’t think arranged marriages are legal,” she said dryly. “Besides, I have other plans.”


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