Vegas Vacation

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Vegas Vacation Page 7

by Clare Revell

Daniel touched her hand. “This is Vegas. Of course it’s legal.”

  She swallowed hard. She needed to get out of there fast and find Martin. He’d know what to do. She turned to her father. “I appreciate you looking out for me, Dad, but I can’t marry Daniel.”

  Lord Bradshaw’s face darkened. “Why not? Daniel’s a nice man. We can go and pick up a license and—”

  She resisted the urge to roll her eyes. The words Daniel and nice didn’t go together in her mind. “For one thing I’m in love with someone else. For another, I’m doped up on the meds and any legal documents I sign tonight won’t be valid.”

  She pushed the chair back and stood. “I’m sorry, but I can’t do this tonight. It’s been a rotten day, I’m banged up from the car crash, and I have a blinding headache. I’m going to bed. We can talk about this in the morning when I’m feeling better. Excuse me.”

  The men stood.

  Daniel looked at her. “Do you want me to come with you?”

  Tamlyn shook her head. “I can find my room, thank you. I’m assuming you managed to get a suite, Dad, because I’m locking my door.”

  “No. You have a spare bedroom in your suite. I’m sharing with you.”

  “You can’t. It’s my suite and I have the only keycard. Martin has the other one. Go share with Garth.”

  She left the restaurant and after making sure the girl on reception knew not to give out keycards to anyone other than her, headed towards the lifts. She pulled her phone from her bag and used the key to call the lift as she rang the hospital.

  The call picked up and she took a deep breath. “Hello, this is Lady Bradshaw. Please, could you put me through to Martin Ames’s room? Thank you.”

  “Hello?” Martin’s voice echoed down the phone. He sounded tired.

  “Hi, Martin, it’s Tamlyn.”

  “Hey, how are you?”

  “I’m fine. How are you? When are they letting you out?”

  “I’m fine. I should be out of here in the morning.”

  Relief flooded her and she smiled. “That’s wonderful news. I’m so glad. I’ve been really worried. Did they say why you passed out?”

  “I was drugged.”

  Her relief evaporated, replaced by fear and concern. Someone had tried to kill him. This was beyond a coincidence now.

  She sucked in a deep breath, hitting the lift button again. Why wouldn’t it come? “Drugged? How?”

  “It must have been in the restroom. That’s the only time I was alone. I remember something sharp on the back on my neck, but thought I twisted it. I guess we were lucky we weren’t on the freeway when we crashed.”

  “Yeah, I remember you saying your neck hurt. But you’re sure you’re OK?” Where was this lift? She pushed the button again.

  “I’m fine. I’m more worried about you. Tam, what’s wrong?”

  Tamlyn took a deep breath. “Dad wants—” She twisted around as a hand fell on her arm. Her eyes met Daniel’s and she swallowed hard past the lump in her throat. “Uh, I’ve got to go, Aunt Agatha. I’ll call you again tomorrow. Bye.” She hung up. “Get your hands off me.”

  Daniel’s eyes narrowed. “You need to come and finish your meal. I don’t want to have to get nasty, Tammy, because you won’t like it when I do.”

  “My name is Lady Bradshaw, unless you’re the hired help in which case it’s Lady Tamlyn, and I don’t respond well to threats.”

  “Oh, that’s not a threat, it’s a promise.”

  “Lady Bradshaw?”

  Tamlyn turned to face the newcomer. “Yes?”

  The tall, stocky man, with close cropped hair pulled out his ID. “Detective Vance Wicks, Vegas PD. Could I have a word?”

  She pulled free of Daniel’s grip. “Sure, officer. We’ll go up to my suite. We won’t be disturbed there.”

  “I’m afraid you’re going to have to come down to the station. We’re going to need a statement.”

  Even better. She gratefully stepped in to the custody of the big detective by her side. As the Bellagio doors closed, she heaved a sigh of relief. “Thank you so much.”

  “Problem? I overheard that gentleman say something about a threat.”

  Her vision blurred, the detective turning into two and then back into one. “You could say that. He’s been following me for a couple of days. My bodyguard, Sgt. Martin Ames, was dealing with it, but he’s in the hospital after we got in a car accident this afternoon. So, how can I help you?”

  “I’m Martin’s partner, his backup, and I also happen to be his brother-in-law. He asked me to come check up on you. Actually, he was pretty insistent. He just sent a text. Looks like I arrived in the nick of time.”

  Tamlyn smiled. “That was kind of him.” She blinked hard and fell back into the wall of the hotel, the headache she’d had since the crash peaking.

  “Are you OK?”

  “My head hurts…”

  “Tammy!” Her father’s voice came from somewhere to her left. Daniel must have run and told him she was on her way to the police station.

  Detective Wick’s voice echoed, her vision swam and blurred, and she started to slide down the wall. Darkness rushed over her and she let it take her. Was she dreaming? Maybe she was still in the crashed car with Martin next to her. So long as this wasn’t reality, nothing mattered.


  Tamlyn woke to find herself in bed in a stark white room. Sun streamed through the windows. She turned over. A blurred figure sat in the chair beside the bed. She rubbed a hand over her eyes and Garth’s outline came into focus. “Where am I?”

  “Centennial Hills Hospital. You were in a car accident.”

  I know that, but there was dinner and a cop…surely I didn’t dream that.

  “Where’s Martin?”

  “Sgt. Ames was released and told his services were no longer required as I’m taking them over. I will let your father know you’re awake.” He stood and headed from the room.

  Tamlyn pushed upright. A wave of dizziness washed over her and she closed her eyes, willing the accompanying nausea to subside. Her fingers went automatically to her neck. Her cross was gone.

  Reaching over to the locker beside the bed, she checked for her bag. It was there, along with her clothes. Jeans, shirt and underwear. Not the dress she knew she was wearing. What was going on?

  Maybe if she spoke to that cop, Martin’s partner, whatever his name was, he’d know what was going on. Or Martin?

  Yes, she should ring Martin and go wherever he was. He’d protect her from whatever her father and Garth were planning. She opened her bag and took a deep breath. She’d half expected her phone to not be there, but it was. No signal though.

  At least there was no IV for her to remove or other equipment tethering her to the bed. She dressed as quickly as her body would allow. Then, grabbing her bag, she went to the door. The uniformed officer had his back to her, talking to one of the nurses. Just opposite was a staircase. That would do.

  She took a step and grabbed for the wall as a blast of dizziness caught her unawares. Maybe the stairs wouldn’t be a good idea, after all. Tamlyn crossed to the lift, just as the doors opened. She slid inside, expecting Garth or the cop to appear and stop her. Of course, she’d get into trouble for just walking out without discharging herself, but Martin could fix that.

  She hit the button for the ground floor. She’d call Martin and then a cab, once she got outside. The lift doors opened and she stepped out, glancing around.

  Garth stood by the desk. Lord, please, just a little help here. Enough to get me safe to Martin. Then I promise, once I’m thinking straight, I’ll talk to him and You and get things back on an even keel. I need You, I know that, and not this token thing I’ve had going.

  Tamlyn ducked behind a pillar as Garth turned and swept his piercing gaze around the lobby.

  I swear that guy is omniscient at times.

  Her heart pounded, and her stomach knotted. Finally, he turned back to the desk and Tamlyn headed towards the exit.

  Hot desert air assailed her senses as she left the hospital and made her way onto the street. The sun blazed down from a cloudless blue sky. She pulled the phone from her pocket and rang Martin, hoping he’d have his phone switched on.


  “Martin,” she managed. “Please, help me. I can’t stay here.”

  “Take a cab to Davis Park in Spring Valley. I’ll meet you there.” He didn’t even question her.

  “OK, thank you.” Tamlyn hung up and waved at the first cab she saw. Amazingly, it pulled over and she got in. “Davis Park in Spring Valley.”

  As the cab pulled away she saw Garth run out of the hospital and onto the street. She leaned back in the seat and closed her eyes, trying to make herself invisible. If only her head would stop spinning, everything would be OK.


  Tamlyn paid the driver and went into the park. She walked slowly. Martin hadn’t said where to wait. Despite the intense heat, Tamlyn shivered, unable to shift the feeling someone was following her. The skin on the back of her neck crawled. She rubbed her arms, her heart thudding in her chest, and her throat suddenly and inexplicably dry.

  She stopped and did a slow three sixty, but couldn’t see anyone. The back of her neck prickled, and she spun around, crying out as strong arms grasped her.

  “Hey, it’s all right.” A pair of calm, sparkling blue eyes gazed at her in concern, short black hair framing his face. “It’s OK,” he repeated. “I’ve got you.”

  “Martin…” Tamlyn collapsed into his arms, tears of relief filling her eyes. She closed her eyes as his arms wrapped around her, his scent encompassing her.

  His voice, warm and full of concern, sent shivers down her spine. “Tam, what happened? Vance said you passed out on him and he called an ambulance, but then your father appeared and took over.”

  “I didn’t think this is what I had on last night. It’s what I wore when we were in the car when it crashed, but I had this long evening gown on last night because we had dinner in one of the hotel restaurants.”

  He drew her down to the bench behind them. “Just slow down. We’re safe here. Vance knows where we are and he’s covering all the bases. Tell me what happened.”

  “We got back to the hotel from the hospital. Dad told me to get ready for dinner to celebrate Daniel buying into the estate, and something about me marrying Daniel. I wasn’t feeling well and left to ring you. Then Daniel was there and he made veiled threats. I was so dizzy, I still am, and everything’s all mixed up in my mind. But then your partner turned up and I…”

  Tamlyn leaned against him. “I woke in hospital with Garth on guard duty. He said I was there because of the car accident and you’d been released and weren’t needed anymore. He didn’t say anything about dinner, but I remember it happening. My necklace has gone. But I didn’t want to hang around long enough to ask any of the nurses if they had it. I didn’t even check out, I left when Garth went to get Dad, slipped out past your cop on duty, too.”

  “OK. First things first; let’s get you checked out.” The concern in his eyes was echoed in his voice.

  “I can’t go back to the hospital. It’s not safe.”

  “We’ll go see a friend of mine. He’s a doc in a local clinic. They have a lab there and I want some tests done.”

  “What kind of tests?” Tamlyn’s stomach dropped.

  “Blood tests. I want a tox screen done to see if they drugged you, as well.”

  She nodded. “OK.”

  “OK. You said something about marrying Daniel. Had you picked up the license?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Martin nodded. “I’ll check it out. But first, we need to get you to a doctor. I’ve rented a car. It’s parked just over there.”


  Tamlyn looked at Martin leaning against the wall and smiled. He hadn’t left her side since he’d admitted her to the clinic. They’d done a thorough exam and the doctor was just finishing up the blood tests.

  Martin smiled. “How are you doing?”

  “Better. Not dizzy anymore.”

  His smile turned into a grin. “That’s great.”

  The doctor glanced up the paperwork. “You’re good to go. Do you want me to call you at the office, Martin?”

  Martin shook his head. “I’ll be on my cell. You have the number.”

  “I’ll call when they’re in. They shouldn’t take too long; I’ll get the lab to rush them. You take care, Lady Bradshaw.”

  Tamlyn took a deep breath, looking at Martin as they headed down the corridor. “If the results are positive and they did drug me, what happens?”

  “We press charges.” He rattled off six to begin with.

  “I just want my necklace back.”

  Her hand brushed against his and he took it. He ran his thumb over the back of her hand and she shivered, not expecting the rivers of fire his touch caused within her.


  “I’m OK,” she said, trying to convince herself more than him. “Now, what? I can’t go back to the hotel. And I don’t trust anyone other than you.”

  “I suggest we go back to my place, for now.”

  She nodded. Then remembering her promise to God, she cleared her throat. “And I want to talk to you.”

  “Sounds serious. But sure, we can talk. Let’s just get you out of here and somewhere safe.”


  Tamlyn stood in the hallway of Martin’s tiny apartment. She could probably fit the entire thing into the sitting room of her hotel suite, never mind into her bedroom at home.

  Martin’s voice came from the direction of the kitchen. “You can go into the living room. I’ll be there in a minute.”

  “OK.” Tamlyn went cautiously into the lounge, wrinkling her nose at the mess. She crossed to the sideboard and picked up the framed photo. “When was this photo of you in uniform taken?”

  “When I graduated police academy. A while ago now.”

  “You’re not that old.” She wandered over to the window. “Nice view of the freeway.”

  “It has its moments.” His voice came from behind her and she turned.

  “How can you stand to live in a pigsty like this?”

  Martin raised an eyebrow. “Is it beneath you?”

  “I didn’t say that. You’re just not a good housekeeper. Where’s your hoover?”

  “I’m sorry?”

  Tamlyn rolled her eyes and repeated herself for him. “Your hoover, you know, the thing you clean the floor with. Along with a black sack, duster and some polish?”

  “OK. Cleaning products. Question is, one, why do you want them? And two, as a lady, do you know how to use them?”

  Tamlyn shook her head. “And I thought I was the dumb blonde,” she teased. “I’m going to clean your apartment.”

  He tilted his head. “I thought you wanted to talk.”

  “I do, but not in this mess. Cleaning might clear my head a little. So if you could find me a black sack, polish, duster and a hoover it’d be great.”

  “I’ll see what I can do.”

  Tamlyn nodded and picked up a load of magazines from the floor and put them into a pile. Then she turned her attention to the couch. Covered in paper, burger wrappers and things she didn’t even want to imagine, she had no intention of sitting on it until she’d cleaned it thoroughly. She smiled as Martin came back in, and took the black sack he offered. “Thanks. You need to sort through that pile there, see what you want to keep.”

  Tamlyn sighed as Martin swept stuff off the couch to the floor and sat down. “Excuse me?”

  “Why, what have you done?”

  She put her hands on her hips and looked him square in the eyes as he pushed back into the sofa. “Are you gonna sit there and watch me clean?”

  “Yeah, pretty much. I mean, you did say you wanted to clean. The word we wasn’t mentioned at all.” He put his booted feet on the table and smirked as he folded his arms.

  “Fine—I see how it is.” She turned away so
he wouldn’t see her smile, and turned to the task in hand. She was half tempted to ask for rubber gloves, but honestly doubted he owned a pair. She didn’t even want to contemplate what state the bathroom would be in. Reaching down, she grabbed a pile of rubbish and dropped it into the sack. Something ran over her sleeve and she screamed in panic, shaking her arm. “Get it off me!”

  Martin sat up straight, swinging his feet onto the floor. “Tam?”

  Tamlyn backed away, shaking in terror. “S...spider...”

  He got up. “It’s only a little one, but I’ll get rid of it.”

  She backed away to the sideboard as he picked up a glass and piece of paper and removed the offending creature. “Maybe if this place were a little tidier...”

  He nodded. “I’ll help clean. To be honest, I don’t spend that much time here, not now, and I got out of the habit of cleaning.”

  “Would have thought you’d have been obsessive about it, with the burns and all...”

  “Yeah, well.” He sighed. “Things aren’t always what they seem. After Laura left, I...”

  “Laura was your girlfriend?”

  Martin nodded. “We weren’t living together or anything, but she’d clean up after me. She said it was her mission in life to house train me.”

  “You don’t need house training.” Tamlyn winked. “You managed perfectly well in the hotel.”

  “True. Thing is, when Laura left me, I gave up. I didn’t see the point anymore. She was gone, my career was over, and I was a wreck of a man.”

  “No, you’re not. She’s an idiot for leaving you, I told you that.”

  Martin moved over to her. His fingers brushed down her arm. “You think so?”

  “I know so.” Her gaze held Martin’s and his face inched closer to hers. Was he going to kiss her? His cologne filled her senses and she could even smell his shampoo. Her whole body tingled with his nearness.

  Disappointment flooded her as the phone rang and he pulled away. Her gaze followed him as he answered it.

  “Ames. Hello, Sir. I’ve not long got in myself. Vance said he’d fill you in.” He listened. “Sounds like the best thing under the circumstances.” He shot her a smile. “I’m fine. The doc said to take it easy for the rest of the week. Of course, I will. OK.”


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