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Fighter's Fever: The Metallic Siege

Page 8

by Ricardo Nazaire

  “Wait, no, on second thought Ms. Aamina works best since I am your senior, but not senior-senior because I’m only a few years older than you…Well, a couple years…Anyway, I’m looking forward to keeping you two on track!”

  “Assistant to the Student Affairs Liaison,” Instructor Adey sighs.

  “Well, it looks like someone isn’t a stranger to coffee,” Paul says jokingly.

  “Yeah, I'm pretty sure that this lady has more than a few screws loose,” Keenth says with a smirk on his face.

  “I’ll smack the life out of them, Adey! I’ll seriously do it and you know it! I’m not afraid to go back to probation either,” Aamina states as the instructor tries to calm her down.

  In a brief, yet humbling experience, the two trainees were speechless.

  “Perfect! Now you two come close so that I can take a photo for our newsletter. First impressions are everything,” Aamina exclaims.

  “N-now hold on just a minute…We didn’t sign up for this!”

  While things began to get better between Keenth and Paul, it was just a matter of time before the two friendly rivals would eventually reemerge to their much more fitting roles as bitter enemies yet again.

  The next morning, they were up bright and early to warm up for the day ahead.

  “Whoa, that tree's huge! Hey Paul, I've been meaning to ask you. Why is it that you're always on top of high places like that?”

  “Funny you say that, because I'm pretty sure I've been meaning to tell you. How about you just hold your breath until I do, okay?”

  “Your mother never hugged you, am I right?”

  “You see, I think better when I'm above ground.” Paul laughed.

  “It helps me get my mind off of things, and it takes quite a bit of concentration to stay here, so if you understand—”

  “Yeah,” Keenth replies while sitting on top of a much higher branch much to Paul's surprise. Before he could ask, Keenth goes on, “You see, I'm not too sure how it is around here, but something as simple as tree climbing to clear your head shouldn't be treated as a science, you know.”

  “I guess you're right. Listen, I've been meaning to ask you this, but why exactly did you come to the Academy? No offense, but you don't really seem like the military type, and it's not like you could go and tell me that you're more inclined to the medical field because you and I both know that would be a lost cause by now.”

  Keenth thought about it and jumped down the tree with relative ease.

  “Funny you say that because I'm pretty sure I've been meaning to tell you too. Just do me a favor and play in traffic for a few hours in the meantime, alright?”

  Paul laughed again. Most people have come to see Keenth as a bit of a clown, but, unlike them, Paul has come to see that he definitely has a lot more to him.

  “Actually, I'm the kind of person who doesn't really depend on a description to see how a person is and what they're really about.”

  “We haven't known each other for too long, but give it some time and, from there, you could figure who I am a lot better than me trying to explain it to you.”

  Paul figured out how he lives by a similar philosophy as well. Life has a funny way of teaching people a thing or two.

  Agent Connors found herself designated as the Lead Agent of the Keyes Investigation. It made sense seeing how she was the Senior Intel Agent of the LanTech Empire.

  Naturally, she requested that Agent Giles, who she sees not only as her most trustworthy ally, but an invaluable friend, be onboard the investigation.

  Unfortunately for her, the word trustworthy didn't bear the same significance as it did with Agent Giles, seeing how words like tardy and dismissive would best describe him and his actions outside of fieldwork.

  “You know if you're going to suggest where we go during this investigation, the least you could do is show up,” Agent Connors thinks to herself.

  Agent Connors wasn't as familiar with Tortuga as Agent Giles and found herself damning his free-spiritedness which could, in fact, from be a bit of envy on her part.

  Although he is a part of an organization as prestigious as LanTech Empire, Agent Giles was always one to follow his gut in everything he'd do, as opposed to doing things by the book.

  This understandably led to him being well-received among his peers more than the senior officials of the Empire, that was, aside from Agent Keyes.

  Agent Keyes was definitely what many would see as a mentor to both Agents Connors and Giles. Understandably, this investigation is more personal than professional for the pair.

  “If I remember correctly, I'm not too far away from my destination. So, if anything, I could meet up with him and the others shortly.”

  What Agent Connors didn't see coming was an anonymous call that addressed her by her full name? Startled, she landed her airship and went back to the Agent state-of-mind.

  “Who is this?”

  “Don't look now, but you're being followed.”

  Before she could continue, she was surprised by a sudden tap on her window and found herself gasping. This made it all too apparent that even an Agent such as herself could lose their cool in certain situations.

  The mystery behind the voice turned out to be a colleague who had an innocent smirk on his face, despite startling his comrade.

  “Damn, David! You scared me to death, you moron!”

  “My apologies, Agent Connors. I don't know what the big deal is. I thought it was my obligation to show concern to a fellow Agent. How come anytime one tries to build bridges, others divide? When one wishes for peace, others collide? How come—”

  “You don't just keep your mouth shut,” Agent Connors says as she begrudgingly accepts his apology.

  Interestingly enough, Agent David Fallon was another individual who Agent Keyes had inspired through his tenure within the LanTech Empire.

  As such, had a close connection with Agent Connors, although it wasn't as close as the one she shared with Agent Giles.

  Despite that, Agent Connors has come to respect Agent Fallon's work ethic which is a complete contrast to that of Agent Giles'.

  Agent Fallon is known for standing up for what he believes in which oftentimes coincides with the actions and beliefs of the LanTech Empire.

  Among the group of known officials, he would be considered most suitable for the highly esteemed position of an Elite Class Agent which is a position held by no more than a handful of individuals, Commanding Officer Lansient included.

  While Agent David Fallon himself is seen as what one would want to achieve if they were part of the Empire, his younger brother, Agent James Fallon, is anything but that.

  Despite sharing a similar appearance with dark eyes and a rather distinguished facade, the two couldn't be any different, as seen by their attitudes and their reputations.

  While the elder Fallon is seen as a well-kept, conventional-minded individual, James has earned the reputation of being a rather flashy, free-spirited person, especially compared to LanTech standards.

  But it could very well just be about comparing scholarly and cocky mindsets respectively. Keeping in character, Agent Fallon was quick to get straight to the situation at hand.

  “It is good to hear that you are leading the investigation, Agent Connors. To be honest, I was concerned that if the wrong people were involved, then we wouldn't get anywhere with this. Or worse, that it would all be for nothing.”

  “Those are my thoughts exactly. We don't have too much to work with so if anything, we need the most suitable people on the job. Speaking of which, do you have any idea where Agent Giles is? He’s supposed to meet me here.”

  “Oh, that reminds me, he asked me to pass this to you:

  Jinni, I'll be doing some work around Tortuga, so don't wait up on me.-R. Giles

  “That idiot,” Agent Connors thinks to herself.

  “Ah, that is a lot like him, after all. You know, I wish I could be of some help with you two out here, but I am still working on the forensic side o
f the Keyes Incident.”

  “While this case means a lot to me, I wouldn't want my personal feelings to tamper with the investigation in any way.”

  “I understand what you mean. Besides, I heard that your brother is being put on board for the investigation. It’s anyone’s guess if he’s even suitable for his current job,” Agent Connors replies, trying to get a few words out of Agent Fallon about his brother and her potentially new subordinate.

  Agent Fallon tried his best to front with a half-hearted smile, but even then, he couldn't help but laugh at the fact that James was a part of the investigation, let alone affiliated with the LanTech Empire whatsoever.

  “I need you to do me a favor and look after him for me when you can. Besides the fact he's a Junior Official without too much experience, he still bears the Fallon name.”

  This was strange to Agent Connors seeing how Agent Fallon was willing to openly express concern over his younger brother.

  Even though he'd try his hardest not to show it, Agent Fallon still had a place for his sibling in his mind, despite their differences.

  “No problem and thanks for the heads up, David.”

  “Oh…Yeah, about that. It's Agent Fallon. Remember: Agent Fallon.”

  “Right, right. Take care, Agent Fallon,” Agent Connors replies.

  All too quickly, Agent Connors was reminded about the state of mind while in the LanTech Empire.

  At times she would question joining in the first place, but she would come to understand her reasons as time went on.

  Through the Fog, Pt. IV

  The morning of the commemoration ceremony finally approaches. Keenth and the others prepare for what was looking to be a very eventful gathering.

  Given the amount of influence Agent Keyes had on the world, many paths are expected to cross on this fateful day.

  “I hate wearing ties,” Keenth says as he adjusts his collar.

  “I wouldn’t be surprised if this was the first time you were wearing one.”

  “And how could you tell? Better yet, who asked you in the first place, Paul?”

  “Well, maybe it’s the fact that your tie is on backwards for starters?”

  “You know, we are going to fight for real one day, and I’d be a liar if I was to tell you that I’m not looking forward to it.”

  “Gents! How are we looking?” Aamina asks, wearing a formal black gown. “Well, what do you think?”

  “Meh,” Keenth and Paul reply simultaneously.

  “Well, I think you look like a very dignified young woman.”

  “And you are?”

  “Ah, of course. I’m Connors. Agent Jennifer Connors. Pleased to meet you all.”

  “It was rude of me. After all, I should’ve addressed you as an Agent based on your LanTech lapel pin,” Paul replies.

  “Please, please…Today you can just call me Jennifer.”

  “Ah, Jennifer as in Jinni? That’s a lot easier to remember. By the way, I’m Keenth…Nice to meet ya!”

  “W-What did you just call me?

  “I-I’m sorry,” Aamina said, trying to give Keenth a hint. “Our friend here is a little…yeah…”

  “No, it’s not a big deal. It’s just that, well, I detest that nickname to no end, ha ha,” Agent Connors says as she tries to keep her anger at bay.

  “If you don’t mind me asking, what brings you up here this morning?” Paul says.

  “Nothing in particular. It’s just that I haven’t really looked around at the Training Academy in a while. It is pretty interesting seeing new faces in a familiar setting. In fact, Lawrence took me and a few others on many tours of this facility many moons ago.”

  “I’m sorry, but Lawrence?”

  “Oh, sorry, I was referring to the late Agent Keyes.”

  “Wow, you must have known him pretty well,” Keenth interjects.

  “I sure did. If it wasn’t for him, I probably wouldn’t have joined the LanTech Empire in the first place.”

  “We are really sorry for your loss,” Aamina adds.

  “That’s very kind of you, thank you. You know, seeing the Academy as it is today shaping the lives of young people like you brings me hope. A reminder that, even though Agent Keyes may not be with us in the literal sense, he still lives on through people like you.”

  “Really, now? Do you think so,” Paul asks.

  “Of course!”

  “What about me?” Keenth butts in.

  “I-I think I’m going to head downstairs now. Nice meeting you. See you all at the ceremony.”

  The ceremony begins and the guests are very well-dressed for the special occasion. Among them, three LanTech Agents make an appearance, among some of the highest ranked.

  While many in the outside world do not know all of their true identities and strengths, they are still respected and revered individuals.

  Opening remarks are provided by Agent Connors. Aside from the Commanding Officer, she is one of the most well-recognized Agents of recent times.

  That combined with the fact she knew Agent Keyes personally made her leading the ceremony an obvious choice.

  “Hello, good morning, and thank you all for attending. We shall begin the ceremony but first, allow me to introduce you to my colleagues: Agents Elise Van, James Fallon, and of course myself, Jennifer Connors.”

  “Agent Giles was scheduled to appear and deeply regrets that he was unable to, so he sends his thoughts and condolences.”

  Agent Connors and the others speak about the life and times of Agent Lawrence Keyes while the guests listen respectfully.

  “Some of you missed the privilege of meeting an astounding individual on all fronts,” Agent Van adds on.

  “The ones responsible for this heinous crime have no doubt robbed a generation. But let’s carry on in his footsteps so that through our own actions, he lives on.”

  Pride. Honor. Resolve. All of these factors are important for any member of society and generally speaking for a true individual such as Agent Keyes. He was those words personified.

  With that, the ceremony quietly ended. Groups of people meet with the Agents and other officials commenting on the ceremony and Agent Keyes in general.

  Keenth and the others are in the lower lobby conversing in idle chitchat. He reflects on the words about Agent Keyes as Aamina approaches.

  “Is everything alright, Keenth?”

  “Me? Yeah, I’m fine, Ms. Aamina. It’s just that, I don’t know. After hearing about the kind of legacy people leave behind here, I wonder if maybe coming out here was a waste of time.”

  “Don’t say that, Keenth. You’ve got us. You, me, Paul…We’re here for each other, remember?”

  “Yeah, it’s just…I don’t know…”

  “You sound pretty stressed, man. Maybe you outta spar a bit. You know, unwind.”

  Keenth and Aamina stand puzzled as the mysterious individual continues on.

  “What’s with the look? You’re Keenth as in Keenth Hedstrom, right? Your sword was in the armory so I figured you know…Check it out to pass the time. A bit weird, but you don’t have an issue with that, do you?”

  “That sword, my sword, was a gift. Putting your hands on what isn’t yours is not just weird, it’s asking for trouble, don’t you think?” Keenth says with anger in his voice.

  “Fair point, but as I’m one of the youngest LanTech Agents in the Empire’s history, pleased to meet you by the way, don’t see it as a bad thing,” Agent James Fallon responds.

  “After all, for me to reach out to a trainee like yourself means that you may have the potential to join the ranks of the Invincible Empire one day.”

  “Which is something that would be more suitable to discuss down the line with the Assistant Student Affairs Liaison,” Aamina intervenes.

  “Assistant to the Student Affairs Liaison. But look, kid, I didn’t mean to tick you off or anything. I’ll put this back in the armory and we’ll pretend this conversation never happened.”

  “No, I’m good. Bes
ides, pretending something didn’t happen is almost as bad as flaunting your credentials to a teenager,” Keenth replies.

  “What was that, kid?”

  “I said what I said, Sir–”

  “Well, goddamn! Alright, wow, alright, I haven’t introduced myself: I’m Fallon. Agent James Fallon. Now we go tit for tat all day or we could make this a mentorship session, seeing how we’re all in high spirits all of a sudden,” Agent Fallon shouts, failing to keep himself calm.

  “Yeah, some mentorship sounds really good right about now,” Keenth says as he quickly snatches his sword from Agent Fallon. “I would love to kill time…among other things.”

  “Sure, buddy, that’s your call,” Agent Fallon says as he prepares himself. “I feel as though I should warn you that as far as lessons go, you shouldn’t expect me to go easy.”

  “Don’t worry, I can handle myself.”

  “Great to hear,” Agent Fallon replied with a smirk. “Great to hear…”

  Keenth and Agent James Fallon stare each other down with their swords drawn in the courtyard of the Academy. Both of them are intensely probing for the right moment to strike.

  “Hey, kid, what’s the deal with you staring into the clouds like that?”

  Before Keenth could react, Agent Fallon was behind Keenth, beginning his attack. Instinctively, Keenth was able to block the strike and regain his composure.

  “This guy is fast,” Keenth thinks to himself as he tries to find an opening. “If anything, he is underestimating me, so I should use that to my advantage. Okay, here I go!”

  Keenth rushed with a swing to the right, clearly missing his intended target.

  “Whoa, that was a pretty heavy swing there, kid. I thought we were just messing around here?”

  “I could say the same to you, Agent!”

  Keenth repeated the attack, only this time, he swung to the left giving Agent Fallon but a split second to react.

  “I have to hand it to you, swinging the way you did earlier so that I would think you were a lefty. Not bad. Not bad at all,” Agent Fallon says.


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