Fighter's Fever: The Metallic Siege

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Fighter's Fever: The Metallic Siege Page 17

by Ricardo Nazaire

  “Me? Off the record, it gets pretty tiring being away from everything going on. Seeing how you all have had quite the eventful series of events lately, I couldn’t think of a better time to show my face,” Commander Lansient replies, as he throws his black overcoat with its dark-red lining over a large desk chair.

  “Well, Sir, there have been a series of chaotic moments as of late, but please rest assured that we are on top of things. We have the best and brightest on—”

  “Lord…If you insist on being so gung-ho about things, then the least you could do is offer me a drink.”

  “Sir! I could never!”


  “Tortuga Whiskey or Colonia Rum?” Agent Fallon asked in defeat. “For the record, these were gifts that I just so happened to leave here for decorative purposes.”

  “Yeah, sure. Rum it up, Fallon. Be sure to grab yourself something too!”

  After grabbing a couple of glasses and some ice, Agent Fallon carefully prepared the drinks as directed. Commander Lansient raises his glass in approval as he begins to quietly enjoy his drink of choice.

  Agent Fallon, on the other hand, sips cranberry juice, insisting that he feels more comfortable with that. A few minutes pass before Commander Lansient speaks.

  “So, what’ve you got for me? Is there anything in particular on your mind?”

  “Yes, Sir. Respectfully asking, but why exactly are you at this facility? That and is there any particular reason my staff members are not here?”

  “And here I thought you were going to compliment me on the lighting? I guess you aren’t much for theatrics, after all. As far as your staff, I sent them home. As a leader, you should know not to work your people to the bone.”

  “Do you really stand by that, Sir?”

  “Oh, definitely. Empathy, or at least the illusion of it, goes a long way. But between you and me, you get way more mileage out of them that way.”

  “N-noted, Sir. My team has put all of their effort into these recent events. Sir, I can honestly tell you that we have the best and brightest on—”

  “Fallon, you’re killing me here! Just for that, I want you to have a real drink to keep from stressing me out any further!”

  “But, Sir—”

  “Fine! If you want to play it that way, then consider that an order. Now get to it already.”

  “Truth be told, a drink or two would probably be for the best. I’m sure that you can agree that the world has been turned upside down lately.”

  “Well, it wouldn’t be the first time. It’s just a matter of adapting to things. Or was it evolving with time? Where did you say this rum was from again?”

  “Sorry, but there is something I really need to know, Sir. I received an urgent message to come here, only to find you. Could you tell me what’s really going on?”

  “Oh, getting straight to business, I see. Fair enough. As I’m sure you are aware, Lawrence was more on the technological side compared to me when it comes to the Empire. He had a real affinity when it came to all of the airships and mechs we have today.”

  “Of course, Sir. He taught me just about everything that I know and even then, I’m probably at a fraction of his level on my best day.”

  “What he lacked, respectfully speaking, is common sense where it really mattered. For years, I would tell him that his technological advances could potentially be a problem if left unchecked.”

  “But what does that have to do with the message that I received from Agent Keyes?”

  “A message from Keyes’ device? It should be clear that it came from me.”

  “But, Sir, that simply isn’t impossible. The authentications—”

  “That was something I pressed Keyes to program, yes. But only on the grounds that I could override any protocol as the Commanding Officer.”

  “What would drive you to do that? Was it mistrust about Agent Keyes?”

  “Trust? No, it has nothing to do with that. I can only trust anyone as far as I could throw them, as, in the world that we’re living in, you can never be too careful. Case in point–Keyes is gone. The fact that I solely have a handle on our technology now means the Empire can continue to thrive in his wake.”

  “Don’t you think that is too much power for one person to have? You have several Agents who you could delegate authorization to. Why not utilize us accordingly, Sir?”

  “You are more like Keyes than you realize, Fallon. More times often than not, he felt the same way. Despite being older than me by quite a few years, I’ve been able to hold my own during our many debates. We had our disagreements, but we always kept things respectful as peers.”

  “But if you are willing to admit Agent Keyes’ superior expertise when it came to technology, then where do your strengths come into play?”

  “While the Empire is known for our machines, we wouldn’t be any different from anyone else without what I bring to the table: power. Without any clear purpose or direction, LanTech would have crumbled a long time ago. Keyes was essential, I’ll say that much, but Hasania’s prosperity is thanks to me.”

  “With all due respect, you’re speaking as if the High Councils of Hasania don’t play a part in this as well.”

  “Play a part? You know as well as I do that they’re all puppets. Whether you’re talking about Chambers, Balcer, or Young, they could all be easily replaced. They are only in their positions to keep the masses satisfied.”

  “I see. Empathy, or at least the illusion of it…”

  “Exactly, Fallon. You’ve got play to politics here and there if you’re in it for the long run. Isn’t that a goal of yours in the first place or am I confusing you for your brother?”


  “Unlike your brother, you didn’t disable the comms on your communication device. Even though I could only make out what some of you were saying, just know that your conversation from earlier won’t leave this room.”

  “Okay, Sir. So, with that out in the open, could you tell me what this meeting is all about?”

  “I’ve been monitoring the Keyes and Phantom investigations from a distance. Not to micromanage your operations, but I was curious to see where things would go with your generation taking the helm.”

  “But the fact that you’re here…”

  “Means that I’ve run out of patience. Don’t take things personally. I believe most of you genuinely put your best efforts for the sake of the Empire. I appreciate the drive on that end. However, you all could only go so far without knowing the full picture.”

  “You mean that there’s more to the investigation?”

  “More than you could imagine, Fallon. There’s no point in keeping you in the dark any longer: I’ve been well aware of Operation Phantom for years now.”

  “You can’t be serious, Sir! Then, that means…”

  “Yes, these machines were created by Agent Keyes. Operation Phantom was supposed to be his legacy. A means to minimize casualties on both sides and solidify the LanTech Empire as the driving force of peace in the world.”

  “Then what is the issue with such a project? Why hasn’t it gotten off the ground?”

  “Do you have brain damage or something? Minimizing casualties? Driving force of peace? We’re not in the business of ending these constant battles; we thrive off of them.”

  “But, Sir, the LanTech Empire is—”

  “Exactly what I order it to be, Agent. I’ll let you in on something that I’ve had to get through Keyes’ head again and again. The Empire isn’t in the business to make friends. Nor do we operate for the needs of Hasania. We’re here for one reason and one reason only: Order.”

  “You mean to tell me that we’re here for something so simplistic?”

  “Wake up, and take a look at the world around us right now, Fallon. Without the Empire, there would be nothing stopping those savages out there from burning everything to hell. They’re basically animals compared to us and what we stand for.”

  “My apologies, but that’s so
mething that I simply cannot agree with, Sir.”

  “I beg your pardon? You seriously can’t be so stubborn to resist our reality, can you? And here I thought you were one of the brighter Agents.”

  “To me, the Empire represents balance in the world. If we can’t see that, then we’re no different—”

  “From the rest of them...Damn, son, it’s like you are reading notes straight from Keyes’ playbook. Let’s put this to the side for now. Do you want to know the real reason why I’m here?”

  “Of course, Sir. We’ve spent quite a bit of time talking around it, but I would really like to understand.”

  “Well, if you insist,” Commander Lansient replies as he approaches his overcoat. “Do you care to explain what this is?”

  Commander Lansient tosses a dark object towards Agent Fallon. To his shock, it is Varun’s partially destroyed Phantom Helmet. He’s confused why the Commanding Officer would possess this.

  “Sir, where in the world did you get something like this? My team has only been able to retrieve small fragments here and there, but nothing like this.”

  “Well, it’s a good thing that I have my own team on it, isn’t it? Do you really think I would sit back and leave investigations like this in the hands of a few throwaway Agents?”

  “Just what are you trying to say, Sir?”

  “What I’m saying is that I’ve had Elite Agent Van looking into these recent events as well. Again, nothing personal or anything, but we have people in these positions for a reason. Anyway, she was able to uncover quite a few connections regarding everything that has been going on lately.”

  “Such as?”

  “Well, the simple fact that, even though Operation Phantom was initiated by Keyes and scrapped by myself, someone still took it upon themselves to release waves of Phantoms without authorization.”

  “Well, then it is a simple case of rebels getting a hold of these machines.”

  “Clever theory, Fallon. But these machines could not be operated without an Agent’s involvement. That was something I made clear to Keyes before the project fell through.”

  “I’ll believe it when I see it, Sir. We’ve pledged unwavering loyalty to the Empire and I doubt that any of us would do anything to compromise what we stand for like this.”

  “I expect you’d say something like that. Sorry to break it to you, Agent, but the coding on these Phantoms have Agent James Fallon’s name all over them.”

  “My brother?? Sir, there’s absolutely no way!”

  “I wouldn’t imagine that there would be an easy way to hear this, but it is true. I had Agents Van and Connors analyze the data thoroughly. There is no denying that your brother has a hand in these recent attacks.”

  “Not him, not James...Sorry, but there has to be some kind of mistake. If I could just get the chance to review their findings, then maybe—”

  “No, I won’t let it happen. It is one thing for him to have a part in these acts, but for him to parade around as an integral asset to these investigations is particularly insulting to me. The fact that he approached you in the manner that he did should make this clear.”

  “I understand, Sir. There’s no way of convincing you otherwise on this, but I have one request. Please let me be the one to bring him in.”

  “Denied, Fallon. While your dedication to the Empire is appreciated, there’s no guarantee that your familial connection won’t compromise things going forward.”

  “If he is backed into a corner, then there’s no telling what he’ll do with the Phantom Bombers that he has under his control. Is it really worth risking any collateral damage when attempting to bring him in?”

  “If the reports are correct, then there isn’t much time before the next attack happens. So, regardless, large scale destruction is inevitable at this rate. If it means anything to you, I didn’t want it to go this way. But given the circumstances…”

  “No need to explain yourself, Sir. If it’s meant to be, then it’s—”

  Agent Fallon’s words are cut short as a major explosion obliterates the Tortuga Forensics Building.

  This explosion has the combined effect of causing an electromagnetic disturbance, sending Tortuga and the rest of Hasania into complete and utter darkness.

  Several airships lose their power mid-flight, causing many of them to crash into buildings throughout major cities.

  The violent flames from the wreckage were the only sources of light until ominous blue beams appeared throughout Hasania.

  The sense of dread is felt all the way over in the Azoco village where Lady Aida looks into the distance.

  Requesting that the villagers prepare more torches in spite of the ongoing rainfall, she signals for silence as unknown forces make their way through the forest.

  “I can tell there is a group making their way towards the village, but I can’t sense their presence. Could they be more of those machines?” Lady Aida thinks to herself.

  Heavy footsteps grew louder so Lady Aida realized that the invaders were surrounding the village.

  Knowing that there was no time to spare, Lady Aida requested Weiss to lead the villagers to their homes.

  Reacting to the sound of her voice, a horde of Phantoms suddenly lunge towards the village elder at an aggressive rate.

  Drawing various blades and spears, they clearly intended to immediately execute Lady Aida, before being frozen in place out of seemingly nowhere.

  This group of Phantoms was promptly set ablaze, while their reinforcements were halted by a large wall made of wood and stone.

  As Lady Aida gave her thanks, the group of warriors made their way toward her.

  “I thought the plan was for me to take advantage of all this rain by freezing the Bombers? Work smarter, not harder, you idiot!”

  “Yeah, whatever! Your way was taking too long! Besides there’s a ton of them out there, so you’ll have chances to go at it again and again. Let’s not forget who is running the show, Icebox!”

  “Lord Haden, if you could hear me right now, all I ask is that you give me the strength to deal with these two during all of this.”

  “Look sharp, everyone,” Benjamin says. “If we slip up, then this village is done for. It’s either us or these bastards, so let’s make it an easy choice from here, shall we?”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Urgent message: This is not a drill; again, this is not a drill. It has been recently confirmed that the explosion that recently decimated the Tortuga Forensics Facility claimed the life of Commander Drake Lansient.

  In addition to this, sightings of rogue militias have been reported throughout Hasania.

  Effective immediately, a Full-Force Order is hereby directed. All LanTech Agents and Officials are to engage any and all unknown individuals with deadly force.

  Again, if you encounter any non-member of the LanTech Empire, you are ordered to eliminate them at all costs.

  Released: B. Alteme, Acting Commander of the LanTech Empire.

  “If the Forensics Facility was destroyed, then that means my brother—”

  “Sir, is everything alright,” Paul asks a clearly distraught Agent Fallon. “Does that message affect our mission in any way?”

  “No, we’ll still press on. Either way, we’re coming up on the Training Academy. Though by the looks of things, calling it the Academy Ruins seems much more appropriate.”

  The full moon shines on their destination as Agent Fallon and Paul approach the broken-down remnants of where the Training Academy once proudly stood.

  Rain has clearly made its way through the massive holes on roofs and ceilings, further adding to the gloom.

  There was a ghostly silence where thousands of trainees and instructors once spent hours upon hours preparing for the years ahead of them.

  Sadly, there was no future for the individuals who did not survive the attack; just a hushed stillness among a sea of debris.

  “You are awfully quiet all of a sudden, Fehren. You aren’t getting nostalgic about this
place, are you?”

  “No, not at all. The time that I have spent here is long behind me. The only thing that matters now is helping you fulfill your true objective, Sir.”

  “Ah, good answer. Very well, Fehren. Let’s keep making our way through the main building. You will be able to understand more about what’s going on shortly.”

  “Is that really for the best? After all, most of the Academy has been destroyed. I wouldn’t imagine that there would be much to work with anymore.”

  “I guess it makes sense for you to say that seeing how you don’t know the big picture. Well, listen up. Now’s the best time for you to know about The Metallic Siege.”

  “The Metallic Siege, Sir?”

  “Yes. About five years ago, I was a merchant marine that occasionally worked alongside the Empire. I wasn’t a standout by any means, but all that mattered was that I was competent at my job.”

  “Is that when all of this started, Sir?”

  “Maybe, I’m not sure. One night, I was on one of the security watches on one of our smaller ships when we were attacked by a rebel ship off of the Northern Tortugan Shores. Going against them was like bringing a knife to a sword fight. There wasn’t much of a guarantee that we would be able to fend them off.”

  “What ended up happening that night?”

  “I did what any other young, dumb person would do in that situation. I went all in and made the decision to board their ship. I figured if they were so hard pressed on getting our ship, they wouldn’t be as focused on protecting theirs.”

  “If I didn’t know any better, it sounded like you went off on a suicide mission.”

  “Hey now. If you haven’t been in that kind of position before, then you probably wouldn’t understand. Worst case scenario, the rebels were going to kill me anyway. I figured I wouldn’t give those guys the satisfaction.”

  “Well, when you put it like that…”

  “Exactly. Anyway, when I boarded their ship, I noticed that they barely had enough people to man the thing. My guess was that they were planning on using our sailors to help make their escape.”


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