Fighter's Fever: The Metallic Siege

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Fighter's Fever: The Metallic Siege Page 18

by Ricardo Nazaire

“But what would they be escaping from?”

  “That ship of theirs was not one you would ever want to be on. It was loaded with tons of explosives. More than most rebels would ever be able to get a hold of, even off of the black market. The bombs were slated to explode once the ship reached a specific set of coordinates: Tortuga Capital City.”

  “Why did they plan on attacking there of all places? What were they hoping to accomplish by doing that?”

  “I didn’t know and didn’t care. All I knew was that if I didn’t act on things, a lot of people would end up dead. Fighting off the rebels was pretty much out of the question because they overpowered us by a long shot.”

  “I decided to reprogram their detonation mechanism by rewriting their expected coordinates to a location in the middle of the sea.”

  “You mean to tell me that you did all of that instead of trying to find a way out of there? What were you hoping to accomplish with all of this?”

  “Huh, are you even listening? It wasn’t about me from then on. If I didn’t do something—anything—about the situation, then things would really go south. I was able to escape by the time the rebels figured out what was going, but, by then, the explosions destroyed their ship.”

  “That means you ended up being a hero. And that has to do with The Metallic Siege how?”

  “By the time I recovered, I found out I was being charged with counts of capital murder. Apparently, there were two Agents working undercover aboard their vessel that night. They were posing as rebels for months and their plan was to gather more intel on how these warriors were able to arm themselves with explosives of that caliber.”

  “But there were more than just explosives, weren’t there?”

  “Now you’re starting to see where this all connects. In addition to the explosives, there were prototypes for mechs that I’ve never seen before. Between the advanced armor and sensors, something told me that if rebels were to use these, battles between them and LanTech would never be the same. It probably would have sparked a war that would end up destroying the world as we know it.”

  “Why didn’t you just explain that your actions were done for the sake of protecting Tortuga? Surely someone would understand where you were coming from.”

  “No one wanted to draw attention to the fact that LanTech was aware of this machinery. They feared that other rebels with that technology would strike once word of these mechs got out. The safest bet was to execute me as soon as possible to avoid any potential conflicts. My fate was sealed until someone stepped up to defend me: Agent Keyes.”

  “Agent Keyes? Why would a Senior Agent go out of their way for your sake?”

  “His words were that I displayed acts of courage in the face of an imminent threat towards Tortuga and Hasania as a whole. Using his influence, my charges were not only dropped, but I received an offer to commission as a LanTech Agent a few weeks later.”

  “I’m sorry, but I still don’t understand why someone on his level would take such a leap of faith.”

  “Neither did I, at least not at first. But not too long after I officially became an Agent, he revealed to me the truth behind those machines. How they were supposed to be his greatest gift to the world, but, in his words, he believed that we weren't ready for their greatness.”

  “So, Agent Keyes really was the one behind all of this?”

  “Yes, and no. You see, Agent Keyes believed by empowering the Empire with these machines, then the rebels throughout the regions would naturally end their side of the conflict. I believed that LanTech utilizing these machines would only make things worse.”

  “Then why were the machines in the dark for so many years?”

  “Despite his seniority, the late Commander Drake and members of the Executive Council denied Keyes the authorization to deploy them. After the incident that got me involved in the first place, they didn’t want to run the risk of rebels gaining access to the machines for their own use.”

  “Okay, you just decided to use the machines on your own once Keyes died?”

  “No, that’s not it. Earlier this year, a number of these machines went missing. Agent Keyes and I were more or less the only ones who knew their true destructive capabilities.”

  “I don’t get it...Why didn’t you just utilize the Empire to track down the machines?”

  “That wasn’t an option. It was only a matter of time before information got out that Agent Keyes created them. That type of knowledge about a senior Agent would irretrievably tarnish the Empire. He took it upon himself to go on an op with the goal of destroying the missing machines.”

  “But on August 30th…”

  “Yes, Fehren. That was the day he was killed. It seemed as though rebels got the best of him. By the time I was able to head to our main labs, I saw that an attack was slated for this Academy and another one for Prospear Bridge as well.”

  “If you knew this much, why didn’t you try stopping them?”

  “I couldn’t even if I wanted to. The protocols were designed by Agent Keyes so that only he could rewrite them. The attacks were inevitable. All I could do was retrieve as much data as I could in an attempt to stay steps ahead.”

  “What ended up happening to the ones who killed Keyes?”

  “I believe they were wiped out during the attack on Prospear. I’m sure that you’ve noticed that there hasn’t been a Phantom Strike since then, haven’t you? I’ve been spending my time up until now trying to override Keyes’ protocols. You should know that the little skirmish in Azoco going south didn’t exactly help things either.”

  “I could understand you wanting to retrieve the Phantom in that village, but why were you so determined to go after Keenth? What does he have to do with all of this?”

  “Agent Keyes pulled data from LanTech's databases to form reports for his projects. Your friend was among the many names listed as a Person of Interest. While the reasons behind them being listed varied, I know that Hedstrom’s exceptional potential was something worth looking into.”

  “But how did I get involved, Sir? Was I recognized as one as well?”

  “No, you weren’t. Unfortunately, your role in all of this was a rather simple one– you were a means to get a hold of Hedstrom. When the attack took place here, my goal was to retrieve him. He was able to escape somehow, so I decided to utilize you.”

  “Then these enhancements?”

  “They’re modified versions of the technology used with the Phantoms. After all, you wouldn’t be much use to me if you couldn’t hold your own out there.”

  “I understand. One final question, Sir: why are we standing around these ruins, instead of the labs that you mentioned?”

  “I’m sure you’ve heard that Agent Keyes helped establish the Training Academy. But what people didn’t realize was that he was a pretty sentimental guy. This place is somewhere that he held at a high regard.”

  “W-wait...You mean if he was to have secret labs—”

  “Then they would be hiding in plain sight,” Agent Fallon states as he raises his right arm, causing the ground before them to tremble. To Paul’s surprise, several rows of Phantom-Bombers rise in unison.

  “And that’s The Metallic Siege,” Agent Fallon explains. “While his intentions may have been in the right place, Agent Keyes was stuck in the past. The nonstop fighting between LanTech and the rebels won’t end until they wake up and find a common goal.”

  “Then by releasing these Phantoms—”

  “They’ll have no choice, but to be humbled by the machines and their power. People would finally use their potential in this world as they were put here for. They may not understand it, but I do. And if doing all of this takes me being seen as a monster, then so be it. This is something that I’ve already made peace with.”

  “That’s good, it really is. I’m glad that you are content with your decision.”

  “Really? Now why would you say that, Fehren?”

  “So that you can die with no regrets,” Paul angrily replie
s as he swings his sword at Agent Fallon.

  “Are you out of your goddamn mind,” Agent Fallon shouts, feeling a laceration on the left side of his face. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  “Just something that I should have done a long time ago, Fallon. You’ll regret trying to use someone like me as your puppet,” Paul continues as he rips the defunct slave crown from his head. “I’m ending this here and now!”

  “That’s a pretty bold claim, kid. Still, words will only get you so far,” Agent Fallon announces as he summons a Phantom to engage Paul. “I should have taken you out while I had the—”

  “Too slow,” Paul replies, having instantly bifurcated the machine before Agent Fallon could react. “Thanks for the enhancements, by the way. If you want anyone to blame for this, then start with yourself.”

  “You act as if working on your enhancements was the only project to my name,” Agent Fallon states as a massive machine emerges from the ground.

  Paul stands, shocked at the menacing foe towering before him.

  “You seem surprised? Do you really think I would go on with this crusade without planning accordingly? These Phantoms are connected to one another and use a unique energy source. An energy source powerful enough to be unaffected by EMPs like the one from earlier.”

  “So, then this thing…?”

  “Yes, I decided to design a machine to ensure that nothing stands in my way. Fehren, this is the Omega Phantom. Say what you want, but I felt it was only right to let you know what ended up killing you in the end.”

  The Omega Phantom reveals several blade-like claws, before rushing toward Paul. Despite its size, the Omega could uses its unbelievable speed to attack its opponent.

  A direct strike on the Omega from Paul’s sword was surprisingly ineffective, seeing how his weapon was believed to be powerful enough to cut through practically anything.

  After narrowly dodging a counterattack, Paul decided to use the knowledge of the Academy’s corridors to his advantage.

  But then the Omega releases an array of explosives that incapacitate Paul. Looming over him, the Omega begins to charge up to deliver a massive blast to end the battle.

  Paul quickly throws his sword towards the Omega, only for the machine to dodge the attack. The Omega continues to charge its attack, while Agent Fallon joins in to give Paul a fitting send off.

  “You only have yourself to blame, Fehren. Slumped over there, unarmed, only to die like an animal. You should have just shut up and stayed in your place,” Agent Fallon taunts.“He really needs to work on that habit of speaking too soon...Wouldn’t you agree, Keenth!”

  Before Agent Fallon can react, the Omega Phantom is swiftly destroyed by being impaled by two swords.

  Moving himself away from its subsequent explosion, Agent Fallon is furious at the seeing Paul standing alongside the newly arrived Keenth Hedstrom.

  “Hey, it took you long enough, man!”

  “Yeah, yeah. Better late than never. Besides, I wouldn’t need to rush if you would have just handled Fallon and these machines on your own, now would I?”

  “Sure, whatever. But seriously Keenth, about before…”

  “What about it? I ran into Richard on the way here and he explained what he could. What happened in Azoco wasn’t your fault. I don’t blame you for anything.”

  “You can’t be serious?”

  “Yeah, I mean it. I’m not going to hold you up over stuff like that. The one thing that matters right now is stopping Fallon, once and for all,” Keenth says. “The only question is whether you’re with me on this or not, Paul?”

  “Ha! Isn’t it obvious,” Paul replies. “Let’s go all out in crushing this guy, Keenth!”

  “You two, stopping me? There’s no way you fools are serious about that,” Agent Fallon said looking down on his opponents from a banister. “I’ve come too far with all of this to be defeated now.”

  “The show’s gotta end sometime, Fallon. Unfortunately for you, your time ends with us,” Keenth replies as he tosses Paul back his sword in preparation for battle.

  “Attempting to take me down won’t change anything. Not with LanTech, not with the rebels, and not with Hasania at all. You know that the endless cycle will just go on and on! Why are you resisting my plan to change all of that?”

  “Because that plan of yours takes the ability to choose away from people,” Keenth replies. “This world isn’t perfect, but a plan like yours is nothing to live for. If anything, it would just be a reflection of you and your beliefs.”

  “Oh, so you know what I believe in all of a sudden? Feel free to enlighten me, Hedstrom!”

  “Fear. This little plan of yours is grounded in fear and fear alone. Fear of having no purpose in this world, aside from dying as part of a collective cause. This was never about LanTech or the rebels, was it? You’re just afraid that your existence has and will never amount to anything in the large scheme of things. Tell me I’m wrong, Fallon!”

  “Bwahahaha,” Agent Fallon cackles. “No, I can’t! I can’t because you are absolutely right with that one! The thought of dying a mediocre death haunts me more than I could ever put into words!”

  “We’ve all gotta go sometime and if I know it’s my time, then I’ll do everything in my power to make sure I die with a purpose,” Agent Fallon declares as he raises his Auraen erratically for battle.

  As he finally draws his sword, Agent Fallon is abruptly stabbed from behind. Keenth and Paul stare as a torrent of blood continues to drench an unknown blade.

  Agent Fallon struggles to turn around, only to see what appears to be a Phantom-Bomber draped in a black-hooded cloak.

  The assailant removes their sword from Agent Fallon, only for him to fall on his knees.

  “If death is what you seek, then allow me to fulfill that desire,” a voice replies.

  “…T-that voice...Not you...Anyone, but you, David…”

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Yo, just keep ‘em coming! I could tear through these freaks all day,” Benjamin vigorously announces after using a wave of Efir to destroy a swarm of Phantoms. “You two better start pulling your own weight too!”

  “Isn’t it a little too late into the battle to say something like that,” Beth responds as she forms a large ice shield over her left arm. “Besides, don’t you have anything better to do than make a competition out of this?”

  “That’s no way to talk to your superior, Beth! If I didn’t know any better, I would say that you've gotten pretty lazy over these past couple of weeks. I wouldn’t take you as someone who would fall off so—Wait, did you just freeze my leg?”

  “Are you sure that was me? Wow, it looks like I’ve gotten a bit rusty, after all,” Beth replies. “You should probably get that looked at soon. After all, I would hate to hear that you ended up with permanent damage or something.”

  “Like hell I would! A block of ice like this is nothing to me! I’ll burn this village down just to thaw it out before I’d let something like this—”

  “Let’s not get too comfortable, buddy!”

  Benjamin is swatted aside several feet by an unknown individual. Before he can retaliate, Cory calls out.

  “Kendra! It is so great to have you back!”

  “Yeah, yeah. Hold your applause folks, Mama Kendra has returned! This is probably the part where I thank some of you for holding down the fort, but…”

  “You’ve chosen the quintessential setting to die,” Benjamin blurts. “Is that any way to acknowledge the person who’s single-handedly defending Azoco?”

  “Says the person who just threatened to burn MY village down! And what the hell is this about ‘single-handedly’? You’re literally fighting alongside two very capable—sorry, hang on a second—”

  Kendra surrounds her right arm with Reiki Auraen and unleashes a wave of energy to soundly obliterate a dozen Phantoms.

  “My bad. Alright now, where were we?”

  “You know what, I think we’re good over here. I t
hink I’m going to go ahead and back up Cory with the, you know, fighting stuff that we’ve got going on. Cool? Cool.”

  “Sounds good to me. Still, I thought Keenth would be here too. I guess he ended up defeating Kusari before I got the chance to fight her again.”

  “W-wait? You two have thrown hands with Kusari and lived to tell about it? And you mean to tell me that Keenth actually surpassed her?”

  “You shouldn’t sound so surprised, guy. He’s gotten strong. Really strong. It looks like we ended up making a man out of him, after all.”

  “But for him to get that powerful as fast as he did is insane! What the hell were you feeding him anyway?”

  “I don’t know, mostly stir-fry probably? Anyway, let’s quit yapping around! If you really want to see the strength of Azoco, then pay attention!”

  “It’s time to get rid of the trash looking to destroy our village, once and for all,” Kendra exclaims as she powers up to Reiki Mode, only for the energy to dissipate.

  “I mean...That looked cool and all, but…,” Benjamin thinks as the secondhand embarrassment begins to set in.

  “But how? How is this even possible?”

  “It’s because your strength hasn’t fully recovered,” Lady Aida explains. “You shouldn’t push yourself like this. I’m sure Lord Haden did his best given the little time he had, but it’ll take a while for your Auraen to return to its normal levels.”

  “Sorry, but time isn’t exactly a luxury right now! There’s only so much the four of us can do to defend the village before…” Kendra shudders, sensing a tremendous amount of Auraen in the distance.

  “You feel, don’t you? This presence has to be—”

  “Keenth...There’s no doubt that it’s Keenth’s. But for us to feel it from all the way out here...What in the world is he up against right now?”

  “Well, I’d imagine that the best way to answer that question is to see for yourself, Kendra.”

  “Me? I don’t have the strength or means to do it.”

  “The crystal I used to send you and Keenth off to Haden finally cracked when I summoned the others to Azoco. It has just enough power to send you. If anyone should be by his side right now, I know it should be you. Just leave the village to us and help end the real battle, Kendra!”


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