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A Wanton Tale

Page 2

by Paula Marie Kenny

  Freddie’s heart skipped a beat with excitement as he heard the door click shut, Lou had arrived in the room. He screwed up his left eye, focussing with his other eye and today he had a good view. The striking figure of Lou was hour glass perfect, her breasts were the biggest he had ever seen. He had incurred Betsy’s wrath more than once when he was caught groping the girl.

  Lou caught a whiff of her client’s stale rum breath as she came to the side of the bed and stood in front of the disabled man.

  She smiled as she slowly unbuttoned the front of her dress. She knew that her breasts were an asset which excited ‘Jack’ and many others bringing them back to Betsy’s house time and again.

  ‘You know I like to see your tits Lou, I will suck ‘em hard today.’

  ‘No you won’t Jack, not unless you want to get yourself barred.’ Smiled Lou. She took in a deep breath, accentuating the mounds of her breasts, this excited him more.

  Lou stepped slightly out of his reach and unfastened the buttons of her blouse. Throwing the garment on the bed, she removed her skirt. She made a show of the tops of her breasts which were pushed up by her corset. She pulled the end of the bow undone and lowered the white cotton material of her petticoat to the floor then stepped out of it.

  Her drawers had slipped down and she could feel the cold air of the room on her partially exposed bottom. She hadn’t bothered to wear stockings so she just had to kick off her boots leaving her naked but for her corset.

  Her bottle nosed punter was flushed, almost puce. Licking his lips, he reached out to grab her as she unfastened her corset and removed it.

  She stepped closer to Jack as her breasts fell free. He slipped his clammy hands around her ample flesh. First, he held them and then he squeezed and gently probed with his fingers.

  Lou was ready for him and told him firmly. ‘Not rough Jack!’

  His hands on her breasts became a little more urgent.

  Meanwhile in the kitchen Freddie was becoming aroused, he loved the sight of the punter playing with Lou’s ample breasts.

  His pleasure was abruptly halted by Betsy. A glower was enough to send him off to the parlour. They never exchanged a word until they were safely inside, he was afraid of the punters finding out about his voyeurism.

  ‘Dirty bastard you are Freddie Hale. Someone will poke a stick in your eye one of these days and I will laugh!’

  ‘I am having a drink.’ Said Freddie defensively, ‘I’m just making sure that the girls are safe, I like seeing what’s what.’ ‘Not bothered, suit yerself, at least it keeps you away from me.’ Answered Betsy. He quickly sunk a measure of gin then left, sheepishly creeping up to the bedroom.

  He had just hidden himself in time as there was a knock on the front door. A casual punter had arrived and was shown into the parlour. Betsy’s trick was to bring down the two girls who were waiting and let the client decide who would service him. If he was undecided then the most ‘rested’ would stay.

  Lily tossed her five shillings into her money box kept under the floor board close to her bed. Today it had been easy, she liked to take out her frustration by whacking the men, it was retribution as well as thrilling. It made her feel powerful, even excited, in an otherwise powerless situation. The girls just idled away time making small talk. The topic of conversation was punters who preferred all manner of perversions. At Betsy’s bordello there was something on offer for every conceivable taste and whim. They were nameless faces, each with certain peculiarities and some had nicknames. ‘Limpy,’ ‘Smelly Feet’ and ‘The Nose’. The girls were shameless and coarse.

  Lou said goodbye to her client as she helped him onto his wooden leg. ‘See you next time my beauty, one more kiss before I go.’ She pecked him on the cheek, ‘You can do better than that.’

  ‘Your time is up Jack, you don’t want to upset Aunty Betsy now do you? I’ll see you again, I look forward to it.’ She answered tartily. Her words sounded genuine but her sentiment was hollow. She ushered him out of the door, firmly closing it behind her so Betsy knew she could move the new punter, safely, to a bedroom. Lou would then set about the task of tidying the room for the next one who would, probably, be Ellen’s.

  ‘I won’t be able to have a wash. Freddie’s gone in there, just heard the door click shut, Betsy’s probably caught him piping through the spy hole and he’s more than likely been pulling himself off.’ There was an ornate plumbed in washstand inside the Hale’s boudoir and the girls were welcome to use it.

  ‘Dirty bastard.’ Lily agreed.

  ‘Yes he is a dirty bastard, he must think we’re soft or something, he thinks we don’t know he’s spying on us. She’s at it an’ all, when she thinks nobody is around.’ Chirped in Ellen emphasising the ‘she.’ ‘Betsy likes to see us with women you know. I can’t act well when I’m doing it with women. It’s so unnatural.’

  Lily nodded, ‘I’ve done it a few times. Their money’s as good as anyone else’s, some of them are married with children and all. Is the old hag partial to women? I had no idea.’

  ‘Yes she is but she daresn’t try it with us. She wouldn’t want to give us the satisfaction of having something on her. And she goes to a house in China Town.’

  Lily put her finger to her lips, she could hear Betsy creaking up the stairs, that put an end to their gossip. The next punter was Ellen’s.

  ‘When this one’s finished, I’ve got something to say to all three of you, I’ve got a surprise for you.’

  ‘Knowing Betsy, her surprise won’t be in our best interests.’ Thought Ellen as she added the final touches to her make-up. Her regular client who had earned himself the nickname ‘the fat man,’ was here.

  She went down the stairs in front of Betsy, who then spirited herself away into the parlour when the door of the back room was safely shut. The quietness of the house with its profusion of gas lights in richly gilded burners, looked perfectly dazzling in contrast to the tawdry goings on. The men could easily have been fooled into thinking that the girl they were seeing was alone in the house. That’s the way it operated, discreetly, peacefully, controlled.

  Before the fat man had entered the whore house, Lou was already out of the way on the upstairs landing. She cast a side long look towards the Hale’s bedroom and smirked at the thought of puny Freddie who would now be naked at the wash stand. All she could hear was the gentle splash of the water.

  They all felt lucky to have a plumbed in water closet with the promise of a real bath soon. Even some of their client’s demands were a small price to pay for the luxury. None of them ever forgot where they had come from and felt sorry for the poor Magdalens who sold their flea bitten bodies on the streets. Going with all and sundry up against the wall in back alleys and in cheap lodging houses.

  The greasy fat man stroked Ellen. ‘You look beautiful today.’ He purred, his ruddy cheeks were turning more red by the minute, he was excited.

  Ellen was the dainty one, she was blonde with big blue eyes, with an almost angelic expression. She could at times have a hard set look, especially if she didn’t like a client. She just knew that the fat man was going to be difficult to excite. He had a cringing politeness about him which she found hard to stomach.

  The portly man wasted no time whipping off his clothes before bouncing all eighteen stone of his blubber right in the middle of the bed. Ellen was sure that one of these days, the bed would collapse with the strain as it squeaked and creaked under the weight. She stripped off with equal expedience, this wasn’t intimate or drawn out.

  ‘Just touching you, seeing you is a wonderful sight my darling.’ ‘My darling’ was just too familiar, Ellen felt sick and was glad to see the back of him.

  It was now dinner time for the girls and the Hales. To redeem himself, Freddie had bought warm meat pies for everyone from the bakery.

  Betsy announced the arrival of young Alice, a replacement for Mary. They all guessed her real plans for the youngster. They resented a fourth and younger girl joining them, it meant another m
outh to feed in more ways than one. Flame haired Lily was particularly down in the mouth.

  ‘Mary’s marrying a lad from Scotland Road, a good Catholic lad for a good Catholic girl.’ Said Betsy with a note of bitterness in her voice, as she thought, ‘Silly bitch. Just think of all the jingle I could have made out of her.’

  ‘Take heart. You might have struck gold now Duchess.’ Whispered Freddie.

  Chapter 2

  An Evil Exploitation

  Liverpool 1886

  There was an air of calm in the mornings at Betsy’s house of ill repute, the girls enjoyed the quietness and peace which was much needed by all. They would have a lie in, then take turns to go down to Betsy’s wash room around half past ten, long after the Hales had left for town. The rules were strict, they had to be ready for business by midday, some clients came early. Betsy was always present. Today, she would greet Alice who would be brought by her mother as planned.

  ‘Put the blue dress on Alice, your Sunday best, I’ve polished your boots and have made you a bundle, give your hair a good brush too and don’t forget you address her as Mrs. Hale, not Betsy.’ Said Lottie to her daughter. In some ways, the girl was wary of the move to the new house, in others she was pleased to be going off to a job in service.

  Five year old Jessie looked on with interest, she was too young to remember the departure of her older sisters who went away to work. She didn’t even know them, Vicky and Rebecca never came back. Rachel, who was eleven, was out looking for wood for the fire and Ruby, who was a year younger, was trying to understand what was happening. She could sense urgency in her mother’s voice and couldn’t help notice that she seemed on edge.

  Lottie was desperate for money and had made her decision. At the same time she couldn’t help being fearful for Alice. She had knowingly sold her daughter into whoredom. ‘But needs must.’ She shrugged.

  When Lottie’s husband Charlie heard that Alice was going to work at the Hale’s house, he was reticent. ‘The Hales are notorious.’

  ‘She will be fine, take no notice of alehouse gossip.’ Replied Lottie dismissively. Charlie Boyle was just relieved to get one of them off his hands, ‘One less mouth to feed.’ Said Charlie with relief in his voice.

  What Charlie did not know was that his devious wife had hoodwinked him and would never tell him that a fiver had changed hands. He had gone to seek work at the docks early that morning in reasonably fine fettle. ‘She’s not far away in Duke Street and will come and visit her old Pa, might bring us a bob or two, an’ all.’ Thought Charlie.

  Lottie had wasted no time breaking into her five pound note, it was a surprise to Charlie to see meat on the table the previous night and a bottle of gin to wash it down.

  It hadn’t even dawned on Charlie to ask where the money had come from for the food. He knew that Lottie had a few schemes and chisels of her own. There was a ‘criminal club’ of children nearby who would steal from the doors and windows of shops. The more ambitious robbed clothes from shops in Church Street. One boy or girl would watch the shop from the other side of the street, while the second nimbly unbuttoned a coat from its display dummy outside the shop. It would be stripped off in seconds and the thief would have long sprinted off with the speed of a hare before the unfortunate shopkeeper had noticed.

  Lottie was occasionally offered such stolen items from the thieving children. She would offer very little in return but they were pleased to take just pennies to get them off their hands.

  She would then sell them in the George Tavern at the Pier Head with no trouble at all and could make herself a small profit. The sufferers from such thefts were generally the struggling traders of the town shops, but Lottie didn’t care.

  ‘Where are you going Alice, can I come too?’ Asked Ruby pleadingly.

  ‘Be quiet we are wasting time.’ Said the mother as she quickly led Alice out the front door into the April drizzle. Despite her wish to move on in life, Alice had a sense of foreboding. She was daunted by the thought of working in a house to someone else’s standards. She was inexperienced as not much housework had ever been done in her mother’s house. She dragged her heels all the way there, her heart was heavy but she didn’t quite know why she was feeling that way. It was just a feeling. Nevertheless, she went like a lamb to the slaughter.

  It took them less than half an hour to get there, they had cut through the side streets and soon they were in Betsy’s cosy parlour. ‘For the time being Alice will take over Mary’s duties.’ She went on to explain the routine of the house and outlined the jobs which needed to be done, the list seemed endless.

  ‘You will soon settle in Dearie.’ She gave Lottie a knowing look and scrutinised the girl as though she was making a purchase from a shop.

  ‘Kiss your Ma goodbye and make us a nice cuppa tea.’ Lottie wasn’t disappointed not to be offered refreshments and soon left her daughter to the mercy of this predator.

  Careful not to frighten her off, she embarked on a tale of elaborate lies. For the time being she would not reveal that the girls in the house were selling their bodies.

  ‘It will dawn on her eventually, she looks quite astute and soon she will be on her back.’ Thought Betsy cynically.

  Something about the house made Alice feel uncomfortable. Her instincts were telling her to run out of the door but she hated her neglectful mother and knew that she never wanted to go back home. Her enormous blue eyes took in her surroundings which was a far cry from where she had come from. Alice decided that she would make the best of it.

  Betsy was a daunting figure to the twelve year old and she meekly followed her to the back kitchen. She outlined her mundane duties. There was always a kettle of hot water on the range and soon they were drinking tea in the parlour.

  ‘Thank you Mrs. Hale, that was nice.’ Alice had broken the uncomfortable silence. She found Betsy’s gaze penetrating as she was admiring her flaxen hair. Alice had never before drunk tea from china cups, soon she began to relax, Betsy made her feel most welcome.

  ‘I’ll show you around the house now Alice.’ The first room she showed her was the kitchen.

  ‘Why is there a bed in here Mrs. Hale?’ It was the room between the parlour and the back kitchen, Alice thought it was strange.

  Betsy was ready with her answers, she had it all rehearsed what she was going to tell the young girl. She often bought herbs and concoctions from nearby China Town. She lifted a fancy Oriental jar from a shelf in the kitchen over the bed.

  ‘Smell this love, do you know what it is?’ Betsy then thrust the pot right under her nose. Inside was a pungent mixture of exotic herbs which made the girl sneeze. Betsy then cackled, ‘These are very special remedies, they came all the way from China and heal sick people and my young nieces have the gift of healing. That’s why people come here to get relief from aches and pains and all manner of ailments Dearie!’ She continued, her expression was serious and convincing. ‘You might sometimes hear them crying out in pain when they are having their joints rubbed!’ Betsy’s thick gold bracelets rattled as she placed the jar back on the shelf. She then took hold of the girl’s hand and guided her up the stairs.

  The first floor was silent apart from the creaking of wood as they stepped on some of the floor boards. They could hear gentle laughter coming from the second floor where the door had been left slightly ajar. As they ascended the bare wooden stairs Alice caught a whiff of cheap perfume, the atmosphere was oppressive. She was feeling nervous about meeting Betsy’s nieces and wondered what on earth they were doing in the bedrooms at this time of day. There was something odd about this place and it was giving her a sense of foreboding.

  Lily’s sharp ears could hear them coming as she whispered to her friends, ‘Don’t forget, nieces.’ As she winked at Lou and Ellen trying hard to stifle a titter.

  ‘These are my lovely nieces Alice, this is Lily, Lou and Ellen.’ Said Betsy as she pointed a bony finger towards each of the girls. All three of them were now staring at the youngster who by now was f
eeling her stomach churn over with nerves. The three girls to whom she was being introduced were barely seventeen. To Alice they seemed like much older women, elaborately dressed with painted faces and garish jewellery. She could barely speak as she cleared her throat and was just about able to utter, ‘Hello.’ Lily’s face softened and broke into a smile as she picked up a pile of clothes from a basket.

  ‘When they come back from the Chinese laundry they’re all yours, you can iron the lot!’ She said jocularly.

  ‘Now girls, make Alice welcome and show her the washroom.’ Said Betsy.

  ‘We will Aunty, then we’re going to the shops. Promise we’ll be back soon.’ Said Lily. Alice imagined they were heading for town and would be going into the lovely shops that she had longed to enter. Alice, who had no money and shabby clothes, looked on wistfully as they left. Her expression hadn’t gone unnoticed by Betsy.

  ‘Soon you will be one of them Dearie, you will have money.’ She thought. Her bargain with Alice’s mother had been a good day’s work!

  Betsy gave Alice a sickly smile and with a swish of her taffeta skirts left the large attic bedroom. The room now looked rather cramped with the addition of another bed. Alice was slightly bewildered as she took in every detail of the furnishings and the large over filled wardrobe. There was so much in it that the doors wouldn’t shut. Alice’s curious blue eyes hadn’t failed to notice another rather large bedroom on the first floor as she passed by the open door on the landing. ‘Why are Betsy’s nieces all sleeping on top of each other in the attic when there’s a nice room downstairs?’ Alice knew there was something not right. ‘And if they are her nieces they certainly don’t look related and the girls are clearly not sisters.’

  Alice was puzzled but intrigued. There was nice wallpaper on the walls, all green leaf patterns, pretty knick knacks were placed here and there as well as cut glass perfume bottles. She sat on the bed and suddenly felt a deep sense of foreboding. It was a far cry from the slum dwelling from where she had hailed but somehow she didn’t feel that it was a good place. There were no luxuries or pretty ornaments in her Ma’s house, not even pictures on the wall. Her eyes were drawn to a jewellery box, the lid was slightly open, it was bulging with faux gems.


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