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Legends of Windemere: 03 - Allure of the Gypsies

Page 17

by Charles E Yallowitz

  “You only care about what my actions do to your reputation.”

  “That’s preposterous.”

  “Well, it isn’t like you care for my well-being,” Luke contends. “If you did then you would have tried to bring me home. Instead, you let me run off into the world that you swear is going to kill me.”

  Ilan’s grip on his cane tightens and he grits his teeth before Vixen places a calming hand on his arm. “You two are starting to say things that you don’t really mean and I will not have you two enlarge the rift between you at the dinner table.”

  “Fine,” Luke and Ilan say before sitting down.

  Minutes of awkward silence pass before Luke and Ilan go back to eating their dinner. Nyx answering questions about Gaia and Aedyn talking about his time at Hamilton Academy take up the rest of the dinner conversation. Vixen and Nyx are clearing the table by the time Luke and Ilan are able to look each other in the face again. Aedyn begins brewing a large pot of tea with some herbs from Talos when Ilan decides to break his silence.

  “You have some news to share with us, Luke?” the blacksmith asks. He pulls out a long pipe that ends in two cups. He pours a blue powder into one of the cups and a yellow powder into the other before lighting up. A mild green smoke begins to fill the air around him.

  “Yes. I’m kind of engaged. It isn’t really official, but a recent incident in Freedom might have made it seem that way,” Luke answers awkwardly.

  “We heard rumors that you were seen with a fiancée at a party held by the Silverstars, but we have not heard who this girl is,” Ilan says. He looks up at Luke with a gaze that urges Luke to talk.

  Luke blushes slightly and takes a sip of water. “Promise me that you won’t get mad when I tell you who it is.”

  “Why would I get mad?” Ilan inquires suspiciously.

  “I don’t know. Maybe because it isn’t something you would expect,” Luke hints with a weak smile.

  “For the love of the Holy One! My son is marrying a gnome woman!” Ilan exclaims, yanking the pipe from his mouth and pointing it accusingly at Luke.

  Nyx breaks out into laughter and struggles to talk. “I can’t believe you said that!”

  “You really went into the wild on that one, son,” Talos teases with a hearty laugh.

  “Best to tell everyone the truth, Luke,” Aedyn advises him. He pours hot cups of tea for everyone before taking a seat.

  Luke clears his throat and announces, “I’m dating, engaged, whatever you want to call it to . . . Kira Grasdon.”

  A look of shock covers the faces of Luke’s family while they let his words hang in the air. One by one they regain their senses. Ilan slowly releases a mouthful of green smoke while Vixen finishes taking a sip of her tea and places the cup down. Talos finally lets a smile cross his face after a few seconds of thought.

  “You’re lying,” Ilan accusingly declares.

  “I am not,” Luke whines, surprised by his father’s reaction.

  “Of course you are. I arranged for you to marry a noble and you ran away from such a union. A member of high society was not the type of woman that you wanted. I believe those were your words the day before the wedding when you asked me to call it off,” Ilan argues, gently spinning his pipe in his hand. “You cannot possibly expect me to believe that you are willing to marry the eldest child of Waylin Grasdon who is said to be the incarnation of high society. It goes against everything you said to get out of your arranged marriage.”

  “I’m happy for you, dear. Bring her to meet us some time soon,” Vixen requests with a happy grin.

  “Don’t encourage his lies, honey,” Ilan groans.

  “I’m telling you the truth, dad,” Luke emphatically declares, looking to his friends for help. “Kira was attending Hamilton Academy when I was there protecting the heiress of Serab. We started seeing each other before I left the academy and she was in Freedom at the same time I was. So, we attended the Silverstar banquet as a couple and they announced us as Luke and Kira Callindor. That’s where people got the idea that we are engaged.”

  “So, you are not engaged to her?” Vixen asks.

  “Yes and no,” Luke answers, running his hands through his hair in mild frustration. “You see, the people of Bor’daruk date multiple people until they are married. It is supposed to help them confirm that they are with the person they are meant to be with. So, I promised Kira that I would see other women while on the road and marry her once I’m done adventuring.”

  Ilan’s eyes brighten and a smirk appears at the corner of his mouth. “If this is true then I like where this is going. It is best not to keep your woman waiting and settle down immediately.”

  “Dear!” Vixen snaps. She gives a gentle smack to his shoulder.

  “I admit that it is a strange pairing. May I ask why you feel it will work?” Talos asks in a cold voice.

  “I love her and she loves me. There isn’t anything else to it,” Luke replies confidently.

  Before Talos can respond, Nyx bravely says, “Aside from that, Luke and Kira have a lot in common. Both of them have grown up in influential families. They are both expected to do great things because of their lineage, which causes people to treat them differently. If you think about it, Luke and Kira finding comfort and acceptance in each other isn’t much of a surprise. They can be themselves around each other and escape the lofty expectations that they have been constantly surrounded by. Also, they look cute together.”

  Vixen gets up to give her son a hug. “My boy is just too shy to tell his parents about his feelings. I remember the days when you would tell me everything without such a fight.”

  “I need some time to think this over,” Ilan admits, putting his pipe on his lap. “My idiot son marrying the daughter of an influential merchant is . . . unexpected. All this time, I thought you would never settle down, but it would seem that I was wrong. Now, if only you would stop with this adventurer nonsense.”

  “Doesn’t Kira Grasdon run in the same circles as our dear Alyssa? I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s heard more about this than we have,” Talos points out.

  Luke can feel his throat go dry when he realizes what is about to be suggested. His heart sinks when he sees a cruel smile appear on his father’s face. It is a smile that always means Luke would have to do something that he does not want to do.

  “Very true, father. There is only one thing to do,” Ilan calmly announces. “Luke will go to Goldheart Manor tonight and talk to Alyssa. He will also apologize to her for his past mistakes like a real man. That is the most respectable course of action for him to take. After all, Luke’s mess did not disappear in the year that he was gone. He still has a lot to answer for with Alyssa.” He slowly gets to his feet and steps away from the table. “I have an early day tomorrow, so I must bid you all goodnight. Please, let me know how things go with Alyssa.”

  “I should go home too,” Talos says.

  “You should take food home with you, father. You never eat enough when mother is away. I will walk you home and make sure that you take some food,” Vixen offers, flashing the old elf a warm smile. Ilan gives a small bow to Nyx and Aedyn before limping up the stairs and into the master bedroom. Talos pats Luke on the shoulder as Vixen wraps up some of the extra food and escorts him out into the night.

  “So, what are you going to do?” Nyx asks.

  “I’m going to sneak into Goldheart Manor and speak with Alyssa,” Luke answers, strapping his sabers to his sides.

  “Looks like you are scared of her guards,” Aedyn laughs.

  “I’m scared of Alyssa,” Luke says, sweat forming on his brow. “She has this face-numbing slap maneuver. It hurts more than getting mauled by a troll. Don’t wait up for me.” He is still straightening his sabers as he walks out the door.

  “I’m waiting up for him,” Nyx whispers with a grin.

  Aedyn smiles and goes to brew a pot of hot water. “Me too.”


  It is silent in the halls of Goldheart Manor w
hile Alyssa sits in her bedroom. Her light yellow nightgown clings to her thin body as she sits in a soft-cushioned chair and looks into a seven-foot mirror. She mindlessly brushes and curls her shoulder-length blonde hair before placing a silver, banded jade-encrusted tiara on her head. The silver ornament rests comfortably on her pointed ears until she violently snatches the tiara off her head and hurls it across the room. A mild curse escapes her lips when she feels blood trickle down the back of her ears. Alyssa is patting at the fresh cuts with a silk scarf when a loud knock on the door makes her jump. Her orange eyes are filled with anger, but they quickly melt into twin pools of demure innocence.

  “Are you okay, Lady Goldheart? I heard a crash as I was walking by,” says a concerned, male voice from the other side of the door.

  “I am fine. I tripped over my own foot. Go about your business,” Alyssa orders the guard, her voice kind and soothing.

  She can hear the subtle motions of a quick salute. “Yes, milady!”

  The sound of armored feet fades down the hallway and Alyssa goes back to toying with her hair. It is minutes later when a small breeze sends a shiver down her spine. The young elf stares at the slightly open doors that lead to her balcony before a bitter smirk crosses her face. Without a second thought, she gets to her feet and storms over to the stained-glass doors. She shoves them open to find a bouquet of three wood lilies tied together with a maple leaf sitting in the middle of the balcony.

  “I wondered when you would show your face around here,” Alyssa growls. She picks up the flowers and carelessly tosses them over the railing before going back into her room.

  Alyssa wastes no time in grabbing a black robe from her wardrobe and stepping into the brightly lit halls of Goldheart Manor. There is no need for candles because the stone walls are magically emitting a warm light. A few guards see the mayor rush past them with her robe held tightly around her, but they merely salute and go back to their rounds. It takes several minutes for her to reach the far side of the mansion where she stops at a suit of dwarven armor. Alyssa angrily thrusts her arm under the breastplate after making sure that she is alone. She slowly twists a thumb-sized dial within the armor until the wall behind her opens to reveal a staircase rising into the shadows. The determined elf steps into the doorway before the wall closes and she immediately begins sprinting up the stairs. A minute later she emerges onto a large balcony that is hidden by the ancient pine trees surrounding the manor. Standing in the middle of the balcony is Luke who quickly leaps away from the charging elf.

  “Violence isn’t necessary,” Luke contends while he continues dodging Alyssa.

  “The hell it is! You left me at the altar and made the happiest day of my life a nightmare! You made me the laughing stock of high society for weeks,” she snarls. A wild swing sends her toppling forward and Luke catches her by the shoulders. He can see her blush before a solid slap to the side of his head knocks him to the ground.

  “I’m sorry, Alyssa. I really am,” Luke swears, holding the numb side of his face. “To be honest, I didn’t want to ever come back to Haven because of what I did.”

  “That would have been great for both of us!” Alyssa exclaims, tears trickling down her cheeks. “I’ve spent the last year dealing with the pain of you abandoning me. Then, you show up using our secret message and have me meet you at our special place. I don’t need this aggravation, Luke!”

  “You could have ignored the message or sent guards to arrest me for trespassing if you didn’t want to face me,” Luke points out.

  Alyssa clenches her fist and grinds it against her hip. “I’ve wanted to see you again for an entire year.”

  “If you hate me then why would you ever want to see me again?” Luke asks before he can figure it out on his own.

  Alyssa wipes her eyes with the sleeve of her robe before walking over to the railing and leaning against it. Luke takes a seat where he is as he watches Alyssa carefully. She meets his gaze with a pitiful expression and forces him to look the other way. It is enough of a distraction for the fleet-footed elf to rush at Luke and slam into him. Alyssa pins him to the ground by griping the half-elf by the throat and placing a solid knee against his groin.

  “This really isn’t necessary,” Luke gasps.

  “I don’t want you running away until we’re done talking,” Alyssa growls, her eyes eerily predatory.

  “Just let me go and let’s talk like adults,” Luke suggests.

  Alyssa loosens her grip enough for Luke to move. “Why did you come back to Haven? You finally started to feel guilty?”

  “I’ve felt guilty about what I did for a long time, but it isn’t like my actions should have surprised you,” Luke answers, slipping out from underneath Alyssa and getting to his feet. “I told you a week before the wedding that I refused to go through with it, but you ignored me. I can see that you kept that conversation a secret in order to make yourself out to be more of a poor, innocent victim.”

  “I would have looked like a bigger fool if people knew that I was aware of your intentions,” Alyssa stubbornly contends. “Besides, I had hoped you would realize your mistake when you realized that I still wanted to go through with our marriage.”

  “Why were you willing to marry me?”

  “Believe it or not, I love you.”

  “You mean that you loved me.”

  “That’s what I said.”

  “You just said that you love me,” Luke nervously says. “That’s present tense, Alyssa.”

  Alyssa blushes slightly and looks to the dark forest. “I will admit that I still have some residual feelings for you. We grew up together and you were my first love, so it isn’t an easy thing for me to get over. It’s especially difficult with all the wild stories that are going around about you.”

  “This is exactly why I came back. I have no idea what everyone has been hearing about me,” Luke claims, extending his hand to Alyssa only to have it slapped away in disgust.

  “It all comes back to your reputation. Never about fixing the problems that you left behind,” Alyssa snaps. She gracefully flips to her feet and fixes her robe.

  “I’m visiting you, aren’t I?” Luke asks, his frustration growing. “I’d say that shows my intention to repair the damage that I caused.”

  “Are you doing it for your own conscience or for the sake of those you left behind?” Alyssa counters. She wraps her robe tightly around her when a cool breeze rushes over the balcony.

  “I’m doing it for both reasons. I need to settle my past before I tackle my future. Also, I believe that I’ve matured enough to handle everything,” Luke answers. He subtly moves so that he is shielding Alyssa from some of the night breeze. “A year ago, I didn’t know how to explain my dreams to people without sounding like a fool. It always made the situation worse. Now, I know how to explain myself with confidence.”

  “Don’t insult my intelligence, Luke,” Alyssa callously scoffs. “You’re still the trouble-maker that I grew up with.”

  “This is exactly why I wanted to wait before seeing you. I had no time to prepare for this much venom. I’m just going to handle the rumor problem and go home,” Luke says, stretching his arms behind his back. “What stories have you heard? I promise to tell you the truth.”

  Alyssa crosses her arms and eyes him cautiously. “How do I know you won’t lie?”

  “Name one time that I ever lied to you, Alyssa.” Luke watches as the elf bites her lip in frustration. Several times, she looks like she is about to speak, but she quickly stops herself. “I want to go home, Alyssa, so just tell me what you’ve heard.”

  Reluctantly, Alyssa begins talking in a low, wounded voice. “The big news is you and Kira Grasdon becoming a couple. I was rather shocked about that news until I heard that she was attending a military school, which is where she met you. I guess it makes sense that you would go for a southern desert girl since they are provocative and exotic. Nothing like what you’re used to. Though, they can be rather adulterous. My friends all know about
how Kira has been bedded more times than a retired Gaian whore.”

  “That’s the dumbest thing that I have ever heard,” Luke laughs, his fists clenched in anger.

  “So, you aren’t with Kira Grasdon?” Alyssa asks with a gleam in her star-like eyes.

  “I’m with Kira, but your circle is entirely wrong about her. She was a virgin when I met her,” Luke answers without thinking.

  “And you know this because she told you? You are far too trusting,” Alyssa claims with a flamboyant wave of her hand.

  “No. It’s because she and I . . . you know . . . So, what other stories have you heard? I beat a Hellfire Elf,” Luke nervously says.

  Alyssa growls and clenches her fist until her nails pierce her palm. “You lost your virginity to Kira Grasdon?”

  “I did. So what? She lost her virginity to me. There isn’t any reason for you to get angry about it,” the half-elf points out.

  “Of course, there is a reason for me to get angry. You were promised to me,” she says, her face flushed.

  “I was promised to be your husband and we saw how that ended. I seriously doubt you’ve saved yourself for me,” Luke mentions. He has a momentary regret over what he said until he remembers Alyssa’s words about Kira.

  “You’re such an ass!”

  “You’re a stuck-up brat!”

  “For once, I wish you would think of my feelings before you speak.”

  “You think you’re any different than me?” Luke accusingly declares. “You insult me and tell me lies about my girlfriend. After calling her a whore, you shouldn’t be surprised that I refuse to play nice.”

  “You really love her?” Alyssa whimpers with a new batch of tears streaming down her face.

  “Yes. Kira and I understand each other better than anyone else. When I’m with Kira, I feel like there is nothing put on me because of my lineage,” Luke explains, his voice soft and tender. “Even though I grew up with you, Alyssa, you treat me like everyone else does. You expect more from me because I’m a Callindor and it’s been that way since we were kids. I always had to take the blame for the trouble we caused because people would simply say I was acting like a Callindor. You never stepped up to defend me.”


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