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The Outlaw Biker's Betrayal: A Bad Boy MC Romance

Page 35

by Sienna Wiliiams

  Isaac was going to give a list to the Madame, and then meet with all of the girls on that list, one by one until the day was over, and then he would pick a bride. Emma knew she wouldn’t get picked but she prettied herself up as much as she could, just for the fun of it. She enjoyed being allowed to wear her church dress on a non-church day.

  Ellen snuck up behind Emma and tickled her sides, causing Emma to jump with terror and excitement.

  “Oh my goodness, Ellen you look beautiful!”

  “Don’t I always?”

  Emma twirled around, showing off one of her favored dresses, it had been a gift from a man a few months back that tried desperately to change Ellen’s mind about marrying them. Ellen sighed and fanned herself; her face was stuck in a permanent smile.

  “If you are going to turn him down, why did you get so dressed up Ellen?”

  “Because he deserves to have something beautiful to look at while I’m refusing him.”

  Ellen smiled, but Emma suddenly felt a pit of worry in her stomach. Ellen had never tried to be beautiful for a man before, she had always worn her chore clothes when they called upon her for a private interview. Ellen could tell that something was wrong with Emma; her mouth was fading from a sweet smile to a low frown. She reached out and lifted Emma’s chin up to gaze into her eyes.

  “Chin up sweet sister, today is a day for fun!”

  Ellen winked at Emma and strode off to assist the other girls with their hair, only Ellen knew how to twist any type of hair into the perfect up do. Emma stood back and kept her eyes on Ellen, trying to figure out what her sister was up to, and refusing to tell her. Emma was forced out of her mind and away from her thoughts as the Madame came into the room and clapped her hands to get all the women’s attention.

  “Ladies, Ladies. Mr. Dhelhare has given me his list.”

  All of the women gathered around the Madame, their bodies fidgeting against each other as the all waited for the Madame to reveal the list of women Isaac was interested in.


  “Yes Madame?”

  “You will be spending the morning with Mr. Dhelhare, go and cook him breakfast.”

  Ellen grinned and nodded. She placed her hands on Emma’s shoulders to give her a soft squeeze before leaving the room and heading down to the kitchen. All the other women were jealous, normally the private time lasted only a few minutes, but an entire morning was given to Ellen.


  The entire room gasped, including Emma.

  “Yes Madame?”

  “You will be spending the afternoon with him, starting at lunch.”

  “Yes Madame.”

  “Good. That is all, everyone else is to go about your chores as normal.”

  Emma’s eyes grew wider when she realized he had only requested time with her and her sister. Emma bit down on her lower lip with fear as she strode off to the now empty bedroom. She sat on the bed and let out a long sigh, letting her head fall backwards onto her pillow, her feet still hanging off the side of her bed.

  “Emma dear, are you alright?”

  Emma looked up to see the house Madame standing at the doorway, a concerned look on her face.

  “Yes Madame, I’m just nervous.”

  “And why are you nervous?”

  The Madame smiled and entered the room; making her way to Emma she sat on the bed next to Emma’s bent knees. The Madame placed a single hand on Emma’s knees and gazed down at her.

  “I’ve never had a private interview before.”

  “I’m sure you will do just fine.”

  “But how could I compete with Ellen, she’s beautiful…and my sister.”

  “Well, perhaps there will be no competing at all. You are the more skilled, and Isaac is looking for a wife to help him run his farm.”

  The Madame continued to smile but Emma wasn’t buying any of her reassurance.

  “But she’s my sister.”

  “She has always said she wanted you to find a husband first. Today may be your lucky day sweetheart. Isaac is a fine catch, and doesn’t seem to be scared away by a little scar.”

  Emma sat up and hugged the house Madame, her kind words filling Emma with a small bit of confidence.

  “Thank you, for always being so kind to me Madame.”

  The Madame smiled again and tapped Emma’s chin with the side of her knuckle.

  “I had a daughter, you remind me so much of her. It will be a happy day when you are whisked away from this place and married.”

  Emma blushed and the Madame patted her knee once more before standing up from the bed.

  “I must go check on your sister. You take it easy this morning; you have a very exciting afternoon ahead of you.”

  Emma gasped.

  “What should I make him for lunch?”

  “Perhaps a picnic would be nice; you could use the large blanket you knit to lay on.”

  The Madame flashed Emma one more smile before walking out of the room, leaving Emma to her own thoughts again. Emma sat on her bed and smiled, thinking of all the things that she could pack for a nice picnic in the sun.

  Chapter Four

  While Emma was hiding up in the bedroom waiting for her turn, Ellen was down in the kitchen enjoying her time with Isaac.

  “How do you like your eggs?”


  Isaac smiled softly at Ellen as he scooped up bite after bite of eggs and swallowed them down. He shifted in his chair every so often, feeling strange as Ellen just gazed at him from across the table as he ate.

  “Why don’t you have some?”

  “Not hungry.”


  Isaac finished his eggs, still feeling awkward about a woman watching him eat. Once he was finished he dropped his spoon onto the plate and pushed it away from him. He leaned back against his chair and smiled at Ellen, crossing his arms over his chest as he let his eyes take all of her in.

  “All done?”

  Isaac just nodded, wanting to see what she would do. Ellen stood up from the table and reached far across it, letting her breasts press into the table, giving Isaac a perfect view of her cleavage while she fetched his empty plate. She straightened herself out and winked at Isaac before taking the plate over to the counter with the rest of the dirty dishes.

  “So what would you like to do this morning Mr. Dhelhare?”

  “Please call me Isaac, and I thought that you were in charge of planning the activities.”

  Ellen smiled and nodded, reaching her hand out to him.

  “Yes, yes I am.”

  Isaac slipped his hand into Ellen’s and squeezed it gently. Ellen continued to smile as she pulled Isaac up off of his chair and towards the exit.

  “Where are we going?”

  “I’m giving you a private tour of our house.”

  Isaac smiled and let Ellen lead the way. AS she passed doors she pointed out which one was which and what she did the rooms while the other girls learnt their skills. She talked about how boring life in the house was, and how she couldn’t wait to get out of there, avoiding Isaac’s question each time he asked her why she wasn’t already married off. Ellen wanted to avoid talking about her sister; she wasn’t ready to give Isaac a reason not let her stay, because she wanted to leave with him.

  “And this is my favorite room.”

  Ellen pulled Isaac inside and twirled around him to close the door behind them. She smiled as she secretly locked the door from behind her back.

  “Why is this your favorite?”

  “It’s the most quiet. Nobody comes here during the day.”

  Isaac looked around the room to discover it was a small library.

  “You enjoy reading?”

  “I enjoy being left alone.”


  Isaac scanned all of the books on the walls, and noticed there were only a few cushioned benches for people to sit and read. Ellen moved up behind him and pushed him towards the benches, pulling on his arm to turn him aro
und before he fell backwards onto the bench.

  “Going to read me something?”

  Ellen just shook her head and lifted up her dress. She was grinning as she lowered herself onto Isaac’s lap and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “I don’t think you are looking for a wife to read to you every night.”

  Isaac coughed and tried to clear his throat, his body instantly reacting to the feel of a woman pressed so tightly against his groin.

  “I’m looking for a wife that can do many things.”

  Ellen tilted her head and smiled, she loved when she could make a man blush, though she had never tried this hard to do it before.

  “I can do many things.”

  Ellen leaned in and pressed her lips softly against. Isaac groaned and tried to fight the urge to kiss Ellen back, but once her teeth nibbled along his lower lip he was lost. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her tighter against him, kissing her hard and deep, letting his tongue swirl around hers. Ellen smiled and moaned when she felt Isaac returning her affections, her hips rocking back and forth against his noticeable arousal.

  Ellen slide one hand away from Isaac’s neck and moved it in between their bodies to tug at the laces of his pants. Isaac pulled away from her lips and gripped both her wrists, holding her body away from his but still settled against his lap.

  “Woah there sweetheart.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m not here for that.”

  Ellen wiggled herself against his lap, teasing his hardened shaft.

  “Your body says different.”

  “Well, we shouldn’t be doing that.”

  “Why not?”

  “I came here to find a wife, not soil a good woman.”

  Ellen smiled and tugged her wrist against his hold, slipping from his grasp to caress her fingertips against his cheek.

  “We know you’re going to choose me, so think of it was a small gift before the wedding.”

  “How do you know it will be you?”

  ‘It’s always me; I’ve just never wanted to accept before.”

  Isaac growled in frustration, his body demanding he continue, while his mind was screaming at him to get up and walk away. Ellen leaned forward and pressed her lips against his again, biting down harder on his lower lip, and she became his undoing. Isaac let go of her wrists and moved his hand in between their grinding bodies. He was groaning against her mouth as he pulled his pants open and slide his hand along his hard cock. He began to stroke himself to the rhythm of Ellen’s rocking hips, wishing he was buried inside of the woman so happily torturing him.

  “Here let me do that.”

  Ellen pushed her hand down his pants and forced him to remove his own, replacing his fingers with her soft ones against his hard cock. Ellen moved her hand up and down with her hips, nibbling along his jaw as her grip tightened.

  “Oh lord.”

  “Mmm, you’re so big.”

  Ellen was moaning against his ear as she continued to stroke Isaac’s cock, rubbing herself against the her hand and his bulge as she moved. She began panting and gasping as his cock throbbed against her fingers, ready to release into her hand.

  “Better stop woman.. I’m going to…”

  Isaac leaned his head back and let out a low, deep groan as he pushed his hips up against her fingers. Ellen nibbled on his earlobe as she squeezed his cock tighter, feeling his warm cum spilling into her hand and spreading against the inside of his pants. Isaac sat still with his head back against the wall for a long moment, while Ellen pulled her hand out from his pants and wiped it off on the inside of her dress.

  “Just imagine what you’d get on the wedding night.”

  Isaac groaned against and titled his head up to gaze into her eyes. His hands wrapped around her waist and he picked her up. He moved her off of his lap and onto the floor, letting her stand and wait while he straightened out his clothes.

  “We shouldn’t have done that.”

  “Too late now.”

  Ellen grinned and winked at Isaac before walking over to the door to unlock it while he finished fixing his messy attire.

  Chapter Five

  Emma stood by the kitchen with a picnic basket in hand, waiting for Ellen and Isaac to return. When they came around the corner, Emma was stunned to see Ellen grinning with her arm wrapped around Isaac’s arm, while he looked distort and confused.

  “How was your morning.”

  Emma smiled as she spoke, hoping to seem less worried and more happy for the two of them.

  “Emma. What are you doing out here? Shouldn’t you be doing chores?”

  “I had to get lunch ready for Mr. Dhelhare.”

  “That was thoughtful of you, but that’s a future wife’s job.”

  Isaac was glancing back and forth between the girls, wondering if they were speaking in code or something.

  “Madame had said I was to spend the afternoon with him.”

  Ellen looked shocked as her sister’s words echoed through her ear.

  “Yes, she was the other woman I had spoken to the head of the house about.”


  Ellen suddenly felt absolutely guilty about what she had done, but then she looked at the man whose arm she was hanging on and all her guilt faded away. She knew that she had won him over in the library, and Emma would just have to accept that it was time for her sister to leave their awful home.

  “Well you two have fun on your…picnic.”

  Ellen was eyeing the basket as she finished her sentence. She pulled her arm away from Isaac and leaned up to kiss him on the cheek.

  “I will see you later Emma. Isaac, was a lovely morning.”

  Ellen winked as she sauntered off down the hallway, leaving Emma and Isaac to stand awkwardly in the hall while they waited for her to leave.

  “You packed a picnic?”

  Isaac decided he needed to break the ice, he didn’t want Emma to feel strange after seeing how comfortable Ellen had grown with him in such a short time.

  “Yes, I thought since it was a lovely day, we’d eat outside.”

  “Sounds excellent.”

  Isaac spun on his spurred heel and held out his arm for Emma. She cautiously slid her arm around his, and let go of the picnic basket as Isaac reached to carry it for her.

  “Where shall we dine?”

  “There is a special spot; I like to go there when it’s a nice day out.”

  “Lead the way.”

  Isaac smiled down at Emma, and she smiled sweetly back at him as they walked out the door and headed to Emma’s special spot. It was a ways away from the house, hidden by the Madame’s greenhouse.

  “This is a nice spot.”

  “I usually spend the choosing day here after chores are done.”

  “The choosing day?”

  Emma nodded.

  “The day a man chooses a wife. I don’t have much to do on those days, so I spend it in the sun when I can.”

  “You don’t see any of the men?”

  Emma shook her head and sighed. Isaac could tell the conversation was upsetting her so he decided to change the subject.

  “Let’s get this blanket out and eat some grub huh?”

  Emma’s sad expression turned into a smile as she nodded and opened up the basket Isaac was holding. She pulled out the rainbow knit blanket she had tucked on top of the food and stretched it out across the ground.

  “That’s an incredibly blanket. How did it get to be so many colors?”

  “That’s easy. The wool was soaked in pales of water with powdered vegetables.”

  “Vegetables? I don’t believe that.”

  “It’s true. The first time was an accident, but I liked the colors so much I continued to do it.”

  “You made this blanket?”

  Emma nodded and smiled, taking the basket away from Isaac and placing it in the middle of the blanket. She pulled out a loaf of bread, a knife and several bits of meat and cheese to put with the brea
d. She pulled out a couple of apples and plums next.

  “This is a mighty fine picnic.”

  “Thank you. I wasn’t sure what you’d like…but everything is fresh.”


  “Yes. We only eat what we make here at the house. Part of our training I suppose.”

  “Wow, that Madame certainly knows how to run a school.”

  Emma nodded and served up a make shift plate of bread, meat and cheese for Isaac and handed it to him. She picked up a single apple and began slowly nibbling on it while Isaac took his plate and settled onto the ground next to her.

  “You are a very talented woman, Emma.”

  “Thank you, I do what I can. Someday I’m going to have to teach a house full of women the same skills.”

  “What do you mean? Won’t you have a house and a husband of your won to worry about?”

  “Most likely not.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Because no man wants a scared wife, they all prefer to have her pretty than useful. Here a man can find both.”

  Isaac was gazing at Emma as she spoke, he could tell she truly believed she would never find a husband because of her face. He reached up and caressed his fingertips along her scar again, trying to be gentle with her face. Isaac wanted to sooth her sorrows and give Emma hope that she had seemed to have lost long ago. He pulled her face closer to him and leaned in, pressing his lips against hers to kiss her sweetly. Her lips were too soft to pull away quickly, Isaac groaned as he pressed a little harder and savored the soft touch of her mouth on his.

  Chapter Six

  Emma stood perfectly still, letting Isaac control their kiss. She had never kissed a person in her entire life, and was stunned to have her first be someone as handsome as Isaac. When he pulled away he could see the confused look in her eyes, so he smiled at her before leaning back to let her adjust to his sudden affection.

  “Are you alright Emma?”

  “I just…I hope I was ok…”

  Emma hid her face as she blushed, worrying that she was a terrible kisser.

  “Your lips are amazing, and sweet. No need to hide your face from me.”

  Isaac reached up and pulled her chin to force her eyes back to his.


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