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The Outlaw Biker's Betrayal: A Bad Boy MC Romance

Page 49

by Sienna Wiliiams

  Galen’s shoulder shook with laughter.

  “You mean dump him? No. I want to see what he’s done with the money and who has the farm. I want those things back.”

  Addie straightened up. It never occurred to her that she might get those things back.

  “You mean it?” she asked her husband with wonder in her eye.

  “Don’t doubt it,” he said to her sure. “You be straight with me and I will return the favor. You understand me?”

  “Yes Galen I do,” she said.

  Chapter Six

  All the way out to the sheriff’s, the magistrate bargained. He did everything but offer Addie her money back. Galen didn’t budge. Finally Emory ordered him to shut up.

  “I’m just saying,” said the magistrate. “If you take me to the sheriff and they decide I am a crook and they hang me, you’ll never find Addie’s father and there goes any chance of Addie getting her money back.”

  The preacher shook his head.

  “Don’t listen to him, boys,” said the preacher. “He is the devil.”

  “Are you even a magistrate?” asked Galen.

  “You’re running the risk of your wife going to jail, you know that don’t you?” said the magistrate. “It could go either way.”

  “The devil,” said the preacher.

  When they arrived in town, to the sheriff’s office and laid out the story, the sheriff had another proposition. He suggested he send a wire to Chicago to learn everything there was to learn about the situation from the Chicago police. In the meantime, the sheriff could only charge the magistrate with trespassing and rustling if the brothers wanted to prefer charges.

  “Can you ask about Addie’s father?” inquired Emory. “See if there is any record of his double dealing and getting hung?”

  “If they authorities hung him --” began the sheriff.

  But Addie’s shook her head and interrupted him.

  “It wasn’t a legal hanging. He was lynched,” Addie barely managed to say.

  “Ah, extra judiciously,” said sheriff. “Well if they are on their game, the authorities will know about that as well.”

  “If there are people residing in the farm have any claim? You know like squatters?” asked Emory.

  “Don't worry Emory,” said the sheriff. “We'll sort it out. Let me send this wire and see what's what. Go enjoy your weddin' day."

  "It's not my wedding day," growled Emory.

  Addie shrank. For the first real time, she felt truly horrible about how she played with Emory's feelings. It actually confused her she cared that much. Even though Galen himself was toying with her when he held her the night before. She only had to close her eyes and feeling lingering effects of his magic.

  Chapter Seven

  Many things were out in the open and that changed how it was between all concerned. The three invited the preacher for a drink at the restaurant at the inn where they were to stay.

  “You all enjoy your meal,” said the preacher. “I best be getting off.”

  “You won’t have dinner with us?” asked Galen.

  “No I have a fine meal waiting for me at home. The missus is expecting me,” he said.

  He tipped a phantom hat and left.

  The town of Great Falls was boisterous and lively but it was not Chicago. The party was seated at a dinner table and Galen ordered a bottle. The first round was to the marriage of Galen and Addie.

  It had been such a long twenty four hours since Addie arrived. In that time she fell in love with a man and lay with him. Now she wasn’t so sure if she hadn’t fell out of love with him and in love with his brother, whom she had feelings for first.

  “You think they’ll find something out?” asked Emory. “Wouldn’t that be something if they did? You and Addie might be the proud owners of a Chicago farm.”

  Galen laughed. “Now that would be something. Not sure what we would do with it.”

  Addie’s insides twisted. She could go home was her first thought. She must have had a sullen look on her face for her husband touched her arm.

  “You okay darlin’?” he asked tenderly.

  She knocked her drink back in a very unlady-like fashion.

  “I think it’s been a day,” she said forcing a smile. “And there’s still daylight left.”

  “Ah don’t be forlorn,” said Galen assuringly.

  “Probably need to get some food in her,” said Emory.

  “In all of us,” said Galen. “Let’s have our dinner.”

  “I am fine,” she replied. “Kind of anxious to get out of these clothes.”

  Galen and Emory blinked. And when the full weight of Addie’s remark hit her, she blushed from head to toe. Emory asked for waters all the way around. They ordered steaks with mashed potatoes. After Addie ate a dinner roll and had some water, she felt worlds better. Good enough to have a glass of wine with her wedding meal.

  They were finished with the main portion of their meal, about to split a piece of cake when the sheriff himself found them. His face was pleasantly animated. The sheriff’s interruption was a welcomed one.

  “Mrs. Calhoun,” he said. “The authorities have been looking for you.”

  Addie nearly fainted. She didn’t wait to hear what the sheriff had to say. She already knew it. The magistrate had been right. He had been lawfully pursuing her and she was going to be taken into custody.

  “The Chicago police have been hunting down this ‘magistrate’ fellow but he has eluded custody. They are tracking down your deed and your father though on his score, I am sad to say, may not have good news. But what I come to tell you is you are now the proud recipient for the reward for apprehending this man.”

  “Who knows, once the house is vacated, with this reward, you’ll be sitting pretty,” said the sheriff.

  “She’s sitting pretty enough,” said Galen. “Thank you sheriff. Keep us posted.”

  That was it for dinner. The three headed up to their rooms. Galen invited Emory into their room. He poured everyone one last drink.

  “You must admit, odd as this tale is, it has a happy ending,” said Galen.

  There was a knock on the door. It was the sheriff again.

  “I am so sorry to interrupt but I forgot, I need Addie to sign for the reward money. That part we do resolve right away,” said the sheriff.

  “I’ll go,” said Galen. “I’m her husband. She’ll conduct all her business through me.”

  “Very well,” said the sheriff.

  “I’ll be right back,” said Galen.

  “It will take an hour all together,” said the sheriff. “But it is five thousand dollars.”

  “I guess I can’t complain,” said Galen. “It isn’t every day a man gets married and has his wife come into found money.”

  Chapter Eight

  It was awkward and a little bit dangerous for Galen to leave Addie along with Emory. If things had been different, it might very well be Addie and Emory married. She was smoldering in her church clothes though. She was dying to change into a softer dress. There was a dressing screen in the room. Addie avoided the awkward silence by busying herself.

  “I’m switching out of my wedding clothes. Excuse me,” she said.

  “You can’t even look at me can you?” he said finally.

  Emory took hold of her wrist, not brutally. There was a kind of pleading to it.

  “Can I tell you how sorry I am about everything?” she said in a rush.

  An unexpected wave of emotion burst forth. Addie was quickly wiping her nose and her eyes.

  “Stop,” he said softly. “I can’t stand to see a woman cry.”

  He put his arm around her. Their contact was tantalizing. Both Calhoun men had a similar effect on her. They sent rushes through her that made her crave them. Whether it was the mountain-crossing nature of the last few weeks and months – the last day -- Addie wanted to lose herself in his arms. She needed comfort.

  “I should get dressed,” she said finally after enjoying the plea
sure of his arms.

  “You are dressed,” he remarked gently.

  “Then I should get undressed,” she said looking straight into his eyes.

  Addie felt like a siren; a temptress. She had virtually no experience and yet she was playing the part of a seductress. She wanted this man. And he wanted her back.

  Emory took her face in his hands and kissed her. Though she had only kissed his brother, it was the most impetuous, passionate kiss Addie could imagine. His lips were so soft and warm and gentle. They had a gentleness that Galen’s did not. He kissed her like she belonged to him.

  His tongue mated with hers. He penetrated her and tasted all there was to taste. His breath was so sweet and fresh. It tasted of the whisky they just shared. He cupped the back of her head to push her closer to him. So that they could devour one another.

  Emory slipped her jacket from her shoulders and tossed it on a chair behind her. He worked the buttons down her chest. Addie thought to shimmy them behind the screen to conceal them.

  Emory caught on. He turned her around to the face the wall. He took her hands, one at a time, and placed them on the wall. With great flare, he tossed her skirts up over her shoulder. Hidden beneath layers and layers of fabric, Addie jutted her plump round bottom towards him and he entered her.

  The feeling of Emory inside of her, though she was tender from the night before, was so exciting. Her body clenched, drawing up tight around him.

  She did not care if she were going to hell. She did not care if Galen came in and shot her. She wanted Emory like nothing else. Even more than to be free from the magistrate. He wrapped his arms around her belly and drew her to him. He was inside of her. There was no turning back. Addie gave it her all. She relished this moment.

  His hands found her heavy breasts and pushed them upward. He pushed into her like a starving man, in and out of her vigorously. Emory forgot himself and his cries and moans grew louder. He reached between her legs and just like Galen had the night before, he worked it, wagging his hands unstoppingly. Addie was on her way to rapture.

  But the unmistakable sound of a key in the door made everything deadly still. Adrenaline coursed through her. It traversed her body, causing her to constrict her core around Emory’s hardness.

  “Emory?” called Galen cautiously.

  There was no hiding what they were doing. Addie was sleeping with her husband’s brother. She was certain they were dead. She closed her eyes waiting for the fury. Galen crossed the room in a couple of strides. He pulled back to drape on the screen.

  “Bring her to the bed,” he said lustily. “Let us both give her pleasure.”

  Addie was consumed with lasciviousness. She had some idea of what was going to happen and she could not contain her lust. She had to have these two fine men. They were bull-like and powerful. Her future could be no worse than the past and there was nothing better ever, than this moment right now. If Addie was ruining any chance she had a decent stable life by doing what she was doing, it felt to amazing to stop.

  Connected, Addie and Emory waddled to the bed. Galen was already bared, erect. Emory had Addie up on all fours, ramming her from behind. Galen gently guided her mouth to him. He tasted sweet and warm. The more her mouth worked on him, the more Emory’s pumping worked on her. She was positively alive with tingly and ticklishness and a craving for more and more.

  The excitement was overwhelming. She had a great desire to touch herself. She followed her instinct. She pressed and moved her fingers between her legs. She lit a wildfire. With little effort, Addie succumbed, tumbling in clouds of rapture. Her body spasmed around Emory’s without control. She nearly fainted as Galen pumped her mouth.

  As she froze, paralyzed with pleasure, Galen adjusted his position. Emory was seized by his own passion. He chased her over that wonderful cliff and fell, head over heels. He was so powerful as he came. Every cut ranch-hewn muscle jerked as he spent himself inside of her. He stiffened and tugged as he struggled to move to the very end. He tumbled away and soon Galen was inside of her, crying out as though he would die of ecstasy.

  The three collapsed on the mattress. The cowboys were half, half on the bed. Addie hummed. She never knew there was such delight possible. It was a dream. It was so sweet it could not be real. Addie floated on a cloud of complete satisfaction. There was not a tense ounce within her. She could not remember ever feeling this peaceful.

  But the dream passed and everyone adjusted themselves so that they were properly dressed. It was as if it never happened. Addie sat on the bed. Galen sat in one chair and Emory in another. Galen tapped an envelope as though he were thinking. All three of them acted as though what had just transpired between had no happened. But in fact it had. They had mad passionate sex together. Galen finally he spoke.

  “The sheriff received a wire while I was at the sheriff’s office,” he said gruffly. “As expected, they confirmed the demise of your father, Adaline.”

  Addie held out a little bit of hope but that was crushed. Her father was officially dead. She turned her head, pushing the emotion she felt, deep inside of her till she didn’t feel a thing.

  “This magistrate fellow, or the man who calls himself a magistrate, works with a band of four, including a woman. The law back in Chicago says this magistrate fellow was the front man and that he basically stole the deed to your home. None of the papers as far they can see are legit,” said Galen.

  “How do they know?” asked Emory.

  “Well for one thing, some of the papers are sign post-mortem,” said Galen.

  Addie flinched. A little sound escaped her.

  “Sorry about that. They found your daddy. They put his time of death about a day before the documents were falsely signed,” said Galen.

  “What happened?” asked Emory.

  “From what they gathered, because three of the four turned on the magistrate which is why he followed Addie out, that they jumped her father, forced him to turn over papers. After he was deceased, they set about signing the property over to themselves. It’s prime real estate according to the police,” said Galen. “Worth a pretty penny, if that’s what your heart’s desire is.”

  “It’s been in my family forever,” Addie remarked.

  Addie’s heart’s desire. She had stopped considering what that was. She could do worse. Galen Calhoun was a fine man. But from the tone of his voice, it almost sounded like he was giving her an option.

  “Anyhow, the police say that place is yours. Along with this reward money,” he said.

  “That’s mighty fine,” said Emory. “What are you going to do with a farm back there when you’re way out here?”

  Addie kept her head down. She did not want anyone to see how suddenly homesick she was.

  “Well I’ve been thinking about that,” said Galen. “At first when I learned Addie might come into the farm, I knew it had to be valuable. My original thought was that one of us could go check it out. It would be kind of like an adventure. City farm, Montana farm. How hard could it be? But then I got to thinking that none of this would have happened had it not been for this sonofabitch being so crooked and all. Addie, you hadn’t given any thoughts of being married before all this, had you?”

  She shook her head solemnly.

  “And you only did what you did because you had no other way, correct?” he asked.

  She could hear in his voice that he was afraid of her answer. But he was on to something. He sighed.

  “The truth is I read every one of your letters to Emory and his to you. It was my distinct impression that you had feelings for one another. Emory and I set you up to come out here to teach you a lesson. Because you had expressed your feelings so genuinely. We couldn’t figure how anyone could do that and those feelings not be real. I am thinking, now that I know what I know, that those feelings were real. They were, weren’t they?”

  Addie nodded.

  “But I have feelings for you too,” she promised him.

  He smiled softly. “But you want to g
o home, don’t you?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “That’s my ranch out there. My brother helped me every step of the way. But he won’t let me give him half. He wants something of his own. I figure, especially after what just happened here, that this is the best way. I am fine with the three of us –“

  He couldn’t finish his sentence, the subject was too taboo. Addie burned with an out of control blush. Emory squirmed.

  “I’d be pleased if you stayed and were my wife but I read those letters you wrote to Emory. You two belong together. You don’t belong with me,” said Galen.

  Addie rushed him. She threw her arms around him.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  Galen stood up and shook his brother’s hand. He picked up a piece of paper off a stack of papers that he had as they checked into the room. He ripped it up and walked out of the room. Addie examined the pieces of paper Galen shredded. It was their wedding certificate. Tears jeweled her eyes. Galen Calhoun was a good man.

  “What do you make of that?” Emory asked shyly.

  “It’s all so sudden,” said Addie. “But it feels right. Do you think you can put with me in Chicago?”

  “I think I am going to die trying,” said Emory.

  Rival Brides and the Billionaire Montana Cowboy

  By: Erin Walsh

  Rival Brides and the Billionaire Montana Cowboy

  © Erin Walsh, 2015 – All rights reserved

  Published by Steamy Reads4U

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events are purely coincidental. This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.


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