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The Irish Devil

Page 3

by Donna Fletcher

  “Your guest requested my service.”

  A malicious snare preceded Lady Terra’s comment. “Which service is that?”

  Faith was quick to respond. “Perhaps you should ask the devil himself.”

  “You ungrateful whore,” the woman screamed. “Though a whore is just what the devil would want.”

  “I thought it was innocence he looked to corrupt.”

  Her face red with rage, Lady Terra took several quick steps toward Faith.

  Realizing she intended to strike out at her, Faith wisely answered her. “Lord Eric required attention to his leg.”

  That stopped the woman fast enough and the startling change in her expression frightened Faith.

  “Did he treat you properly?”

  Faith did not understand the smile that spread across the woman’s face where only moments before fury raged. And she did not trust the sudden shift in emotions.

  Lady Terra did not give her a chance to answer before plying her with other questions. “Was he respectful? Did he imply anything improper or make improper suggestions?”

  Faith was not certain what the woman herself was implying but her barrage of questions made her feel uncomfortable and uncertain how to answer. She felt as though she was in the snares of a trap and her answers would either free or imprison her.

  “Tell me this minute,” Lady Terra snapped. “And I will have the truth from you. None of your lies.”

  Faith hesitated and for a moment thought of not mentioning the devil’s sinful proposal, but then the devil needed no help from her. So as quickly and simply as she could she explained how Lord Eric had asked her to share his bed.

  This time the smile that spread across the woman’s face alarmed Faith. It was as though she had received wonderfully delightful news and was rejoicing in its delivery.


  Eric sat at the high table in the great hall deep in conversation with Colin and Borg. His men had finished their morning meal. Some were presently seeing to the horses, while others were engaged in their daily physical practice or seeing to the care of their weapons. A few stood guard over the wagons.

  Eric took pride in his men and their skilled accomplishments. They had ridden many years with him and fought many a harsh battle. Now it was time to reap the rewards. He had acquired a vast fortune fighting for the lord or king who offered him the fattest purse. With that accumulated fortune and this marriage and the land holdings it brought him he would no longer need to hire out himself and his men as mercenaries.

  A good portion of his men, along with hired laborers, had remained in Limerick to continue the work on the keep and the surrounding buildings so that all would have lodging for the winter. His men were looking forward to settling down, getting themselves wives and raising crops along with children.

  He had noticed that some of his men had wasted no time in sniffing after some of the servant girls and he would not be surprised if he had several requests for the girls’ services to be bought out so they would be free to join his men.

  After all, he was here for the same reason and the sooner he made his decision the better, though the fiery-haired healer continued to torment his thoughts and kept his blood running hot. He may choose a wife today but he also intended to search out the healer. His first thought had been to persuade her to surrender to him but as he gave the idea more consideration he realized that he favored looking upon her and one tumble with her would not do. He decided to offer her a position at his keep. One that would definitely benefit her and him.

  “He is thinking of the healer again,” Colin said, looking past Eric to Borg who was finishing the last of the potage.

  Borg nodded. “Pretty little thing and pleasant, too.”

  Eric grinned, surprised by Borg’s response. His shyness around women was well-known around camp. The men often teased him about it. For all his brawn and size, he was a gentle giant. A woman would be lucky to have him for a husband, but until the man could find his tongue around women he was destined to remain without female companionship.

  “She caught your fancy did she, Borg?” he said in a serious yet teasing tone.

  The tall man turned several shades of red and lowered his head, focusing on his empty trencher as if it would save him from humiliation.

  Colin and Eric laughed and Eric slapped Borg on the back.

  “I think, my friend, we will find you a woman before we leave here. I cannot have my strongest man blushing like a nervous female at the mere mention of a woman.”

  His cheeks flamed an even brighter red and he shook his head. “I do not need a woman.”

  Colin roared. “Like hell you don’t. Every man wants and needs the feel of a woman beneath him.”

  “Or riding him,” Eric added to Borg’s further embarrassment.

  “I for one love the feel of being buried deep inside of a woman who can ride me with wild abandonment,” Colin said and was about to continue when Bridget entered the hall and nervously stepped toward the trio.

  “Excuse me, sirs,” Bridget said softly. “I do not mean to interrupt or be disrespectful, but cook wants to know if you wish more food.”

  “We have had our fill, lass, thank you,” Eric said with a firm authority that always managed to make the servants nervous.

  “It is those damn eyes of yours and that rumble in your voice that excites and frightens them,” Colin commented as the young woman hurried off.

  “What are you talking about?” Eric said, catching from the corner of his eye the way Borg watched as inconspicuously as possible the sway of Bridget’s full wide hips as she finally disappeared from sight.

  “Your eyes,” Colin reiterated, “blue as the deep sea and as lusty as a needy whore.”

  That brought a laugh from Borg.

  Colin continued. “And your voice, it is a deep rumble like distant thunder warning the surrounding area what is yet to come. It excites women and frightens men.”

  “It did not excite Faith,” Borg said casually.

  Colin shook his head as Eric slowly turned to face the big man.

  Borg looked his leader firm in the eyes. “She is a decent and caring lass, remember that.”

  “A warning,” Eric asked in the demanding tone of one who commands.

  Colin held his breath, for as big as Borg was, every man in Eric’s service knew that Eric could take the giant down. His strength and courage was what legends were made of and he had won the respect and admiration of his men after demonstrating just how fearless a warrior he was.

  Borg laid a gentle hand on Eric’s shoulder. “From someone who cares.”

  Borg had grown up alongside Eric and his concern meant a great deal so he clearly understood that the man spoke from his heart. “Then I will remember.”

  Borg smiled and Colin released his breath.

  “Good thing you two settled that amicably,” Colin said with a wide grin. “For a minute there I was afraid I would have to break you two apart.”

  That brought a hardy laugh from both men.

  “You are a lover not a fighter, Colin,” Eric reminded, though he knew the man to be extremely skilled at both. He also knew Colin preferred to be noted for his reputation with the women. He often commented that his adversaries never took him seriously, thinking him more concerned with women than with battle, thereby misjudging his abilities.

  “Which reminds me,” Colin said, “my eye caught sight of a rather pretty morsel this morning. Brenda, I think she was called. I think I may just go find her and see if she would be interested in some entertainment.”

  “After you have finished seeing to the men.” Eric said in a tone that left no doubt it was an order.

  “As you wish,” Colin said, giving Eric the respect he felt he fully deserved.

  Eric saw that Lord William had entered the hall a few moments earlier. He purposely ignored the irritating man and finished his conversation with Colin, after which he turned to Borg to speak. His blatant disregard for his host’s presenc
e was a slight any proud man would not ignore and while Lord William might consider himself proud, Eric felt him a coward who used other men to fight his battles. He doubted he had ever raised a sword or even his fist for that matter, unless of course it was against a weaker man or more likely a woman.

  Eric spoke with Borg, continuing to ignore Lord William who came to stand in front of the table directly across from him.

  “See to the restocking of supplies for our journey home. And find that girl Bridget and see if she will ask the cook to bake a few extra fruit tarts for us to enjoy on our return journey. Be generous with compensation as usual.”

  Lord William waited in silence for the two men to take their leave. They made no move to depart and William grew impatient and nervous with the devil’s hellish eyes moving to rest upon him.

  Only after sweat began to drip in earnest from William’s forehead did Lord Eric speak.

  “My time is precious to me,” Eric began. “I do not wish to waste it. Make certain your daughters are brought here to the hall at midmorning. I will inspect them and see which one fits my needs. I will make my choice then, wed her on the morrow and be gone by the next day. I expect my orders to be followed explicitly. Do not disappoint me.”

  With that Eric stood and marched out of the great hall, his men following.

  Lord William stood with his mouth agape.

  Lady Terra entered the hall and stopped beside her husband. Her eyes remained fixed on the devil’s back, broad and powerful, and she smiled. “Arrogant and insulting. But what can one expect from a barbarian who knows nothing of manners and respect.”

  Lord William slipped his thick arm around his wife’s thin waist. “Once again, my dear wife, you comfort me. And your astute mind has derived a perfect plan of ridding us of two unwanted nuisances while keeping our part of the kings’ agreement.”

  Lady Terra licked her thin lips in anticipation. “Midmorning should prove entertaining.”

  Chapter Three

  Eric sat behind the long table on the dais staring at the three women standing a few feet away from him. He had been busy all morning listening to his men’s complaints and comments and he was not surprised to discover there were a few who had found women who were willing to leave with them. One woman was a weaver, another was an undercook in the kitchen and he himself had his eye on the servant girl Bridget who he had learned was an excellent stitcher. He had a feeling Borg was interested in the plump, fresh-faced young woman and given that he was shy he would never find himself a wife; so Eric intended to find one for him.

  Love mattered not. It was but a fleeting emotion like passion and once passed served little purpose. He needed a wife who would be a solid, dependable companion. One who possessed strength and courage and the ability to bear him many sons and daughters so that together they would raise a fine family, which would carry on his name and see that his land flourished.

  He had hoped for a woman whom he would find pleasure in bedding and whom he could give pleasure to, but the three prospects standing in front of him not only lacked sexual appeal but physical appeal as well, making him all the more determined to find the healer and offer her a generous compensation to join his household staff.

  The three young women who huddled around their mother ranged from attractive to passable to unacceptable. He had already discounted one. She resembled her mother and looked to be equally shrewish. Her thin lips and narrow eyes that harshly probed all around her made her even less appealing. The attractive one was obviously taken with her beauty. Unfortunately there was a coldness about her that made Eric think she would not welcome a husband in her bed unless heavily compensated for it. The passable young woman seemed not at all interested in her surroundings and even less interested in her appearance. But she did have wide hips which would give her an advantage when birthing, though getting her with child might be a difficult process since he was not the least bit attracted to her.

  Colin leaned over his shoulder. “Go with the beauty… at least she is easy to look upon.”

  Borg grunted and Eric turned toward him where he sat to his right. “What was that?”

  Borg shook his head and Eric could almost sense his thoughts. None appealed to the giant though once again he caught Borg’s eyes straying to the servant girl Bridget where she and two other servant girls stood whispering near the hearth.

  “Of course the unkempt one would probably have no trouble dropping a babe or two with those generous hips,” Colin said with a smirk.

  “Did I ask for your help?” Eric said irritably, annoyed that none of the three women remotely appealed to him in any way.

  “No, but I am offering it to you anyway. You must choose, your lands depend on this union and besides you will only have to bed her when you want to get her with child. This marriage is not a death sentence, just a minor inconvenience that can be ignored after the vows and planting of a fertile seed.”

  He was right, but Eric secretly had hoped for more. Along with his fertile land that would grow and produce by the sweat of his brow and strength of his hands, he wanted a woman who would give to him the same. He wanted a woman who would willingly take his seed and tend their child with love and caring. Not one who would do her duty to him, complain while the child grew within her and then ignore the babe when he was born. He wanted a woman who nurtured, loved and cared.

  The healer.

  She would nurture a child she carried. He could tell by the way she had gently cared for him with her soothing touch and her calming voice. She would give freely of her love to her husband and child and nurture them with her gentle soul.

  “Well?” Colin asked impatiently. “Which one shall it be?”

  Eric grumbled beneath his breath while both men sitting alongside him grinned with the knowledge that their lord was not at all pleased with the offerings.

  “Take the one easy on the eyes, I tell you,” Colin whispered.

  Borg threw in his own choice. “The one with the wide hips.”

  Eric needed to be sensible in his choice but at the moment he felt anything but reasonable and reason quickly eluded him when he saw the healer walk through the front door with that monster dog of hers trailing close beside her.

  He studied her with keen eyes. She wore a deep blue tunic over a pale blue linen shift and her slim waist was bound with a simple white braided belt that held a small leather pouch which probably contained her healing herbs. Her clothes were simple, unlike the harsh gold and orange hues the others wore. But simplicity suited her, serving to make her all the more appealing. And her hair—lord but it raged in flaming splendor around a pale face that was exquisite and her dark eyes…

  They startled him for a moment, for he caught a hint of fear in them and he wondered if he was the cause of her distress.

  He watched with interest as Lady Terra sent her a scathing look and with a rapid wave of her hand motioned Faith to her side. The three other women grinned.

  Eric sent a guarded look to Colin and Borg and each man nodded. Something unexpected was about to happen and Eric intended to be prepared. He never faced battle without preparation and though this would probably only amount to a small skirmish he had all intentions of being the victor.

  He sat back and waited in arrogant silence.

  Faith approached her stepmother with apprehension. She had wondered as to the unusual summons to the hall. She rarely graced the keep with her presence aware she was not welcome.

  Her stepmother shot a sharp warning look toward the dog and Faith immediately ordered Rook to sit and stay by the door. He did so but kept steadfast eyes on his master.

  Faith stopped near her stepmother, the woman took quick steps to close the distance and spoke low but with a sternness that frightened Faith.

  “Keep your shame hidden and speak not a word.” She curled her upper lip in disgust. “Do not disgrace us.” She then rejoined her daughters.

  Faith’s hands immediately went to her waist-length, fiery-colored hair and fu
ssed with the ringlets, making certain her scar would remain concealed.

  “Now there is a beauty,” Colin whispered without moving from his alert stance.

  Borg agreed with a simple nod of his head.

  Eric said nothing. He simply stared at Faith. His boiling blood and his rock-hard response to her unexpected presence only served to make him more determined to take her with him. He wanted to feel the glory of that flaming hair against his naked skin and touch, taste and torment her into willing submission.

  The urge to have her so overwhelmed him that a shiver of lust rushed over him, causing him to throb unmercifully. He had never wanted a woman as badly as he wanted her at this very moment and the raging thought disturbed him.

  He would do something and fast. That was how he wanted her… fast and furious, a tangle of naked limbs and piercing thrusts that sent them toppling out of control. And he would see that she lost control, completely, crying out her surrender to him.

  His hand fisted at his side.

  Colin saw the struggle in his smoldering eyes and white-fisted hand. “Make your choice and then take her and relieve this unrelenting ache.”

  Eric took a deep breath and was about to speak when Lord William strutted forward with an arrogant confidence that kept Eric on alert.

  “A serious matter has been brought to my attention,” he began.

  Eric remained silent, keeping a steady, sure eye on the barrel-shaped man.

  William smartly kept his distance from the mighty devil while he continued. “You, Lord Eric, overstepped my hospitality last night when you made an inappropriate proposition to my daughter Faith.”

  Colin and Borg’s startled expressions betrayed their surprise but Eric remained as he was, calm and silent.

  William haughtily proceeded to demean the devil himself. “I do not take kindly to such a blatant insult to my precious daughter. How dare you treat her like a whore when I graciously open my home to you! You shame yourself, but mostly you have shamed my daughter and I demand that you rectify this matter immediately. I will settle for nothing less than an offer of marriage to my daughter Faith.”


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