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Carter (The Harlow Brothers Book 1)

Page 28

by Brie Paisley

  Her eyebrows furrow as she opens the second box and holds up another key. I can tell she’s confused to why I’m giving her a bunch of keys today. “Why do I have another key?”

  Before I answer, I stand and grab her legs. I place them in my lap as I sit and gaze at her and say, “That key is to my house.” My heart drums rapidly in my chest as she sucks in a breath. “I want you here with me every single day. I want to wake up to seeing your gorgeous smile. I want to be the first you see, talk to, and share your morning coffee with. I want to listen to you sing in the shower every morning, and to sit on the couch to watch scary movies at night with. Shelby, I can’t live without you. You’re the only one I want to share my life with, and I would be honored if you would move in with me.”

  Her eyes fill with unshed tears and for a second, I think I fucked up. She takes the keys, holding them tightly in her hand as she says, “Yes.”

  “Yes?” I ask, just to confirm what I heard. She laughs and a lone tear slides down her cheek as she nods. I use the pad of my thumb to wipe it away, then ask, “Why are you crying?”

  “Because.” Another tear rolls down her face and she shakes her head. “Because I’m happy, Carter. You’ve made today amazing, and I never expected this.”

  I move her legs on each side of me as I lean over her. Hovering over her lips as her hands go to my back, I use my hand to cup her cheek. “Just so it’s clear, you’re saying yes to both?”

  She gazes at me, making my heart clench, as she breathes out, “Yes to both. I can’t wait to move in with you, and spend every day with you. I can’t wait to get back to doing what I love, and I know you wouldn’t be doing any of this, unless you were ready.”

  “I’m more than ready, Shel.” And I am. I’m ready for it all and more. I glance over at the clock on the wall as I say, “We still have a few hours before we have to be at my parents.”

  “Really?” She makes a sexy moaning sound then asks, “Whatever shall we do to pass the time?”

  I grin as I touch her lips and whisper, “I have a few ideas.” She giggles as I take my finger off her lips, and take her mouth with mine. I barely hear the keys falling to the floor. I’m entranced, consumed, and only focused on her. I slowly dip my tongue in her mouth loving how she tastes.

  Her legs wrap around me, and I groan as her hips arch into mine. I pull back, looking deep into her eyes. Our breaths come out in pants, and I hope she’s ready for me to show her just how happy she’s made me today. Because I don’t plan on stopping until she begs me to.

  Shelby sits in my lap, laughing loudly as Caden and Cason roll around on the ground horse playing. They’ve been at it for a while now, I’m just waiting for Mama to finally break them up. I grin, then take a drink of my beer, watching Cason wrap his legs around Caden. Caden grunts as the slaps Cason’s arms while trying to get free. I run my hand up and down Shelby’s back enjoying spending the day with my family.

  Cason seems to be back to his normal self after Shelby explained to me how he acted when Tabitha showed up. I tried talking to him about it, but he told me more than once he was fine. I let it go knowing if something was wrong, Caden would know and he’d tell me.

  Dad should be back soon from picking up Clark from the airport, and my parents backyard is full of family and friends awaiting Clark’s arrival. It’s been a long awaited day, and I for one, am glad to get my brother back. Shelby and I ended up being the ones to plan the party with Mama’s help of course. Cason and Caden wouldn’t stop bickering long enough to help, but overall I think we pulled it off. We decided to have it outside, since it’s a perfect day out, and it wouldn’t be as crowded inside. We had a local caterer come and set up three tables of buffet style food. They’re lined up on the back porch, and I’m quite pleased with how the welcome home banner turned out. There’s so many people waiting for Clark, and I know he’ll be happy to have so much support.

  “Caden and Cason! Stop that right now!” I turn hearing Mama’s stern voice, and when the twins don’t instantly stop she yells, “I’m going to get my whoopin’ spoon!” I cringe away, as Shelby lets out another laugh, and the twins finally stop messing around. They get off the ground and brush their clothes off, pushing each other in the process.

  They make their way to the food, and I laugh hearing Mama shoo them away from it. Shelby leans back against me sighing, and I wrap my free arm around her. “Have you ever been so happy that you think it’s not real?”

  I place my beer down as she turns, and I think about her question for a moment before answering. I know what she means. It’s still surreal knowing she’s mine, and soon, she’ll be moving in with me. “Yeah, I’ve done that a lot since you came back into my life. The thing is.” I tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear as I say, “It’s these small moments with you that make me love that feeling. It may sound strange, but this exciting feeling you give me, I want to feel it every single day. Nothing is going to take our happiness away this time.”

  “You promise?”

  I grin, knowing how much she needs to hear my vow. “I promise, Shel. With all my heart, and with everything that I am.” She gazes into my eyes for a moment, then she slowly leans down to kiss me sweetly. I run my fingers through her hair savoring her kiss, her taste, and her very being.

  “Caden was right about you two,” I pull away, turning to see Caleb moving a chair by us.

  Shelby blushes bright red and gets up. I watch her make her way to Mom, and my heart swells seeing her getting along with Mama so well just like she used to. “One day little brother, you’ll understand.”

  I see him shake his head out of the corner of my eye, as he says, “I highly doubt that. I’m too awkward around chicks.”

  I turn to him, saying, “When you meet the right one, it’ll come naturally.”

  “I can’t believe you’re giving me love advice,” he says with a chuckle.

  “Well,” I bend down and grab my beer, then take a drink before telling him, “When you know, you just know. I knew I wanted to be with Shelby when I was six, and knew I loved her when I was eleven.” It was a strange feeling looking back. I didn’t really know what it meant, but as I got older, I knew exactly what I was feeling.

  “I’ll take your word for it.” Caleb turns to me and says, “I am glad you got your girl back. It’s good to see you so happy again.”

  “Thanks, man. And she does make me happy. She’s all I’ve ever needed.” I’m not surprised at Caleb’s approving gaze. All my brothers know how much she means to me, and how much I regretted leaving her. I turn my gaze back to our family and friends, seeing them talking, laughing, and having a good time. Pride and contentment flow through me, and I’ve never been so thankful for such an amazing family and friends.

  I set my beer back down as I notice Caden walking over to Caleb and me. I wonder if Dad is back with Clark, knowing Dad’s been gone for a while now. He left early this morning, headed to Jackson Airport, to meet Clark. “Dad just called. They’ll be here in five.” I nod, grateful the time is finally here to reunite with Clark. It’s been a long time coming, and I can only hope my worries about him will be eased once I see him.

  Caleb, Caden, and I make our way to the back porch impatiently waiting for them to arrive. I see Shelby sneak a piece of chicken, and she shrugs her shoulders when she notices me watching her. I shake my head, beckoning her to come stand beside me. She complies instantly and wraps her arm around my waist. Annie and William stand close by us, and I watch Mama stick some tissues in her bracelet. I already know Mama is going to shed some tears. I know how much she misses Clark, and how much she worries about him. I hate that it’s so hard on her, and I can only hope Clark finally decides to retire. He’s been in going on ten years, and it’s time he stays home for good.

  Everyone begins to crowd around the back porch eager to greet Clark. I shift my weight from side to side anxious for him to get here. Shelby’s embrace tightens, and I still. I look down at her, and she smiles widely at me saying, �
��It’s going to be fine, Carter.” I nod, grateful she knows how much I’m worried. I think when I see him things will be better, and I’ll know for sure he’s alright.

  Moments later, I see Dad walking through the house through the glass window. I see Clark walking beside him wearing his Army uniform and when they come outside, everyone cheers when they see Clark. We clap, we cheer, and for a brief moment, Clark smiles. It doesn’t reach his eyes, but I don’t think much of it as Mama hugs his tightly. They stay embraced for a while it seems, and I notice Mama’s shoulders are shaking. Dad steps over to them, and he rubs Mama’s back as he leans down to tell her something. I see Shelby wiping a tear off her cheek, and I pull her closer to my side. Caden, Cason, Caleb, and I patiently wait our turn to greet our brother as they stand beside me. Mama finally lets Clark go, and he makes his way toward us.

  He stops at Shelby first, and she wraps her hands around his neck. I watch them thankful Shelby is still accepted by everyone, and how much she belongs here. Clark slowly pulls away moving to me. I suck in a breath, not believing he’s finally home. He’s safe, and I couldn’t be happier he seems fine. I embrace him as he does the same, and I lightly slap his back. He slowly moves away doing the same to the rest of us. I watch him, and I can feel our brotherly bond strengthening. We’ve always been close with one another, and it’s hard when one of us isn’t here. I know Caleb still has until May until he’s finished with school, but at least he comes home when he can. Soon, all of us will be back home living our lives just like we want.

  A few hours later, Caden, Cason, Caleb, Clark and I sit outside talking, and catching Clark up on what he’s missed. It’s nice to be able to spend time with Clark, and he’s actually able to relax since everyone has left for the night. Each of us has a beer in hand, and we laugh more than once at Caden’s jokes. Shelby’s inside with Mama helping her finish cleaning up. I have noticed Clark won’t talk about his time overseas. I would say it was normal, but after his other deployments, he had some great things to say about his friends with him. We catch on quickly doing our best to keep his mind off anything that might upset him. I have a nagging feeling that this time is going to be harder on him. I just hope he knows he can lean on any of us, and we’ll do everything we can to show him we support him.

  My gaze finds Shelby inside, leaning on the counter talking with Mama. I can’t help the grin from forming, and I honestly don’t know how this day could get any better. I have everything I could ever want. “There he goes again.” I frown as I turn to Caden. “She sure does have you whipped, old man.”

  “But out already, Caden.” Cason scolds.

  “I’m just saying. He does it all the time now.”

  “You sound jealous to me,” Clark says. Caden scuffs, and I actually think he is jealous.

  “Whatever. Y’all don’t know anything.”

  “Why are you so defensive then, Caden?” I ask, truly curious. The last time it was brought up about him getting serious with a woman, he said he didn’t want a relationship.

  Caleb laughs, as Cason rolls his eyes and Caden says, “I’m not! Y’all always gang up on me, and it’s not right.”

  “Are you pouting?” Cason asks, and I can only shake my head seeing Caden really is pouting.

  “Alright, we get it. You’re jealous and don’t want us to know. Dually noted,” Clark chimes in.

  Caden shakes his head, mumbling as I try to change the subject. “Can y’all help me move Shelby in the house next weekend?” I know Shelby doesn’t have a lot of stuff, but Mama told me she wanted to take Shelby shopping to add more of her style in my home. I agreed thinking it was a great idea. I want Shelby to know my home will be our home soon.

  Everyone agrees to help, and Caden adds, “I still can’t believe she said yes. I thought for sure it would take a bit more convincing.”

  I nod, saying, “I know. I thought I’d have to ask more than once, but she has changed a lot.”

  “I just hope she doesn’t pull a runaway bride when y’all get married.” I laugh as Cason smacks Caden on the arm. “Dude! What the hell was that for?”

  “Think before you speak dipshit,” Cason tells him.

  They begin to argue of course, because it’s not a family get together without the twins fighting. Caleb tries to help break them apart, but I think it’s making it worse. I chuckle as I listen to what they’re saying, then Clark leans over towards me, tapping my knee with his beer. “I am glad you’re happy again. It’s good to come home and see you two back together.”

  “Thanks, Clark. She means the world to me, and I honestly don’t know what I would’ve done if she hadn’t come back into my life.” Clark nods, and I find Shelby again. I watch her head fall back as she laughs, and she slowly turns to me, showing me that stunning smile.

  I barely hear Clark as he says, “Go get your girl,” as I get up and make my way to her. She notices and meets me halfway.

  Her arms take my waist as I use both hands to cup her face. I don’t care if anyone’s watching, because all I can see is her. I gaze into her eyes, loving the sparks of green shining through. I trace my thumb back and forth on her cheek, as I say, “I love you more than words can describe, Shel.”

  She sighs, a smile spreading across her face as she says, “I love hearing you say that.” I know she does. Every time I do, her eyes light up, and that smile I crave to see forms. It’s something I want to see every single day for the rest of my life. I lean down and slowly take her lips. I kiss her sweetly, tenderly, and pour every single bit of love I have for into our kiss.

  I pull away when I hear Caden yell, “Get a room already!” I chuckle, but I don’t let go of Shelby.

  As I hold her gaze, I realize that one day, maybe soon I’m going to ask her to marry me. One day, she’ll officially be mine. My heart beats faster thinking of giving her my last name, and one day seeing her carrying our baby. It’s something I’ve always wanted with her. I know it’ll happen for us. I have faith she’ll prove Caden wrong, and she won’t be a runaway bride.

  Either way, if she runs I’ll always chase her. Wherever she goes, I’ll follow.

  I pull her to me, running my hands down her arms then to her back, as she leans her head on my chest. I know she can hear and feel how fast my heart is beating. It’s all because of her. Everything she makes me feel is because of how she loves and cares for me. I hope she knows how much these small simple moments mean to me. If not, I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life showing her. Loving her. Being everything just for her.

  Forever and always.

  Brie Paisley is a small town gal from Mississippi. She always wanted to write at a young age and was always filling journals with her thoughts and short stories. Brie started with the idea of Worshipped a year ago and with the encouragement of her husband and sister in law, she was able to write her first book. When she is not writing, you can find her reading a good book, painting, scrapbooking, or watching a good movie with her husband and her boxer.

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  Table of Contents />
  Prologue – Shelby

  Chapter One – Shelby

  Chapter Two – Carter

  Chapter Three – Shelby

  Chapter Four – Carter

  Chapter Five –Shelby

  Chapter Six – Carter

  Chapter Seven – Shelby

  Chapter Eight – Carter

  Chapter Nine – Shelby

  Chapter Ten – Carter

  Chapter Eleven – Shelby

  Chapter Twelve – Carter

  Chapter Thirteen – Shelby

  Chapter Fourteen – Carter

  Chapter Fifteen – Shelby

  Epilogue – Carter




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