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Nate (The Princesses of Silicon Valley - Book 4)

Page 10

by Claire, Anita

  After dinner, I’m leaning against the back wall of the family room with Juliette in my arms as my boss talks about last year’s accomplishments. Man, Juliette is so hot and I certainly don’t want to watch this shit. As they lower the lights, I get a great idea. Grabbing Juliette by the hand, I pull her into the powder room.

  She has a questioning look on her face and just manages to say, “Nate….”

  But I block her against the wall, shove my hands up her skirt, and stick my tongue down her throat. Man, this just feels good.

  She moves me away and whispers, “Nate, we can’t do this in your boss’s bathroom.”

  “You look so hot, I’ve spent the entire evening trying to control my hard on. No one’s going to miss us.”

  She bites her lip and gets a bit of an excited smile on her face. I take this as a sign of approval as I flip her around so we’re back to front. She gasps as I pull her dress up to her waist. “Grab a hold of the sink.” Damn, I’ve been staring at the white column of her neck; it just looks good, as I lean in and lick it.

  “Baby, arch your back,” I say as I unzip my pants releasing my hard on, while sliding her panties over. I give her clit a rub the way I know she likes it as my dick screams to be inside of her. After angling myself to get in, I start thrusting. Man, the vision of Juliette in the mirror is awesome. Her boobs look amazing in that see-through part of her top as they jump up and down with my thrusts. I gasp out, “Your breasts are so hot.” My dick is just so happy being squeezed by her tight V. Forcing my eyes up at just the right time, I get to see her gasp and her eyes close. Then bliss, as I tighten up and let myself go.

  I can’t keep my eyes off her as she straitens herself up, man she is one beautiful girl. Grabbing her hand, I lead her back to the wall in the family room. As the lights go up I realize that I’m one lucky bastard. Hell, even if the other doctors realize I took her out of the room, what are they going to say? I’ve seen all of them check her out with a look of admiration.

  Chapter 25 – Party at the Tech

  The next Saturday, before Juliette’s party, we meet at the horse arena. Juliette’s all warm and friendly as she greets me with a big hug. Then she shows me how to pull on Jackson’s lead so he’ll bond with me. Jackson spends the next half an hour following me around. If I run, turn, or stop he stays with me, placing the flat of his noes against my back. It’s the most amazing experience; I thought only dogs could be this interactive. Ridding back along the path together, sundown is as magical as before. This time I know what to do and am better prepared to help with the horses. Who’d have thought that working with horses was this much fun.

  Back home we take a quick shower. Juliette kicks me out of the bathroom as she does her hair. Using my time to check up on my patients, I wait for her to be done. It’s the first time Juliette isn’t ready on time. Showing up in the living room about ten minutes after she wanted to leave, I’m floored again. She’s wearing another hot dress. This one’s more conservative since it doesn’t show off any skin, but it hugs every one of her curves, and highlights her hot ass. She’s taken out all her curls, which makes her look really different.

  At the Tech, after passing security, our coats are taken by a women dressed in a Star Wars costume. Where I grew up boys were either into sports or into superheroes, I was a sports boy. I remember the movies, but I wasn’t caught up into them. Another Star Wars character asks us if we want to sign up for a ride.

  “You know all the characters?” I ask.

  “Hey, it’s a requirement when you work in engineering, like playing golf is for doctors.”

  We look and interact with the exhibits until Juliette chides me with her elbow, “You want to get a drink?”

  Heading over to the open bar, even the servers are dressed as Star Wars characters. A guy around my age comes up and taps Juliette on the shoulder. He seems friendly and is not on the make. It turns out this is the senior guy she works with. We grab a drink as he introduces us to his girlfriend. Then a tall lean Indian woman with a tall lean Asian guy joins us. The Indian woman, Hita, is the college friend who got Juliette her job. Hita and her friend are a little off; they’re one step away from thinking this is real. Juliette’s boss comes over, again another friendly guy who’s not on the make. Though there is this creepy older guy with a mousy woman who keeps on leering at Juliette. Not wanting to alarm Juliette, I go out of my way to give this guy dagger looks. I wonder if I should mention something to the boss about the guy. I don’t want a creepy guy messing with her.

  We head into the dining room, which has been stage designed to look like a Star Wars scene. Her company is sure spending a lot of money on this event; I’ve never been to an event that has been so high end and stage produced. Finding a table it turns out the meal is a Churrascaria—Brazilian BBQ. Which makes me chuckle. Mariana’s ghost seems to be following me around.

  A couple more guys from her group join us. I’m actually starting to feel comfortable. Guys are of course checking Juliette out, but except for the leering guy no one has been actively perusing her. Dinner is interesting, the conversation centers on science fiction characters.

  Heading back into the game room there’s a guy around my height, my age, medium build who can’t keep his eyes off of Juliette’s ass. I noticed him before checking her out. He must be important since he has an entourage.

  Upon taking my eyes and hands off her for one moment, the guy who’s been checking her out all night has broken from his group and is now hitting on her.

  Heading over to where she’s standing I make sure to let the guy know she’s taken by putting my hand on her waist.

  “Yes, I’m sure he’d enjoy that.” Juliette responds to whatever he was saying.

  Giving him good eye contact that clearly states she’s my girl and don’t fuck with me, I put my hand out, “Nate, Juliette’s boyfriend.”

  This asshole changes his stance to match mine, responding with, “Flint, CTO. So, Nate, you work high tech?”

  What the fuck, is he trying to one up me in front of my girl? I answer, “No, sports medicine.”

  “What, are you a trainer or something?”

  Pulling Juliette a little bit closer I tell him my rank, “No, Orthopedic Surgeon.”

  I can feel Juliette stiffen from the testosterone-fueled introduction.

  What breaks the tension is some blond who gives Juliette a nasty look like she’s stealing her man. Then she changes her expression, getting all flirty, “Oh Flint, you’re needed in the other room,” she says as she leads him away.

  As I watch them leave, Juliette looks at me in shock, “That’s one of the founders of my company. Why were you so Neanderthal to him?”

  “That guy’s been checking out your ass for the last half hour. I wanted to make sure he realizes you’re taken.” Then I ask, “What’s with the blond who’s trying too hard?”

  “Terri? Who just pulled Flint away?”

  “Yeah, are those two together, or does she just want to be with him?”

  “I heard she was with Sid, my VP.”

  “Sid should be watching his back because she’s definitely on the make, and not happy that Flint has his eyes on you. Though, I don’t like knowing he has his eyes on you either.” I tell her as we head over to the death star model.

  After our turn on the Millennium Falcon, Chewbacca tells us that dessert will be served and the band will be playing in the other room, which gives me a chance to get a first dance with my girl.

  Chapter 26 – Winter Vacation

  Christmas arrives; my parents planned for us all to be together ages ago. Jamie and I meet my parents in Playa del Carmen, Mexico—a relatively easy flight for each of us. I’m glad it’s not a working vacation since I could use the break, though now I’d be working surgery instead of moving boxes like I did as a kid. Juliette’s gotten under my skin, as I realize how much I miss her. Having not yet told my family about Juliette, my sister’s amazed that I’m not hitting on any women. Texting Juliette
every morning, I look forward to wrapping her in my arms once I get home.

  Back in town after my short break, Juliette has a connection for a cabin in Tahoe for New Year’s. It’s the first time I’ll be meeting her friends. With New Year’s falling on a Thursday night, Juliette and I both have a three-day weekend. Juliette and I get out of work early as we head up to Tahoe in the midafternoon. At Grass Valley the rain turns to snow, luckily I still have my snow tires on my 4WD Jeep.

  “What is it with these people? They drive like they’ve never driven in snow before,” I complain as someone driving too fast for the conditions starts spinning out as they pass me.

  ”They probably think they’re driving in Tule fog,” Juliette responds.

  At some point CalTrans has chain controls. I’ve never driven on a road that required chains. It’s probably because people in Western New York and the Midwest know how to drive in the snow. Luckily they let me through without putting on chains, it probably helps that I still have my Minnesota plates. We make good time since all the cars and trucks with chains cannot travel any faster than twenty-five as they hug the right lane.

  The cabin is actually a three bedroom, three-bath house in a large woodsy subdivision. Upon entering, an Asian women and a blond greet us. Juliette introduces the Asian women as Jennifer and the blond as Meredith. This must be the Meredith she runs with. There’s a fire in the fireplace. A Latino guy who introduces himself as Sam and appears to be around Juliette’s age is also there. After about a half an hour another guy enters with a couple of cases of beer.

  He kicks the snow off his boots declaring, “Safeway’s a zoo, the shelves are almost empty, and this storm is going to get worse before it gets better. I bought another shovel just to be sure.” He then introduces himself to me as Rocket.

  Juliette packed a large cooler and brought up some bags of food, I was thinking it was a little excessive but now I’m glad. Entering the kitchen the island is overloaded with food. We could be stuck here for a month and not have to worry about starving. Luckily, the plan was to eat dinner at home. Sam tells me he’s going to start up the BBQ, as he dresses up warmly and grabs the new shovel.

  Asking him, “Don’t you think it would be easier to use the oven?”

  He shrugs as he answers, “Yeah, but the food tastes better on a grill and I’d like to uncover the hot tub.”

  Rocket starts laughing, “If he wants to stand out in the cold to grill some steaks I’m all open for it, but it’s snowing so hard it’s a Sisyphean effort.”

  As beers are handed out, Juliette reminds us, “Guys, we’re at six thousand feet and alcohol has a potent effect,” then she toasts us with her cinnamon iced tea.

  Dressing up warmly, I go out to help Sam. Standing on the deck, I think the falling snow is really pretty since there isn’t any wind. Sam’s shoveled off most of the deck and has the BBQ uncovered. We hunker down by the BBQ waiting for the steaks to cook not really saying much. Sam finally asks.

  “You a San Francisco fan?”

  With a shake of my head, “Buffalo.”

  He chuckles, “Maybe another year.” After a pause, “I’m a pseudo-San Francisco fan, but growing up in south Florida, Miami will always be my team.”

  We stomp our feet and take turns shoveling the snow to keep ourselves warm. At some point Sam tells me, “I’ve known all the princesses since their freshman year.”

  Having no idea what he’s talking about he takes one look at my blank face and starts to laugh as he tells me, “There are seven of them.” Pointing with his chin to the house, “Those three and four more. Isabelle, whose house we’re at, Olivia, Kelly, and Hita.”

  I nod, “Hita—tall, slim, Indian chick.”

  Sam nods, “Yeah, they all attended the Halloween parties their freshman year as princesses.”

  “…Like the princesses the little preschool girls all dress as?”

  Sam barks out a laugh, “Well, sort of. Though the princesses that showed up at my fraternity party were nothing like what you’d see in a preschool.” He smiles wide, “as in every guy at that party had a princess fantasy that night.”

  I chuckle thinking of my red shirt fantasy. I wonder if Juliette still has her princess costume. That might make for an interesting night.

  When we get inside, I pull Juliette close and ask in her ear, “I heard you were a princess in college.”

  She laughs, gives me a sweet kiss on my cheek, bats her eyes, and says, “Yeah, I was Snow White.”

  Meredith over hears and smiles, “I have an evil stop monster.”

  Juliette says, “She was Cinderella.”

  Meredith yells over to Jennifer, “Hey, Mulan!”

  Jennifer pops in, “Yeah?”

  Juliette laughs, “Nate just found out about our alter egos.”

  Rocket volunteers, “Jen actually chaperoned at her school dressed as Mulan.”

  Meredith looks at Jennifer shocked, “You wore that outfit to your middle school?”

  Jennifer shrugs, “I made the kimono a lot bigger, I don’t think sexy Mulan would go over all that well with my administration and parents.”

  Rocket starts to laugh, “Yeah, but those thirteen-year-old boys would sure have loved it.”

  As we sit down at the table for dinner, the girls start razzing Sam since he dressed up as Prince Charming that night.

  Meredith gives Sam a sweet smile as she says, “Yeah, I never even had to lose a shoe to get him to sweep me off my feet.”

  Meredith and Juliette gag.

  Juliette’s baked bread and made dessert. That’s cool that she bakes. After we clear the table, we get into a wild game of poker. Another Juliette surprise, she’s a good player, though she has a few tells that she broadcasts too loudly. I’m glad that my girl isn’t too hard for me to read. Rocket is an interesting guy. He must be around my age. He’s rough around the edges, has muscles that look like they come from hard work not weight lifting or sports, it looks like he has a lot of tattoos, but he’s also classically educated and well-read based on his comments.

  We’re cleaning up from dinner when Jennifer jumps up and squeals, which is kind of a shocking sound, “I almost forgot. One of my students showed me this,” as she runs back to her room she returns with her computer. Pulling up YouTube she shows us a song produced in four segments on the screen. The guy who I assume wrote it did a really clever job. It’s a takeoff of the princesses, called After Ever After. The version two of the song has Cinderella and Mulan in it. We all laugh, except at the end Juliette pouts, “Why didn’t he include Snow White? She’s one of the most important princesses.”

  Jennifer replies, “Mulan hardly ever gets any coverage. Now you know how I feel.”

  By this time, it’s almost midnight. Sitting on the floor around the fireplace, Sam pulls out a bottle of Jägermeister.

  The girls start throwing pillows at him while laughing, “Not again,” they all start cheering.

  Sam just laughs saying, “Hey, this is a tradition, and if we don’t follow through we’ll have bad luck.”

  Giving Rocket a questioning look he gives me the “I have no idea either” shrug.

  Quickly I learn that Sam’s New Year’s tradition is to take a mouthful of Jägermeister, spit it into the fire, then state a New Year’s wish or resolution. Needless to say this is a waste of Jägermeister, and quickly turns ridiculous, though it is a lot of fun as we watch the flames leap and sizzle with each mouthful we spit.

  At some point, Sam’s phone goes off. He pulls it out and says, “Hey, thirty seconds until the New Year.” Grabbing Meredith, he pulls her onto his lap.

  I figure that he has the right idea as I pull Juliette into my arms. Sam then holds up his phone as we count down. When it hits twelve, we all kiss our partners. After our kiss, I realize how tired I am and how much I want to break the New Year in by having a tumble with my girl before I fall asleep. Wrapping my arms around Juliette I stand, and carry her off to bed. Though as I start rocking into her, I think t
he house might shake off its foundation with three young couples all having the same idea.

  In the morning, I’m shocked, the snow hasn’t stopped. Living in Buffalo you’d think I was used to snow, but I’ve never seen anything like this before. Overnight, we got another six feet combined with the three feet that fell yesterday, that’s a lot of snow. All the roads are closed but that’s irrelevant since the snow is past our windows and doors and there’s no way out of the driveway. I get up; leaving Juliette still asleep in bed, that girl can sleep through anything I think. It takes Cassie screaming to wake her up.

  Rocket’s already in the garage, tunneling a path so his dog can take a leak. Lending a hand, I help him dig the channel out. Rocket finally has to pick his whimpering dog up and place her in the snow. We both laugh watching his dog’s first experience in the snow. Rocket and I decide to take a break. We head back into a house where everyone is awake and busy making breakfast. After breakfast, the six of us head back out into the still snowing day. Having parked my car in the driveway, it takes six of us two hours to uncover it. After drinking hot chocolate, drying off our clothes and eating some lunch, we head outside again to play with the dog, which turns into a massive snow ball war. At some point, Rocket climbs onto the house’s roof, jumping off into a large snow drift, creating a whole new recreational activity. Our two days stuck in the cabin reminds me of my childhood snow days and how much fun they are.

  Lucky for us the power doesn’t go out. After all the fun in the snow, we head into the hot tub. Rocket has two sleeves, some interesting piercings, and a lot of art on his chest, ribs, and back. There’s an old school design that looks like it’s been modified, I’m sure there is a story to go with that. Meredith has a dancing Prince Charming and Cinderella on her back; I certainly hope she stays with this guy. While Sam has a design around his arm and a medallion on his chest; Juliette’s and Jennifer’s skin are both clean.


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