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Nicole: Star Crossed Lovers (A Wish for Love Series Book 2)

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by Shales, Mia

  Nicole knew something about masculine beauty. Any number of good-looking men was to be found in town and Nicole was the recipient of much of their attention. But no man she knew could match the fascination and allure of the one who now looked at her.

  "Hi," he called. "Want to come up?"

  Nicole instinctively looked back over her shoulder, sure he was hailing someone standing behind her, but the pier was empty and she understood he was addressing her. He still didn't move as she took a few hesitant steps towards the boat, enjoying the clear gaze of his eyes.

  "What do you think of Crazy Max?” he asked as he extended an arm and helped her board.

  "Mmm… interesting... he's cute," she stammered, clearing her throat. She was totally mesmerized by the eyes of the man still holding her hand. She completely forgot about Crazy Max.

  He suddenly smiled, tightening his grip on her hand, and she smiled back, her eyes traveling down to his mouth, feeling her body melt.

  * * *

  Nicole remembered the sheer bliss of that moment. The elation that passed like a bolt of lightening through her body, arousing emotions she had not known till then.

  * * *

  "Daniel," a masculine voice boomed from the depths of the boat, "are you coming?"

  "Just a minute," he called back without taking his eyes off Nicole. "I'm Daniel Miller. What's your name?"

  "Nicole West."

  "I have to go, Nicole, we're casting off in a few minutes."

  She felt a stab of disappointment, but he continued, "we're having a barbecue tonight on the South Shore. Would you join me?"

  Nicole nodded, not believing her good luck, neither moving nor speaking, afraid he would change his mind or that she would wake up and discover it was all a dream.

  That evening Daniel picked Nicole up at the end of the gravel path that led to her parents' house with the jeep that served the film crew. They tore through the village until the far shore, a distance of a few miles. A large and very merry group of people greeted them. Daniel introduced her to all the members of the crew and Nicole enjoyed the attention they showered on her. She also felt a strange pride in being Daniel's partner, even though she knew almost nothing about him.

  Later, when all were stretched out by the fire, sated and relaxed, and Daniel was gathering driftwood for the fire, Howard Mann, the director, sat beside Nicole. "Hi," he smiled sociably.

  "Hi," she answered, grinning back at him.

  "Enjoying yourself?"

  "Yes, everybody is so nice and friendly."

  "I assume part of your enjoyment is connected with my young assistant director, Mr. Miller. Am I right?"

  Nicole blushed at his bluntness and turned to face the dancing flames. "I like him alot."

  "I'm not surprised," Howard responded affably. "I believe he has a great future." He paused for a minute before continuing, "and I'm afraid that on his path to glory there won't be much room for a woman. I mean a serious relationship."

  "Are you trying to tell me something?"

  He suddenly noticed how young and innocent she was. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interfere in matters that don't concern me. I'm sure Daniel can take care of his own affairs. The truth is I want to make a business proposition."

  Nicole started. He was most disconcerting.

  "In two weeks we're starting to shoot underwater. Daniel tells me you're an experienced diver and now that I see how beautiful you are I thought you might agree, for a fee of course, to be interviewed as a local and be photographed in the water."

  "I know you'll enjoy working with us." Daniel sat down behind her.

  "Think about it. You can give me an answer tomorrow," said Howard smiling at her as he got up to join the group sitting not far from them.

  Nicole wondered if Daniel's interest in her might not be purely business. The thought made her shiver and she drew herself in, clasping her hands tightly around her knees. Daniel pulled her closer until her back leaned against his chest. His arms encircled her as his hands penetrated her unbuttoned cardigan. His lips brushed her ear. "It wasn't my idea. I simply agreed with Howard, after he saw you tonight, that you would add something special to the film. That's all."

  He was a mind reader. She tried to distance herself but he held her even tighter.

  "Don't go," he murmured in her ear, "please stay."

  And she stayed.

  * * *

  Her phone rang, tearing Nicole from her thoughts, disturbing the peace. She hesitated a minute but answered the unfamiliar number.

  "Good morning, did I wake you?"

  She was ready to swear that his lips were lifted in an amused smile. "Yes, you did. I'm still sleeping. And if I hear your voice I must be having a nightmare."

  Daniel laughed before becoming serious. "I wanted to make sure you're alright. I stayed with you till dawn and then had to leave for the day's shoot."

  "It might interest you to know that I couldn't care less when and where you go," Nicole shot back.

  "I was worried about you," he said, calm despite her attack.

  She refused to soften.

  "I was perfectly fine until you startled me so," she responded, a note of anger breaking through. If only you hadn't touched me, the thought flashed through her mind, unsaid.

  "I'd like to have dinner with you tonight. I hope you're free," he added with exaggerated politeness.

  "I happen to have a free evening but having no desire to see you again, as I made very clear last night, let me refuse your very kind invitation. I hope you don't take it personally," she added sarcastically.

  "I want to see you very much," he said after a short pause. "I must see you, Nicole," he added, a note of urgency in his voice. The way he pronounced her name caused a ripple of excitement to streak through her body. He spoke softly and slowly, ignoring her cynicism. He emphasized every word, not commanding but supplicating.

  Nicole fought the desire to give him the answer he wanted.

  "No, Daniel, I'm sorry." Lord, why is it so difficult for me to resist him? she thought. "I'm sorry," she repeated, "it's best for both of us." She hung up and breathed deeply, aware of the reaction his voice evoked, aware of the tremendous willpower it took for her to reject him.

  In the large caravan on the movie lot Daniel stood lost in reverie, musing on the best way to convince Nicole to meet him again. He felt her refusal had come only with great effort. I must be patient and tender, he admonished himself.

  "Daniel, are you there?" a feminine voice interrupted his meditations. "We've been waiting for you for over a quarter of an hour."

  "I'll be right there."

  Diane entered and moved close to Daniel. "You've been looking rather strange these past few days, distracted and sunk in thought. What's bothering you?" She placed a well-groomed hand on his arm, parting her lips and drawing them close to his. “If I can be of any help, please don't hesitate to let me know."

  Daniel looked at her tiredly. "Thanks." He turned aside, refraining from touching her. From the moment he knew there was a chance, even the faintest, of seeing Nicole again, he lost interest in other women.

  * * *

  At first everything went smoothly. He and Diane would meet every now and then for an evening's entertainment that ended in bed. Neither would speak of feelings or of any long-term liaison - a state of affairs that greatly suited Daniel. However, after two months, just as Daniel began to tire of her, she became more and more demanding. A few months before filming started, at nine in the evening, there was a buzz from the intercom. Daniel, who had had an exhausting day with some major backers, was surprised. He was expecting no one. He'd just had thirty-six hours of grueling work without sleep and had to get up early the next morning.

  The doorman announced, "Miss Stewart would like to come up."

  "Let her in." Despite his reluctance for a rendezvous, he couldn't insult her by refusing to see her.

  "What can I do for you, Diane?" Daniel spoke with his back to her as he looked out over t
he darkened expanse of Central Park.

  "I can't hide my feelings any longer," behind his back her voice trembled. "I love you. You are the only man in my life, and I can't live without you."

  Daniel turned. She was sitting on the edge of a large armchair, twisting her fingers, a single tear etching its way down her cheek. He was taken aback by the blunt confession. He looked probingly into her eyes, seeing there neither anguish nor love. He was staring into a void. She was playing a game. Everything she said, her false sincerity, all were part of a plan, calculated to break him. If she only knew to what little avail it all was, how far she was from his heart.

  "I'm sorry you feel like that," he said. "I don't want to hurt you but what I feel for you has nothing to do with love. You knew that from our first encounter, we've spoken about it more than once and we were both aware that our trysts, pleasant as I must admit they undoubtedly were, were just that and no more."

  She began to weep silently, and Daniel handed her a tissue.

  "Please, Daniel, let me stay with you tonight," she whispered. "I'm so miserable. Please. I'll make you happy tonight. You’ll see."

  Daniel doubted he could feel anything that night but the fatigue and tension that had built up over the past few days, but he pitied her. The glamour hid a lonely, insecure woman. The money, the fame and the celebrity had not brought her happiness.

  "Sure," he softened, "stay the night if you wish, but we’re through. We'll meet on the set - as friends!"

  "Alright." She rose to her feet, draping herself over him.

  Daniel felt he'd made a mistake.

  * * *

  Now he was in Australia, only two weeks away from the end of a seventy million-dollar production. In front of him stood Diane, ready to fall into his arms, while his thoughts and emotions were tied to a woman who adamantly refused to see him.

  He pulled himself together. "Let's go. We can't hold up the production." He left the caravan, climbing into the Range Rover as Diane sat down beside him. It took less than a minute for them to get to the location by the seaside. He noticed the crew staring and became conscious of Diane's hand resting lightly on the nape of his neck. He ignored her, jumped out of the car, and began giving directions.

  Chapter Three

  The day passed in a trice, and Daniel was pleased. When he reached his suite in the hotel he called Nicole but there was no answer. He tried calling her parents' house but no one answered there either. After several unsuccessful tries the phone rang and Daniel took it with alacrity, disappointed to hear the voice of Ralph Townsend, owner of a yacht where several scenes had been shot. Ralph was good-looking and rich as Croesus, thanks to a huge inheritance. Daniel had never been enthused by Ralph's slick and fawning character but he had to admit that he was a perfect host.

  "Daniel, how are you? I’m calling to remind you about the soiree on the yacht this evening."

  He deliberated a minute. He had no wish to miss an evening in Nicole's company, sure that despite her heated refusal to see him she could not ignore him forever. He decided to keep all his options open. "I have a business meeting at eight," he lied to Ralph without a second thought. "I'll try to make it afterwards. But don't count on it."

  Ralph could barely hide his disappointment. "But you're the guest of honor!" he said flatteringly. "Please don't disappoint me. And of course, there will be lots of gorgeous women there," he added.

  "I'll do my best."

  It was ten at night. Daniel worked with fierce concentration, stopping every half-hour only in order to phone Nicole. But from the early hours of the evening she was to be found neither at the bungalow nor on her cellular. Although he had little desire to show up at Ralph's party he knew how important public relations were to his productions and his appearance at these social affairs was an important ingredient in their success. Production was on schedule, tomorrow was the start of the weekend and the crew had two days off. Come to think of it, a bit of wine and music wouldn't hurt after a hard week's work.

  He shaved and showered, running his hands through his wet hair to smooth them back. His wardrobe contained clothes from the best-known designers. A few well-established clothiers had his measurements and every few months a representative would arrive with an assortment of clothes, suits, shoes and accessories. The selection took Daniel no more than ten minutes, leaving his secretary to take care of payment. Now he dressed quickly. His car was waiting at the entrance to the hotel but Daniel preferred to stretch his legs and walk.

  The party on the Marella was in full swing. Buffet tables, weighed down with delicacies, were laid out on the lower deck. Caviar, shrimps, oysters and lobsters were exposed on large platters and various fish were served from silver and gold plated trays. Crates of champagne and fine wines were brought up from the hold and drinks flowed like water in a never-ending stream. The crew of the yacht, dressed in blue and gold uniforms, served the guests attentively and added to the feeling of opulence. About a hundred guests were on board and the mood was carefree and lively.

  Nicole stood by the railing, a crystal glass filled with bubbling champagne in her hand. Ann was by her side, bantering with their host. "When will you get it into your head that I'm not interested in Casanovas like you?" she asked in mock despair.

  "What are you looking for then?" Ralph answered her question with another.

  "I'm looking for a man who is intelligent, sensitive, faithful, has a sense of humor, and by the way," she rushed on in the same breath, "I hear that Daniel Miller is supposed to be here tonight. Is that rumor true?"

  "You witch," laughed Ralph, "I give up. I'll try my charms on your beautiful friend. Perhaps she'll help mend a wounded ego by dancing with me." He leered at Nicole and held out his hand before addressing Ann. "To answer your question, I invited Miller personally, but to my great sorrow it looks like he isn't going to show up. Shall we dance?" Ralph asked as he led Nicole out to the dance floor.

  When Ann invited her to go with her to Ralph Townsend's yacht party, Nicole politely declined. She didn't know Ralph but Ann had more than once described the lavish blasts Ralph often threw. Nicole didn't like these kind of parties and generally led a quiet life, but after Daniel's morning call she changed her mind. She was afraid that if she stayed at home she would not have the strength to resist the overpowering urge to accept his invitation. She wasn't even sure that he wouldn't turn up at her doorstep and convince her to join him. Daniel Miller always got his way. Therefore, early that evening, Nicole went to Ann's house, packing a bag with the clothes she'd wear at the party.

  When they arrived Nicole realized some of the guests were from the movie crew. The chief photographer and several well known actors, including Diane Stewart, mingled with the other guests. Nicole thought Diane Stewart even more beautiful in person than on the screen. Her glossy black hair was stylishly cut and topped her head like an architectural creation. Eye shadow emphasized her eyes and thick mascara coated her lashes. Her mouth was a crimson slash of color and each puff of the cigarette she held between her fingers shaped itself into a small heart. She wore a silver dress, long and clinging. The deep décolleté exposed a great part of her bosom and her back was bared almost to her backside.

  "Vulgar!" Ann muttered to Nicole as Diane brushed by them, hanging on the arm of one of the guests and talking animatedly in a loud voice punctuated with bursts of laughter.

  "But oh so beautiful," Nicole whispered back. She was wearing a Valentino summer dress that draped itself elegantly on her flawless figure. It was modestly cut but cleverly designed, striking in its simplicity while emphasizing the restrained sensuality of Nicole's every movement. Her hair was caught up in a barrette studded with tiny flowers and gemstones, tendrils escaping around her head. She needed no makeup. Her mouth was wide and sensuous, the cheekbones high and sculpted and her nose was lightly flecked with freckles. When she discovered the guest list included several prominent film personalities, Nicole couldn't avoid feeling tense. She thought she could escape and return h
ome unnoticed but Ann refused to allow any such notion.

  "Are you mad? Go home? What for? Don't you dare leave me alone! If you leave now I'll have no one to gossip with about the glitzy and glamorous we're rubbing shoulders with tonight." Ann wrinkled her nose and added in a childish tone, "Please stay, pretty please."

  Nicole laughed. "Okay, I give up," she said, unable to disappoint her friend, praying in her heart that if she should bump into Daniel she would be able to act cool and indifferent. When an hour went by and there was no trace of Daniel, Nicole felt far calmer. She danced with Ralph and with other guests she didn't know and found she was beginning to enjoy herself. She was a natural dancer and even though she hadn't danced in a long time she found her body easily and lightly following the rhythms of the music. Now, when she heard from Ralph's own lips that Daniel wasn't coming, she was able to still any doubts she had and throw herself into the spirit of the party.

  Daniel reached the dock where the yacht was moored and could see the figures outlined in silhouette. He felt an urge to turn on his heels and return to his hotel room but forced himself to continue on his way until he crossed the small bridge leading to the boat. He boarded and saw Ralph Townsend hurrying to greet him.

  "I'm delighted you managed to make it. It's truly an honor," Ralph gushed.

  Daniel listened with half an ear to the rush of Ralph's words, his glance moving indifferently towards the animated crowd, stopping only when it fell on Nicole who was smiling at a young man standing beside her.

  She looked stunning!

  He didn't notice the crowd that gathered around him and the women who tried to draw his attention. He had eyes only for her. She turned, instinctively aware of his presence, and her eyes locked with his. They were alone on a deserted isle. The voices vanished and the figures blurred. The blue of his eyes fused with the green of hers as her body melted with the burning desire that flowed from him to her. He took a few steps towards her while she stood rooted to the spot unable to move, unable to take her eyes off him.


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