Nicole: Star Crossed Lovers (A Wish for Love Series Book 2)

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Nicole: Star Crossed Lovers (A Wish for Love Series Book 2) Page 12

by Shales, Mia


  She managed to hear the thud and see the plane's ceiling close in on her before the fog wrapped her in quiet and welcome darkness.

  "Another cup of coffee, Mr. Miller?" The nurse smiled encouragingly.

  "No, thank you."

  Daniel was pale. He was afraid. He felt an icy hand clutching his throat, interfering with his breathing. Never before had he felt such fear. Frustration, despair, anger - all these he had known before. But not fear. This was the first time in his life he felt fear grabbing his heart, refusing to let go. It was a pure and concentrated fear, terrifying and threatening, drawing the blood from his body.

  He could not lose her.

  He remembered her silky skin under his caress, her radiant glance, her shining, deep honey hair and her sweet mouth. He wanted her to stretch her long neck and laugh and laugh. He would not let her go. She was part of him and she gave meaning to his life.

  "Daniel." The woman who entered the room wore a green doctor's coat.

  "Francesca." She took his hand in hers. His heart froze.

  "She's going to be fine."

  He hid his face in his hands.

  His sister placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "You can go in and see her for a few minutes."

  Nicole, fragile and pale, her light tresses spread out on the pillow, took his hand in her thin one.

  He managed a wan smile. "My angel." She tightened her hold. "Don't speak, my love, you have to rest. In a few days, when you're stronger, I'll take you home."

  "I didn't mean to worry you," she said. Her eyes were like a green field.

  "Nicole…" He could not go on.

  "Don't cry," she whispered.

  Daniel closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. When he opened them they shone with a blinding light. "I'd give my life for you. I'd shed the last drop of my blood."

  "And how is our sick beauty today?" asked the elderly doctor a few hours later as he made his rounds in the company of Daniel's sister.

  "Fine, doctor. Just how long have I been here?"

  "Twenty four hours, my dear. You were unconscious when they brought you in. After you gained consciousness you received sedatives and were given some tests."

  "Is everything all right?"

  "Yes, everything is just fine. The sedatives and the effect of the concussion made you sleep so much. I would warmly recommend a few days of rest and recovery but I can tell you already that you're perfectly healthy. And now, let me introduce myself. I'm Dr. Kipling, head of the department, and this is Dr. Francesca Fisher of cardiology. As Dr. Fisher takes a special interest in your case she has administered the tests herself."

  Nicole transferred her gaze to the young doctor. "You're Daniel's sister. He showed me your picture. He's extremely proud of you."

  Francesca smiled and the dimples in her cheeks deepened. "I'm very pleased to meet you, even if the circumstances aren't the most auspicious. The rest of the family is dying to visit you but Dr. Kipling and I are agreed that you need complete rest for the next two or three days."

  "Thank you. I'm sorry I've caused such a lot of bother for everyone."

  "Nonsense. The important thing is that you're alive and well," said Dr. Kipling.

  "Is the room satisfactory?" Francesca inquired. "Daniel insisted that you get the best. If you need the nurse just press the buzzer by your bed."

  "It's lovely. I couldn't ask for more."

  "Daniel is on his way. He'll probably be here in a few minutes. We'll leave you now so you can rest."

  Chapter Ten

  Nicole was released from the hospital on Sunday morning. Paler than usual, her skin had turned to ivory after the tan wore off, but she felt completely healthy.

  "James," she smiled happily, "I missed you."

  "I missed you too Ma'am." James shook her hand warmly. "I hope you are feeling well. You gave us quite a fright."

  "I'm sorry about that. Believe me, this time it was simply bad luck."

  "Next time you'll fly in my plane, as I wanted you to in the first place. If something would have happened to you I'd never have forgiven myself," Daniel interjected forcefully.

  "What happened to the other passengers? What caused the accident?" asked Nicole as they entered the car.

  "The plane lost hydraulic oil in the right brakes of the plane. The crew tried to stop the plane when it went off into a drainage ditch on the side of the runway and overturned. Most of the wounded have already been released and just a few have remained in the hospital with minor injuries, especially bruises and shock."

  They sped through the streets of Manhattan and Nicole stared out at the skyscrapers on both sides of the street. The weather was cold but clear and the skies were a cloudless blue. The car was heated and Nicole pressed her nose to the glass. "Where are we now?"

  "We're traveling up Madison Avenue."

  "Where do you live?"

  "Fifth Avenue near seventy fifth street. Right opposite Central Park and near the Metropolitan Museum."

  Nicole's expression lit up. "I've heard so much about it. I plan to visit there the first chance I get."

  "And that's just the beginning. There's the Museum of Modern Art, which I particularly like, there's the Guggenheim and the Frick collection is right near my place and open to the public. There are also an endless number of galleries all over the city. Manhattan is a paradise for art lovers. The best of the world's artistic talent comes here. The ballet and opera season open soon and I'll take you to the best shows."

  The car stopped before a building with an etched stone entrance. Across the street Nicole saw the broad walks and tall trees of Central Park. Two uniformed doormen stood under a marquee. When the elevator doors opened Nicole realized that Daniel was the only tenant on the floor. The apartment was impressive. They walked into a stunning classical living room with subtle modern touches of colour and artwork. A beautiful art deco daybed stood near the large fireplace. Mounted over the mantel was an oil by Pablo Picasso. On the tables art and photography books lay alongside colored glass vases filled with flowers and other decorative accessories. This was a lived-in room, not only a designer showpiece but a place that was a home. Daniel's home.

  Daniel showed her the other rooms. Besides his enormous bedroom suite there were three tastefully designed guestrooms each with its own bathroom, a library and a theater with a large screen and thirty armchairs arranged in five rows. They returned to the living room whose view encompassed the whole of Central Park.

  "Sophie, my housekeeper, arrives every weekday morning at eight and leaves at four. When I invite guests she brings helpers. Weekends, if there's nothing special, I prefer to be alone."

  "When will I meet your family?"

  "This weekend we're invited for lunch at my parents' home on Long Island. But I wouldn't be surprised if my mother turns up here before that with a bowl of spaghetti bolognese. She's not at all old-fashioned and actually very sophisticated but she also loves to perpetuate the myth of the typical, worrying, Italian mother."

  Daniel brought Nicole to his bedroom. "Your bags haven't arrived from the airport. I hope they'll get here in one piece although part of the luggage was destroyed in the accident. My secretary will take care of that and will let us know when the luggage is released. In the meantime, take this credit card. I asked Carla to come here tomorrow and she'll take you shopping."

  "Daniel, I really don't need this card. I have enough money of my own to buy everything I need."

  "What's wrong with my card?"

  She laughed. "There's nothing wrong."

  "Then it's settled," he broke in. She opened her mouth in protest but one hand encircled her waist, while his other hand gently lifted her chin so she looked straight at him. His mouth gently brushed her lips. "I've been dreaming of this moment for two months," he said. "For two months I've been imagining how I lift you in my arms, carry you to my bed and lay you down on the cool sheets, how I sink into the intoxicating cloud of your scent and me
lt into your skin, as the beat of my heart merges with yours."

  He placed her on the bed and lay down beside her. "Do you feel strong enough?" He did not have to wait for her answer. The roiling lava of passion burned her entire body, melting the last remnants of reality or logic. She needed desperately to feel his body cover hers, his taut muscles rub against her soft skin. He slowly stripped her of her clothes. He kissed her neck and shoulders, sliding down to her stomach, leaving behind a trail of fire. Her body arched with pleasure. He unclasped her bra and her bare breasts burst forth. His questing lips traveled the length of her body and his knee parted her legs. She drew his shirt out of his trousers and began to unbutton it. Impatiently he removed the shirt above his head. Her hands fanned out across his chest and he led her to the towering heights of inexhaustible passion.

  They lay on the bed, Daniel's hand encircling her shoulder, her cheek resting on his chest. He stroked her back and tousled hair, running his hand over the curve of her buttocks. She lifted her head to meet his sapphire blue gaze. "Why didn't you tell me Diane stayed with you on the island?"

  His hand stopped stroking. "I told you that whatever there was between us was finished a long time ago. I saw no reason to go into details."

  She sat up. "She's been spreading the word that you promised to marry her. Everybody has already heard of the happy days you spent together on the island."

  "Just who is 'everybody'?" He was motionless and his face was still but she saw the steel blue guard lowered to mask his eyes.

  "Everybody." She did not want to mention Ralph Townsend's name. What difference did it make who passed the information on to her?

  "Since when have you begun to interest yourself in unfounded gossip?" His voice was like a sharp dagger.

  "Since we’re together again," she answered.

  He stood up and found his pants, putting them on without glancing her way.

  She began to regret not waiting for a more opportune time but now there was no retreat. She had to know what had happened between him and Diane. Their love must be based on honesty, not on half-truths and past secrets.

  "How can I win your trust, Nicole?"

  She rose from the bed. "By telling the truth. By telling me why Diane thinks you made a commitment to her. By telling me why you lied when you told me you hadn't been with any woman until you heard I was married."

  "Lie to you?" He came close to her and Nicole trembled. He stopped short. "You really think I lied to you? Answer me please. I want an answer."

  "Yes! You can't deny what I saw with my own eyes."

  He raised his hand to touch his forehead and Nicole stepped back in fright. He looked at her, surprise mixed with anger in his eyes.

  "Relax, darling. I've never lifted a hand against a woman and I have no intention of beginning now," he said dryly. "Only now do I realize in what low esteem I'm held. I'm beginning to think that indeed it's just because of my body that you agreed to be with me."

  “Daniel, how can you say such a thing?" she whispered. "I love you. I've left everything to be with you."

  "Thank you. But truly, it's hard to believe in love without trust, without confidence in your partner. Tell me, how does it feel to love a liar?" His voice was neither cynical nor bitter but a thread of sadness wound through his words.

  The telephone rang and Daniel Answered. "Yes, hold on a moment, I'm going to the other room." He glanced at Nicole who sat at the edge of the bed, the corners of her mouth quivering suspiciously. "It's not what you no doubt imagine. It's Jack Stern and he needs information that's in my study."

  He left the room and Nicole, alone, tried to control her tears. She had never faced his anger and now that she had come up against the cold and tough side of him she didn't know how to cope. She clasped her naked body. What would happen now?

  A quarter of an hour later Daniel returned. "I'm sorry but I have to leave for a few hours. There's a problem it seems only I can solve. I hope you feel at ease here." He went to the bathroom and Nicole heard the running water as he quickly showered. She followed him with her gaze as he entered the walk in closet and came out a few minutes later dressed in a suit. He searched in one of the dresser drawers.

  "Here are the keys to the apartment, but I don't want you to go out alone until you're more familiar with the city. I can't bear the thought that something could happen to you while I'm gone."

  So he still cared for her, she thought.

  He picked up the phone. "Jack, I'm on my way. You don't have to come." He hung up. "Good-by, I'll be back around midnight but don't bother to wait up for me."

  Nicole was alone. Of course she would wait for him, she thought, their conversation was unfinished. She felt extremely bad. She knew she had gone too far. Daniel was straight as an arrow and he was always as good as his word. He never played games with her and she had never had reason to doubt him. And now she had pushed him too far. She had reproached him in the hope that he would deny her accusations and declare his undying love for her and only her. All she wanted to hear was that Diane had never meant anything to him and that he had never promised to wed her.

  I'm simply jealous! A tremor passed through as she acknowledged her true feelings. Plain, ordinary womanly jealousy. How could she have let a schemer like Ralph Townsend undermine her faith in Daniel. She thanked her stars that she had refrained from revealing who had planted the seeds of distrust. Daniel would never forgive her. She would wait till he returned and beg his forgiveness. He would have to mellow. He could not stay angry forever. She recalled the expression in his eyes when he looked at her in the hospital.

  He loved her. He simply had to forgive her.

  Daniel sat in the office facing two lawyers and one of the major producers in the firm. Elvira Rivera, the star of their next production, was threatening to cancel her contract.

  "As you no doubt understand, Mr. Miller, this means a long, messy fight. We have to be prepared for a lawsuit. She has already received two million dollars up front, which she refuses to return."

  "Not so fast. I'm sure this tangle can be straightened out." Daniel pressed the intercom. "Please get Elvira Rivera on the phone."

  Daniel rose and strode to the window, looking down the thirty-three floors to the street below. I was too hard on her, he thought. She's confused. She met me when I was young, poor and unknown and she doesn't know how to react to me today. She's afraid I've changed beyond recognition and that I only think I love her. She's innocent and honorable but she feels jealousy just like any other woman. He smiled at the thought that Nicole was jealous over him. Clearly, he was not immune to the sin of pride.

  "Mr. Miller, Elvira Rivera," his secretary's voice announced over the intercom.

  "Hello Elvira, this is Daniel speaking." He didn't lift the receiver and spoke into the speaker.

  "Daniel, thank God. It's days I've been trying to get a hold of you. I cannot communicate with those baboons who call themselves lawyers that Jack sent over."

  Daniel felt a strong urge to laugh but repressed it as he saw the expressions on the faces of the baboons sitting across the desk. "Elvira darling, why don't we have lunch together? It will be a month before the shooting begins and we have lots of time to clear up any misunderstandings."

  "I hope so, Daniel. Don't think I want to be the cause of a blowup but you simply have to live up to your promises even if they weren't put down in writing."

  "Don't worry, Elvira, everything will be alright. When can you come to New York?"

  "I prefer you fly out here. Roberto, my youngest, is sick and I'm determined to stay by his side as long as I don't have any commitments."

  "I'll be there Thursday. Let's meet for breakfast at ten o'clock at the Beverly Hills Hotel."

  "Fine. Ciao, Daniel."

  It was long past midnight when Daniel returned. Nicole slept on the living room sofa. He smiled when he saw her. She was wearing his sweatshirt that was a remnant of his college days. The word 'Princeton' emblazoned across the front was fad
ed from countless washings. Where had she found it? He scooped her up in his arms and lay her gently between the sheets. Fast asleep, she didn't stir except for her rhythmic breathing. He had forgotten that she had been released from the hospital only today. She needed rest, not arguments. He undressed and lay beside her. His embrace caused her to draw closer and murmur a few words in her sleep.

  Nicole awoke to the muffled sound of an opera. Daniel was not at her side but she was sure he was sleeping in the bed. Hazily, as if in a dream, she remembered his body ranged along hers, his hands encircling her. As she left the room the music grew louder. She entered the sunny room where two women were deep in conversation. The younger approached her with rapid steps and embraced her.

  "So you are Nicole. At long last! I was beginning to think you didn't exist. I'm Daniel's sister Carla. And this is Sophie, his housekeeper."

  Nicole shook hands with the elderly woman. "I'll leave the two of you together. You probably have a lot to talk about."

  "Sophie," she cleared her throat, "Did Daniel leave a message for me?"

  "No message, sorry."

  "Thank you. I'm sure he will call later." Nicole turned to Carla who took her hand, pulling her down beside her as she sat on the sofa.

  "They wouldn't let me visit you at the hospital. I could have beaten Francesca but she can be so stubborn at times. Only Daniel was allowed to see you. Those two are a mutual admiration society. I'm sure we'll be the best of friends. Daniel gave me strict instructions to fill his closet with a new wardrobe for you. He asked the right person. There is nothing I like better than shopping."

  Nicole laughed. "I borrowed some of your clothes on Vanuatu. Daniel said you wouldn't mind."

  "Mind? Why should I mind? I come from a warm Italian family. The rule of thumb is what's yours is mine, what's mine is yours."

  "I'm glad you're coming along. You have great taste. The clothes I wore were gorgeous."


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