Nicole: Star Crossed Lovers (A Wish for Love Series Book 2)

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Nicole: Star Crossed Lovers (A Wish for Love Series Book 2) Page 13

by Shales, Mia

  "You're the one who's gorgeous," Carla rejoined. " I can see we are the same size. We're going to have a ball today."

  Carla was even more beautiful than her picture and the strong resemblance between Daniel and his sister in the photograph was even greater in the flesh.

  "Wait until you see Marcello," Carla responded. "They are like two peas in a pod. Marcello is a little taller and more disheveled but there's no doubt that all of us, except for Francesca who resembles Dad, are from the same mold."

  It was past three when the two women returned to the apartment laden down with packages. Nicole would never have believed she could spend so much money in such a short time. But Carla, who proved as stubborn as her younger sister, brushed aside Nicole's protests and forged ahead. She entered only the most expensive stores and Nicole, under her tutelage, chose an impressive array of clothes and shoes for all occasions. Carla was a known, and certainly valued, customer and wherever they went they were treated like aristocrats.

  "Thank your fiancé, not me," Carla chuckled when Nicole confided in her over their lunch. "My brother is an American superstar and he's treated royally wherever he goes. I must admit that I, in clear conscience, bask in some of his reflected glory."

  Carla promised to be in touch with Nicole during the week. "Give my brother a kiss for me,” she ordered as the elevator doors closed.

  "I've just baked some cookies and I'll put up a fresh pot of coffee before I leave." Sophie greeted her in the spacious and modern kitchen, which managed to exude a welcoming feeling.

  "Did Daniel call?" Nicole tried to hide the eagerness in her voice.

  "Yes. He said he would be back later. He had to go out of town for a few hours on some urgent matter. He'll be back around midnight."

  Nicole couldn't hide her disappointment.

  "He asked me to remind you not to go out alone at night."

  "Yes, I know." Nicole sighed. She fought the cloud of depression she felt gathering around her and smiled at the housekeeper. "Are you also Italian?"

  "Yes. Until six months ago I took care of his house in Florence. When my youngest daughter, with her husband and two children, moved to America, where my oldest daughter has lived for a long time, Mr. Miller suggested I be his housekeeper in New York."

  "Do you miss Italy?"

  "I do. But since my husband died and I'm alone I prefer being near the girls and their families. They helped me rent a place in Queens and I spend all my spare time with the grandchildren."

  "Does Daniel go often to Florence?" asked Nicole curiously.

  "He tries to go there every year in May with his family but his parents and even his sisters and brother spend more time there than he does." Sophie continued her description of the mansion in the hills surrounding Florence and enthused over the foods, the spices and the local wines. "It's a beautiful and romantic place. You must ask him to take you there."

  Sophie left at four. Nicole became engrossed in a book she had begun to read in the hospital and two hours later finished it. She lit the television and flipped through fifty channels. She watched the news without finding anything of interest. She wandered into the bedroom and tried on her new wardrobe, and for a short while enjoyed her reflection as she modeled the beautiful clothes in front of the mirror. She felt pangs of hunger. Maybe she'll make a sandwich, she thought. As she walked barefoot to the kitchen the doorbell rang. She opened the front door without hesitation but instead of Daniel, saw James. He was not wearing his uniform but comfortable clothes.

  "James, I'm so glad to see you. I was hoping for some company. Aren't you supposed to be with Daniel now?"

  "I took a day off to arrange some private matters. As he knew he would be late, he asked me to come over and see that everything was all right."

  "That's very kind of you. Everything is fine but I was getting hungry. What I'd really like is a juicy hamburger topped with lots of onions and ketchup."

  "Miss West, I know exactly the place. Allow me to invite you for dinner at my favorite burger joint."

  A quarter of an hour later they entered a small, unadorned but agreeable restaurant which was completely filled. When the owner caught sight of James he greeted them cheerfully, shaking their hands with warmth. Within a few minutes they were seated at the best table.

  "Daniel and I eat here every now and then. He's such a famous person that people in his company enjoy a little deference," James explained at her astonishment.

  After ordering Nicole leaned forward. "James, I'd like to ask you something that has been bothering me for a long time. What I meant to ask... well, it's..." she stopped, embarrassed. "I'm curious as to the exact relationship of Daniel and Diane Stewart." She finished the sentence hurriedly, a slight blush covering her face. She was afraid James would brush aside her question, claiming his employer's private business was his own. But it was soon clear he intended no such thing.

  James drank some of his beer as he thought for a few minutes, and then said in his impeccable British accent, "as you have enough faith to confide in me I'll, how shall I put it, be glad to enlighten you on this issue. Under ordinary circumstances, I wouldn't permit myself to discuss Mr. Miller's liaisons with other women but in this case my conscience tells me that you have a right to know the whole story and not be misled by rumors." He took another sip of the beer. "Daniel and Diane Stewart met about a year ago ago. From the very start Miss Stewart was aware that there was no chance of a long-lasting relationship and Daniel was under no obligation not to meet other women. I know for certain that he made this point very clear to her. Two months after their first meeting Daniel was about to leave on a three week vacation to his house on the coast. I drove him to the plane waiting at Laguardia Airport. As we were boarding Miss Stewart, with large valise in hand, appeared most unexpectedly and begged him to take her along. This was, as you can well imagine, a most awkward predicament for Daniel and he, to his later regret, acceded to her entreaties. While on the island Diane managed to turn all our lives into a little hell. She refused to go out of the house, listened to absolutely horrible music blasting away at full volume, and roamed the house with a peeved and surly expression. She behaved with inexcusable rudeness to Marie and Joseph and, most unforgivably, dared to criticize without end Marie's delectable dishes as well as Joseph's supervision of the household. At the beginning Daniel ignored her completely but his indifference only exacerbated matters. A week past before Marie delivered an ultimatum to Daniel - he would have to choose between her and Miss Stewart. To his credit Daniel, with no hesitation, chose Marie. The next day Miss Stewart was on her way to the States. As planned, we stayed the remaining two weeks, enjoying the calm after the storm. Soon after our return Daniel severed all relations with her and since then, to the best of my knowledge, they have met only on location. As you can see," James concluded, "Diane Stewart was of very little significance in Daniel's life and is of no more significance today."

  The waiter placed their order on the table.

  "Thank you, James. You don't know how much you've helped me. I appreciate this very much."

  "It's my pleasure. Shall we eat?" He tucked the napkin inside his shirt. They smiled conspiratorially and dug their forks with gusto into the juicy meat.

  Daniel returned at midnight. He entered the dark apartment and made straight for the bedroom, lighting the reading lamp on the night table. She was curled up under the blankets, her hair framing her face. On the pillow, by her head, was a note. He picked it up and read: If I fall asleep before you come I want you to know how terribly sorry I am about what happened. Don't be angry with me because I truly, truly, truly love you !! Nicole.

  He sat on the bed and stroked her cheek, pushing away a strand of golden hair. She stirred, opening her sleep-laden eyes. "Daniel, you're back?"

  "Yes my love, I'm back." he answered softly.

  She sat up and embraced him. He clasped her close to his heart, rocking her in his arms. "I'll tell you everything. I should have been more forthcoming.
You were right. You have a right to demand that I be completely open with you."

  "You don't have to say anything. I know everything. Just love me. I can't bear the thought that you're still angry with me."

  "I'm not angry with you. I tried to call several times this evening to tell you so but you didn't answer."

  "My phone was on silent mode and James came by to see how I was getting along and treated me to a hamburger."

  "I'm glad you weren't bored without me. James is excellent company." His lips turned up in a small smile as he looked at her. "He's a good man and a good friend as well."

  "I think so too," she answered seriously. She began to kiss his mouth, his face and his eyes as her hands unknotted his tie. He shrugged off his jacket and took off his clothes. He lay back and pulled her down after him. His hungry lips found her soft ones. She leaned on him and her lusting breasts met his muscular chest. His hand slipped behind her waist, finding the curve of her backside. He drew her closer and she began to move slowly above him, deliberately rubbing her body against his. She was dressed in a short, clinging nightgown of soft, almost transparent, material and he could see through the thin fabric. "You're so beautiful," he whispered in a hoarse voice, "your body would drive the Pope himself to carnal thoughts." She smiled and bent her knees, sitting above him, the center of her desire on his. She bent over him, her hair brushing his face and shoulder. His neck arced backwards, his lips still clinging to hers, as his hands flung back to grasp the frame at the head of the bed. She opened clouded eyes and saw his shut tight. When she closed her eyes once again, their two bodies were as one.

  Chapter Eleven

  When Nicole awoke the next morning Daniel had already left. He works too hard, she thought. She had barely seen him since her arrival. She washed up and wore slacks and a cashmere sweater. She put on her boots and took a jacket. In the kitchen she found Sophie with a welcoming smile on her face.

  "You look blooming this morning. Much better than yesterday. I thought you might need a few more days of rest."

  "I feel marvelous. I wouldn't say no to a cup of coffee."

  Sophie poured the coffee. "What are your plans for this morning?"

  "I'd like to walk about the city and perhaps visit a museum."

  "Daniel thought that was what you'd like and left you an ipad so you can google your way through the city."

  The cold hit her as she left the building and dark clouds, harbingers of the coming rain, covered the skies. Nicole crammed the umbrella she had taken at Sophie's urging, along with gloves that had been part of yesterday's purchases, into her backpack. She strode along the sidewalk that bordered Central Park until she reached the Metropolitan Museum. She climbed the broad staircase leading to the entrance and spent four entrancing hours wandering about, casting a collector's eye on the magnificent exhibits. It was after two when she left, the promise of rain still not realized, and saw the frankfurter wagon at the foot of the steps. She recalled Daniel's stories of his youth when he wandered about the city gorging himself with frankfurters and mustard and discovered with a start that she was ravenous. She bought a hot dog and began walking towards the Hotel Plaza. After a leisurely twenty-minute walk she reached the pretty square. At the internet guidebook's suggestion she crossed the street to a famous toyshop. When she left she saw a crowd. She crossed the street again and peered over the shoulders of the throng. A group of musicians were playing jazz and Nicole joined the circle of listeners enjoying the music flooding the square. A hand touched her shoulder.

  "Nicole, how nice to meet you again."

  Nicole turned and looked frostily at the hand Ralph Townsend had placed on her arm. He released his hold but the broad smile lingered. "Can I join you? You do look lonely. How come a pretty woman like you is all by herself?"

  "I'm alone because that is the way I prefer it," Nicole replied, hoping he would take the hint but she was disappointed.

  "Why don't we have a nice glass of fine wine at my hotel? It's right around the corner," Ralph persisted and brushed imaginary specks off her coat.

  "To be honest, I really do prefer being by myself."

  "I simply can't believe that, gorgeous. Every woman wants a man by her side. I'm beginning to suspect our old friend Daniel is neglecting you, not that that surprises me in the least. Anyway, I can promise you that I have the means to provide you with all the luxury and ease you've become accustomed to in his company."

  "I get the feeling that you are insulting my fiancée, Ralph."

  Behind them Daniel's voice was curt and angry. They turned around, Ralph in surprise and Nicole with relief. "I think Nicole made it very plain that she's not interested in your company." The wind played with the ends of Daniel's dark hair. Two men, like Daniel dressed in business suits, stood close by. "I'll thank you if you refrain from bothering her. And as for your remark, I have no intention of neglecting her, either now or in the future. I hope I've made myself clear."

  Ralph moved in evident discomfort as passersby recognized Daniel and began to stare. "I apologize from the bottom of my heart. I guess I mistook your intentions toward Nicole. Please forgive me.” He addressed Nicole, "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or insult you."

  Nicole began to feel sorry for him. He was smooth and repulsive but she saw his anxious look as he squirmed before Daniel.

  "Have a good day," he blurted and turned rapidly on his way.

  Daniel took Nicole's hand in his and led her to the waiting men. "My fiancée, Nicole West. Nicole, this is my partner Jack Stern, and this is Steve Lerner, a director associated with our company." The two men smiled and shook her hand.

  "What are you doing here?" asked Nicole.

  "We had lunch with Malcolm Griffin at the Hotel Plaza. You must remember him."

  "Of course I do,” Nicole answered, remembering the unfortunate dinner.

  "Why don't you come with me to the office and then we'll go home together. I planned to leave early anyway. Jack and his wife are throwing a party tonight and we're invited."

  "My wife is eager to meet you, Nicole, and she is delighted that Daniel is finally settling down. She thinks of him as a son," said Jack as he took her arm in a courtly gesture. They walked towards Park Avenue in the direction of the office. "Daniel forgot to mention how beautiful you are. Have you ever considered being an actress? I know just the man who could advance your career."

  "Pay no attention to him, Nicole. At times Jack has a very peculiar sense of humor."

  "Thank you," Nicole smiled at the elderly man by her side, "but I'm quite happy with what I do. I think I'll stick to painting."

  They reached the office that filled five floors of a skyscraper. Daniel's room was large and elegantly furnished. From the windows that stretched from the floor to the high ceiling Nicole looked out at the jagged outlines of the entire city.

  "Magnificent, isn't it?" asked Daniel as he watched her expression.

  "Magnificent isn't the word. This city radiates so much power and allure."

  "Some experience the city as heartless and cold but I usually find it magical and even romantic."

  They strolled back home, Daniel's arm around Nicole's shoulder.

  "Thursday morning I'm flying out to Los Angeles and I'll probably be back Friday morning. I spoke to Carla and she suggested that you sleep over their place that night. Tomorrow evening we're invited to the opening of the ballet season at Lincoln Center. Be ready at seven. I'll be home just in time to change."

  She loved when he used the word 'home'. It gave her a feeling of... being at home!

  "What kind of party will it be tonight?" asked Nicole.

  "It's a very chic affair. The men will be in tuxedos and the women in evening dress. There will be about a hundred guests, most of them from the movie industry."

  "What's the reason for the party?"

  "It's Jack's sixtieth-fifth birthday. He's invited relatives and close friends but his wife felt the occasion deserved something grander."

do you celebrate your birthday? By the way, when is it?" It was strange but she didn't know his birthday.

  "On October thirty first, and no, I don't throw fancy parties to commemorate the day. I usually celebrate with my family. In general I only invite close friends to my house. When it comes to entertaining business associates or acquaintances I tend to invite them to restaurants or to an apartment that is at the firm's disposal not far from here. Maybe it's because I'm single, but up until now I haven't had to entertain business people at home."

  "Are all your close friends from the entertainment industry?"

  "Very few are. Most of them are in other fields entirely. Lily, who was in high school with me, is a musician and teaches at Julliard. Her husband Don is a professor of history. Rachel studied with me at the university. She has an antique furniture store in Connecticut. She had a messy divorce and she and her son haven't had an easy time. Last week she told me she’s dating someone and I hope that she'll slowly come back to her old self. Patrick is a pediatrician and his wife Pamela is a well-known Broadway playwright. David Waite is in advertising and Clayton Din, who studied with me at the university, is an actor."

  "I've heard of him."

  "That's the list of my close friends. Every one of them was a friend when I was still without a penny in my pocket."

  Nicole began to notice the stares sent their way and once someone took a photo of them with his cellular phone. Daniel ignored them and didn't seem to notice the attention they were attracting. Nicole didn't mention it. It looked as though she would have to get used to living with a celebrity.

  They reached their building. In the apartment Nicole prepared mugs of hot chocolate for the two of them. They sat cozily on the living room sofa, lazily talking and laughing over nothing at all until they had to get dressed for the evening.

  "Too bad you didn't warn me earlier that we were invited to such an elegant affair. I would have done something with my hair," said Nicole as she came out of the shower, wearing a bathrobe, a towel twisted turban style about her head.


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