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Nicole: Star Crossed Lovers (A Wish for Love Series Book 2)

Page 14

by Shales, Mia

  "That's just the reason I didn't tell you. I like your hair when its natural and free."

  "Well, anyway..." said Nicole distractedly as she walked to the closet room. She dried her hair until it fell like gilded velvet, shot through with copper, in large curls on her back. She made up her eyes, emphasizing them with black eyeliner and mascara and adding eye shadow. She chose one of her new designer dresses and the finishing touch was provided by the earrings and necklace Daniel had given her. She scooped up the evening bag she had bought with the dress and went to the living room where Daniel was waiting.

  Daniel lifted his eyes from the magazine he was leafing through and caught his breath.

  She looked divine.

  He stood and came up to her, took her hand and kissed it. "I believe that in the whole world there is no woman more beautiful than you."

  "Thank you. You're not so bad yourself." The truth was he looked so good in his formal clothes that she felt a flutter in her stomach. He offered his arm and they left the apartment. James was waiting at the entrance and they began their journey to the West Side of town. Jack Stern and his wife lived in a penthouse on Central Park West. "The Museum of Natural History is over there," Daniel pointed across the street, indicating the imposing edifice behind a broad strip of grass.

  They were greeted warmly by Jack and his wife, Ingrid. As Daniel had predicted the women were dressed in expensive evening gowns and were bedecked in their best jewelry. Nicole recognized many of the guests. There were well-known producers, directors, agents, rich investors and a phalanx of top stars. The entire 'who's who' of filmdom had come to honor one of the powers of the entertainment world on his birthday. Daniel introduced her to many of the guests and Nicole had a pleasant time with people that up until then she had come across only in their movies. She quickly discerned that among the movie stars, as with lesser mortals, there were those who were nicer and those who were less so, witty and dull, intelligent as well as stupid. She tried to store up the memory of the women, their outfits and jewels, the conversations she held with the hottest stars of Hollywood and the compliments Daniel received. Ann would kill her if she didn't describe the party down to the smallest details. She was standing by Daniel's side as they conversed with their hosts when a familiar voice cut in.

  "Congratulations to the birthday boy, his wife and the young couple. I thought I might see you here."

  They all turned to look at Diane, dressed in a shimmering evening dress, leaning on the arm of a tall and handsome fortyish-looking man.

  "Diane, how are you?" asked Daniel pleasantly.

  "Wonderful, as you very well know."

  "I'm glad you decided to come. If I remember correctly, you told me there was something you wanted to tell Nicole at the first opportunity you met."

  Diane straightened her shoulders and looked at Nicole."I want to apologize. I'm sorry about everything that happened. I acted abominably out of jealousy. When I saw you together… I … it hurt." She lowered her head for a moment and then lifted it high, her eyes reflecting their usual coolness. "That’s it. I wish you both the greatest happiness." She looked at her partner who smiled encouragingly and led her away.

  Nicole was speechless. She looked at Daniel in consternation.

  "What on earth was that all about?" Ingrid asked, her eyes still fastened on Diane Stewart's back.

  "Nothing, dear," her husband assured her, a mischievous look in his eyes. "Diane had to choose between a public apology to Nicole over a piece of wicked gossip she spread about her or the end of an illustrious acting career. I'm glad she had enough sense to make the correct choice. Their aren't many actresses like her today and it would be a shame if we had to let her go. I'm glad it's all ended in the best possible way. I see she's found solace in the arms of our French friend, Phillipe. Maybe he can provide the peace of mind she needs."

  Jack and Ingrid turned their attention to the other guests and Nicole and Daniel went into the nearby room to taste the delicacies served at the sumptuous buffet. At ten the guests streamed into a small but ornate ballroom. Nicole counted six extravagant crystal chandeliers. The walls were covered with opulent fabrics and above was a frescoed ceiling. A quintet of musicians sat on a small stage. The guests seated themselves on chairs ranged along the walls. Ingrid made a short speech and Daniel said a few words in Jack's honor. The band played a waltz and Jack, bowing to his wife, invited her to open the dance. Nicole and Daniel joined them and they were followed by the other guests who turned and dipped to the tunes of Strauss. Gradually the music moved into the twenty-first century and it was after one in the morning that Nicole and Daniel parted from their hosts.

  Chapter Twelve

  Nicole spent the next morning in the Museum of Modern Art. In the afternoon she wandered among the galleries and boutiques in Soho. She caught sight of a small store and crossed the street to examine it. Exhibited in the window were three wooden sailing ships. One of them was almost an exact copy of the Crazy Max. The sails were smooth and not covered with drawings, but they were square and not triangular. The ship's body was painted brown and the portholes silver. Exactly like the original. The miniature was twelve inches long and Nicole, whose eye was attuned to details, could see the perfection of the finish. The man who had made these ships was a master craftsman. She entered the store to the jangle of a bell.

  "Can I help you?" an agreeable voice with more than a hint of a French accent greeted her. A man in his fifties came out from behind a curtain. He was short and squat, his face crisscrossed with wrinkles.

  "I'd like to know who built these ships and how much the one in the middle costs."

  "I and five thousand dollars."

  "They're beautiful," she complimented him in all sincerity.

  "Thank you, I think so too. I invest a lot of work and effort and it is always a pleasure to meet someone who appreciates that. You are from Australia?"

  "Yes, from Cairns."

  "A most lovely town. I have visited there several times. Your marina is most impressive. My name is Christophe. Would you care to join me for a cup of tea?"

  Nicole replied in kind. "I'm Nicole and with pleasure."

  He pointed to a chair standing near an old table and she sat down. When she took a sip of the tea he brought out a few minutes later she almost choked.

  "What did you put in here?"

  "A little rum to warm the spirit." A smile of childish delight spread across his face. "You don't look like someone who doesn't know how to appreciate a bit of good rum."

  "I've never yet had rum, but I won't spoil my image." She took a small sip. "Were you a sailor?"

  "Yes. I was born and raised in Marseilles. By profession I am a marine engineer and I spent many years on various boats. About ten years ago I married an American woman and decided to settle here. Carving miniature ships was always a serious hobby with me and when I decided to leave the sea this hobby became my profession. I'm glad to say that there is a big demand for my models and I am able to support my family with honor."

  "What does your wife do?"

  "She owns an art gallery not far from here."

  "I'm a painter and for several years owned an art gallery in Cairns."

  "Really? That wouldn't be the gallery on Sheridan Street?"

  "The very same."

  "But this is fantastic. I must have seen your paintings. Every time I was in Cairns I made a point of going to the gallery. I never bought anything but always admired the works that were exhibited."

  Nicole smiled. She was beginning to feel at home. The city was so different from what she had imagined. Even here there were nice people. Yes, she could learn to love New York just as Daniel did.

  "How long are you staying in New York?"

  "For a long time, I hope. My fiancé is an American."

  Christophe gazed at her intently, his eyes scouring her face as though imprinting her features in his memory.

  "I don't want to speak in cliches, but I think I know you from somewh

  Nicole came to his aid. "My boyfriend is Daniel Miller. Perhaps you saw my picture in one of the newspapers after our engagement was announced."

  "But of course. How stupid of me." He hit his forehead with the palm of his hand. "My wife and I admire him. We have seen all his movies. His engagement was announced in all the media." When his excitement died down a bit he continued. "Would you like to exhibit in New York? This could mean a big break for you. If you succeed here, you have it made. If you like, I could arrange a meeting between you and my wife. She will help you."

  "I would be delighted. All my paintings are stored in Cairns. But I do have detailed catalogs and I plan to have them sent over. I intend to rent a studio soon so I can continue with my painting."

  "Here is my business card and these are our phone numbers. I will tell my wife of our meeting and if you call at the beginning of next week I'm sure she'll have several ideas how to advance your career. Wait until she hears about this," he shook his head and rolled his eyes in excitement, "she simply adores the ground your fiancé walks on."

  Nicole was amused at his droll way of expressing himself. "Thanks, you've been very kind to me."

  "Nonsense. I want to help you. It has been an honor to meet you."

  She rose and looked once again at the ships. "I plan to buy one of these miniatures as a present for Daniel. When we first met, about eight years ago, we spent several weeks on a yacht that looked like this one. I was in some underwater shots of a documentary Daniel was working on. This model is almost an exact replica."

  Christophe carefully removed the miniature from the window and laid it on the counter in the middle of the store. He pressed a hidden switch and a light bathed the deck and the sails in a silvery light. Nicole felt a nostalgic tug at her heart. A sweet pain. She remembered the night the yacht docked near one of the islands across the mainland. That day she had spent being photographed underwater, enjoying the attention showered on her by Daniel, Howard and the others. The shooting had ended in the late afternoon, only to be resumed the next day. At night, after dinner and after watching a DVD, when the crew returned to their cabins, Daniel led her to the empty deck where they took off their clothes and dived into the sea. They swam side by side, distancing themselves from the yacht, until they touched sand.

  "Look," said Daniel as he embraced her from behind, directing her face toward the ship. She gasped. The moon was full and silver rays lit the deck in a shimmering glow. The sight was magical. The yacht seesawed gently on the quiet sea, looking like a ship out of a legend. The picture was romantic, mystical, clouded as in a dream.

  Nicole stretched out her hand, her fingers smoothing the dark wood and the round portholes. "I'll take this."

  She returned at five and when Daniel came she was already dressed for the ballet. He wore a black suit and she was proud to be with him. Wherever they went he was the best-looking man. She was waiting, her bag in her hand, when he took a small box out of his pocket.

  "I've bought you a gift. I hope you like it."

  She opened the box. Her mouth dropped in astonishment. Nestled on the velvet was a ring, a perfect pink diamond surrounded by many smaller white ones. Nicole didn't dare think how much it had cost.

  "Allow me," he offered when she stood stock still and kept her mouth open. He took her finger and slipped on the ring, which was a perfect fit. Nicole turned and as if in a dream walked to the mirror on the dining room wall.

  "Daniel," she whispered hoarsely.

  His arms embraced her, his lips on her exposed neck, kissing the unblemished skin.

  "Please accept it."

  Nicole turned to him. Her eyes sparkled no less than the glittering jewels.

  "I know, my darling, I know you're crying because you're happy." He hugged her close as she melted into his arms.

  "Oh Daniel, if you only knew how much I love you."

  "I think I have an idea."

  Why doesn't he say he loves me too? The thought darted through her mind but she shamefacedly chastised herself for being so petty. How could she doubt his love? He gave her so much. But now that she thought of it, she could not remember one single time since they met again that he had said those three little words: 'I love you'.

  "What happened?" asked Daniel in consternation as he looked at her face.

  Nicole flashed dazzling smile. "I'm the happiest women in the world, my love."

  The car halted near the broad stairs of Lincoln Center. Before them and behind them was a long line of limousines discharging people in chic evening wear. Daniel directed Nicole to the large building on the left. The usher led them to the best seats in the house. The mayor sat at their left alongside directors of the board of the New York City Ballet, while famous dancers and choreographers sat at their right. After the welcoming speeches, during the pause before darkness filled the theater, Nicole saw the chandeliers rise until they reached the ceiling.

  The program consisted of selections of the best the season would offer. The performance was enchanting and the applause deafening and Nicole clapped enthusiastically along with the rest of the audience. During the two intermissions he brought her a glass of champagne and they wandered about the rich lobby as Daniel introduced her to dancers as well as other celebrities.

  That night, much later, when they were in bed, she gave herself to him with all her body and soul. She would never let herself doubt him again.

  Carla appeared next morning with her daughter.

  "She is such a sugarplum," cried Nicole as she kissed the plump cheeks of the child.

  Carla swelled with the undisguised pride of a mother hen. The weather was balmy, a welcome change after the previous cold spell, and they decided to head to Central Park. They spent several hours at the zoo and little Louise was ecstatic, insisting over and over again that they watch the seals' performance in the round pool. When they managed to tear Louise away from the animals they walked through the park. Nicole discovered the charm and beauty of this oasis of green in the heart of the most dynamic city in the world. There were broad lawns, lakes and groves, statues and fountains. They photographed Louise astride a large statue of Alice in Wonderland and watched the rollerbladers and bike riders with admiration.

  "Over the weekends there are a lot of street musicians and amateur theater acts," Carla told her.

  They exited the park on the West Side and had lunch at a restaurant on Columbus Avenue. They talked and giggled for hours without realizing how much time had passed.

  "You'll meet Mama and Papa on Saturday. Marcello and Alexia promised to come in from Boston. Francesca is on duty at the hospital but will try to switch. I can't wait for you to meet everyone." Carla looked at her watch. "It's getting late." She took Louise from Nicole's arms and covered her with a shawl. "Daniel said he would be back tomorrow and suggested you sleep over at our place so you wouldn't be alone. Let's grab a cab."

  "I've had a marvelous day but I prefer to sleep in Daniel's apartment. Being alone doesn't bother me. I enjoy a quiet evening by myself with a book or television program for company."

  "Are you sure?" Carla asked while trying to soothe a crying Louise. They hailed a taxi and Nicole got off in front of Daniel's building. She parted from Carla who continued home with Louise in her arms.

  Nicole greeted the doormen and was poised to enter the lobby when a woman's voice called her name. She turned and saw Francesca walking towards her and waving.

  "I was in the neighborhood and thought you'd like to join me for a cup of coffee before I go to the hospital."

  "With pleasure. Daniel is in Los Angeles and I won't say no to a cup of coffee."

  They walked to Madison Avenue and found a small cafe. Nicole described her outing with Carla and Louise and Francesca laughed out loud when Nicole described Louise's witticisms. She sighed. "I think it's about time we started thinking of a child. It's so difficult when both partners are doctors. We barely see each other."

  It was after eight when Francesca walked Nicole
back to the apartment and continued to the hospital.

  Nicole turned the key in the lock and walked into the dark foyer. She stopped in her tracks. A dim light and background music filtered out from the living room. Had Daniel changed his mind about flying out to California? She heard a murmur. So he wasn't alone. Something stopped her from running to him. She put the keys down quietly on the entrance table and walked slowly into the room. She heard a soft moan and felt the nausea rise from her stomach.

  Something was very wrong. The shadow of a memory flitted through her mind.

  This was deja vu.

  This was a scene she had seen played out once before.

  She took a deep breath and walked in. Her legs quivered, the blood rushed to her cheeks as her heart beat madly.

  Daniel sat on the daybed, by the fireplace, with his back to her and his feet stretched out before him on the floor. The upper part of his body was naked. He embraced a woman whose legs, in black pants, were wound around his waist. He was kissing her neck. The woman's eyes were closed and the red lips over Daniel's shoulder were slightly parted.

  This can't be happening, she though wildly. It can't be happening to me!

  He betrayed her. It was all a big lie. How could he do this to her? He thought she would be sleeping over at Carla's and dared to bring one of his girlfriends over. She wanted to run, to get away from this horrible scene, from the humiliation, to disappear into a fog of forgetfulness, but something stopped her. Her feet were nailed to the floor and her limbs heavy as lead.

  This time she wouldn't run.

  She wouldn't make it easy for him and disappear from his life. Not before she told him exactly what she thought of him. She had her pride. Afterwards she would find a corner to lick her wounds.

  She straightened up. Her legs were firm. Her mind was clear and sharp as a knife, her heart frozen as a glacier, keeping the pain at bay. She drew closer to the amorous couple.

  Incredible, unbelievable! It was the same woman she had seen eight years ago!


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