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A Wolf's Savage Embrace

Page 9

by Darlene Kuncytes

  The two were irrevocably in love - and had absolutely no qualms what so ever of letting everyone around them aware of that fact – and, if Luke were to be honest with himself - he was a tad bit envious. What they had, he thought with a slight frown- was what he found himself wanting with Kat.

  “Is that Luke?” he heard Abby ask, and his smile instantly reappeared. Desmond was one lucky son of a bitch, he thought with a chuckle. “Hey, Luke!” she called into the phone, and he heard Desmond laugh.

  “Did you want to speak to him, sweetness,” Desmond asked her softly, and he could hear the distinct sound of the two of them kissing. Oh, Christ…really?

  “Listen, Des,” Luke said, hoping to make this quick, so that his friends could get back to enjoying each other. “I just need to know if you came up with anything on Lexie’s Coven.”

  “Abby, my love - would you be so kind as to run downstairs and grab me a bag of blood?” He heard Desmond ask her affectionately - and knew with a deep, sinking feeling that the reason for the sudden desire for a snack was that he wanted to speak to him in private – and that it wouldn’t be good news.

  Desmond kept nothing from Abby - and would most likely be the only manorexic vampire on the planet if it meant spending time with his mate, instead of feeding – so if he didn’t want her to hear their conversation- it was because he most likely didn’t want her to worry - even though, ever since they had bonded they could feel the others emotions.

  His point was proven valid a moment later when he heard Abby’s beautiful, musical laughter and then a loud smack.

  “Ow!” Desmond grunted into the phone. “What the bloody hell? You hit me!” He bellowed - his tone one of complete shock; and Luke had to grin – even in spite of the feeling of unease that was gnawing at him.

  “Oh, quit being such a baby,” he heard Abby laugh. “I know you want to talk to Luke in private. You can’t hide it from me, sweetheart – but just know this…I will find out eventually. And I only smacked you on the arm – and… it was merely a love tap - cripes!” With that, he heard Abby kiss Desmond again, tell him that she loved him - then call into the phone, “Tell Kat I said Hi –and that I miss you both horribly, and - please come back safe!”

  “I will. Miss you too, Abs,” Luke replied with a grin. God, he adored that woman!

  There was silence on the other end of the line, until finally he heard Desmond sigh. “That woman will be the end of me,” he whispered darkly - and Luke burst out laughing.

  “Ah, but what a way to go, my friend,” Luke chuckled, and heard his friends deep, rich laughter.

  “Indeed it would be. And well worth it.”

  “So,” Luke finally asked; not wanting to put off the inevitable any longer. “What did you find?”

  “I’m afraid that it’s not good.” Desmond replied, his voice growing serious. “Her coven was strictly dark arts. They place no value on life – human or otherwise, and wish only to obtain power. That is how that bitch was able to raise Argramon in the first place. They are known for holding ancient writings with spells that have been strictly forbidden for ages.”

  “Shit,” Luke breathed into the phone – not liking this at all. He told Desmond about finding Harper’s parents, and the strange symbols carved into their bodies – then the run-in with the two men at the house.

  Desmond was silent for a long while – finally he spoke; his voice low. “Lucas, for reasons I have yet to discover, they are in dire straits to get their hands on Katrina and her sister - for what I believe is more than just retribution for Kat killing the witch. There is something much more involved here - which I am afraid was proven valid by the murder of her sister’s parents. Whatever you do - do not allow Katrina out of your sight. And once you have found her sister; I want you all to return here immediately – where you will be safe. I fear this is much bigger than we had originally thought.”

  “Easier said than done, my friend,” Luke sighed. “That woman is as stubborn as the day is long, and just keeps insisting that she needs to do this alone.”

  He heard Desmond chuckle softly into the phone. “You, brother; are preaching to the choir,” he said – and Luke couldn’t help but smile.

  He knew how quickly Abby could frazzle his friend with her head-strong ways and utter lack of self-preservation – but, he also knew that Desmond wouldn’t have it any other way. He loved Abby with his entire heart and soul and would change absolutely nothing about her. They would each gladly give up their life for the other – and it was mind blowing.

  “Lucas,” Desmond said, finally. “Stay with her no matter what – but I beg of you - be on your guard. I fear that some of the people she feels that she can trust - are not worthy of it.”

  “I will do my best,” Luke promised, hoping that it was one that he could keep. The waitress smiled and waved, trying to get his attention - and he nodded quickly. “Listen, Des. Our foods up, and I’ve got to get back and make sure that little fireball hasn’t made a run for the border. Thank you…for everything.”

  “Take care of yourself, Luke. Call me if you need anything at all - and I will do the same as soon as I find anything more.”

  “Will do.” With that, he ended the call and walked over to the counter - and the blushing waitress.

  As soon as Luke walked through the door – he immediately searched the room for Kat - a small part of him worried that she had, indeed, taken off on him.

  He felt the air rush back into his lungs when he saw her emerge from the bathroom - freshly showered and looking absolutely breath-taking in her tight jeans and t-shirt – her glorious hair pulled up high on her head in a silken ponytail. Christ, she was beyond breath-taking, he thought to himself.

  His body tightened when his gaze swept to her lips, remembering how they had tasted beneath his, and he mentally shook himself. If this plan of his was going to work – he needed to keep his desires at bay.

  “Hope you’re in the mood for a burger, red” he said, setting the bags down on the small table near the window. Kat just graced him with a smug smile and walked over to the bag and opened it. Grabbing one of the burgers – she sauntered over to a chair on the opposite end of the room, and gracefully sat down – and Luke couldn’t help but wonder if she even had a clue as to how beautiful she actually was.

  “The silent treatment just doesn’t become you, sweetheart,” Luke laughed, as he sat down at the table and dove into his food with gusto- trying to keep his thoughts off of her and the smooth, graceful movements of her perfect body. Christ!

  “Screw you,” she bit out between bites – glaring at him.

  “I believe you already have,” he replied evenly. “And quite thoroughly, I might add – well, that is if memory serves me correctly. Care for a little refresher?”

  Kats face blazed red as her eyes – with a will of their own, moved over to the tangled sheets on the bed next to her. Crap! Crap! Crap!

  “You’re an asshole,” Kat grumbled, trying desperately to get her pounding heart to slow down, and her stomach to stop fluttering.

  “Oh, you don’t even know the half of it, lover.”

  “I am not your lover!” She yelled before jumping up and storming into the bathroom - unceremoniously slamming the door behind her with a resounding boom.

  Luke burst out laughing and continued eating as if nothing had happened. “Oh, baby,” he whispered to himself, “you are so much more.”

  Kat stood at the sink and splashed cold water over her face – trying desperately to calm the frantic beating of her heart. Damn that mangy dog! She silently seethed. That man could set her off faster than anyone she had ever known before. She took a deep, calming breath and dried her face. She needed to concentrate on finding Harper, and not the arrogant ass sitting in the other room stuffing his face as if he hadn’t a care in the world.

  She took another deep breath – trying desperately to calm down. She knew that he was at risk because of her, and she hated herself for it -but she also had to admit that s
he wouldn’t be able to track Harper without him. She had no idea where to even begin to look for the girl – and Constance’s letter only helped so much.

  Kat glared at her reflection in the mirror – her eyes narrowing at the sight of her kiss swollen lips. “God, Winslow,” she groaned. “You really suck!”

  Summoning up all her resolve, she turned and went back into the bedroom – to face the man who had completely turned her world upside down.

  “All right, Blackwater.” She said softly. “You win…for now. You can help me find my sister,” she conceded and glanced at him sitting there, a completely smug smile plastered across that perfectly chiseled face of his. He folded his arms across his massive chest and gave her a wink.

  “Glad you’ve finally come to your senses, red,” he purred, and Kat had the overwhelming urge to slap him – then kiss it and make it better. Holy cow, she was pathetic – and she was beginning to think just a little bit insane as well.

  She knew deep down in her gut that she shouldn’t be doing this – but things had changed. She was sure that her mother had no idea what they would run into at Harper’s house – she tried to rationalize. Her mother would probably be thrilled that she had Luke with her now – knowing how well Were’s could track.

  Kat grimaced slightly as her mind screamed at her – Yeah, dumbass! And if that were the case – then why haven’t you called her and told her what happened?

  Kat shook the thought off and tried to give Luke a smile. “The no-touching rule still applies, Benji,” she said, her brow arching slightly.

  “Not a problem, Glinda,” he replied softly, although she noticed with a little flutter of her heart, that he wouldn’t meet her eyes. She brushed it off – not wanting to entertain any more thoughts at the moment. She was confused enough.

  “So, what’s our next move?” She asked.

  Luke stood and gathered up the trash from their meal - his movements sleek and fluid, and Kat found herself again, cursing his damned good looks. He was liquid sex - and she just wanted to dive in and drown herself in him. No lifeguard required. Dear Lord!

  Luke dropped the bags into the trash can and stretched – his cursed muscles straining and flexing so freaking temptingly that she was practically drooling all over herself.

  “Well?” she prodded, hoping to distract herself from his glorious form.

  “We go find you sister. Haven’t you been listening?”

  “I really hate you right now,” she bit out, her eyes narrowing. “You know that, right?”

  “Oh, baby,” he whispered, that grin still on his lips and his eyes twinkling devilishly. “I know lots of things.”

  Chapter 5

  “Listen to me, you dense son of a bitch,” Harper ground out, her hazel eyes flashing dangerously with anger. “I need to know where my mother is! Elaine Winslow!” Harper almost choked on the word.

  Constance Bradford had been her mother, she thought angrily– not this woman who had decided to just dump her at their doorstep seventeen years ago – but, shit up a pole – she needed to find her! She clutched the note from her mom in her hand tightly, as if it were her only link to the normalcy that her life had once been. To the happiness and comfort that had been home.

  Luckily the bartender at Masquerade had been helpful – but Harper couldn’t help but worry as to why someone else had been asking about Thomas Kerns the night before, and a shiver ran up her spine. She had hopped the first bus to Chesnee and prayed that she got to him first. Who knew who was looking for her – or what they were capable of? Could they be the ones that had killed her parents?

  Hot, angry tears filled her eyes, and she once again thought about the sight of her parents blood soaked bodies. The strange symbols carved into their flesh. Harper shuddered and glared back at the man standing in front of her - his balls held prisoner in the strong grip of her other hand. She was not going to let this bunch of freaks rattle her. Her mom and dad had taught her better than that!

  She gave him a sweet little smile when she noticed the beads of sweat breaking out on his forehead and the pained expression on his face. “So, Thomas,” she purred, giving him a slight squeeze through his shorts, and he groaned in pain. “Where can I find Elaine Winslow?”

  “Shit,” he moaned, his eyes beginning to water and his face turning red. “Oh, my God! And here I thought your sister was a ball buster!”

  Harpers hold on him disappeared as her mouth dropped open. What the freaking hell did he just say? She shook her head and glared up at him, her mouth turning down in a tight frown. “Unless you want me to cut off your balls right now, and shove them down your slimy throat,” she sneered. “You had better tell me –and tell me fast - just what in the frig you just said?”

  “Your sister,” Thomas grimaced, taking a quick step back from her, and placing his hands in front of his crotch protectively. “You can’t tell me that no one ever told you about Kat. I mean, Jesus - you’re looking for your mother for God’s sake!” he said, obviously shocked by her surprise. “Yet, you don’t even know about your sister? Come on.”

  “Holy freaking shit,” she whispered, and heard Thomas’s huff of indignation.

  “Damn. You know, for a little girl – you sure do have a mouth on you!”

  In the next instant Thomas screamed out in agony as Harper’s heavy army boot connected with his shin. “What the fuck?” He screamed, and glared at her – wanting nothing more at that moment than to strangle the little twit!

  He didn’t need this bullshit! He had left the Coven over a year ago. He was done with all their craziness – and so what if he kept tabs on some of the witches. It wasn’t as if getting paid for information was a crime or anything. At least, he didn’t think it was – or really care for that matter. Thomas’s number one priority always had been – and always would be Thomas.

  “What do you mean, I have a sister?” She practically growled at him, and he couldn’t help but notice how mature she looked when she was angry. She resembled Katrina in so many ways – yet was all her own with her dark, gothic style. But the damn temper was sure the same.

  “A sister – did I stutter, small fry?” He yelled back at her, rubbing his shin. “Katrina Winslow. Geez - that hurt you little snot!” Sweet Jesus - Thomas thought with a grunt - is it any wonder why I hate kids!

  Harpers eyes grew huge and she swallowed with difficulty as realization dawned on her like a physical blow. She not only had a mother she knew nothing about – but a sister as well! Shit. Up. A. Pole!

  Kat tried with everything that she had, not to watch Luke as they drove through the city – but as hard as she tried - her eyes kept drifting over to the gorgeous wolf in question. He was staring straight ahead, his jaw clenched – and she knew that he was tense – but she had no desire at all to ease it. The man was infuriating!

  Yes, he was hella sexy, and rocked her world with just his touch – but he was also the most hard-headed man that she had ever known. He was stubborn, and arrogant, and tender and…damn it! She had to stop this. She was pining over a man that she just couldn’t have!

  She sighed and looked back out of the window, trying desperately to concentrate on the matters at hand. They were heading for Thomas Kern’s bookstore, in the hopes of getting some information on Elaine and hopefully Harper as per Constance’s instructions – and she needed to focus.

  Kat hadn’t seen Thomas in well over a year. Not since he had left the Coven, for reasons unknown - and she found herself excited at the prospect of seeing him again. They had always had a good time together – laughing and talking easily. He had been a friend and confidante… and - he didn’t make her body vibrate like a certain wolf did – so she was looking forward to the much needed liquid sex break.

  She needed some normalcy after the past few days – and she was sure that Tommy could provide that. She found herself grinning slightly at the thought of seeing him again, and it was a nice change from the foreboding silence that was permeating the car at the moment - and dr
iving her absolutely crazy.

  Chancing another quick glance at the irritating wolf sitting beside her, she leaned over and cranked up the radio – filling the silent car with the blaring sounds of a local Rock station. She gave him a sweet smile when his head snapped her way at the sudden onslaught of Bon Jovi – knowing that with his exceptional hearing it would seem ten times as loud to him – and her smile only widened.

  She turned her face back towards the road as she began to belt out - ‘You give love a bad name’ – her eyes twinkling devilishly. She knew she couldn’t carry a tune to save her life; but she found that she really enjoyed irritating the swoon-worthy ass sitting beside her – and at the moment, she needed a distraction. And getting under his skin just might be the ticket.

  All that the silence in the car was accomplishing was to make her think – and she didn’t want to do that anymore. Not right now. Too much had happened – and if she just sat there quietly, like a good little girl – she knew her mind would only drift back to the feel of Luke touching her – kissing her… So, instead, she sang even louder; inwardly cringing at the horrible sound of her own voice. Geez - she thought with a grin – she really did stink…and bad.

  “Dear God.” Luke winced, as he turned down the radio and glared at her. “What in the Hell is wrong with you? You sound like a damn cat caught in a blender. Are you having some kind of an attack or something?”

  Kat burst out laughing – not caring in the least what he thought. She knew that she was awful; but she was finally enjoying herself a bit - and was not about to let this oaf ruin it for her. “Too hard for you, wolf boy?” she asked innocently, reaching for the radio dial once again. “How about it if I find something a little more your speed - perhaps some Celine Dion or…Wayne Newton, perhaps?”

  “No!” Luke barked out - his hand reaching out and grabbing hers to stop her.

  As soon as he touched her; that current of awareness shot up his arm, and he swore- went straight to his heart, causing a sudden tightening in his chest. He knew that Kat felt it too by the way that she had stilled and stared at him – her mouth hanging open in surprise, her beautiful eyes wide and startled.


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