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A Wolf's Savage Embrace

Page 16

by Darlene Kuncytes

  Elaine burst out into laughter, but there was no humor in it what so ever. It was a bone-chilling sound that caused Kat’s entire body to shudder. “I must say Katrina,” she laughed. “He is an extremely fine specimen. I can see now why you are so enamored. I wish things could have been different, I really do – but his being alive poses much too great a risk It’s a pity really that we couldn’t keep him around. I wouldn’t have minded having a go at him myself.”

  Kat felt her entire body rumble with pure, unadulterated terror. Oh God, please…no. Don’t let him be dead she prayed - and her nightmare came rushing back to her – knocking the air right out of her lungs. “What did you do to him?” Kat screamed, her tears breaking free and rolling down her face. Harper wrapped her arms around her sister, and held her close as Kat sobbed into her shoulder.

  “I’m glad you gave me away, you bitch!” Harper hissed at the woman standing so coldly in front of them. Her face devoid of any emotion what so ever.

  “Yes, well.” Elaine scoffed with a flick of her hand as if they were discussing the weather. “It was what was needed to be done – although I certainly never expected Constance and Jack to be such a good influence on you. You might be a tad bit harder to work with,” she mused, eyeing Harper up and down as if she were a side of beef. “But, that is neither here nor there at the moment. We have more important matters to take care of at the moment. But, everything will be resolved tonight.” She took a step closer to them a pulled a small pouch from the same pocket that she had retrieved the key to the cuffs.

  Harper watched as she took some powder from the leather bag and sprinkled it over them. Harper flinched, pulling the sobbing Kat with her as she backed up away from Elaine – her eyes blazing.

  “What do you think you’re doing you crazy cow?” She all but growled at her.

  “No worries, my dear,” Elaine cooed. “Just a little pre-party mojo.” She shoved the pouch back into her pocket and turned toward the door. Looking back over her shoulder, she graced her with a sad grin. “The wolf still lives…for now.” And with that she walked through the door – slamming and locking it behind her.

  Harper waited until she was sure that Elaine was gone before pulling away from Kat and looking into her eyes – which were red and swollen. “Did you hear her?” She asked her sister. “She said Luke’s still alive. Kat, we can still get out of this!”

  Kat shook her head miserably, her entire body still trembling. “How?” she asked. “There’s no way out of here, and we have no idea where he even is.”

  Harper seemed to consider this a moment, then her eyes lit up. “Yes, but they are planning something big tonight – and I’m sure Luke will be there.”

  Kat wiped her eyes as she stared at her sister, a part of her terrified that it was already too late.

  Chapter 13

  Desmond cautiously walked through the door of Katrina’s apartment – Abby kept securely behind him. His body was rigid as the smell of witch increased with each step that he took and he cursed himself for allowing his mate to come with him. What the bloody Hell had he been thinking?

  “Save it,” Abby whispered into his shoulder, her mouth turning up into a stubborn smile and her eyes narrowing. “I wouldn’t have stayed behind no matter how much you would have insisted.”

  Desmond sighed, shaking his head in defeat. She was quickly learning to read his every thought and he knew that he would be hard pressed to hide anything from her in the very near future. “I believe they have gone,” he replied, his eyes scanning the room thoroughly. “But I fear they may have them.”

  “Who has them?” Abby asked, stepping up beside him and slipping her hand in his.

  Desmond turned and pulled her into his arms, his strong solid frame comforting her instantly. “Alexis’s Coven,” he whispered. “And I fear…” he paused, sniffing the air as his body went completely still, and Abby could feel the waves of anger rolling off of him. What the bloody freaking hell? “I smell Vampire.”

  Abby felt the blood drain from her face and her hands turn ice cold. “Vampire? Could Marcus have been here?”

  Desmond shook his head and walked further into the room, keeping a secure hold on his mate. “It wasn’t Marcus.” He turned and walked towards Katrina’s bedroom. “It’s faint, but it is definitely Vampire. Whoever it was is long gone. I can also smell Kat, and what I am assuming is her sister... and Luke.”

  Abby jumped, when a moment later Desmond’s cell phone rang. She watched him nervously as he reached into his pocket and brought it to his ear. “Yes?”

  “Des,” Marcus breathed - relief clear in his voice. “Thank God! Please tell me that you’ve heard from Luke.”

  “I’m afraid not,” Desmond replied, pulling Abby once again against his chest and wrapping his arm around her. “We’re at Katrina’s apartment now, but there is no sign of them.”

  “Shit!” Marcus barked. “That’s not what I wanted to hear.”

  “My sentiments exactly,” Desmond sighed, resting his chin on the top of Abby’s head as she burrowed herself against his chest.

  “Des, we have another problem.”

  “Let me guess,” Desmond replied, a gnawing feeling in his gut telling him that he already knew the answer. “There is a Vampire involved.”

  There was long silence, and finally Marcus spoke. “How the hell did you know?” He asked, and Desmond knew that his brother was as shocked as he was.

  “I caught the faint scent of Vampire in Katrina’s bedroom – and I don’t believe that she was the type to entertain them willingly.”

  “From what I could find, the witches have not only recruited the blasted Demon’s – but this Vampire as well. A very old; very nasty Vampire. I haven’t been able to discover his name, but from what is being said – he fears that a change is coming that will threaten his way of life. He is said to be a vicious killer that takes great enjoyment in killing his victims – so he went to the Witch’s and joined them. Promising them ultimate power and who knows what the hell else – immortality maybe. Unfortunately, the witches that we spoke to aren’t so forthcoming with much information. They don’t trust our kind, and even Brianna couldn’t convince them otherwise.” Marcus sighed heavily into the phone. “Christ, Des. This is just beyond a cluster fuck!”

  “I am afraid that I have to agree with you on that one, brother.” Desmond squeezed Abby a little tighter and sighed. “Are you planning on coming back?” He asked finally – suddenly feeling bone weary.

  “No, I want to do some more digging. Unless, of course you think you need me there?”

  “I feel you will be of more use to us there. You need to find out everything you possibly can.”

  “Will do – but Des, please call me if you hear from Luke or Kat,” Marcus urged, and Desmond knew that he was as worried as he and Abby were.

  “You know I will.”

  Abby looked up into Desmond’s strained face and tried to smile, but her eyes were filled with worry and it broke Desmond’s heart. “Tell Marcus to be safe,” she whispered.

  Desmond kissed her gently, and returned her smile – trying to ease her fear. “Abby sends her love, and asks that you keep your sorry ass out of trouble.”

  Marcus laughed – but is sounded forced. “Tell her that I will, and that I send my love right back. Talk to you soon Des – and watch your sorry ass as well as my sister’s.”

  Desmond ended the call and stuffed his cell back into his pocket.

  “You don’t think that Luke got them out? Do you?” she asked, trying desperately to fight the panic welling up inside her.

  “I just don’t know, sweetness,” Desmond murmured, his mouth set in a tight line of worry. Something just didn’t feel right. It didn’t feel right at all, and he prayed that Marcus would find something that would be of some use.

  Marcus hung up the phone and looked at Brianna – shaking his head in frustration. His friend gently grasped his arm and gave him a reassuring smile.

worry, Marcus,” she said, softly. “We’ll figure out what these assholes are up to.” She quirked her brow in concentration. “I know that I have to be missing something.” Brianna began pacing the room – crossing her arms over her chest as she did.

  She was a pretty, petite brunette that Marcus was honored to call his friend. He had met her years ago while in New Orleans when he found her cornered by a pack a wolves that were thirsting for witch blood. He had saved her ass that night, and since then, they had fallen into an easy friendship – always looking out for the other.

  Brianna owned The Nightshade; a beautiful bed and breakfast on the outskirts of the French Quarter, and always welcomed him with open arms. She had always been there for him and he felt a moment of guilt for bringing her into this mess - but he also knew that she wouldn’t have it any other way.

  “Bri, I just don’t know what else to do,” he husked, completely exasperated. They had been talking to every witch that Brianna knew, and were not getting anywhere. The few that would talk to them at all, kept what they divulged to a minimum – not trusting a Vampire. “God, I feel like I need a damn manual on how to make friends and influence people!”

  Brianna stopped dead in her tracks and gaped at him, her mouth forming a perfect O. “Oh, Holy shit!” she breathed. “How could I have not thought of him?”

  “Who?” Marcus asked, a small inkling of hope springing up in his chest.

  “Oh, my God! I am such an idiot!” She ran over to where Marcus stood – a look of wonder on his face, and smiled up at him. “Sebastian Deveroux!”

  “Who the hell is Sebastian Deveroux?”

  “He owns an Alchemy shop,” she explained, growing more and more animated as she spoke, her chocolate brown eyes gleaming with excitement. “The shop is just for the tourists of course - but he has a collection of ancient texts that he has spent years collecting and deciphering.” She broke out into a smile – her face lighting up. “And he’s a Vampire! Marcus, he studies the old texts that have long been forgotten! He just might be able to help.” She grabbed his hand and headed for the door of the B&B. “He might know what the witches are up to!”

  For the first time in days, Marcus felt a seed of hope welling up inside him – and he thanked whatever higher power it was that had brought Brianna Melbourne into his life. He followed her out of the door and over to his car.

  “Do you think he’ll talk to us?” He asked, putting the key into the ignition and starting the engine. Just because the man was a Vampire – didn’t necessarily mean that he would be willing to help. Not all Vampires were prone to drinking bagged blood – some still enjoyed drinking straight from the source, and detested those who did not. Thinking they were not being true to what they were – predators and killers. They enjoyed the old ways – the kill.

  Brianna gave him another smile and winked. “I’d put money on it. Contrary to popular belief -and what most beings in the paranormal world would want us all to believe - not all witches hate Vampires. And I just happened to have dated this particular one.”

  A genuine smile crossed Marcus’s strong features and he burst out laughing. “You never cease to amaze me, Witch.”

  She gave him a quick nudge on the shoulder. “Hey, what can I say? I’ve had a thing for bloodsuckers ever since a certain drop dead, gorgeous one saved my ass from becoming dog chow!”

  “And what a fine ass it is,” Marcus chuckled, giving her a wink – his mood lifting slightly now that they seemed to have some hope.

  She told him how to get to the shop, and rested her head against the headrest of the car – praying that they weren’t too late.

  When they pulled up in front of the store fifteen minutes later, Marcus threw the car into park and sighed. “Do you think he’s here?” He asked, turning in his seat to look at her –worry etched across his face. The storefront was dark, and the street deserted. He had the feeling that they were running out of time and was desperately trying to reign in his fear.

  “Honey, it’s NOLA, the shops stay open all night,” she laughed, and proceeded to jump out of the car, and waited for him to follow. “Besides, if you couldn’t guess - he works at night,” she chuckled, giving him a smug smile.

  The shop was dark when they entered - only the flickering of the few candles strewn about the space illuminating the rows of bottles and paraphernalia that the store carried.

  Marcus immediately caught the scent of a mixture of wolf, witch, vampire and human, and glanced around. A moment later, a tall, pale male walked through the door of the backroom and glided towards them.

  “Brianna,” he murmured, his pale blue eyes lighting up at the sight of her standing there. He was almost as tall as Marcus, but not even close to Marcus’s linebacker stature. He was lean, yet muscular with an aristocratic air about him. His honey blonde hair hung to his shoulders and framed his sharp, angular face - giving him a somewhat bad boy meets surfer look.

  “Hello, Sebastian,” she murmured, walking up to him and giving him a hug.

  “I’ve been waiting for you to arrive, my Brianna,” he said fondly, glancing at Marcus over her shoulder and nodding slightly.

  “You have?” She asked, taking a step back from him and looking up in surprise.

  Sebastian reached out and caressed her check, his eyes moving over her face with care. He gave her a gentle smile and looked at Marcus. “And who do we have here?” He inquired.

  “Oh, yes. I’m sorry. Sebastian Deveroux, this is Marcus LeGrange,” Brianna offered.

  Marcus took a step closer and held out his hand, which Sebastian took. The smile faded just a fraction as he seemed to size him up – then returned in an instant as recognition hit him.

  “You are Desmond LeGrange’s brother?” He asked, his blue eyes darkening slightly.

  Marcus nodded, knowing that Desmond’s reputation reached far and wide, and that most creatures in the realm knew of him. He and Abby’s father had strived for years to rid the world of the Demon’s inhabiting it – and Desmond had been a force to be reckoned with.

  “Wonderful!” he laughed. “Your brother has been talked about and revered in these parts for centuries. The Vampire Demon hunter! How amazing. He has been the stuff of legends.” He turned back to Brianna and gave her a wink, clearly impressed.

  “Sebastian, how did you know we were coming?” Brianna asked softly.

  “Please, I fear that I’m being rude. Come in the back, so that we may sit and chat a bit.” He motioned them to the back room and ushered them into his large office.

  When they had settled themselves, Sebastian clasped his fingers together and leaned back in his chair – his gaze going from Brianna to Marcus.

  “Your brother is mated to a Fey, is he not?” he finally asked, although by the look on his face, and the tone of his voice – it was not necessarily a question.

  Marcus nodded, not sure how he could have known. He looked to Brianna who only shook her head and shrugged – at a complete loss.

  Sebastian watched the pair closely, a smile coming to his face. “Word gets around,” he offered in answer to their questioning stares and shrugged his shoulders ever so slightly. “A change is coming.” He stated quietly, his brow lifting. “And there are those in our world that wish to put a stop to it.”

  “What type of change?” Marcus asked - his body tensing.

  “Ah, yes. Well, that is what I have been trying to figure out.” His eyes gleamed. “I have been studying what texts I could get my hands on for centuries, and from what I could find - it has been prophesied that there shall be a pair that will bring together the supernatural beings in order to teach them to live together – and in the process, banishing evil back to hell. Exactly what your brother and the Fey King worked so hard to achieve.” He murmured, a genuine smiling lighting up his face, but a moment later it disappeared. “Now, you can only imagine how the darker forces feel about this.”

  “A pair?” Marcus asked and glanced to Brianna, before looking back to the Vampire sitti
ng so casually in front of them. “You mean Des and Abby?”

  Sebastian chuckled and waved his hand in front of his face as if swatting away a bug. “No. From what I have discovered, it will be a child that is half Fey and half Vampire.” He gave another small shrug of his shoulders. “And a child that is half Were – half Witch.”

  “What?” Marcus barked, jumping up from the chair, causing it to topple over with a loud crash. “That’s impossible! Vampires can’t father children.”

  “No, not usually – but this is something that has been foretold. And whatever higher powers there are at play here – they are in disagreement. A child will be born of each of these unions – and these children will grow, fall in love and unify our worlds. They will prove that we mustn’t despise each other. The worlds will begin to converge with the birth of these two wonderful children – changing the way in which we live forever. Can you imagine?” He said, becoming more excited as he spoke. “A bonding of all four of the major, most powerful supernatural beings in existence! It is unprecedented.”

  “So, the witches want this stopped?” Marcus asked, incredulous. To even begin to believe that Desmond and Abby could have a child – let alone a child that would bind their worlds, was much too much to even begin to grasp. Could this actually be true? What the bloody Hell? Part of him wanted to jump for joy with the thought that his brother would be a father, but another part was terrified now that Luke and Kat were missing.

  “And of course the Demons. The evil forces out there desperately wish to keep their power, and if this happens - I’m afraid that would not be the case. They will no longer exist in this world.”

  “Shit!” Marcus ground out; the thought of Luke and Kat twisting his insides. “They have my friend and his mate - and her sister.”

  Sebastian’s eyebrows shot up in shock. “That may pose a bit of a problem. I am taking it that they are a Were and a Witch?”

  Marcus nodded – beginning to pace the room. “Yes,” he replied, running his hands through his thick hair.


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