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His Distraction (Assured Distraction Book 2)

Page 4

by Thia Finn

  “Fucking hell! Where’s my phone? Call it, someone, please?” Carter called it but there was no sound in the room. “Shit, shit, shit! It’s got to be here somewhere because I texted y’all from it before I started playing.” He remembered it was in the bedroom where he kept his instruments and ran to retrieve it. “Damn thing’s dead, naturally.

  “Here, use mine.” Gunner offered and Ryan walked out the front door to speak to her privately.

  “Do you know what that’s about, Hayden?” Carter asked.

  “No clue. He never even mentioned having a girlfriend.”

  “Yeah, that seems to be part of the problem right now,” Gunner added. “If I ever had a girlfriend, and that’s a big if for me, she would have to be unforgettable.”

  Ryan’s face looked like someone kicked him while he was down when he walked back in the door. “She won’t talk to me and sent a message to leave her alone. I need to go over there and see if I can do some damn damage control.”

  “Krissy, honey, please open the damn door. I don’t want to break the son-of-a-bitch down, but you know I will if I have to. Please, let me explain.” Ryan stood outside her door banging on it for over fifteen minutes.

  “I said, leave-me-the-fuck-alone! You are an ASSHOLE, Ryan Powell, and I don’t want to see your face.” Krissy sat on her couch with her feet curled under her drinking red wine. The dress he paid dearly for now bundled around her thighs. The beautiful sparkly shoes lay askew by the wall as though they flew in a fit of anger.

  “Kitten, please! I fucked up; I know that. But I can’t apologize if you won’t let me in? Baby, come on! I’ve missed you so much, I’ve barely seen you in two months, and it’s killing me not to hold you right now. I need to touch you and say how sorry I am and explain what happened. Call Gunner and ask him. He was there, and can explain what happened. Baby… come on, please? You know I wouldn’t do something like this on purpose.”

  Ryan used his key sliding it into the lock on her front door barely seeing her move to the bedroom. He heard her lock it behind her.

  “NO RYAN! Enough! Get out! Leave me alone! I’m sick of your bullshit excuses! Go away!”

  “This is the last time I’m asking you to open this motherfucking door, Krissy!” He yelled it louder than before and pounded it with both fists and his full strength.

  “And I said to get the fuck out of my apartment. Just leave, Ryan.”

  With one smooth kick to the doorknob, the door frame splintered taking one of the hinges with it. He knew the cheap lock would never keep him out. He stomped through the doorway to find her backing up the bed toward the headboard. He heard her scream, and the neighbors banged on the wall behind her head.

  “Are you happy? Now you’ve pissed off my neighbors, and they will probably call the cops!”

  “I don’t give a flying fuck what they do. You and I are going to talk.” His muscular biceps bulged, and his t-shirt stretched tight across his chest, expanding with every angry breath escaping from being trapped in his chest while she kept him out.

  “I have nothing to say to you. And if this was your attempt to smooth things over after standing your girlfriend up, you suck at it. Now go away!” He wondered if the pillow she pulled up in front of her was a defensive shield from him.

  The bell rang at the front door, followed by the apartment manager knocking and calling out to her. Ryan never took his eyes off Krissy as crawled off the bed and made her way through the living room to answer it.

  “Is everything alright in there? The neighbors said someone was screaming, followed by a loud crash like someone was breaking in.” Ryan watched the old man peak around Krissy trying to see into the room. He was happy she kept her foot on the bottom of the door preventing him from entering. The complex was small and the manager knew everyone well.

  “It’s fine. My boyfriend and I were having a disagreement.”

  “Krissy, it’s extremely late. We cannot have this kind of noise. You signed a noise clause in your lease contract. If it happens again, you’ll have to move out. Consider this your warning. You and your roommate will receive an eviction notice the next time.”

  “That’s not fair, though. My roommate has nothing to do with this. She’s not even here.”

  “Doesn’t matter. If you go, she goes.” He turned around and walked away, leaving Krissy fuming.

  “Dumb ass men! I’ve had all the shit I’m taking for one night. Leave me alone. You’ve done enough damage for one night.” He watched her expression change with each word.

  “I don’t want to leave until we’ve settled this little tiff, Kitten.” He tried to wrap his arms around her since his anger had died down quickly once he laid eyes on her.

  “Little tiff, my ass! I’m sick of your shit, Ryan! Get the fuck out! I am too pissed at you right now to even consider reconciling at this point. I just want you out of here.”

  Reluctantly, he nodded. “I’ll go. But we’ll talk in the morning when we’ve both calmed down. And I’ll be over to fix the door tomorrow.” Staring out the door, he turned and looked at her for a long time as though he was expecting more from her but wouldn’t look at him as she slammed the door.

  He drove toward his apartment feeling deflated and angry with himself for getting so caught up in the band stuff that he forgot her. He normally would never do something like that. She had been a major priority in his life since they met, but now she wouldn’t even listen to his explanation, which was all he had to offer her. He knew this was only going to add to the tension about his leaving on tour so soon.

  He hadn’t even had a chance to mention to her that Hayden had shown up and was staying with him. Not that it had any effect on her, but he was excited about it and wanted Krissy to meet the kid. When he opened his apartment door, Hayden was passed out on the couch. He must have been exhausted, probably got no sleep the night before in his truck. They would talk in the morning. He grabbed his now charged phone and stared at the screen. She hadn’t replied to any of his messages. He hated even more than she wasn’t sleeping cuddled next to him, so he decided to at least shoot her a text to let her know he was thinking about her.

  R: Kitten, I’m so sorry about what happened tonight. You know I would never forget you on purpose. Some unexpected things came up tonite I want to tell you about it. I just want to say I love you and sweet dreams. I miss having you in my arms.

  After a few minutes, a response finally came.

  K: I’m fucking pissed. You’re leaving me. You forgot me tonite and you busted in like a crazy person causing problems. LEAVE ME ALONE!

  Wow, that was not the response he was hoping for from her. She was truly angry this time. They had had little arguments before, but she usually came around pretty quickly. He was going to have to do something spectacular this time. Lying in bed alone, he felt so tired but knew he wasn’t going to sleep anytime soon worrying about the situation he had caused. It gave him time to think of ways to make it up to her. Of course, these scenarios usually ended horizontally with some sizzling, hot sex that set things right between them. But in his mind, deep down, he didn’t think that was going to fix things this time.

  He thought maybe something shiny would have to be involved, maybe from an aqua blue box. She loved anything from Tiffany’s, so he would make a quick trip over to the Dominion and pick out something special for her in the morning. Once he’d decided on a plan for the morning, he rolled over hoping he could drift off to sleep but missed having her luscious body to pull into him. Her scent was on the pillow as he wrapped his arms around it, but it wasn’t the same as smelling it on the special spot below her ear that he loved to nuzzle. That always drove her wild and sent goose bumps all over her body. But all it did tonight for him was cause him a raging hard on. Nothing like trying to go to sleep with a monster case of blue balls. He thought to himself as he rolled over.

  Hayden woke up looking for some strong coffee he made himself. He never liked drinking that cheap crap from the stop-and-rob on the cor
ner, and he couldn’t afford those fancy coffee stores on every block in this city. Digging around in Ryan’s kitchen, he found all he needed to make a pot. He looked forward to a few minutes to wake-up and to enjoy a quiet morning. He waited for the machine’s beep to alert him it was complete. The covered patio off the living room was inviting, and he decided he liked the weather Austin offered in the mornings. The patio overlooked the courtyard where a large crystal-blue swimming pool reflected the morning sunlight. He figured he would have time before summer was over to find out just how great a pool in the Hill Country could be, and if there was a pool, there would be girls. If there were girls, there would be bikinis. Living in Austin was looking better by the minute. Before he could drag up a chair and give that some more thought, Ryan walked out of his bedroom looking rough.

  “Mornin’,” Hayden said him, but only received a grunt in return. So, his cousin wasn’t much of a morning person. He could live with that because his mother certainly wasn’t either. Maybe it was genetic. He sat down and propped his feet up on the low railing.

  Ryan joined him with a cup of the steaming beverage. Hayden smiled when he saw Ryan take his first sip. It must be stronger than Ryan usually made.

  “What, too strong for you?”

  “No, I need it this morning after the little sleep I had.”

  Ryan’s phone chimed where he left it in his bedroom. Hayden guessed he was hoping it was Krissy.

  “Fuuuuck!” His cousin groaned, walking back out on the patio staring at the screen.

  “Everything okay?” Hayden was hesitant to say anything now.

  “Yeah, it’s our manager, Cash He wants us in a damn meeting this morning at ten. He sure as hell knows better than to call a meeting at the last fucking minute like this. I had things to do this morning. I need to go up to Tiffany’s and get Krissy something.”

  “Is there anything I can do to help you out? I mean, I would love to go to the studio with you, but if there’s something you need to have done, I can do it for you.”

  “I may have to take you up on that if Cash plans to keep us there for long. How good are you at buying suck-up gifts?” Hayden stared at Ryan giving him a brief smirk. “Don’t say anything. I know I’m pussy-whipped.”

  Hayden threw his hands up in a defensive gesture and gave him a goofy grin. “Hey, no judgments here, man.”

  When Ryan walked into the studio, Cash was the only one there, and he had KeeMac and Chandler on Facetime on his laptop. Ryan didn’t know how the situation with the two of them had turned out when she flew off to find her grandparents, but they both looked fine on the screen. He knew Carter and Gunner wouldn’t make it on time and often thought that the two would be late to their funerals if partying and women were another option.

  He wasn’t surprised to see Cash’s PA, Peri, there, though. She was being promoted from PA and fill-in receptionist when needed, to working full-time with Cash. She had been his PA full-time before they moved from California but she agreed to fill in as the receptionist if she could make the move to the smaller Austin label with Cash, too. It was a good move for her though because she was now able to prove how valuable she was to the company and Cash. Peri had earned her promotion. She made sure things were done correctly and tried to be attentive to everyone in the band. She did a great job when they were on tour before, helping Chandler with her wardrobe and getting used to dressing the part for the meet-and-greets, and then sorting things out with her family tragedy.

  After saying hello to Peri with an affectionate hug and peck on the cheek making her blush, Cash tipped his head to both men.

  Ryan was glad Hayden had come with him, even if he didn’t know exactly how Hayden was going to fit in with the group. He hoped Cash would find something for Hayden to do.

  “So, what’s going on, Cash?” Ryan addressed him.

  “Let’s wait until the other two get here. I want to go over the information I have from Frission about the next leg of the tour with everyone at once. Of course, Chuck and Larry would be late.” Ryan heard Cash’s phone chime as he spoke. “Gunner says they are almost here.”

  Ryan saw KeeMac and Chandler with their heads together on the screen having a private conversation. Even with her whispering in his ear, Ryan laughed when he heard, “Have I met Chuck and Larry? I don’t remember them.” Ryan watched KeeMac start laughing with him until he heard him hit the floor with an oomph. “Why are you laughing? I’ve met so many people in the last few months; you can’t expect me to remember them all.” All Ryan could think was poor Chandler, the girl never has a clue.

  “I’m sorry, babe. I’m not laughing at you. I’m laughing at your naivety. Chuck and Larry is a movie with Adam Sandler and Kevin James. They get married to each other save his insurance for his family. It’s a hilarious movie. We’ve seen it so many times that we can quote most of it. Cash was referring to Carter and Gunner as Chuck and Larry.” A smacking kiss sounded over the computer, but Ryan knew Chandler was still angry at KeeMac for laughing at her.

  “While we are waiting,” Ryan interrupted. “I wanted to introduce my cousin, Hayden, to you. He sat in with us last night while we worked on some music at my apartment. You remember Peri from yesterday, right?” Hayden tipped his head to her. Ryan then introduced him to Cash and pointed to the screen to introduce Chandler and KeeMac. Cash shook Hayden’s hand. Ryan could tell Cash was a little confused by the look on his face.

  “Hayden came by the studio yesterday looking for Ryan, and I met him then,” Peri chimed in. “He’s an aspiring musician and wanted to meet up with his cousin. How did all that go guys?”

  “Well, Hayden here is quite the singer,” Ryan began.

  “I play guitar, too, sir.” Ryan gave Hayden a knowing smirk after his comment that contained a boyish charm. He had no doubt Hayden could turn that charm off and on when it suited him. Probably worked well with the ladies, too.

  “’Sir,’ I like it. I don’t think I’ve ever heard that from this bunch of pricks.” Cash looked at the other band members.

  “Damn straight, and I doubt you ever will either, so don’t get used to it. If anything, you should be saying that to us.” Ryan had to laugh out loud at Gunner’s comment as he entered the room, knowing the drummer only caught the last of the tail-end of that exchange.

  Chandler piped up. “Why would you say something like that? Cash is the best thing that has ever happened to this band!” It never ceased to amaze Ryan how easily Gunner could get Chandler riled up.

  “Calm down, Cupcake. I was only joking with him. We joke all the time about him being the boss when he knows deep down, I’m the boss.” Gunner smirked.

  “I call bullshit on that one. Y’all know I am the boss.” Carter jumped in on the fun.

  “Hey, Peri, look out that window and see if pigs are flying,” Ryan fist bumped the two band mates as they sat down in the room.

  “Now that these two clowns have decided to join us, I want to go over all this tour information with you.”

  “You know, Peri could have emailed us this stuff. We’ll never remember all this shit anyway.” Ryan stood up to collect the paperwork Cash held out and passed it around the table.

  “Yes, she could have, but knowing you dumb S.O.B.s, you wouldn’t even bother to open the email. Half the time y’all don’t even return our phone calls. Hell, Carter can’t even keep track of his phone. He needs a leash on it or something.”

  “Carter needs a leash on his dick,” Gunner added with a snort. “Keeps putting it in strange places, and one day, he’s going to forget where.” Everyone in the room laughed except Carter.

  “Dude, I have real women who want a piece of me. Your junk’s so small women can’t find it with a magnifying glass, and that’s just too much ugly to see up-close.”

  By now the whole group has erupted in riotous laughter at the two members that were a constant source of comic relief for the band.

  “Okay, Okay, enough, children. We have work to do. You will see the actual to
ur schedule with the dates, cities, venues and times in the papers. Assured Distraction will be the opening act for Frission at each event as before. You’ve earned this honor, so be proud of yourselves.” After fist bumps all around, Cash continued. “There are going to be a few changes for the three months, though, that I want to discuss with you guys.”

  The group collectively stopped talking and turned to look at Cash. “I will not be going with you. I’m sending Peri in my place, as your tour manager. She’s worked hard to get this promotion, and I think she is ready to take on this responsibility. Of course, if there is a problem, I will join you, but I don’t see that being necessary.”

  Everyone spoke at once in agreement with the announcement, excited for their new tour manager. Peri was an organizer; she took care of things and always anticipated the band’s needs in advance, so nothing was a surprise.

  Peri’s bottom lip seemed permanently lodged between her teeth from nerves until they made it apparent that they unanimously accepted her with congratulations and pats and hugs. She was part of this band family from the time Cash had come on board, and the group was thrilled with her taking over. “Thank fuck, she’s so much easier on the eyes! You mean if we behave ourselves, we won’t have to see your ugly mug for the next three months? Halle-fucking-lujah!” Gunner exclaimed as he pulled Peri into his lap for a big, adoring hug, and she laughed, hugging him back and then slapped at his playfully roaming hands.

  “Gunner, there will be none of that on the road. She’ll be your boss while you’re gone, and I expect you to treat her with respect.” Cash’s tone was no-nonsense as Gunner gave her a sheepish grin and offered an apology.

  “What are you going to do while we are gone, Cash?” KeeMac finally asked him on the screen.

  “There are some new bands the label is looking at that our company represents, and we want to get the ball rolling on those projects. I’m damn sure not about to let you flounder out there, but I know Peri can handle it. She’ll have Frission’s tour manager there, too.”


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