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His Distraction (Assured Distraction Book 2)

Page 15

by Thia Finn

  After a few minutes had passed, he rolled them to their sides, and he slid completely out of her, the separation caused them both to gasp slightly. He took care of the condom, and came back to the bed, pulling the covers up over them both. “I hope we have time for a short nap because honestly, I don’t think I could play my guitar right now if my life depended on it.”

  She looked at her watch and grinned. “Yes, we have some time.” She set the alarm on her phone, and he pulled her close before they both dozed off.

  “Well, well, well. Looky what we have here, gang. Someone’s been sleeping in my bed, and it must be just right ‘cause they’re still here. Only, Goldilocks has a dick in this fairy tale.” Carter laughed out loud.

  Gunner walked beside the bed and looked at the two sleeping. Peri’s barely covered breasts allowed them to see her tats. “Damn, Carter, I didn’t know our little Peri had tats like that. She’s been holding out on us.” She quickly pulled the sheet up over her head.

  “Quit being a prick and find something better to do than harass us. Get the hell out and please shut the door.” Ryan spoke sternly to them.

  “Now, wait a damn minute, Ryan. If you didn’t want us to find y’all hibernating back here, the least you could do was shut the fucking door before you started licking your personal bowl of porridge.” Carter laughed at his own crude children’s storybook reference.

  “Dude, get the fuck out! And for your information, there was nothing child-like going on back here.” Ryan yelled at them as they shut the door and moved back to the front of the bus.

  Peri made a sound from under the covers. “I can’t believe we held an entire conversation while I’m hiding my face. Couldn’t they have shut the door and left us alone for five minutes?”

  “Sunshine?” He peeked under the sheet at her face. “Why are you hiding? We are both consenting adults, and what we shared was the best sex I’ve ever had the privilege of experiencing. You have nothing to be embarrassed about.”

  “I suppose there’s no use in denying it, is there?” She sat up and started pulling her dress back over her head and tied it.

  “Why would we want to deny it? That was incredible. I want to shout it from the rooftops. You know those jackasses are probably going to be fucking jealous.” He handed her the shredded remains of her panties from the floor.

  “And what exactly do you think I’m supposed to do with those? Damn it, they were my only yellow pair.” Her expression was one of mock-outrage indicating that she was teasing him.

  “I bet I can buy you some new ones made of French silk. Should have done it while we were in Paris.” He helped her straighten her dress and put her shoes back on her feet before pulling her up at the foot of the bed and into his embrace.

  “I’ll keep that in mind when we get to the next stop. I’ll find a nice, lingerie shop for us to visit.” Peri huffed out pretending to be angry.

  “Sweets, I’d be happy to buy you the skimpiest lingerie they make as long as I’m the only one going to take it off of you.” He kissed her with a loud smack on the lips.

  The remainder of the tour went by in a blur for everyone. Back-to-back cities took a toll on their sleep and their jovial moods they began with on the tour. By the last show on the last night in Prague, they were sick of each other, tensions were high, and tolerance was waning.

  Chandler and KeeMac spent the last week swapping the bedroom with Peri and Ryan. The four loved each other, but they were sick of not having a room to themselves. It pissed Gunner and Carter off because they had to share their bunks with the ladies they chose nightly. On at least some nights, the bus didn’t leave immediately, which meant the guys had more than enough solid surfaces to enjoy.

  Exiting the stage, AD moved as a group toward the dressing rooms, ready to celebrate the end of a great run. After cleaning up and dressing for the club, they all made their way back to the bus.

  “Damn, I do believe I’m going to miss the inside of a dressing room decorated with groupies,” Carter said jokingly while popping open the champagne to pass around.

  “Yeah, can’t beat that kinda wallpaper, can we?” KeeMac added, and everyone caught the sarcasm in his tone. With everyone’s glasses full, he proposed a toast.

  “To Assured Distraction, Europe may never be the same. May this tour be the beginning of a long life of fucking rock-and-roll.” They all clinked glasses while smiling.

  Gunner added, “More, I have another one.” Carter topped off everyone’s glasses. “First, to Chandler: for helping us when we needed her to make us whole again. Second, to Ryder and Steel: for taking us on a fucking ride we’ll remember for life. And third, to Peri: best and prettiest damn tour manager we’ve ever had!”

  Everyone laughed and touched glasses again. They finished off several more bottles by the time Steel shut the stadium down. Peri knew it was going to be a long night, but they would be on a plane all day tomorrow, waking up in home-sweet-Austin. The thought had her mind reeling, wondering what they were going to find when they landed.

  Steel hosted a huge after-party for the crew and staff that helped with the shows in Europe. The label hired any of the roadies in Europe, so they would not be going back to the States with the group. They held the party at a venue near the stadium, and their buses were moved to a gated rear entrance, allowing the bands and crew to come-and-go without the press in their faces. AD’s fame was now reaching epic proportions, and it seemed everyone wanted a piece of them.

  The liquor flowed freely. Peri worried their livers might start sending up white flags before the trip back to Austin.

  Something woke Peri. She was lying on the makeshift seat/bed on the plane with Ryan wrapped around her under the blanket. The lighting was dim but since they were chasing the sun, it never actually got dark. Most of the group slept with blinders on, a few of them so intoxicated when they boarded she doubted they remembered going through the jet way to enter the plane. She felt sorry for the flight attendants trying to do their jobs with this bunch and was happy they had all been allowed to board in their condition. The entire plane was full of the band and its entourage.

  Now that she was awake, she had time to think without worrying about something for the tour. She would take a few days off before going into the office, something she was not looking forward to. They were going to have to talk before crossing paths with Krissy. Twelve weeks of not dealing first hand with that situation was a luxury, but Peri didn’t know what they would encounter when the time came.

  She tried several times to get Ryan to talk about it, but he’d refused, not wanting to ruin their happy European tour bubble. She couldn’t even convince him to call home to check in with Hayden. He told her that if there were a problem, Hayden would call. She was concerned that maybe he was hiding his head in the sand as long as possible, afraid of what he would find when he looked up.

  “Go back to sleep, Sunshine. You’re thinking so hard it’s waking me up.” He gave her a sleepy smile, never opening his eyes. He turned and spooned against her back, pulling her into his warmth.

  “You know we need to talk, right, Ryan?” she whispered.

  “Tomorrow, or yesterday. Whichever it is when we get there.” His answer made her smile.

  “We have to make some decisions.”

  “I’ve already made my decision when I got you,” he kissed her shoulder and slid his hand under her tank top to cup her breast. “Mmmm, so warm and soft. I love this part of your luscious body and its jewelry. Be sure to remind me to thank whoever talked you into this. I think I love them, too.”

  He wrapped his other arm under her neck and reached down to continue enjoying the feel of her rings that he tugged so that her nipple would pebble instantly. “Have I told you recently how much I love how these ring make your gorgeous tits overly sensitive? I think I love them almost as much as I do yoga pants. Remind me to look up whoever invented them and send them a thank you note.”

  His warm hand slowly made its way down her soft stoma
ch; he pictured the look of her bare skin as if he saw it with his fingertips. His big hand stretched from her navel to her pubic bone. He kept rubbing ever so slowly back and forth while he kissed the spot behind her ear and nipped at the lobe.

  He finally reached his desired destination in her silky thong. She was having a hard time containing her sighs and turned her head to his bicep under her neck and bit some flesh herself. He rubbed his very stiff erection into the crease of her ass.

  His sleepily whispered in her ear, “you keep biting and what you’re feeling is going to go in search of a better place to stretch out.”

  She slid her hand behind her and down the front of his jogging pants and wrapping around her favorite part of him. “Oh yeah?” She didn’t issue it as a challenge, but that’s the way it sounded in his mind.

  Ryan covered them better and maneuvered further down in her brilliantly stretchy pants after pulling her right leg over his. He slipped his finger in around her swollen clit and circled it before softly squeezing it between his index finger and thumb as he had with his lips the last time they were together, remembering how excited it made her.

  “Oh, Ryan. Please.” He slid his fingers into the slick channel awaiting him.

  “Sweets, we can’t let this go to waste. You’re so ready for me.” He pumped two fingers in her and tugged the ring in her breast knowing what was about to happen. She jerked and rocked as he finger-fucked her until her inner muscles locked around his fingers. She bit down on his bicep, and he had to fight to keep from yelling.

  He couldn’t wait any longer. He pulled and tugged, almost ripping them until he got the yoga pants off her sweet ass and down to her ankles. From the billfold in his back pocket, he retrieved the square package, tore into it and rolled the latex down his swollen cock. In one smooth move, he entered her from behind.

  “Oh, God. Peri. That feels like heaven.” He tried hard to whisper in her ear. “We have to be fast and quiet. Everyone might be asleep, but the two of us can easily wake them up without even trying. Next time I plan to spend some time with these gorgeous cheeks.” He gave one rounded cheek a slight tap.

  “Then stop talking and fuck me, Ryan, NOW,” She whispered back.

  He didn’t need to her telling him twice. He grabbed her hip and pumped into her in a frenzied move. It only took a few minutes, and he was ready to come hard, but he needed her there, too. He wouldn’t leave her stranded.

  He reached around and pulled the sweet liquid from their joining to her clit and again began circling before he gave it a little tug sending her over the edge again. Once again, she bit his bicep causing him to erupt inside of her.

  “Damn, Peri. I know I’ll have a mark there, but that bite felt so damned good it was worth it, not to mention every fucking time I see it I’ll think of this moment. Pleasure with some pain. I think I like it.”

  He pulled out and made his way to the bathroom at the back of their section of the plane. He returned with a warm washcloth for her and found her lying on her back staring into space. He climbed back in beside her and pulled her back into a spooning position raising her leg over his to help her clean up. “Are you alright? I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

  Before she could answer, Gunner rose up and over the short divider between the seats. “Thank Fuck y’all are done.”

  In unison, they whisper-yelled, “Not now Gunner.” He stared at the two and then flopped back down on his pillow.

  “Now, where was I? Oh yeah, I didn’t hurt you did I?” Ryan was genuinely concerned for her. He would never hurt her intentionally, and he hoped she knew it.

  “What? No, it was wonderful. Can’t hold my eyes open.” She closed them. What couldn’t slip from her mind though was his comment about loving the person whoever talked her into piercing her nipples, too.

  Too, huh? Where was he going with that statement? She thought. She would file that away for another time.

  Even though her body was exhausted, her mind couldn’t rest, and she kept thinking back on when she pierced them. It reminded her of those sad moments of her life. Sawyer made the decision to go back to L.A., and she had refused to go back with him. They didn’t fight over it. They each made their choice. There was no discussion between them. She liked Austin so much better than L.A. When he announced he was going, she’d wanted to do something for herself and chose the nipple rings because she liked the way they looked. They were a bold decision, and she wanted to make a strong statement to herself that she could be successful on her own. With the tour behind them, she had done the job on her own, and it was a damn good one in her mind.

  The plane landed, the entourage cleared customs, and then looked to each other. They all knew this was the end of the beginning. They shook hands and gave hugs and promised to see each other soon, knowing that was the last thing they wanted to do right then.

  “Ryan, you want to come to my house?” Peri put her arm through his as they made their way to the cab exit.

  “Yeah, you know, I think I do. I don’t know what I’m going to find at my place, and I’m damn sure not looking forward to walking in to find her still living there.” He opened the cab door for her to climb in as the driver loaded their luggage.

  “That’s what I wanted to talk about when we were on the plane. You need to make some decisions about how you are going to handle all that mess.” She didn’t look at him as she spoke, afraid of what she would read in his expression.

  “Peri,” he pulled her closer to him. “Like I said, I made my decision when I got you. That’s not going to change for me now that we are home.” He kissed her temple. “Unless, that’s not what you want. I suppose I should ask you what you want, too.”

  “You know we are going to have to work with her every day when we’re in the studio? How do you think that’s going to go over?”

  “We’ll figure it out together, I promise. I’m in this with you, for the long haul, Peri. But you didn’t answer my question. What about you? Are you hedging so you don’t have to answer me yet?”

  “I never thought I would find myself in the ‘other woman’ category.” Peri still didn’t look at him.

  “You are not the ‘other woman.' I’ll admit, I loved that girl, and I thought we were going to be together for always. But she apparently had other ideas. You know she wanted me to quit the band, right?”

  Peri whipped her head around to look at him. “What?”

  “Yeah, she told me that if Jacoby could quit, I could too. I informed her that would never happen. AD is my life, and I was more than willing to share it with her, but she wanted the white picket fence and 2.5 kids, as soon as we could get there. That’s not going to happen. I mean, I want to have kids and a home someday, but it’s never going to be the typical sort of lifestyle for me.”

  “I knew that coming into this thing we have between us, Ryan. I’m good with it. I’ve made my decision, too.”

  “Damn, Sunshine, I’m so glad to hear you say that. I was almost afraid to have this ‘talk’. When you said it on the plane, I was afraid of what you were going to tell me.”

  She turned and straddled his lap. “Ryan, you have to talk to me. I’m pretty easy-going and I’m a great listener, but I am not a mind reader. Don’t keep things from me, and don’t lie to me, even if it’s bad. I’d rather deal with the truth up-front.”

  “Good, I can abso-fucking-lutely live with that, Sunshine.” She wrapped around him and held on.

  When they stepped out of the cab in front of Peri’s townhouse and unloaded luggage, they made their way inside, flopped on the couch and sighed. “It is fucking great to be home,” Ryan said louder than necessary.

  “I have to agree with that. Now, what shall we do?”

  “I’m starving for some real damn food. Let’s have some Mexican. I’ve been dying for enchiladas, guacamole, fajitas, burritos, you name it. I think I’ll call Povlos and order one of every damn thing on the menu. Do you think they will deliver a pitcher of margaritas? We haven’t had a good one
since we left the States.”

  “You’re crazy. No, they don’t deliver booze.” She laughed as he dug out his phone. “I think I have everything here to make some.”

  “Thank fuck for that,” he ordered one of almost everything.

  By the time they’d finished a pitcher of Patrón margaritas topped with Grand Marnier, and eaten until they thought they would explode, Ryan decided to bite the bullet and call Hayden. Whatever had happened wasn’t going to go away, so he might as well face the music.

  On the second ring, Hayden picked up. “Ryan, dude, where the fuck are you?”

  “At Peri’s house, what’s up?”

  “Oh, I thought maybe you would come straight home.” Hayden’s voice sounded strained.

  “I’m going to come home in a little while. Is there something I need to know before I get there, so I won’t be surprised?”

  “No, not really. But you should know Krissy’s still living here.”

  “Fuck! I was hoping she would be out, and I wouldn’t have to deal with her shit. I didn’t want a confrontation with her at all, but it looked like she was going to force him to do so today.”

  “Uh, well, she decided to stay for a while longer, but she’s at work right now.” Ryan still wondered what Hayden wasn’t saying. “I guess a letter from the lawyer didn’t scare her off, huh? I should have followed up on that situation better. So, I guess I’ll come home shortly. Hey, what about you? Oh, never mind. We’ll talk about it when I get there.”

  Ryan ended the call and looked up to see Peri staring at him. “I suppose I’ll head on home now.” He pulled her to her feet and wrapped around her. He didn’t want to be apart from her, but he didn’t know what she was thinking either. If it were up to him, they would move in together now, but he knew it was probably too soon for her.


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