Book Read Free

I Like That About Her

Page 6

by Aleks Mitchell

  “No problem.”

  We set up at the kitchen table, spreading out all of the note cards we had used to write down our different sources. I was glad we worked so well together. This project was going to be done before we knew it.

  “We only need three more sources,” Chandler said as she wrote something down. “After that all we have to do is write out our arguments for anything the opposition might come up with.”

  “This was kind of easy.”

  “It actually was. I don’t know why everyone makes such a big deal out of this project.”

  “Maybe we just work really well together,” I suggested.

  “That and we’re both super smart,” she smiled.

  I smiled back.

  We looked into each other’s eyes. I could get lost forever in those eyes. Neither of us seemed to be able to look away. Maybe what I was feeling wasn’t one sided after all. Maybe there was a reason why I felt so drawn to Chandler.

  The door bell ringing ruined the moment. I regretfully looked away from Chandler and towards the door.

  “I have to get that,” I said quietly. I felt awkward after what had just happened. “I’ll be right back.”

  “Yeah, no worries,” Chandler said understandingly.

  I walked down the hall and into the foyer and looked outside of the door. Jason was there.

  Dammit. What is he doing here? How did he even know I went home early?

  I thought about just ignoring him at first, but then I felt guilty. It was bad enough that I was stringing him along while I was crushing on someone else. I couldn’t be that mean to Jason. Even if I wasn’t in love with Jason that didn’t mean I didn’t love him. No matter what, he would always be a good friend of mine.

  I opened the door with a smile plastered on my face. “Hey, Jason. What are you doing here?”

  “I heard you didn’t go to practice today so I wanted to stop by to make sure you were okay.”

  Ugh, he was such a good boyfriend. He deserved so much better than me; a confused girl with a terrible attitude.

  “I’m fine. I decided to audition for the play so I skipped practice.”

  “That’s great babe! You love theater!”

  “Yeah, I’m really excited about it.”

  “What are you up to now?” he asked.

  Great. He probably wants to hang out.

  I just wanted to be alone right now, with Chandler.

  “Chandler and I are working on our debate project right now.”

  “Oh, cool. Think you guys could use a break?”

  No! “Sure, we’re almost done anyway.”

  Jason smiled as I stood to the side so that he could come in. I closed the door behind me and followed him into the kitchen, where Chandler was organizing her notes again. She sure was thorough.

  “Hey, Chandler,” Jason smiled.

  Chandler looked surprised to see Jason.

  “Hey, Jason,” Chandler smiled. Her smile looked faked though.

  “Jason just stopped by to see why I wasn’t in practice today.”

  “That was nice. Well, we can finish this tomorrow if you guys want to hang out.”

  I looked at her apologetically. “No, you don’t have to do that.” I really didn’t want her to leave yet. I wanted to spend more time with her, even if I had to do it with Jason there.

  Jason looked at me with a questioning look. He was probably wondering why I didn’t just have Chandler leave. I felt bad for Jason, but I just really didn’t want Chandler to go. Why couldn’t we all hang out together?

  “Really, we can finish this tomorrow. We still have plenty of time before it’s due.”

  Just as Chandler was about to start packing up her things, I heard the front door swing open and then slam shut.

  Andy came into the kitchen seconds later. He looked between me, Chandler, and Jason. His face was actually kind of funny in that moment.

  “What’s going on guys?” Andy asked.

  “Nothing, what’s up bro,” Jason said as he and Andy did their hand greeting.

  “Not much. Practice was killer.”

  “I hear you. I’m so not looking forward to wrestling in the winter.”

  Jason was on the wrestling team at school. He was really good. One of the best at BTHS.

  Andy looked at me strangely, like he was trying to communicate something to me. I just didn’t know what.

  “Hey, I just got a new game for PS4,” Andy told Jason. “You want to check it out?”

  Jason looked at me first for permission.

  “You can go ahead,” I answered quickly. Maybe a little too quickly.

  “Are you sure?” Jason asked.

  “Yeah, of course. I’ve got Chandler to keep me company.”


  Andy and Jason headed towards the basement door but before Andy left he turned around and smirked at me. I hoped Chandler didn’t catch that.

  As soon as the boys were out of the kitchen I smiled awkwardly at Chandler.

  “Sorry about that.”

  “What are you sorry for now?” Chandler asked with a smile.

  “Jason. I didn’t know he was just going to stop by unannounced.”

  Chandler shrugged. She looked distant though. “That’s what boyfriends do I guess. He is your boyfriend right?”

  I didn’t want him to be. “Yeah, he is. Still, I’m not the kind of girl that abandons her friends when her boyfriend comes around.”

  Chandler smiled widely. “We’re friends now?”

  I smiled back. “You better believe we’re friends. So, don’t ever think you have to leave just because Jason comes by. I would never just kick you out like that.”

  Chandler and I gazed into each other’s eyes again.

  I really had to figure out what was going on between us. One thing was clear though, I needed to break up with Jason.

  Chapter 8

  “Can we please slow down?” Andy asked from a few strides behind me.

  Andy and I decided to do our daily jog together today.

  “You have to push yourself if you want to get faster, Andy!”

  “Who says I want to get faster? I’m perfectly content with my current speed.”

  I rolled my eyes as I slowed down to a light jog.

  “So, have you decided about Drew’s party tonight?” Andy asked.

  “Yeah, I don’t think I’m going.”

  “What? Why not? Faith, its Halloween and it’s a Friday night; you can’t just stay home tonight. I won’t let you.”

  “I know, but I really want to work on some homework. I have a ton and I don’t want to spend the entire weekend doing it. Besides, someone has to stay here and hand out candy.”

  “Put the bowl by the door and tell the little monsters to take one,” Andy shrugged. “Come on. You have to get out.”

  “I’m fine really. But, you should go and have fun.”

  “Alright, but the car will be here if you change your mind and decide to come.”

  I nodded my head in response as we got to our house.

  “I’m going to go grab a shower,” Andy said.

  I could’ve worked on the homework over the weekend, but I didn’t really want to go to the party. Jason was more than likely going to be there and I was avoiding him like the plague. I knew I needed to break up with him. I just didn’t want to have to hurt him again. I should have never agreed to get back together with him. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt Jason. Unfortunately for him, he got mixed up with me.

  Mom and I got take out for dinner. We were eating at the kitchen table.

  “You didn’t want to go to the party with Andy?” Mom asked me.

  “No, not really. I have a lot of homework to work on so I figured I’d get that done.”

  “That’s good. I’m glad you’re focusing on school. Your grades have to be great if you want to get into a good college and then into a good law school.”

  I forced myself to smile. “Right,” I agreed.

  “How are all of your classes going?” Mom asked.

  This was the first time we had talked about school since senior year started almost two months ago.

  “My classes are going good. I still have A’s in all of them. Soccer is going good too.”

  “Good, but remember Faith, be careful. I don’t want soccer to ruin the progress you’ve made with your knee. You don’t want that to get worse and have it follow you for the rest of your life.”

  “It’ll be fine mom. Coach is making sure I don’t go overboard. Besides, soccer season is practically half way over.”

  “Do you still plan on playing basketball in the winter?”

  “Yeah, I should be able to handle basketball and the play.”

  Mom looked at me questioningly. I forgot that I hadn’t mentioned the winter play to her yet.

  “The play?”

  “Yeah, I forgot to tell you. I decided to audition for the play. Mr. Bishop said I’ll probably get one of the leads.”

  “That’s a huge time commitment, Faith.”

  “I know. I’ll manage it.”

  “Faith, your grades are what’s most important. Theater was a good hobby for you to have but it’s time to get serious. Sports are fine because you could get a scholarship, but I really feel like theater is just a distraction you don’t need right now.”

  “Mom, I love theater. It’s not a distraction. Even in college I still want to be able to participate in theater.”

  “Faith, in college you’re not going to have time for theater. You have got to set your priorities straight!”

  “I could say the same for you!” It came out of my mouth before I could stop it.

  “Excuse me?”

  That was it. There was no going back now.

  “Mom, all you care about is dad. Do you really think you should be lecturing me about setting my priorities straight?”

  “That’s none of your concern…”

  “You and dad are none of my concern?” I was getting mad now. “Mom, I have to watch you drink over him. You get mad at Andy for wanting to go see him. This is definitely my concern.”

  “Faith! Let me remind you that you are the daughter and I am the mom!”

  “Then act like it!” I yelled, standing to my feet.

  Mom looked back at me in shock. I had never spoken to her like that before. I didn’t usually respond when we had arguments in the past. I tried to refrain from instigating things further. I think I was in shock too.

  Mom didn’t say anything back, which was surprising. She just got up and walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs, slamming her bedroom door shut.

  I couldn’t stay there tonight. Eventually she would respond to what I just yelled and we would get into an even bigger argument. I had to get out of the house. But where would I go? Should I go to Chandler’s? No, I didn’t even know if she was home. Not to mention I didn’t want her to know the problems I went through at home.

  I ran upstairs and grabbed my gym bag and threw a few items in. I texted the one person I knew would respond right away.

  Faith: Hey, Ri. I just got in a fight with mom. Are you doing anything?

  I received a response just a few short seconds later.

  Riley: Come on over girl!

  When I got to Riley’s house, her parents were out. Riley’s parents made it a point to have a date night at least once every two weeks.

  I had a key to Riley’s house for when I would dog sit for them when they went away. I usually just let myself in.

  “Riley?” I called as I entered.

  “On my way down,” she yelled.

  When she got downstairs it was clear that we were going somewhere.

  “What are you all dressed up for?” I asked.

  “Drew’s Halloween party! You and I are going.”

  “Since when?”

  “Since now. Come on, Faith. It’ll be fun.”

  “Fun for who?”

  “Faith, don’t be such a bore. Jason will be there.”

  That was exactly what I was afraid of.

  “We’re going and that’s final.”

  I sighed in defeat. Once Riley set her sights on something she wanted, there was no talking her out of it. I guess I was going to the party after all.

  There were a lot of people at Drew’s house. Riley and I had been there for twenty minutes and I still hadn’t crossed paths with Jason. Maybe I’d get through the night without seeing him at all.

  “Want a drink?” Riley asked me.

  I thought about it for a moment. With mom’s problem I was always more cautious about drinking alcohol. I didn’t want it to become a problem for me. I would hate to lose control like that. I guess one wouldn’t hurt.

  “Sure,” I replied.

  Riley and I grabbed two cups of punch. It might have been the dumbest thing I had ever done, seeing as I had no idea what was in it.

  Whatever it was, it was definitely strong. That or I was just a lightweight, because after one glass I was already feeling its effects.

  After two more glasses, I was officially wasted. I lost Riley after Kelan showed up and the two went off to make out somewhere. I tried to find Andy but had no luck. It was no use. There were too many people at this party.

  “Faith?” I heard from behind me.

  I turned around and there she was. There were those eyes I loved so much.

  “Chandler!” I slurred. I probably sound like an idiot. Great.

  “Hey, I didn’t know you would be here,” Chandler said as she approached me.

  “Neither did I,” I smiled. “It was last minute. Riley wanted to come.”

  “I’m glad you did. I barely know anyone at this party. It feels good to see a familiar face.”

  “I’m glad you did too. Seriously, you have no idea how glad I am that you’re here.”

  Chandler looked at me oddly and then smirked as she narrowed her eyes at me. “Faith, are you drunk?”

  “No. Well, maybe a little bit. I’m not really sure. I don’t drink often, so I might just be buzzed.”

  “What did you have to drink?”

  “One, no maybe two glasses of the punch. Wait, it was definitely three. I’m sure of it.”

  “Oh, I heard the punch is deadly,” she cringed.

  “What!? Like meaning I might die from it?”

  She giggled at my reaction. I didn’t know why. I was seriously concerned here.

  “No, Faith. I just meant that it’s really strong.”

  “That it definitely is,” I smiled. I must have looked like such an idiot.

  “Hey, who drove here?”

  “Riley did. I left my car somewhere. Probably at her house.”

  “Okay, well how about we go get it tomorrow. What do you think about me taking you home with me?”

  “With you?” I questioned. “Like together?” I whispered the last part.

  Chandler blinked and smirked at me. “Yes, Faith. Like together. You can spend the night at my house so you don’t get busted.”

  “I mean spending the night at your house sounds amazing, but my mother probably wouldn’t even care if I came home drunk. She’d probably be proud.”

  “Somehow I doubt that Faith,” Chandler smiled as she put an arm around me to keep me steady. She smelled so good, like flowers and vanilla. “Come on Faith.”

  “You smell amazing,” I grinned. Did I seriously just say that out loud? Damn alcohol!

  “Thanks,” she smiled at me. I loved her smile so much. She was so kind and caring. I didn’t deserve such kindness from her. Especially after how I treated her on the first day of school.

  Chandler put me in the passenger side of her Jeep and put my seat belt on for me before closing the door and going around to the other side.

  She started the car and started driving out of the parking spot.

  “I’m sorry,” I said emotionally.

  “What are you sorry for now Faith?” she asked with a smile.

  “For everything. F
or the first day of school. For not sitting next to you in the lab even though I really wanted to. For getting drunk and ruining your night.”

  “Hey! First of all you already apologized for the first day and I said it was fine. We moved on from that. We’re friends now. And second, you actually saved me from that party. I was having a terrible time so I was glad you were there.”

  “You were?”

  “Of course, Faith. I love spending time with you. I’m really glad we’re friends, Faith.”

  “Yeah,” I replied distantly. “Friends.”

  She looked over at me oddly, but I dropped the conversation. This was not a conversation I should be having drunk. I wasn’t even sure if it was a conversation I wanted to have sober.

  We didn’t talk much the rest of the ride to her house. When we got there, I managed to get out of the car on my own and barely leaned on her as we walked up the front steps and into the house. It was quiet, so either her parents were out or they had already gone to bed.

  As soon as we got inside, Chandler helped me up to her room and laid me on her full sized bed.

  “I’ll grab you some of my clothes to sleep in.” Chandler started going through her drawers as I sat up in her bed.

  She handed me a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.


  “I’ll give you a few minutes to change,” she smiled. She grabbed her own pajamas and left the room, closing the door behind her.

  I changed into her clothes as quickly as I possibly could. I folded my clothes and put them on the floor next to the bed.

  A few minutes later, Chandler knocked on the door before coming in.

  “All set?” she asked.

  “Yeah, thanks again.”

  “No thanks necessary. You’d totally do the same for me.”

  I can without a doubt say that I actually would do the same for her.

  “So, do you want to tell me what tonight was all about?” she asked.

  “What do you mean?”

  “It’s not like I’m against drinking or anything. It’s just that you don’t seem like the type to lose control like that, ever. So, that leads me to believe that something was bothering you.”

  I sighed. It was amazing how much Chandler knew me already. “I got into an argument with my mom.”


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