I Like That About Her

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I Like That About Her Page 7

by Aleks Mitchell


  “School, basically. I think I’ve just been so angry at her recently that it all just came out at once. I yelled at her, which I never usually do, no matter how mad she makes me.”

  “Why have you been angry with her?”

  I looked into Chandler’s eyes and they were full of genuine concern. I wasn’t sure if I should tell her about my parents. About everything Andy and I had been through at home. But, I felt like I could trust her, no matter what. “My dad cheated on my mom. She drinks a lot. She always drank more than she should, but now it’s worse because of what my dad did to her.”

  “I’m sorry about your parents,” she replied. “That has to be really hard for you.”

  “It wouldn’t be so hard if she would just see that dad isn’t the only person in this world. Andy and I are here too. I feel like she feels like she’s all alone now, but we’re still there for her. I mean it makes it so that we can’t even talk about the things that we’re going through.”

  “You can talk about those things with me if you want,” she offered.

  I couldn’t though. Part of it was about her.

  “I’ve just been having a lot of confusing feelings. About Jason. About who I am and who I want to be. About school and what I’m majoring in. It just all seems to be happening at once.”

  “Not all of it has to be figured out right away, Faith. Just take it one problem at a time. Right now, what’s most important to you?”

  You. I looked into those eyes and said the first thing that came to mind. “You have really pretty eyes.”

  She smiled back at me, slowly. “You do too.”

  I shook my head. Mine were green, but there was something about her eyes that mesmerized me. “Yours are just so mesmerizing though. It’s funny how they seem to change too. Like in the morning they look more hazel and right now they look more light brown. They’re so pretty. You’re so pretty.”

  We both looked into each other’s eyes and just stayed like that for a moment. I could swear that our heads were moving closer and closer together, but before we could get any further, Chandler looked away.

  “We should get some sleep,” she smiled. “You are probably going to have one hell of a headache tomorrow.”

  “Ugh, don’t remind me.”

  After turning off the lights, Chandler pulled the comforter back so that we could both climb into the full sized bed. Sleeping next to Chandler was nerve-wracking, but there was no place I would rather be in that moment.

  After we were both lying down in the bed, Chandler pulled the comforter over the both of us, making sure I was tucked in. She was so gentle and caring.


  “Yeah, Faith?”

  I wanted to tell her everything. About how much I felt for her. But I just couldn’t. Not without knowing for sure that she felt the same way.

  “Goodnight,” I replied, lamely.

  “Goodnight, Faith.”

  Chapter 9

  When I woke up the next morning my head was pounding and I could swear I heard marching band music. No I could seriously hear music.

  I raised my head and saw Chandler standing at her window, looking out into the street.

  “Is that music?” I asked groggily.

  “Yeah,” Chandler smiled. “The homecoming parade is today.”

  “Ugh, I wish it would stop!”

  Chandler laughed.

  “This is so not funny. I have the worse headache ever!”

  “You shouldn’t have drunk the punch.”

  I glared at Chandler. She was enjoying this. I could tell.

  “We should go to the game,” Chandler said as she lied back down next to me in bed.

  “No thanks,” I said into the pillow. All I wanted was to stay in bed and sleep all day. I was never drinking again.

  “Come on! It’ll be fun! We can cheer Craig on.”

  “There will be enough people cheering Craig on.”

  “Please, this is my first homecoming in Burlington. Plus, it’s our last homecoming game of high school.”

  I couldn’t say no to that face. She looked so cute in the morning.

  “Fine, but I need coffee and a lot of it!”

  “That can be arranged. My mom makes the best coffee.”

  “Does she know I’m here?” I asked concerned.

  “Not yet. But, my parents won’t mind. Besides, they really like you.”

  “They do?” I was surprised. I hadn’t spent that much time around Chandler’s family, but I guess it must have been enough for them to actually like me.

  “Of course they do,” she smiled. “What’s not to like?”

  “If you didn’t already know, I could be kind of a bitch.”

  “Yes, I know. I like that about you, remember?”

  I smiled at her. My head was killing me, but waking up next to her, I couldn’t feel anything but happiness.

  .When Chandler and I got downstairs, the rest of her family was sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast.

  “Well, this is a surprise,” Jen said. She had a huge smile on her face.

  I smiled sheepishly. I was dressed in my skinny jeans from yesterday and a Hollister hoodie that I borrowed from Chandler.

  “Yeah, Faith was at that party last night and we decided on a last minute sleepover,” Chandler said.

  We both sat down at the table across from Curren who was pouring syrup all over his pancakes. More syrup than necessary.

  “Did you girls have fun?” Michael asked.

  “Yeah,” I replied. I was trying so hard to seem like I was perfectly fine, but I felt like complete crap. I just wanted to go home and sleep for the rest of the day. I had never felt more terrible in my life.

  Jen put down a giant glass of water and a banana in front of me. I looked up at her and she smiled down at me. “I figured you might need this,” she said.

  Chandler and Michael smiled at each other and then at me.

  “After that, have a pancake or two and it’ll cure your hangover right up,” she finished.

  I didn’t know what to say.

  “I’m a nurse,” she smiled. “I know a hangover when I see it.”

  “Sorry,” I apologized.

  “No need for apologies. You got a ride home with Chandler so you were responsible enough not to drive. That’s all I ask for.”

  Chandler’s parents were awesome. They always seemed so cool about everything. No wonder Chandler was so amazing.

  Jen sat down at the table across from Michael.

  “How long have you lived in Burlington?” Michael asked me.

  “My whole life.”

  “Any plans for after high school?” he continued.

  “That’s my dad’s way of making sure you’re going to college,” Chandler quipped.

  “Yeah, college and then probably law school if I get in.”

  “Unless she decides to do what she really wants,” Chandler said.

  “Which is?” Jen asked.

  I sighed and looked at Chandler pointedly.

  “I wanted to go into acting, but that’s probably not going to happen.”

  “Why not?” Jen asked.

  “Well, acting is hard to get into.”

  “Not if you work hard towards it,” Jen said.

  “If you want it enough, you’ll find a way,” Michael smiled.

  It was official. Chandler’s parents were the best.

  “You guys are so much cooler than my parents.”

  “They’re probably just worried about your future,” Jen said. “It’s understandable. But, sometimes your worry can cloud your judgement. You have to do things that are going to make you happy.”

  I smiled at Jen. I just wished I could take that advice so easily.

  After breakfast, Chandler and I went to the homecoming game. Andy was already there so we sat by him. I sat in between him and Chandler.

  “You alright sis?” Andy asked. “You look a little pale.”

“I’m fine, Andy.”

  I didn’t want him to know I was hungover. He would never let me live it down.

  “Are you sure about that? You kind of look like you might hurl.”

  “Andy! I said I was fine.”

  Andy looked me over and eyed me suspiciously. He started laughing.

  “You are so hungover right now!”

  “Andy, I am not in the mood.”

  “Of course not. You’re hungover!”

  Chandler giggled from beside me.

  “This isn’t funny,” I said to Chandler mockingly. “He is never going to let me forget this now.”

  “You bet I’m not!”

  The crowd cheered as BTHS scored a goal. Our team was really good this year. I wondered what they would do next year when Craig graduated. He was one of the best quarterbacks the school had ever had.

  “We should go out for pizza after the game,” Andy suggested. “It’s the best hangover cure Faith.”

  “I’m pretty sure that’s not true,” Chandler said.

  “Greasy pizza. No it’s totally true. Watch Faith. After one slice, you’ll feel a thousand times better.”

  Chandler smiled at me as she shook her head.

  “I still say that’s not true, but pizza does sound good right now,” Chandler said. “I’m down.”

  “Alright! What do you say Faith?”

  “Sure. Sounds good.”

  Andy smirked and moved in closer to me.

  “So, are you two a thing yet?” Andy whispered.

  I hit Andy’s side with my elbow.

  “Shut up Andy!” I whispered angrily.

  “You two okay?” Chandler asked.

  “Yeah, we’re fine,” I smiled.

  Chandler turned her attention back to the game and I glared at Andy who was giggling quietly. He definitely wasn’t helping the situation. At least I knew that no matter what I was, Andy would be accepting of it.

  After the game, Chandler drove Andy and me to Riley’s house to get the car. We drove to De Lorenzo’s to get pizza.

  We were sitting in a booth together. Chandler and I were sitting on one side across from Andy. We had already ordered a plain pizza and fries.

  “That was a really good game,” Chandler said. “Craig is amazing.”

  “Yeah, he’s a beast,” Andy commented. “I would never want to have to go against him.”

  “Our team in LA was terrible. Our quarterback sucked!”

  “I didn’t know you were that into football,” I commented.

  “Oh, yeah. I’m a huge fan! I play really well too.”

  “You play football?” I questioned.

  “Yeah! You should see me play flag football. I’m amazing.”

  She didn’t have to convince me. I already thought she was amazing.

  “Flag football isn’t the same as regular football,” Andy commented.

  “Is too,” Chandler challenged. “You just don’t have to tackle each other to the ground so there are less chances of getting a concussion.”

  “I’m sorry, but no,” Andy said as he shook his head defiantly.

  I could tell he was joking. He always liked to instigate people to irritate them.

  “You don’t even play football, Cahill,” Chandler mocked.

  “Excuse me, but I actually do play football. In some countries, soccer is football!”

  Chandler laughed at Andy’s comment.

  I smiled. It was nice watching two of my favorite people joking around with each other. It was making me more and more motivated to tell Chandler how I felt about her. I just hoped it wouldn’t ruin our new found friendship. The last thing I wanted was to lose her.

  I couldn’t lose her.

  On the way home, Andy was quiet. He seemed like he wanted to say something, he just wasn’t sure if he should.

  “What is it?” I asked knowingly.

  “What do you mean?” Andy looked at me quickly and then back at the road.

  “You want to say something, so say it.”

  “I’m just driving Faith. Maybe you’re just projecting your emotions onto me.”

  “Andy, I know you. So, just say whatever it is that’s on your mind.”

  “Fine,” he gave in. “I just think that it’s nice to see you so happy.”

  I smiled at his statement.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you as happy as you are whenever Chandler is around. You definitely like her. I can tell. I don’t think it’s one sided either. She likes you too.”

  “But, I don’t know that for sure.”

  “There’s only one way to find out. You have to tell Chandler how you feel.”

  “What if it ruins our friendship?”

  “What if it makes you more than friends? You can what if this to death, but what ifs don’t really matter. What matters is the truth.”

  “But what if I don’t know the truth yet. I could just be confused.”

  “I don’t think you’re confused Faith. Deep down you know. I don’t think you’d be questioning it so much if it weren’t true.”

  He was right. Something definitely felt different with Chandler. It wasn’t like when I was with Jason. I couldn’t see a future with Jason, but I could see a future with Chandler and I wanted her in my future, more than I’d ever wanted anything before.

  Chapter 10

  Coach Peters seemed to be in a bad mood again on Monday. She was really pushing us harder than usual. Practice was only half way done and I was already exhausted.

  We were playing a practice game against each other. So far, I wasn’t playing my best. Riley passed me the ball and I kicked it towards the goal, but our goalie blocked it without any effort.

  “Cahill,” Coach Peters yelled. “What’s going on with you? You should have easily made that. Is that how you’re going to play on Saturday?”

  “No,” I answered, a bit of an edge to my voice. Coach was really starting to piss me off.

  “Then why would you play like that here? Ladies, just because this is a practice game that doesn’t mean you get to slack off. Let’s try that again!”

  I ran back towards the goal, waiting for the ball to get passed back to our side.

  “Coach is seriously pissed off today,” Riley commented.

  “She’s being a total bitch,” I responded.

  “Seriously and you’re her favorite. She usually treats you better than all of us.”

  The ball got passed to Sarah, one of the other forwards. Sarah passed it to me and I dribbled it down the court, closer to the goal. I had a clear shot, but when I went to shoot the ball, one of my teammates crossed my path in an attempt to block the ball. The ball made it to the goal, but I tripped over the other girl and landed right on my bad knee.

  “Crap!” I cried. As soon as I landed, I sat back and held onto my knee. I couldn’t damage my knee again. It took me so long to get back to where I was.

  “Faith, are you okay?” Riley asked as she jogged over to me.

  “I don’t know,” I answered honestly. I wasn’t sure. All I knew was that I was scared.

  “Cahill, you okay?” Coach Peters asked as she approached us. She sounded a lot nicer than earlier.

  “I think so. I think it’s just sore. It should be fine.”

  “I am so sorry,” Lena said. Lena was the girl that tripped me. Technically she didn’t mean to do it, but I still didn’t like her very much in that moment.

  “It’s fine. I think it’s nothing.”

  “Just to be safe, you’re done for the day,” Coach Peters said.

  “Coach, I’m fine.”

  “I’d like to make sure of that. It’s just practice. Better safe than sorry.”

  I sighed. “Fine.”

  “Go home and take it easy. Try getting some ice on it too.”

  “I will,” I replied as Riley helped me up.

  “Want me to go with you?” Riley asked.

  “No, thanks. I’m fine. You should stay and practice.”

ight, I’ll text you later to see how you’re doing.”

  I walked back to the locker room. As soon as I was away from the team, I started crying. I couldn’t help it. I felt like I was reliving what happened to my knee. I know it was just soccer, but I needed it in my life right now.

  After I grabbed my stuff from the locker room, I headed to the library to see if Chandler was there. Though, I knew she would be. She stayed after practically every day.

  “Hey,” I said as I sat down across from her at the table she was sitting at.

  She looked up at me, clearly surprised to see me. “Hey, you’re done early.”

  “Yeah, coach let me leave early. I was tired.” I didn’t want to tell her about the fall. I was kind of embarrassed about it and about how I reacted.

  “That was nice of her. She must be in a good mood.”

  Actually, no. She was in a terrible mood. I was just being a baby.

  “Yeah, so what are you working on?”

  “Chemistry homework. FYI the homework is harder than the lab. It’s taking forever to finish these equations.”

  “We could always get Anthony to do them for us,” I joked.

  Chandler gave me an incredulous look. “No way! We’d never hear the end of it from him.”

  I smiled at the face she was making. How was it possible for someone to be so cute?

  “Hey, want to go try to finish up our project?” she asked. “My parents aren’t home and Curren is at a friend’s house.”

  “Sure,” I responded right away. I would take any chance to spend more time with her. Even if that meant working on our debate project. “Andy has the keys so I’ll just text him that I’m getting a ride with you.”

  “Perfect!” she smiled and started putting away her work.

  Yeah, she definitely was.

  “Luckily it seems like we have a lot of liberals in our class,” Chandler said as she sat on the floor of her living room. “I doubt any of them are going to disagree with our argument. Our bill should totally pass.”

  “I don’t know, Craig is probably going to go against us just for the sake of going against us,” I laughed as I sat down next to her on the floor.


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