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Page 5

by Missy Jane

  He stood panting for a second, watching her face for any sign of amusement, but her eyes remained closed. He bit back a laugh at her question.

  She isn’t sure?

  “Uh, yeah. Did you like it?”

  “Mmhmm. I’ve never tried it before, but now I wish I had.”

  He tried to keep the frown off his face at the thought of her trying new positions with anyone other than him, but she wasn’t watching as he slowly stepped away. He discarded the condom in the kitchen trash then returned to gently lift her from the table. She sighed as she lazily draped her arms around his neck and he kissed the top of her head.

  “What other positions are you curious about?” he asked.

  She opened her eyes and looked up at him, but he couldn’t read the expression on her face. She shrugged and closed her eyes again, and he thought she wouldn’t answer.

  “All of them I guess. I’ve never really experimented before.”

  Her response was muffled by her face being buried in his chest, but he heard her hesitation well enough.

  “Grab those condoms and I’ll see what I can do to change that.”

  She glanced up at him with uncertainty on her face, but she quickly looked away and grabbed the box of condoms. He decided not to make her feel any more uneasy by talking about it and instead took her into the bedroom for an afternoon of pleasure and exploration.

  I want to show you everything.

  * * * * *

  Sunday passed in a blur as Sol taught Darina more about her body than she’d ever thought possible. He quickly learned her likes and dislikes and used his knowledge mercilessly, making her come over and over until she lay exhausted in her tangled sheets. That evening, he carried her to the bathtub, washed her body from head to toe, and then dried her gently while she lay in satiated bliss. She watched as he dried his own body, standing at the foot of her bed. He kept his back to her, but she certainly couldn’t complain about the view.

  The man is yummy from any angle.

  “Will you be going in at your usual time tomorrow?”

  She started at the unexpected sound of his voice and realized she’d begun to doze off. She cleared her throat to answer.

  “Most likely. I don’t have anything until nine, but I usually try to get an early start on Mondays.”

  He still faced away, so she couldn’t read his expression. Dread filled her as she realized the inevitable conversation was officially underway. She’d hoped for at least a full week of fantasy before the reality of life intruded. This would be a short week for her since her week-long vacation started on Friday. Originally, she would’ve married Marc on Saturday and headed to their honeymoon in Jamaica. She’d decided not to change her vacation, knowing she’d be depressed on that date anyway.

  “Don’t you go on vacation this week?” he asked, finally turning to face her.

  For a moment she was distracted by his body. He remained still as her eyes traveled down his torso, and she unconsciously licked her lips before remembering his question. When she looked up, the desire in his eyes was unmistakable and her body reacted in the next heartbeat. Her nipples hardened and moisture pooled between her thighs. All thoughts of conversation fled.


  He chuckled, a deep masculine sound that made her whimper. He climbed onto the bed and crawled toward her, his beautiful cock swinging heavily between his strong thighs. She licked her lips again and he growled.

  “Kitten, I’m trying to have a conversation here. But if you keep licking those perfect lips, I’m going to devour them and we won’t be able to speak again until morning.”

  She sighed and welcomed him into her open arms.

  I don’t want to talk about this.

  He lay on top of the covers while she remained beneath them. Even through the cloth she could feel his hardness pressing between her thighs. He rested his elbows on either side of her head, looking down into her eyes as he threaded his fingers through her damp hair. She decided to get the conversation over with.

  “Yes, my vacation begins on Friday. How did you know?”

  “You told me a couple of weeks ago. Don’t you remember?”

  A twinge of embarrassment shot through her. “I’m sorry, I guess I forgot.”

  She tried to turn her face away but he captured it between his hands.

  “What, kitten? What’s wrong?”

  She looked into his eyes and tried to think of what to say. What wouldn’t reveal too much to this man who was virtually a stranger?

  “Nothing. It’s just…I was thinking I should’ve rescheduled.”

  He grinned but there was no real humor in his expression.

  “Liar. We might barely know each other but I can still read your face. Tell me what you’re thinking. You don’t have to be wary of me.”

  Though his words were spoken gently, for a moment anger surged through her and she considered pushing him away.

  She tried to feed the anger his words initially sparked, but it died a quick death. Not only was he absolutely right, he deserved better from her. He’d just given her a weekend of the best sex of her life and taken such good care of her. The least she could do in return was tell him the truth. She took a deep breath and felt unexpected tears sting her eyes. She tried to turn away again and this time he let her. She closed her eyes as he began to nibble on her ear.

  “I’m going to be alone for a week,” she whispered.

  It seemed so much easier to say it with her eyes closed, hiding in the false darkness. He stilled for a moment before his lips moved down to her jaw. He kissed the corner of her mouth, using his lips to encourage her to face him again.

  “You don’t have to be,” he whispered against her skin.

  She opened her eyes slowly, the tears breaking free and sliding down her face. He kissed one side then the other, over the trail of her tears.

  “What are you saying?”

  “I can take my vacation anytime I wish. We’re almost overstaffed and I have two weeks to get rid of, with no plans for them as of yet.”

  “You would take your vacation to be with me?”

  Her heart sped up as a ridiculous surge of fear gripped her. Sol tightened his hold on her head.

  “Hey, it’s just one option. If you don’t want me to I won’t. I’m not going to become your stalker.”

  The relaxed expression on his face added merit to the truth of his words. She took his grin at face value and slowly smiled back. Besides, there were much worse ways of spending her vacation than having sex. She thought it over for a moment.

  “You’re certain you can give such short notice?”

  “Positive. Of course once you’ve spent an entire week with me, you might become addicted. I can be quite alluring.”

  He wiggled his eyebrows and she laughed breathlessly under his weight.

  “So long as you don’t get sick of me.”

  She tried to make it sound like a joke but feared she couldn’t hide the doubt from her eyes. They might not be a couple, but she really wanted to spend time with him. Maybe then he would decide to stick around for more than just great sex. She mentally shook her head at the thought.

  It’s still too soon for another relationship.

  She didn’t want this to be a rebound thing between them. That would ensure failure even if it didn’t happen right away. Sol deserved better than that. Everything he’d shown her so far told her he was a good man.

  “I promise no one will care if I take vacation next week and there’s no way in hell I could get sick of you. It took ten months to get you right where I want you.”

  She laughed and shook her head, then sighed contentedly as the amusement in his eyes turned to something deeper and more intimate. He pushed his lower body against hers and his hardness rubbed enticingly. His kisses gentled her while he rubbed his fingers along the sides of her face.

  “I can go in late tomorrow. Do you mind if I stay the night again?” he asked against her lips.

lease do.”

  Sol groaned as he fought to go slow in his latest seduction. He expected her to be sore after the past forty-eight hours. He certainly was, but even being at death’s door wouldn’t keep him from pleasing her as often as she allowed. His heart felt full to bursting knowing he would be spending the next week with her. He had the perfect trip in mind and already planned on spending his lunch break finalizing it.

  I don’t think one week will be enough to get my fill.

  He stood long enough to peel the covers back and then lay down beside her. He took his time and savored the taste of her skin as he worshipped her body. He pressed small kisses into the path traversed by his massaging fingers. She moaned beneath him, wiggling as he tickled her belly with his heated breath. He nipped at her skin until she tugged on his hair, pulling him back to her mouth.

  “You taste so good. I don’t think I’ll ever get enough.”

  She stilled and he cursed himself silently for saying that.

  Keep it light and temporary, dumbass. You don’t get to keep her.

  Rather than saying anything else to make her cringe, he showed her with his body exactly how much he wanted her. When they were both sated and exhausted, he curled around her warm body and rubbed his hand over her belly until she fell asleep. He couldn’t quiet his mind enough to follow her, as he tried to think of a way out of this mess. How could he show her how much he wanted to keep her?

  I have so little to offer, should I even try?

  * * * * *

  The week passed in a blur as Darina kept busy as far away from Marc as possible. Every evening she worked late enough to follow Sol home. He would make a delicious dinner then pleasure her long into the night. It was easy enough for her to rise early and stop home for a quick shower before making her way in to work. Sol protested the first night, wanting to sleep at her place, but she’d insisted.

  Thursday evening finally arrived and she rode the elevator to the lobby alone, having decided to get some work done as she waited for Sol. She smiled to herself as she remembered Monday morning. He lay in her bed, watching her dress for work and giving his opinion on every article of clothing she donned from her panties to her shoes. It was the most intimate moment they had shared yet, even after having tasted and touched every inch of each other’s skin.

  I’m becoming addicted to him.

  The memory made her blush and she pressed her hands to her heated cheeks as the doors opened to allow someone on from the third floor. She kept her eyes downcast as she fought to control her thoughts.

  “Darina? Sweetheart, are you all right?”

  Her breath caught in her throat as the familiar voice washed over her. Months had passed since he’d spoken such an endearment, but she knew Marc’s voice as well as her own. It wasn’t a deep, sexy timbre like Sol’s, but it held a hint of concern that threw her off guard. She dropped her hands and looked up to find Marc studying her. She cleared her throat and straightened her shoulders.

  “I’m fine, Marc.”

  “You don’t look fine. What’s wrong, sweetheart? You know you can still tell me anything.”

  You’ve got to be kidding me.

  She looked at him and hoped her face conveyed her astonishment at that ridiculous statement. She’d successfully avoided him all week. Were a few more minutes too much to ask?

  “I said I’m fine, Marc. And even if I’m not, my state of being is no longer any of your concern.”

  He looked surprised by the venom in her voice and even took a step back.

  “I’m sorry. I can’t help it if I haven’t forgotten our two years together. I still care about you.”

  She snorted and crossed her arms over her chest. Right.

  “Funny how you show it. Humiliating me in front of all our coworkers and parading around with the boss’s daughter. Tell me something, did you already have her ring picked out while you were still whispering promises in my ear?”

  He blushed a deep crimson and telltale signs of anger crept over his normally calm façade. His fists balled at his sides and he moved as if to take a step in her direction. Suddenly a hand slapped down on his shoulder, pinning him in place.

  “Mr. Powell, Miss Wellington is looking for you. She’s been waiting in the foyer for nearly fifteen minutes.”

  Marc froze and Darina watched his anger turn into annoyance. She couldn’t believe Sol had actually put his hands on Marc. He had to know what a chance he was taking with his job. Sol dropped his hand but didn’t back away until Marc turned around. She couldn’t see their faces, but it took a moment for both men to step off the elevator. She walked out briskly and headed straight for the security desk to turn in her temporary badge, somehow making it despite her trembling knees. Heather stood there watching the scene unfold with a frown on her face. It was obvious Darina and Marc had vacated the same elevator. Darina wondered how long the doors had stood open as she remained distracted by Marc’s misplaced concern. She hadn’t even felt it move from the third floor.

  “Marc? Marc, darling, is everything all right?”

  Darina ignored Heather as best she could while signing out on the security log. A warm presence at her back and Sol’s masculine scent calmed her racing pulse.

  “Are you okay? Did he touch you?”

  The anger in his question sent chills down her spine. Luckily his voice was low enough to reach no farther than her ears. She suppressed the urge to shiver as she turned to face him.

  “No, he didn’t. I’m fine,” she whispered.

  From the corner of her eye she noticed Heather fussing at Marc, her anger still coming across despite her hushed voice. Marc looked over at Darina and Heather grabbed his arm. Sol took a step closer, blocking her view of them.

  “Darina? Darina, is that guard bothering you?” Both Sol and Darina turned to scowl at Marc. He was walking toward them, despite Heather holding on to his arm in an attempt to pull him away. “You there, what’s your name? You had no business on that elevator. I want to know your and your supervisor’s name right now.”

  Darina’s eyes widened and she reflexively put her hand on Sol’s arm. The look on Marc’s face instantly told her the move was a mistake. Jealousy and anger flashed in his gaze and it completely threw her off guard.

  “Sol, perhaps you should go back behind the desk—”

  “No, Darina. It’s all right. I did nothing wrong.”

  “What the hell is going on? You two seem awfully familiar with each other,” Marc said angrily.

  Darina looked from him to Sol then finally at Heather. The absurdity of his statement almost made her laugh, but suddenly she was too pissed off.

  Hypocritical asshole.

  “What the hell does is matter, Marc? It’s not as if you can say a damn thing about office relationships,” she blurted.

  Marc and Heather gaped at her sudden outburst, but she also noted Sol’s look of pride. It warmed her and gave her the courage to lift her chin and give Marc the most defiant look she could muster. He stopped walking toward them and suddenly seemed to notice Heather hanging on his arm.

  “Um, I just wanted to make sure you were all right. This man hasn’t worked here very long.”

  Heather dropped her hand from his arm and huffed out angrily.

  “I’ve been here nearly eleven months, Mr. Powell,” Sol answered.

  He appeared more relaxed and Darina breathed easier.

  “Yes, Marc. He’s proven to be a trustworthy security guard. What’s the issue?” Heather asked.

  The ire in her voice seemed to get Marc’s attention better than anything else and he visibly paled.

  “Nothing, sweetheart. Nothing at all. Ready to go?”

  Darina watched carelessly as he wrapped an arm around Heather’s shoulders and guided her to the front door.

  Was it only a week ago that same sight turned me into a weeping mess of self-pity?

  Now she only felt relief as Heather pulled him out the door, and hopefully out of her life for good. Marc obviousl
y hadn’t been meant for her. She was suddenly grateful for discovering that before it was too late.

  Sol moved away from her and she turned to watch him step behind the security desk. He shuffled through some paperwork without saying a word. It was after five and he was supposed to accompany her home. The plan was for him to stay at her house tonight since he had to work for a few hours the next morning. She watched as he slowly finished up his tasks for the day, almost seeming reluctant to leave with her. A surge of panic and overwhelming dread threatened to burst her calm.

  Everything’s fine. He just has some things to finish.

  “Sol? Are you almost done?”

  Her quiet voice held a hint of uncertainty that twisted his guts. He didn’t want her to be upset because of him. Bad enough that asshole Marc was playing around with her emotions, he sure as hell wouldn’t stoop so low. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly before turning to face her.

  “Yeah. Just give me a second to brief Andy and I’ll walk you out.”

  They’d spent the past three days acting as if he only walked her to her car on his way out. He then led her to his house, each in their own vehicle. Office gossip was terrible at the firm, and Darina worried about Sol losing his job. He’d assured her it wouldn’t be a problem. His supervisor liked him and Sol took his job very seriously. He felt confident an office fling wouldn’t mar his perfect record.

  He finished up with Andy quickly and headed to the front doors where she stood looking out the glass with her back to him. He slowed down to admire the perfect view as long as possible before reaching her.

  How did I get so damn lucky?

  Placing a hand at her lower back, he nudged her forward, ignoring the glance she shot over her shoulder. He was afraid if he looked into her cocoa eyes he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from pulling her into a kiss. His supervisor would overlook a lot of things, but kissing in the foyer wasn’t one of them.

  They stepped into the night air and walked to their cars in silence. Sol tried to fight the possessive jealousy still lingering from the episode on the elevator. Unfortunately he couldn’t get the image of Darina backed into a corner of the elevator, Marc standing angrily in front of her, from his mind. He’d known she was on that elevator when he watched Marc step onto it from the third floor. Before he could even think about it, he was walking around the desk and heading for the door. He knew exactly how long it would take to reach the ground floor. The moment the doors opened he searched for her, almost afraid of what he would find.


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