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WinterTail Page 2

by Theodora Lane

  She snatched up her lunch kit, marched to the door and pulled it open. The bell jangled as she closed it behind her, locked it, and started toward the park.

  Today, she would be brave.

  Her heart beat in her chest in a steady rhythm as she crossed the parking lot. It didn't change until she stood on the curb waiting for the light to change and the walking man to turn from red to white signaling she could cross.

  With her first step into the street, her heart came to life and sped up, pounding faster with each step toward the park and her bench. And him.

  She had to be out of her mind. What would she say to him? What did she imagine would happen? They'd look into each other's eyes and fall in love?

  Sure, it could happen that way. Mattie believed in love at first sight, although she'd never experienced it. Not to say she hadn't had her share of relationships, but she just never felt that zing, the striking of Cupid's arrow into her heart.

  Of course, her heart was well protected from any sort of arrow, especially Cupid's.

  It could happen.

  Would they kiss? Chat and laugh? Or find out there was nothing at all between them? Or worse, everything in the world between them, like he had a wife and kids. Or a girlfriend. What about a boyfriend?

  She stepped onto the curb and made her way down the winding path leading to her bench in the shade of the oak.

  Daring to peek at the bench opposite, her heart jerked like a safety belt in an accident, nearly pinning her to the spot.

  He was there.


  Stupid. He's just sitting on the same bench he's sat on ever since you started coming here for lunch.

  The path forked. One way led to safety and her bench. The other led to the unknown.

  Mattie paused, unsure what to do. She glanced over at him, but he sat there, eyes closed, face tilted upward, hands in his lap. If he would just open his eyes and give her a sign, she'd know which way to go.

  Open your eyes!

  Open them!


  She sighed.

  His head lowered, his shoulders relaxed, he opened his eyes and gazed at her.

  All the moisture in her mouth evaporated. She clutched the strap of her lunch kit so tightly her nails dug into her palm.

  "Good afternoon," he said. His rich, deep yet melodious voice, with just a touch of an accent, made her pussy clench as it washed over her. "I was hoping you'd come today."

  "Hi." Wow. Uh, that was smooth. Not. Could she be any more klutzy?

  Mattie cleared her throat. "May I sit?" She indicated the bench with her lunch kit.

  "Of course." He patted the bench.

  She stood there for a moment more, until her feet, frozen as if in blocks of ice, came free and she moved to the bench, sat, and put her kit on her lap.

  "It's a beautiful day," he said, "but winter is coming and soon there'll be fewer and fewer warm days."

  "Yes!" She grinned. "I love the winter."

  "Do you?" His gaze met hers, and she realized she had been right. He had eyes like dark chocolate. "I'm more partial to summer."

  "No wonder you sit in the sun." She laughed.

  "And you in the shade." He smiled and those little crinkles at the corner of his eyes made her heart beat faster. So far everything about him that she'd guessed was right. Could he be more perfect?

  "My name is Matilda Nordstrom, but everyone calls me Mattie." She extended her hand for him to shake.

  "I am Tsang Zhou." He took her hand in his, then placed his other over it, capturing it. The heat from his skin warmed her, spreading up her arm through her body, and straight to her core.

  Mattie's nipples tightened to stiff points and not even her bra could hide them. She ached with wanting this man and it seeped from her, dampening her panties.

  Tsang's nostrils flared and he held her hand tighter. "Mattie, I've been trying to gather my bravery to speak to you."

  "So have I!" Mattie laughed. "Ever since I first saw you sitting there, basking in the sun, I wanted to sit and talk to you."

  "So we are here, sitting together at last." His smile brightened her world, bringing heat to her body.

  "Yes." Mattie didn't know what to say, terrified the conversation would end and they'd have nothing else to say to each other. It would die before it even got a chance to start. "I work across the street—Nordstrom Insurance." She pointed to the strip mall.

  "You own the company?" he asked, one black eyebrow arching.

  "Yes. When I moved here, I opened it."

  "Where were you living?"

  "Up north." She shrugged. "The economy was so hard hit, I had to find someplace that wasn't so damaged. Houston and Texas are pretty strong, economically speaking. How about you? Been in Houston long?"

  "For the last five years."

  "You speak English very well. Did you learn it in…China?" she guessed.

  "Thank you. Yes, in China. I, too, came here for the economy."

  "What business are you in?" She had wondered, since he seemed to spend most of the day sitting in the park.

  "Importing. Mostly over the internet."

  "That makes sense."

  "Does it?" His eyebrow arched again. She liked the way it made him look…sort of tender, yet still masculine.

  "Well, you spend a lot of time sitting here, and if you had a job in an office, you couldn't do that, could you?"

  "What if I owned the office? I could come and go as I please?" He smiled at her. He still hadn't let go of her hand, but had been moving his thumb over the back of it in soothing circles.

  "Do you? Own the office? Come and go as you please?" This time, Mattie teased.

  "I am the only employee, and since most of my clientele do not reside in Houston, I do my work via the internet. I allow myself almost too much free time, I'm afraid." He chuckled.

  They gazed into each other's eyes, until Mattie remembered she'd come there to eat her lunch. She removed her hand from his and opened her lunch kit.

  "I'm having sushi today. Do you like it?" She took out a piece of sashimi and popped it into her mouth.

  "I'm not that fond of seafood, but I have had it."

  "Are you a vegetarian?"

  "Oh no, I enjoy meat in small amounts."

  "I never see you eat your lunch. Do you eat before or after you come to the park?"

  "I take a small meal before and another small meal after."

  The conversation lagged, and Mattie ate another piece of sushi. For a while, they just sat side by side on the bench, enjoying the day, as Mattie ate her lunch.

  "Would you have dinner with me?" Tsang asked, breaking the silence.

  "Dinner?" She grinned. "I'd love to." She returned all her trash to the kit, closed it, and put it on the bench next to her. She checked her watch for the time.

  "This Friday, perhaps? If you're free?" He looked into her eyes, and her clit throbbed.

  "Friday is fine. I'm free." She almost added, "And easy," but she wasn't sure how he'd take the joke or if he'd even know it.

  Mattie picked up her lunch kit and stood. "It was lovely to finally meet you, Tsang. I look forward to Friday. Do you have a cell phone? I'll give you my number and you can call to let me know the details."

  "I do have a cell phone." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a state-of-the-art phone and with a few touches he'd entered her number and name. "I will call you tomorrow."

  "Great! Talk to you then." She gave him a last wave and headed back to her office. This time, her heart beat to a new tune, a thumping dance number that threatened to take over her feet as she crossed the street.

  Could this be any more perfect?

  Chapter Four

  Tsang sat on his couch and pulled out his phone. After scrolling through the few numbers there, he found hers. Mattie. His finger hovered over her name.

  Had he made a mistake? It was just dinner after all. He hadn't had dinner with a woman in years, if he didn't count business associates. If
he counted those dinners he'd hoped would turn into more…well, then it would be a very, very long time.

  If he really wanted to be with her, he'd press the button. Time wasn't on his side, not with the weather changing. Soon, he'd be unable to leave his house and his chance would pass.

  He tapped the button.

  Her phone rang.


  Her soft voice sent a shiver of desire through his body, straight to his cock.

  "Mattie? It's Tsang. We met at the park."

  "I remember." Her voice fell into a deeper pitch, calling to him.

  "I'm calling about dinner. Are you still free tomorrow evening?"

  "Yes. I'd love to have dinner with you. What did you have planned?" she asked.

  He could picture her, the phone held to her head, perhaps twirling her blonde hair around her delicate finger.

  "There is a wonderful Indian restaurant on Bellaire. Song of Bombay. Do you know it?" It was a safe choice, as long as she liked Indian.

  "It sounds great. I've never been, but I love Indian."

  So far so good. "Shall I pick you up?" he asked. He hated driving and rarely took his car out of the garage, but for her, he'd do it.

  "Why don't we meet there?" she suggested. "Do you mind?"

  For a moment, he was relieved, then thought perhaps she didn't trust him. No, she was being safe. She didn't know him and this was Houston.

  "That's fine. Say at seven?" He'd drive there anyway. "Do you need the address?"

  "No, if it's on Bellaire, I'm sure I'll find it. See you at seven."

  He almost hung up. "Shall I see you tomorrow at lunch?"

  "No, not tomorrow. I have to attend a meeting for work." She did sound disappointed, so that was a good sign, wasn't it?

  "My loss."

  Their conversation halted. He didn't want to say goodbye, but had no idea what to say to continue.

  "Tomorrow night, then. Good night, Mattie."

  "Goodnight, Tsang." She hung up.

  Tsang sat back and exhaled. He'd been holding his breath, and it gusted from his lungs, through his nostrils, leaving traces of vapor in the air. He'd have to be careful about that. If she knew what he truly was, she'd bolt, like a frightened deer.

  Tsang stood and checked the thermostat on his heating system. A perfect seventy-eight degrees. Nothing would make him feel better than a hot bath. He went to his bedroom, undressed, and naked, padded into the renovated bathroom.

  He'd had a hot tub installed in the bathroom, large enough for him to stretch out in while he soaked, and with his blood hot for Mattie, he needed it.

  Tsang turned on the jets, set the temperature for one hundred and three degrees, and then brushed his teeth. When he was done, he slipped into the bath, settling on one of the long benches, and rested his head against the edge of the tub.

  The hot water bubbled around him, soaking away his anxiety about the date, and as the jets of heated water pulsed against his genitals, he became aroused.

  His half-hard cock bobbed in the churning water, and he reached for the soap. After working it in his hands to a lather, he stroked himself, feeling the hardness of his member and the slick slip of the suds.

  If only she were here with him. If only it was her hand, her mouth, on his cock, sucking, pulling, pumping. He closed his eyes, groaned, and let the sensations carry him higher.

  Not as high as if she were truly here touching him, but more than enough to find release. He stroked, his hips thrusting in the water, making waves that threatened to spill over the side of the tub.

  If she would ride him, they could make the water spill. Make her come so hard, he'd come at the feel of her contracting around his shaft.

  "Mattie!" he cried out as he jetted, the strings falling into the water, making little ripples of their own.

  Done, Tsang sank back to enjoy the soak and shifted into his true form, but in a smaller version. Vapor blew from his large nostrils and his long tail draped over the edge of the tub, dripping water on the tile floor. With one of the five claws on his forefoot, he scratched at his belly scales, easing the itch of the dry air outside.


  Mattie danced around her house in her bra and panties. Ever since she'd gotten off the phone with Tsang, she'd been excited. What his deep voice did to her! Damn, her undies were soaking wet and he'd only spoken to her.

  She couldn't wait until their date. He would touch her and kiss her. And she'd let him. Why wait? It wasn't as if she were a blushing virgin. She knew what she wanted…and it was Tsang. She wanted him like a kid wants a bike for Christmas. Like a cat wants catnip. Tsang was her catnip.


  She laughed at her silliness.

  Mattie flopped backward onto her bed, her legs spread and her arms over her head. She pictured him on all fours over her, looking down on her as if he would devour her. He'd lick every inch of her.

  She ran her fingertips over her throat. Here. Trailed them between her breasts, where her nipples strained, taut and aching, protected from her touch by the thin lace of her bra.

  Lower, down the center of her belly, dipping into her navel, teasing around it, then to her neatly sculpted mound. She flicked the fleshy pads of her labia with her fingers, groaned, and realized she needed to come.

  And she needed it now.

  She rolled over to her nightstand, pulled open the drawer, and got out her vibrator. With a touch of her thumb, she turned it on. It hummed gently and just the sound, just the vibration of it in her hand, got her pussy dripping and clenching.

  Mattie teased the edge of her clit with the dildo, letting gentle vibrations course through her, building her need, until she moaned and sank the hard plastic deep between her folds.

  She rode it, two-handed, pressing hard to reach that spot deep inside—the one no man had ever touched—and felt the precious climb to ecstasy. She spread her legs wider, pumping into the vibrator, each thrust dragging her up that long, steep hill to the edge of madness.

  "Fuck me, Tsang!" she whimpered, and hit the switch for full power to catapult her over the edge.

  As her climax hit, she screamed his name, and a dozen hard contractions, one after the other, sent her over the cliff, until she pulled the vibrator away, gasping and spent.

  Mattie knew what she wanted…and it was Tsang. She'd have him in her bed, or she'd be in his bed, tomorrow before the evening was over. She swore an oath on it to all her Nordic ancestors.

  She needed to mate, and he was the one she chose.

  Chapter Five

  Tsang arrived at the restaurant, got a booth, and sat back to wait for Mattie. He'd wanted to be early, not keep her waiting, to put his best foot forward for her. He'd selected some of his business attire, black slacks and black sweater. The thick sweater kept him warm, without being obvious, but no matter how thick it was, he never broke a sweat.

  He kept his gaze on the entrance, except for the quick glances at his watch. But right at seven P.M., Mattie walked through the door. She searched the room, found him, and her face lit up.

  It sent a new kind of warmth shooting through his body, hardening his cock. She was pleased to see him, genuinely pleased. He hoped his smile would tell her the same.

  As she made her way to the booth, he slid out of the seat and stood to greet her. They sort of fumbled, he unsure if he should kiss her cheek, and she unsure if she should offer. At last, she laughed and kissed his cheek.

  Tsang touched the spot, feeling the cool burn of her lips on his skin, and had to fight his reaction to her as his balls tightened.

  "Did you have to wait long?" she asked, as she slid into the booth. She looked beautiful, long blonde hair hanging loose, a pretty pink sweater caressing her curves and black jeans with tiny jewels running down the legs in an intricate pattern. He'd never seen clothes like these on her before, and he liked the way it looked.


  For a moment, he wondered what her bra would look like…one of those fashion mod
el affairs, pink and lacy, or black and wicked? Either was fine with him, as long as he got the chance to take it off. To caress her full breasts—to suckle from nipples he knew would be perfect.

  "No. I arrived only ten minutes ago." He signaled for a waiter. "What do you want to drink? They have wine and a very good Indian beer."

  "Wine is fine." She bit her bottom lip. "I'm not a wine expert by any means, so whatever you select is fine with me."

  Tsang ordered a Pinot Grigio when the waiter arrived. He left them menus and disappeared.

  "You've been here before, so why don't you suggest something?" Mattie put down her menu. "I like most of the curries, but nothing too hot."

  "And I love the heat of the curry." Tsang chuckled. "I'm beginning to wonder if we aren't complete opposites." Now why had he said that? Did he really mean to warn her away or was it just nerves?

  "Well, they say opposites attract." Mattie put her hand on his and gave it a gentle squeeze. The waiter returned with two glasses of wine.

  Tsang's heart sped up. "And are you?"

  "Attracted? Of course, or I wouldn't be here." She took a sip of her wine. "Mmm." She licked her lips, and the play of her pink tongue over her lush lips mesmerized Tsang. "What about you?"

  Thank the ancestors, the table hid his crotch.

  He curled his fingers around her hand. "I find I am quite…taken with you." Their gazes met across the table and he could see the deepening of her irises, once icy blue, turning a deeper shade, almost navy.

  The waiter cleared his throat. "Do you know what you want?" He gave them a sly smile. He'd obviously seen what was going on between them, and Tsang felt heat creeping slowly up his face.

  Mattie giggled and shook her head.

  Tsang ordered—a goat curry for him, chicken tikka for her, rice, and okra and onions for their vegetable, all served with warm, fresh-baked bread. The waiter nodded and left.

  "Was that all right with you?" he asked. He wanted to please her.

  "Perfect." She smiled back at him.

  "You said you were from the north?"

  "Yes. Minnesota."

  "Was the economy the only reason you left?" he asked.

  For a second, a frown crossed her face, then she smiled. "I wanted to get away from my family. They thought I should live my life the same way all our family had."


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