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WinterTail Page 3

by Theodora Lane

  "And you disagreed?"

  She ran her fingertip around the lip of the glass of wine. "Yes. I never wanted that life." She shrugged. "I miss the cold, but I take vacations to Colorado over New Years and ski. Do you ski?"

  He wanted to ask her more, like what life had they chosen for her and why it had been so bad she'd fled rather than stay with her family.

  "Alas, I have never skied. I'm not fond of the cold and I fear I'd be useless in the snow." He chuckled, thinking he'd be next to dead if he found himself in snow. The thought of it sent a shiver through his body.

  She squeezed his hand. "You're shivering!" She laid her other hand on top of his and rubbed, warming his skin.

  "It's nothing. See, I told you I don't like the cold."

  "I'll bet that's why you came to Houston. I've never felt summers so hot! I hate it. You should see my electricity bill during August." She shivered, not from the cold, but the expense.

  He laughed. She was charming, sexy, and he wanted her. Every bone in his body wanted her to be his.

  "I can't deny I love the summer." He shrugged.

  The waiter arrived with their food. They ate, chatting about the city and their little neighborhood.

  "I'm surprised I haven't seen you in the park before," he said.

  "I only started going recently. Since the weather has grown cooler, I love to sit outside and enjoy it. And lately, I've been wanting to get out of the office to get some fresh air, I suppose." She glanced up at him from under her long brown eyelashes. "I'm glad I did."

  "So am I."

  "What? No other women come to sit in the park with you?" Her eyes sparkled as she teased him.

  "None as beautiful as you," he replied. He had no idea where this was coming from, but he found it easy to talk to her.

  She blushed, the pink of her pale cheeks deepening so prettily. Would her nipples deepen in color as he licked them? Would they pucker and stand up at his touch?

  He stared at her, amazed at it all. She was here with him, having dinner, and although he hadn't been with a woman in long years, he knew she wanted to be with him.

  "Where do you live?" she asked, as she pushed her plate away. The waiter hurried over and swept it away.

  Tsang motioned the waiter to take his plate also.

  "Dessert?" the waiter asked.

  "I'd love some rice pudding, if they have it," Mattie said quickly.

  "Two, please."

  The waiter nodded and left. Within a few moments, he brought them small bowls of the creamy rice pudding.

  "I live on the other side of the park, just a few blocks away. A small house, but it suits my needs. And you?" He cocked an eyebrow at her.

  "I'm a little farther away on the other side of bus terminal. My house is small, but quaint."

  "You live alone?" he asked.

  "Yes. And you?"


  "Good." She smiled and for a moment the look in her eyes was…predatory.

  "Why good?"

  She leaned forward and lowered her voice, as if to tell him a secret. "Because no matter whose house we go to tonight, it will be just us."

  The ancestors save him! His cock stiffened, pressing along the zipper of his slacks, and he had to bite back a low moan. She wanted him.

  He inhaled and knew it was true. Arousal rolled off her, thick, musky and delicious. Just like her pussy would be if he licked it. And he would lick it—he'd stroke it, play with it, and make her beg him to fuck her.

  "Yes. Just the two of us. Shall we go?"

  He signaled the waiter, who came over and placed the check on the table. Tsang put his credit card on top of it, and the waiter carried it away. He didn't check it. He didn't care what it said—he just wanted to pay the bill and leave. With Mattie.

  "Shall I follow you?" she asked.

  Damnation! He'd forgotten she'd driven her car to the restaurant.

  "Yes. If you'd feel more comfortable." The waiter returned with the slip for Tsang to sign. He added the tip, dashed off his signature, and handed it back.

  "Good. Let's get out of here." She stood, picked up her large purse, and waited until Tsang stood next to her. He took her elbow and guided her out of the restaurant.

  Once on the sidewalk, she said, "That's my car, the blue Camry."

  He pointed in the other direction. "Mine is the black SUV." It was a Mercedes, but he hated saying the name, thinking it sounded pretentious, but he did business with upscale clients and they expected it of him.

  "Got it. I'll follow you." He watched as Mattie walked away, then spun on her heels and ran back to him. She grabbed his sweater, fisting it in her hands, then rose on her toes to press her lips to his.

  Tsang gasped at the wonderful surprise of it, and she licked his open lips. He opened for her—he could no more resist than fly—as her tongue searched his mouth. Then she let him go, turned and ran to her car.

  Stunned, breathless and rock hard, Tsang stared after her. The headlights of her car came on.

  Tsang strode to his car, got in, and started it with a push of a button. When he pulled away, so did she, and followed him to his house.

  The entire time, Tsang's cock lay like a thick, heavy weight against his body and he knew, under the black slacks, he'd leaked his excitement.

  That kiss. She'd taken control, taken what she'd wanted from him in the moment, and he'd been so turned on he had to rub himself to ease his discomfort.

  By the ancestors, was this really going to happen? Were they really going to have sex?

  He wanted it, but he wanted more. Tsang knew once he'd had Mattie, she would be his, and he wasn't sure if he could taste her once and be done with her.

  She might be more than he could handle. She might be everything he'd craved.

  In fact, if he wasn't careful, she might lead him to his doom.

  Chapter Six

  Mattie's heart pounded in her chest. What had she been thinking when she went back and kissed Tsang? It was bold, it was impetuous, it wasn't like her at all, but she was quickly learning when it came to Tsang, he brought out something in her that had been missing for a long time.

  She wanted him, in the most carnal way possible. Every time he spoke, every time he looked at her or touched her, her body tightened, nerves on edge, pussy creaming.

  Like now. Her black lace panties were nearly soaked and in the close quarters of the car she could smell her arousal. Had he smelled it, too?

  She wanted him to know he turned her on.

  Well, if she had her way, he'd learn soon enough. She couldn't wait to get inside his house, get naked and have her way with him. Provided that's what he wanted.

  Maybe he'd only asked her over for an after-dinner coffee or tea?

  That would suck.

  That thought led to the vision of her going down on him, sucking his cock, lapping at his balls. Would he be hairy? Chinese men weren't supposed to have a lot of body hair. What about their nests and balls?

  She liked the idea of smooth, hairless balls. And a thick, not too long prick. One that could reach far enough inside her to push all her buttons, but not be uncomfortable. One that could stretch her, make her accommodate him, give her that delicious friction she needed.

  Tsang pulled into a driveway, and she parked behind him. Would he be shocked by her thoughts or delighted?

  For all she knew, he was thinking a nice hot cup of green tea would be the perfect ending to the night.

  Gods, she hoped not.

  She snatched up her purse and got out, locked the car, and trotted up to where Tsang stood next to his car.

  "This is my home." He gave her a brief nod, almost a bow, and she nodded back.

  "It's lovely."

  He led the way through a gate into an atrium with a stone garden.

  "This is beautiful. Do you rake the stones?"

  "Yes. When I need to." He opened the door and stepped to the side to let her pass.

  She crossed the threshold. Normally, she'd be ap
prehensive to go to a man's house, but something about the way Tsang made her feel when she was with him—wanted, desired, sexy, and above all, safe—wiped all fears away like her hand on a foggy mirror.

  He closed the door. Mattie turned to face him, waiting for him to make his move.

  They gazed into each other's eyes. His darkened, if that was even possible, and she thought she glimpsed a flicker of flame in them, but that was silly.

  "Mattie—" he began, but she cut him off with, "Tsang, let's not dance around. I want you. Tonight. If you don't want me, tell me now and I'll leave."

  He cleared his throat. "I want you. Don't leave."

  Mattie closed the space between them. "Am I going to have to kiss you again?"

  He smiled. "No. Not this time." He wrapped a hand around her neck and drew her to him. Their lips met, pressed gently, backed off. He came back, this time hungry and eager.

  Gods, she loved the taste of him and the way his desire came through in his touch. His other hand held her waist, and she pushed against him, trying to get closer.

  His body was so warm, lithe and firm and, as she rubbed her belly against him, the thick rod of his cock told her he wanted her also. He groaned, parting his lips, and she slipped her tongue inside.

  Tsang met her, his tongue tangling with hers, tasting, licking, learning her mouth and what she liked. No way could she keep her soft moans inside—they leaked from her like a dozen happy sighs.

  He left her lips, kissed her cheek, licked to her ear, nibbled it, and then trailed down her neck. Mattie eased her head to the side to give him more room and dropped her hand to his ass.

  "It's sort of warm in here, Tsang," she gasped between his kisses. "Is this your way of making me take off my clothes?" She wanted out of her clothes, but wasn't sure it was the heat of the house, or Tsang and her desire for him.

  "Perhaps." He growled and nipped her ear.

  She gave him a hard squeeze, pulling him in even tighter. He made her want things, made her want to show him her inner self, her true nature, something she hadn't shown to anyone since she'd left Minnesota, her family, and the man they'd picked for her.

  Mattie wasn't worried she'd slip—her true form was buried so deep she would never let it out. She didn't even think she could if she wanted to because it had been so long. She was pretty sure she'd lost the ability.

  She sighed with the sadness of it, but told herself in Tsang's arms she could forget all about that other life. She had him, and he was as far away from that as a man could get.

  No big, blond Norwegian for her. She preferred this man, this Asian man, so different from everything she'd grown up with, had thought her life would have to be like, until she left.

  This is why she'd fled.

  So she could be here with this man.

  He lowered his hands to caress her ass, kneading it, as he returned to her mouth.

  "Tsang," she murmured. She wanted nothing between them and there was entirely too much clothing in the way. She wanted to touch skin.

  She tugged at his sweater, and he broke away, lifted his arms and let the thick wool slide off his back. After tossing to the floor, she ran her hands over his smooth chest. His skin was warm and smelled sweet, like apple wood smoke.

  "I've been wondering if you'd have hair." She laughed as she plucked at one of his nipples, turning the dark brown circle into a tight, hard brown nub.

  "Some. Not like you Americans."

  "I prefer less hair."

  "Then I feel better." He worked the buttons on her shirt free, pushed it off her shoulders and gazed at her breasts, covered by the black lace bra. His intake of breath and the narrowing of his eyes told her that she'd pleased him.

  "You like what you see?" she asked.

  "Yes. I, too, wondered. I wondered if you were wearing a sexy bra or one of those other kinds. Not so sexy."

  "Sexy, all the way, Tsang. I dressed for you." She latched onto his nipple and ran her fingertips down his taunt belly, feeling ripples of muscles, smooth skin, and reached the waistband of his slacks.

  "Did you?" He gulped. "How did you know we'd…?” His voice, raspy with desire, faded.

  "Because I wanted it. I wanted you. I'd have been very disappointed if we had just said goodnight and gone our separate ways." She undid his belt, pulled it from the loops and flung it across the room.

  Chapter Seven

  Tsang thanked all his ancestors for the nerve to speak to this incredible woman. Mattie was bold, sexy and, despite all her talk of cold, as hot-blooded as any female he'd ever met.

  What a match for him! Had he truly found the one destined for him or was this just dinner, hot sex, and regrets?

  He slipped his hands over her bare skin—cool to the touch, soft, and so lickable. She tasted like berries, like autumn in the air, like mulled wine. He loved it. Nothing had ever tasted as delicious to him.

  What would she taste like between her legs? Would her juices be as warm, as spicy? Just thinking of it, Tsang let his hands caress her ass, then slid her slacks down to bare her skin to his touch.

  She moaned, pressing into his hand, and his cock hardened. Stiff and aching, it pushed against his slacks, begging to be free.

  Mattie must have noticed because she unbuttoned and unzipped them, and he groaned as she palmed his shaft. A shiver of lust shot through him, pulling his sac tight.

  "Mattie," he whispered, shocked at the gravel and need in his voice. This was moving faster than he'd ever dreamed, but he had no desire to stop it or even slow it down. He wanted to sink inside her, deep inside, as he pounded into her.

  She wiggled out of her slacks and now both of them were naked.

  "Let's take this to your bed, Tsang." Her voice commanded him, and he obeyed.

  Growling, he lowered his shoulder, hoisted her onto it, and headed to his bedroom. She giggled, and he slapped her ass in play. She braced her hands on his back and lifted up. "Hey!" She sounded indignant, but her laughter gave her away.

  "Mattie, I'm yours to command." Tsang reached the doorway, pushed the half-closed door open and strode to the bed. He flipped her over, and she landed in the middle of it, her golden hair fanned out around her.

  She rose on her elbows, her long legs spread in an open invitation to him, and licked her lips. It had been a long time since anyone had gazed at him naked, but Mattie eyed his body, looking him up and down, and then her gaze came to rest at his cock.

  "I knew it!" she crowed.

  "What?" he asked. Perhaps she'd found something she didn't like about him. The thought he might be lacking, that she wouldn't want him, nearly paralyzed him.

  "Smooth balls," she cooed, closed her eyes and sighed. When she opened them, the blue was so brilliant he thought he'd go blind from it. "All the better to lick them."

  As he exhaled, he wanted to dance with the ancestors. He pleased her. The notion he should always please this woman surprised him.

  Tsang's cock ached and he stroked it as he stood, legs apart, staring down at Mattie. She was his, here and now, in his bed. Again, for one crazy moment, he knew that's where he wanted her forever.

  He shook it off. This wasn't forever—this was only a night of hot sex.

  Mattie grinned. "Your body is fine, Tsang. So, so fine. I could look at it forever."

  "And I, yours." He ran his finger over the top of her foot, up her shin, to her knee. Golden curls hid her treasure, but they wouldn't keep him from it for long. He kneeled on the bed, crawling on all fours so his body covered hers.

  His cock dragged along, tugging at her skin, leaving dampness in its wake, sparking fire with each touch.

  She moaned and arched up, reaching for him. "Tsang…need you."

  Relief she wanted him as badly as he wanted her filled him. He didn't think he could stand extended foreplay, not now, not after waiting so long for her. In fact, if she touched him, he might not keep from coming.

  Mattie spread herself even wider and the lips of her pussy opened for him. This he
could do—he could taste her. Tsang bent down to nuzzle her, inhaling her scent. It went straight to his balls, filling them to bursting with seed.

  "Intoxicating," he murmured into her nest. Using his tongue, he parted her nether lips and licked between her tender folds.

  Mattie cried out and arched off the bed, pushing herself into his face. Her taste burst on his tongue, exquisite, like mulled wine and winterberries. Sweet and spicy, just like her. He lapped at her, each pass thrusting his tongue deeper, until he found the hood of her clit.

  "Tsang!" she shouted, and she grabbed his head and held him down as he nipped and licked, working the hard nub and Mattie into a sexual frenzy.

  "Oh gods…gonna come if you don't stop that." She tossed her head from side to side, panting, as she begged him.

  "I want to be inside you when you come, Mattie. I want to feel you all around me." Tsang positioned himself at her entry and pushed.

  Tight, hot silk surrounded his cock as her pussy ate him, until he was fully seated in her.

  "So good." He moaned. He'd been with other women over his lifetime, but none had felt so right, so perfect as Mattie.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist, grabbed his shoulders and whispered, "Fuck me, Tsang. Make me come," she begged him, shocking him that her dirty talk turned him on even more. No woman had ever spoken to him like that, used that word.

  "Tell me what you want, Mattie."

  "You fucking me, sucking my nipples, riding me until I explode!"

  Her words drove him on as he thrust inside her, and she rose to meet him, pushing down, seating him deep, deep inside her. They set their rhythm, age old, letting nature take control, and he felt the beast within him rise to the surface.

  He lowered his head to her breasts, capturing one pink nipple in his mouth and tonguing it, then laved his way to the other breast and gave it some attention. By the ancestors, she was delicious. And she was all his. For now.


  Mattie groaned as she slid her hand down between them to touch the place where they joined, amazed he could feel so good, so right inside her. They fit as if they had been made for each other, two halves of a whole, him the missing piece to her puzzle.


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