Propensity For Love (A Brooks' Family Values Series Book 3)

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Propensity For Love (A Brooks' Family Values Series Book 3) Page 17

by Iris Bolling

  Wade nodded. "I get it, but this is a big piece of the prosecutor’s case. That gun was not only in your hands, but it was registered to you. They are contending that you carried that gun there with the intent to kill Connie. That's murder one, Vernon. Pre-meditated."

  "He's right," James stated, “but I’m with you. Nick is to be kept out of this."

  Wade slumped back in his chair.

  "But there is someone we can ask," Vernon stated.

  "Nicole." James pulled out his phone and dialed.

  "If anyone will know other than Nick, it’s Nicole." Vernon waited for the call to go through.

  "Nikki, we need a minute. Are you free," James asked through the speaker.

  "Hold on." They listened as a door closed. "What's up?"

  "Have you ever seen Nick’s gun?"

  "Sure, he lays that thing around all the time."

  "What do you mean?" Vernon asked.

  "Hey, Vernon. He never liked the thing. He only carried it when he was going into certain neighborhoods. Most of the time it was on the mantle or in his room inside the night stand."

  "It was out in the open?" James asked.

  "Most of the time," Nicole replied. "Why?"

  "So anyone had access to it?"

  "If you had access to Nick's house you probably had access to the gun." There was silence. "What's going on, guys?"

  "The gun used to kill Connie is registered to Vernon. It's the gun he brought for Nick."

  "Connie was shot with Nick's gun?"

  "Yes," James replied.

  "Well Nick didn't do it. He was in New York."

  "What about Ericka?" Vernon asked.

  "She would have no reason to kill Connie," Nicole stated. "To tell you the truth I don't think she even knew of Connie."

  "Didn't Cannon have access to Nick's place?" Wade asked.

  They all thought about it. "Yes," Nicole stated. "He stayed there one night when we discussed the whole Singleton situation. I remember because he and Xavier were going at each other."

  "Cannon had access to the gun and Isaac." Wade raised an eyebrow.

  "If Cannon took the gun from Nick's place, he could have put it in Isaac's hand," James summarized.

  "For what purpose?" Vernon asked.

  "He was working both sides of the fence," Nicole stated. "Maybe it was unintentional."

  James sighed. "Let’s go with that assumption for now. Nicole, don't mention any of this to Nick. We don't want his mind on anything but getting better."

  "You got it."

  "Thanks, Nikki." James pushed the button and disconnected the call. "Okay, we can now put the gun in Isaac's hand."

  "Not really," Wade disagreed.

  "We have a passable argument of how the gun got into Isaac's hand," Vernon corrected. "We'll go with that for now."

  Wade checked his watch. "I'm due in court on the Redmond case." He unrolled his sleeves, buttoned the cuffs, then put his jacket on. "I should wrap things up in an hour or two. I'll check back in around two."

  Vernon nodded. He walked over to stand by the window and looked out at the scenery. The landscape around the building was breathtaking even in the winter.

  "You all right over there?" James asked as he made notes on the previous conversation. When Vernon did not reply James glanced in his direction.

  "Do you know I'm the only one who has never left home?"

  James’ eyebrow raised. "Your family was there. Why would you leave?"

  "I could have moved my family into our own home at anytime. I never did."

  Sensing his brother needed to talk, James put his pen down and turned to Vernon.

  "When Connie and I first got married I thought it would be helpful to have Mother around during her pregnancy. Once Taylor was born, I liked knowing the family was there for her, you know. Later, I didn't want to be alone with Connie. I had no idea how I would have reacted to some of her antics if we had not been at the estate. There were times when I caught her with other men that I did want to kill her. Having the family around all the time softened the blows for me. It made sense to stay at the house. Now, everyone’s gone. Connie is dead. Taylor will be moving to Nicole's Place in New York to attend Columbia. I think it's time for me to find a home of my own. I'll be starting a new life when this is over. I don't want to live fighting with memories of what never was. I never had a life with Connie. Not a real one." He turned to look at James. "I want what you and Ashley have. A relationship built on mutual respect, and more I want a normal loving life. I don't want to be a shell of a man anymore." Vernon turned back to the window with his hands in his pockets. He did not say anything more.

  James walked over and stood next to his brother. "You and Naverone can have that you know. We will get you through the trial. You have to get the woman. And it may be helpful to start looking for your own home. I think having your own place will go a long way in getting what you now want. I will tell you this. There is nothing on God’s earth more rewarding than coming home to a woman who makes the sun rise with her smile. Or eases every pain with the touch of her hand. Or makes you feel like you are the only man on the planet when you make love." James smiled as he patted Vernon on the shoulder then reached for his phone. He pulled up a number and pushed a few buttons. "I just sent a contact to your cell phone. It's the number to my realtor. Call her. I am certain she will find you a home where you and Naverone can begin building your new life."

  Vernon turned to James. "Did I say it was Naverone I wanted to start my new life with?"

  "Yes," James laughed. "Every time she walks in the room your body goes limp. You remind me of a little dog begging for just a little taste."

  Vernon joined him. "I swear everything about that woman does it for me. How in the hell could I be that far gone and we haven’t even made love yet?"

  "Being in love isn't always about the sexual act itself. Right now, because of this case, you and Naverone are building a foundation of mutual trust and respect. Every love should begin with a friendship so when things go bad, and there will be times, you still have that base...that friendship to sustain you. The lovemaking will be more intense because you are being loved by a woman who trusts and respects the man you are. Believe me, there is nothing better than that."

  Vernon's cell phone chimed. He smiled. "It's the love of my life."

  James smiled as Vernon walked out. When the door closed he prayed he could give Vernon his chance at happiness.


  Adam ran into James’ office with his laptop in his hand. "I got him."

  "You have who?" James asked.

  "I have the man who was in the house. The one that Vernon shot."

  "Hold that thought." James pushed a button on the phone. "Get in"

  Vernon came through the side door of the office. "What's happening?"

  "Tell him," James said to Adam.

  "I got the person you shot in the house."

  "What? You got Singleton?” Vernon walked over to the conference table.

  "It has taken me weeks to get a direct line from traffic camera to traffic camera. But I finally have what I think you will need." He pushed a button on the computer. "This is the destination of the person who was in the house."

  "It's a clinic," James stated.

  "Where?" Vernon asked.

  "The where isn't important." Adam grinned. "Who runs that clinic is." He went to another screen then turned the monitor to them. " Dr. Harry Parks."

  "Who is he?" Vernon asked.

  "Wrong question again. The question should be who did he used to work for?” Adam pulled up another screen. "Dr. Harry Parks was the team trainer for the NBA team...wait for it..." He brought up another screen with a team picture and pointed. "That is Dr. Harry Parks." He pointed to another man. "And that is Isaac Singleton." He stepped back and yelled, "BOOM! How you like me now."

  "Like you...hell, I love you," Vernon laughed.

  "Let's not get too excited," J
ames cautioned them. "Our question is, whether this unidentified person shot and killed Constance Brooks. He or she was wounded by the shot Vernon fired. He or she then went to Dr. Parks to...what, have the bullet removed?"

  "Stop the bleeding," Vernon suggested agreeing with his brother’s summary.

  "Then what? And who is the person?" James and Vernon turned to Adam.

  He folded his arms across his chest. "What, you want me to solve the entire case for you?"

  "We need to identify that person as Isaac Singleton," Vernon commented.

  "Do you realize I don't work for you?" Adam replied.

  "You do now," James stated. "Identify that person, Adam...soon."

  Adam huffed. "Mr. Secretary, I like you. I do. But you may be asking for an impossibility." He picked up his laptop.

  "I don't believe that, Adam. If there is anyone who can discover who that person is, it's you."

  "Yeah, yeah, flattery will get you anything." He walked out of the door in a huff.

  Vernon looked at James. "It's coming together."

  "We still do not have that hard evidence to put the gun in Singleton's hand."

  "We have reasonable doubt," Vernon stated.

  "Yes, but I want your name cleared. When this case is over I want Kirkland to be on the hot seat explaining why he allowed a no-good son-of-a-bitch like Singleton to smear the name of a good man. I want him to have to answer for that."

  Vernon grinned. "You are acting like the man is coming after you."

  "He is," James replied. "You are my brother. He might as well be gunning for me."

  "Speaking of Kirkland. Do we have a witness list from him?"

  "No. There has been no response to that request."

  "He has ten days to get the information to us. You'll receive it on the last day. Don't send our list until four o'clock on day ten."

  "We need to get someone over to talk with Dr. Parks," James stated. "If he can put a bullet wound on Singleton the night of October 10th, that gives us another nail in Kirkland's coffin."

  "Naverone is with Taylor in New York," Vernon said. "Let's send Genesis. She is the best at interrogations according to Pendleton."

  There was something in the way Vernon said Ty's name that caught James' attention. He had noticed it before at the hospital when Ty stopped by to visit Nick and they were all in the room. "You have a problem with Ty about something?"

  "No...Yes," Vernon replied.

  "That was a clear answer. Is it yes or no?"


  "What problem could you possibly have with Ty Pendleton? Isn't he Taylor's manager now?"

  "Yes, and he happens to be in New York with them."

  "With Taylor?"

  "And Naverone," Vernon added.

  James thought about his statement. "Ty and Naverone?" James nodded. "I can see that."

  Vernon sent James an incredulous look.

  James laughed. "I never took you for the jealous type. Man, Ty is married...happily married. And Naverone isn't the kind to play around. You don't have anything to worry about there."

  "There used to be."

  James shrugged. "There was once a Connie on your end. That's the past. Don't be stupid and lose her over something that happened before you came into the picture."

  Vernon nodded. "I'm not worried. I just don't like him being with her in New York and I'm here."

  "Why don't you go to New York to spend some time with her?"

  "I don't want to leave with all of this going on."

  James nodded. "I can understand that. Why not plan something special for when she comes home?"

  "Didn’t you tell me to stay away from her until this case was over?"

  "I did, and you still need to be mindful of your situation. But a nice dinner with just the two of you in a private location should do the trick."

  Vernon walked back toward his office. "Getting relationship advice from my little brother. I must be losing my touch."

  He walked to his desk, and dialed Genesis’ number.

  "Hey, it's me. We have a lead we want you to follow up on."

  "Hey," Genesis replied. "What do you have?”

  “A Dr. Harry Parks." He heard her keying the information into her computer.

  "Dr. Harry Parks. He has a clinic over on Saluda Boulevard. What do we need from him?"

  "We think he is the doctor who Singleton went to see after killing Connie."

  "Really. I'll see what I can get out of him."

  "Check him out before you go. I have a feeling we may need something to convince him to talk."

  "You got it."

  Vernon disconnected the call then swung his seat around to face the window. The thought almost caused him to smile. James was right. He was jealous of Pendleton. The thought of another man being with Naverone muddled his mind. The need to have Rene as his own was rapidly becoming his number one priority. Even over him being cleared of these ridiculous charges. He then pulled out his cell phone and dialed a number.

  "Hey." He smiled. "When are you coming home?"

  "Hey, yourself. Not until we get Taylor set up in her own place and registered for winter classes. Are you okay?"

  "No. I have this one issue eating away at me and can't seem to shake it."

  "What is it?"

  "I have this woman who seems to have taken over my body. Just thinking about her makes my loins fill with lust."

  Naverone fell out laughing. He heard her excuse herself in the background. "Loins filled with lust? What kind of legal documents have you been reading today?"

  "None, James is doing a very thorough job of strategizing. He doesn’t need me. On the other hand I happen to need you. That is something I never thought I would hear myself say."

  "Is that so? How bad do you need me?"

  Vernon uncrossed his legs and sat forward. "Rene Naverone, I need you so much I can't eat. Forget about sleeping. Dreams of you fill my mind, and wet my sheets. Work, I can't get anything done, the brain cells are on overload from thinking of all the creative ways I want to make love to you." He suddenly became aware of his heartbeat increasing. He turned toward his desk. "I can still feel my fingers inside of you which only makes my mouth water and my tongue jealous. The sweet taste of your juices has taken over my taste buds. And nothing, I do mean nothing, has been able to replace the need for another swirl inside of you. Do you understand the affect just thinking about you is having on me? Do you?"

  "I suggest, Mr. Brooks, we find a way to make your desires a reality."

  "Don't tease me, Rene. I am physically in need of a Naverone shot. Can you help me with that?"

  "Can you hold those thoughts until I get your daughter straight? I promise your patience will be well rewarded."

  The passion in her voice was about to push him over the edge. "I'll see you when you get home." He disconnected the call.

  He went through his text messages and found the contact James had sent him. He dialed the number.

  "Good afternoon, this is Vernon Brooks. My brother James referred me to you. I need a home that I can close on in...let’s say thirty days or sooner. Is that something you can handle?"


  "Patrice, honey, where are you?" Bobby yelled as he rushed into his apartment. Her call sounded so cryptic he didn't know what to make of it. And for her to have called him in the middle of the day while he was at work, had him concerned.

  "Patrice." He walked into the kitchen, which was where he would usually find her. He saw the door to the laundry room was open. He ran to it and looked inside. There was Patrice, naked as the day she was born, sitting as pretty as a picture on top of the washer.

  "Patrice Underwood, are you all right?"

  Patrice pushed a button and the machine came alive. "Darling, don't you want to know what I have in this envelope?" She pulled a white envelope from between her legs.

  Bobby ran over to her. He felt her arms and her legs, giving her a full once over. "Are you okay?"

  "Aw, you are the
sweetest man, Bobby Singleton." She wrapped her legs around him and leaned back resting her head on the wall behind the washer. "Now ask me what's inside this envelope." She placed it between her lips and put her hands up, resting them behind her head.

  Once the fear that something had happened to her wore off, the combination of the vibration from the washer and her legs wrapped around him took over his senses. Her breasts jiggling from the motion of the machine caused him to smile. He put his hands around her tiny waist and grinned. "Okay, I give. What's in the envelope?"

  She took it from her mouth, pulled his head between her breasts and began to open the envelope over his head. "Why, darling, I have your inheritance right here in my little hands."

  "Hmm hmm," Bobby moaned as he captured one of her bouncing nipples.

  Patrice giggled at the sensations. "I, Estelle Singleton, of sound mind and body here by offer my last will and testament. I did this of my own free will and with no coercing from any outside party.”

  It slowly dawned on him what she was reading. Bobby held his head up and took the paper from her. He glanced at the document and sure enough it was a copy of Estelle Singleton's will. He went to the second page and looked at the bottom. "It's signed." He looked at Patrice. "Where did you get this?"

  Patrice smiled. "Well, darling, a funny thing happened on the way to the fat farm when I was riding with Mother and her friend Mrs. Graves. It seems the last time Mrs. Graves and Estelle Singleton spoke, she asked about an attorney. Being the nosy person that Mrs. Graves is, she inquired as to why Estelle needed an attorney. Estelle informed her she was thinking about searching for William’s long lost son but she did not want William’s attorneys to know about it. Well, you have to know Mrs. Graves to understand her eagerness to be a party to anyone’s discomfort and since she could not stand that son of Estelle's she was happy to do her part to see him not get one dime of William's money."

  "So she just told you who the attorney was?"

  "Not quite, darling." Patrice wiped her forehead. "I had to work for that. I had to listen to two hours of that old bat running her mouth before I got the name of the firm Mrs. Graves used. From there I had to find out which attorneys in the firm handle estates. There were three. I contacted each until I found the one who had Estelle Singleton as a client. It cost me damn near my entire savings. But I got it." She squealed.


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