Page 37
Hockett, Dale, 19
Holly, Buddy, death of, 36
Holt, Jim, 237, 275
Home Demonstration Club, the, 24, 32–33
Hope (Arkansas)
airport in, 11
Boy Scouts in, 49–50
courthouse in, 16
effect of Great Depression on, 14, 15–16
effect of Prohibition on, 14–15
famous people from, 13
fire station in, 16
founding of, 5
hobos in, 42
hospital in, 21
motto of, 14
ordinance plant in, 11
school integration in, 51, 60
watermelons in, 14, 57
Horne, Rex, 170
House, Patty, 118
Huckabee, Alta Joyce, 6, 17
Huckabee, Berryman William, 6
Huckabee, David, 151, 211
Huckabee, Dorsey Wiles
birth of, 6
church attendance of, 30
death of, 206
devotion to his children, 39
economic worldview of, 16
education of, 47
finances of, 23
as firefighter, 16, 18, 42, 90
flat feet of, 18, 46
as mechanic, 23
military service of, 18, 46, 47
opposition to railroad bridge, 53
sense of humor of, 31, 206
wedding of, 18–19
work ethic of, 16, 30, 48
work in shipyards, 18, 47
Huckabee, Ernie Jerome, 6, 23, 24, 32, 43
Huckabee, Eva, 7–8, 15
Huckabee, Irvin, 17, 18, 47
Huckabee, Janet
and basketball, 74, 115–16, 117
campaign for secretary of state, 232
cancer of, 119, 122
church attendance of, 116, 124
and civic responsibility, 117
dating Mike Huckabee, 116, 117
education of, 117, 118, 232
employment of, 118, 124
engagement and wedding of, 117–18
and Girls State, 75, 76
and Habitat for Humanity, 127
and Jimmy Carter, 127
and renovation of governor’s mansion, 229, 232
Huckabee, John Mark, 124, 211
Huckabee, Lucius Elmore, 6, 9
Huckabee, Lula, 6
Huckabee, Mae
birth of, 7
church attendance of, 29
devotion to her children, 39
economic worldview of, 16
education of, 47
employment of, 24–25, 33, 47, 90
illness and death of, 182
love of music, 39, 40
memories of her father, 7
opposition to railroad bridge, 53
support of Mike Huckabee’s political
career, 182
wedding of, 11, 18–19
work ethic of, 48
Huckabee, Michael Dale
academic achievement of, 35, 57
and AIDS epidemic, 192, 193
and ambition, 179
and American Christianity, 162–63
announcement of candidacy for
president (2016), xv–xvi, 249–50,
and Arkansas Baptist State
Convention, 162, 163, 166, 167–71,
172, 173–74, 181
and ARKids First program, 214
and art education in schools, 192
and Asa Hutchinson gubernatorial
campaign, 13–14
athletic participation of, 35, 41, 58
attack of by conservative groups, 239
and automobile registration reform, 213
awards of, 57, 61, 63, 93, 238
bands of, 36, 72, 89, 231
barber of, 257
and the Beatles, 89, 145
Bible studies of, 64, 65
and Bill Clinton, 170, 178–79, 181
bipartisan approach and support of, 168, 172, 212–13, 224, 238
birth of, 21
blue collar, populist attitude of, 31, 41, 49, 170, 214, 257, 260, 292
and body mass index checkups for
schoolchildren, 243
books of, xv, 12, 31, 46, 48, 56, 217, 241, 244, 250, 259, 285, 287, 289
as a boss, 240–41
and Boy Scouts, 49, 50
and Boys State, 75–77, 83
campaign for governor, 230
campaign for lieutenant governor, 198–200, 201–2, 221
campaign for U.S. Senate (1992), 187–93, 197–98
campaign for U.S. Senate (1996), 202
campaign spending of, 260, 271
capital punishment under, 210
character and principles of, 78
charisma of, 78
children of, xvii, 124, 151, 211
choice not to run in 2012, 289
Christian conversion of, 43, 64
Christian leadership philosophy of, 158–59
and the Christian Student Union, 66, 91
church attendance of, 29–30, 212, 218
college hijinks of, 108–9
college studies of, 112–13, 119
communication skills of, 265
compassion of, 34, 93, 158, 159, 217, 238, 239, 241, 251
concession of presidential race, 278
consideration of campaign for House of
Representatives (1980), 149–50, 151
as “cookie cutter Republican,” 191, 199
and “covenant marriage,” 241
curiosity of, 34
and Dan Cathy, 290
dating Janet McCain, 116, 117
decision to enter politics, 177, 181
dependability of, 93
as disc jockey, 106, 114, 119
economic views of, 261, 262
and education, importance of, 47
and education of illegal immigrants, 237
and educational reform, 234–37
endorsements of, 252, 253, 260, 263, 272
engagement and wedding of, 117–18
and environmental concerns, 73, 214
ethics complaints against, 226–28
even temperament of, 278
family stability of, 8, 30, 31, 90–91
favorite scriptures of, 65, 72, 155, 161–62, 178, 208
and First Beech Street Church, 157–58, 159–60
and First Gulf War, 172–73
flat feet of, 46, 47, 96
and the Freedom Rally, 136, 137
fund-raising of, 267, 269, 273–75
and Garvin Elder, 48–49
and Gerald Ford, 126, 127
gifts given to, 227–28
and Glenn Miller, 40
goal of community impact of, 64–65, 153, 159, 160, 162
and GOP debates, 252, 257–58, 260–61, 264–65
and GOP primaries, 272, 275–76, 278
grandchildren of, 290
and gratitude, 39, 49
guitars of, 40, 124
and health care funding in Delta
regions, 218–19
Haskell Jones as mentor to, xvi, 58–60, 69, 74, 149
and “Healthy Arkansas” program, 243
home of, 290
and Hurricane Katrina refugees, 241, 244–46
and Immanuel Baptist Church, 147, 151–54, 155, 157
and immigration, 237, 264–65
independent thought of, 59, 77, 233
and integration of schools, 61
and International Student Congress
on Evangelism (Explo ’72), 83, 100
and Iowa caucuses, 267–69
and Iowa Straw Poll, 260
and Israel, 100, 102–3
and James Robison, 125–26, 132–33, 136, 141, 149, 254
and Jerry Falwell, 252
and Jimmy Carter, 126, 127
and Jim Tucker, 201, 206–8
and John Lennon assassination, 145
and John McCain, 282
and John Paul Hammerschmidt, 111–12
and Jonesboro shooting, 217
and judicial activism, 62
lack of endorsements from evangelical
leaders, 253–56, 277
and Larry Norman, 100
and law and order, 57
and legalism, 173
and Little Rock Nine
commemoration, 219, 220–21
love of campaigning, 230
love of music, xvi, 39, 40, 71, 72, 100
marathon of, xiv, 241, 242, 243–44
and May Day Festival in Fair Park, 63–64
and the media, 215–17, 225–26
metaphor and analogy use by, 69
and military strategies of George W.
Bush, 251
and the Moral Majority, 137, 147, 152
and Mormonism, 264
and the National Affairs Briefing, 138, 143
and the National Endowment for the
Arts, 192
and the National Governors
Association, 236
newspaper subscriptions of, 110–11
and No Child Left Behind program, 236
and “Operation Goodwill,” 62–63, 73, 91
optimism of, 79, 155
and the outlier theory, 77, 91, 155
and overlap between religious and
political leadership, 149, 152, 173, 178, 179, 180
as pastor, 113–14, 119, 143, 144, 147, 148, 151–54, 157–58, 159, 161
and Paul Weyrich, 253
and Phil Robertson, 64, 290
as play-by-play announcer, 35, 58, 60, 63, 74, 115
as potential McCain running mate, 282–83
poverty of, 118, 124–25, 176, 194
pragmatism of, 158, 205, 239, 246, 251
praise for work of as governor, 238
pranks of, 112
preschool of, 29
pressure to drop out of presidential
race, 277–78
and privilege, 30–31
proactive leadership of, 223
as “prodigal son,” 233
and racial bias in judicial system, 210
and racial equality, 27, 78, 154, 218–19
radio commentaries of, 288
and the “RAPture Express,” 94–95, 96, 117
reelection of as governor, 221, 231–32
and the Religious Right, 147, 161
and the Religious Roundtable, 141
and renovation of governor’s mansion, 229–30
Republican National Convention
speech (2008), 41, 284–85
Republican Party entrance of, 59
and “retail politics,” 230, 250
and Richard Nixon, 56, 126
and road repair, 223–25
roadblocks to as governor, 201
and Ronald Reagan, 142
school club membership of, 91
self-deprecation of, 94
seminary studies of, 122, 123–24
sense of humor of, 43, 206, 257
sermons of, 65–66, 93, 171, 173
short sleep requirements of, 6, 74, 110
and social responsibility, 262
and Southern Baptist Convention, 171, 172
and space program, 67, 68, 69–70, 73
speaking engagements of, 69, 153
and state rights vs. federal rights, 209
and student council, 61, 62–63, 73, 91
and the Student Entertainment and
Lecture Fund, 110
support of by evangelical rank and
file, 254
as teetotaler, 15
television ministry of, 152–53, 157–58, 159–60
television program of, 288, 289
and tornado disaster relief, 217
use of euphemisms by, 262
use of technology and online tools, 170, 213
verbal gaffes of, 230–31, 264
vision of Christianity of, 65
vision of vocation of, 113, 114, 126, 133, 140, 143, 148, 149
and Wayne DuMond, 257–60
weight loss of, xiv, 241, 242, 243
and the will of God, 175, 176–78, 182–83
work ethic of, 6, 48, 109, 110, 268
and year of racial reconciliation, 218–19
Huckabee, Pat
See: Harris, Pat
Huckabee, Sarah, 151, 211, 268
Huckabee, Virgil, 5, 6, 17, 18, 47
Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership
Foundation (HOBY), 67–68
Hunt, H. L., 131
Hutchinson, Asa, 14, 188, 198, 292
Hutchinson, Tim, 203
Immanuel Baptist Church, 147, 152–53, 154, 155, 157
Immigration, 237, 264–65
International Student Congress on
Evangelism (Explo ’72), 83, 85–87
Iowa caucuses, 267–69
Iowa Straw Poll, the, 260
eschatological significance of, 101
Mike Huckabee visits to, 100
Yom Kippur war, 100—101
James, Daniel “Chappie,” 78
James Robison Evangelistic Association,
the, 131
JESUS Film Project, the, 86
Jones, Haskell
civic involvement of, 60, 74
encouragement of youth of, 75
as mentor to Mike Huckabee, 58–60, 69, 74
Jonesboro, school shooting in, 217
judicial activism, 62
Kennedy, D. James, 137
Kennedy, John F., 69
Kennedy, Robert, 50
Kent State University, shootings at, 54
Kids Who Kill, 217
King, B. B., 25
King, Martin Luther, Jr., assassination of, 50
Klipsch, Paul, 12
Klipschorn speaker, 12
Krauthammer, Charles, 276
Kristofferson, Kris, 86
KXAR, xvi, 58, 74
LaHaye, Beverly, 138
Land, Richard,
Landmarkism, 107
Landry, Tom, 141
legalism, 173
Leibovitz, Annie, 145
Lennon, John, 89–90, 144, 145
Leno, Jay, 229, 266
Lester, Ketty, 13
Lewis, Jerry Lee, 25
Lieberman, Joe, 283
lieutenant governor, duties of, 198
Lindsey, Hal, 99
“Little Rock Nine,” the, 22, 219
Living Beyond Your Lifetime, 31
Longborough, Joseph A., 5
“man in the arena,” xviii
Marchetti, Victor, 110
Matthews, Randy, 86
May Day Festival in Fair Park, 63–64
McAteer, Ed, 134, 137–38, 141
McCain, Janet
See: Huckabee, Janet
McCain, John, 253, 260, 272, 276, 278, 282–84
McClellan, John, 150
McKissic, Dwight, 122, 154, 218, 255
McLarty, Bud, 73
McLarty, Mack, 13, 73, 74, 76, 202
McLarty, Phil, 18
McLean, Don, 36
Medlin, Del, 167
Mickelson, Jan, 275
Middleton, Mark, 198
Miller, Glenn, 39, 40
Minton, Randy, 275
Montana, Patsy, 13
Moral Majority, the, 56, 97, 129, 134, 137, 161, 252
Morris, Dick, 199, 200, 202, 203, 221
Murrell, Mary L. “Mollie,” 7
Nabors, Jim, 106
National Affairs Briefing, the, 137, 138, 141–43
National Association of Evangelicals,
the, 134
National Education Summit on High
Schools, 236
National Endowment for the Arts, the, 192
National Governors Association, 236
National Religious Broadcasters, the, 134
Naylor, Robert, 123
Nelson, Dean, 261
Nelson, Rex, 215, 226, 242
Nixon, Richard, 54, 55–56, 61, 87, 96
Norman, Larry, 72, 86, 100
Norris, Chuck, 263–64, 268, 272
Novak, Robert, 282
Obama, Barack, 26, 96, 250, 285
O’Brian, Hugh, 67–68, 70
Ogden, Donald, 53, 61
“Ohio,” 54
Ono, Yoko, 89–90, 145
“Operation Goodwill,” 62–63, 68, 73, 91
Orlando, Tony, 291, 292