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Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Uncut: An Unacceptables MC Standalone Romance (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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by Kristen Hope Mazzola

  I won’t always be there to help you while you struggle but remember these words and take them into account. Add to this list as you grow and learn your own code, but never subtract from it.

  I will always love you, son.

  -Your father

  As I finished the letter, I heard a large crash in the warehouse. I sprang to my feet, rushing to see what happened. A crate was on its side, Nate scrambling off the forklift.

  “What the fuck happened?” I barked, flying up to Nate’s side as he stumbled out of the driver’s seat.

  “Fuck, the crate lost its balance.” His hands were in the air as he stared down at the cracked wood, half off the lift.

  “Just go home.” I checked to make sure there wasn’t too much damage. Thankfully there wasn’t.

  “Ax, I swear, it was just an accident.” He tried to defend himself.

  “It’s fine. Your head’s just not in the game today. Get some rest and be sharp tomorrow.”

  Chapter 5


  Good morning, handsome,” I whispered in Ryan’s ear as he stretched. “Happy birthday!”

  He groaned and mumbled, “Don’t remind me.”

  I shifted into his arms as he tucked me into his side. “What’s wrong?”

  “Just another year older. I found a few gray hairs yesterday,” Ax complained before kissing my cheek. “I have to head to the office early so I can be back here and ready for dinner tonight.”

  “Emily and Fletch are going to watch Mikey for us. I’m going to go over there before you get home to drop him off so I can have you all to myself for a few hours.” I told the lie through gritted teeth. Ryan had made me promise I wasn’t going to throw him a party, but he would love it once it was actually happening. It was starting to get to the end of weather cool enough for bonfires, so it was perfect timing.

  I sat in bed watching Ryan trim up his beard and brush his teeth. I knew it was weird, but I loved watching him make a complete mess of himself. Whiskers all over the place, suds of toothpaste dripping into his facial hair—it was adorable.

  I stopped him as he started to button up his dark blue dress shirt. “You have a few minutes before you have to be in.”

  He shot me a knowing glance, before letting the shirt fall to the floor. “I always have time for you, babe.”

  He pulled my silk teddy up over my head, letting his fingertips roll over my breast and down my stomach.

  Getting on his knees, he pulled my legs up over his. Putting his fingers to my lips, he watched as I sucked on them gently. He quickly pushed two fingers into me as I arched my back.

  “Gah, that feels so good,” I moaned as he gently got me ready for him.

  “And it’s only the beginning,” he responded while rolling the head of his dick over my clit.

  Thrusting into me, he pulled on my hip bones perfectly. I grabbed my tits as they bounced with every pump.

  Locking eyes, Ryan winked at me as a huge smile spread on his lips.

  “What?” I asked with a giggle.

  “You’re just so fucking sexy. I can’t stand it sometimes,” he replied before leaning down to kiss me.

  We rode out our orgasms together wrapped in the love and passion we had for each other. It was simple and perfect and completely ours. There was no better sex than with someone that truly loved you and, in that moment, I completely understood that.

  After getting cleaned up and dressed again, Ax shot me his panty melting smile, the one that made me weak in the knees.

  “Happy birthday,” I teased.

  “Thank you, beautiful. All right, now I really do have to get the heck out of here. I’m heading out.” With a quick peck, he was out the door.

  After getting Mikey up, feeding him his breakfast, and giving him a quick bath, I sprang into action. I wanted everything to be perfect. I cleaned the entire house, did all the laundry, and spent forever digging through my closet trying to find the perfect dress for the night. Laying out a light teal sundress Ryan had bought me for Christmas with my favorite boots on the ground next to them, I felt ready for the day.

  My cell buzzed in my pocket as I played with Dozer on the back porch.

  “Hey, girl! What’s going on?” I asked as I answered the call from Raine.

  “We’re on the road!” I squealed with excitement.

  “Awesome. Remember this is a surprise. Ryan doesn’t know about the party at all.”

  I could hear Ryder yell into the phone. “I promise to not spoil it.”

  “Thanks guys, see y’all tonight. Is Bear on his way too?”

  “Just got off the phone with Scarlett, I think they are an hour or so behind us.”



  “Hey, Ryan?” Nate tapped on my open office door as he made his way in.

  “What’s up?” I asked, holding my hand out and offering him a seat.

  “Are you good?” He made his way into the small office.

  “Yeah, man. We’re fine. Was there something else?”

  He rubbed the back of his neck, standing in the middle of the room. “I hate asking but is there any way I could get my check a few days early?”

  I pulled my checkbook out from the drawer, starting to make one out to my brother-in-law. “Yeah, that shouldn’t be a problem. Everything all right?”

  He finally sat down, bouncing his knee as he diverted his gaze to the picture of Cassidy holding Mikey in the hospital room on the day he was born. “Yeah, just got some bills that need to be paid sooner rather than later.”

  I ripped the check out and handed it over to him. “You know if you need money, you can come to me. That’s what family is for.”

  “I know, and I appreciate it. Just couldn’t wait for the end of the week, ya know?”

  I leaned back, trying to read his body language. There was something he wasn’t telling me, and that made me nervous. “Totally get it. Don’t sweat it.”

  I followed Nate into the storeroom, seeing the Renegades’ crates still where we had moved them the week before.

  “Fuck, why the hell haven’t these been picked up?” I asked, more to myself than to him.

  “No one showed the other morning for the scheduled time,” he responded with a shrug. “Want me to make some calls?”

  I dug my ringing cellphone out of my pocket. “No. I’ll get to the bottom of this later.”


  “Excited for tonight?” Emily asked as I set Mikey’s car seat down next to the couch.

  I nodded with a huge smile spreading on my face. “I just hope Ryan isn’t mad about it.”

  “How could he be?” Fletch asked as he walked in with Annie in his arms.

  “He’s just been all bah humbug about the whole birthday thing. He asked me to keep it low key, and he thinks we’re just going to dinner.” Keeping secrets from Ryan made me uneasy whether it was for a surprise party or not.

  “Trust me, once he’s there with all of his friends with a beer in hand, he’ll be glad you went behind his back. It’s for his own damn good. That boy works way too hard to not cut loose for at least one night.” Fletch set Annie down and she jumped into my lap.

  “Can I come to the party, Aunt Cass? Please?” she asked, bouncing a little and holding the tiny white and rainbow unicorn rubber duck I had gotten her.

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart.” I hugged her to me.

  “Lilly is coming over soon to play with you and Mikey, remember,” Emily responded.


  Crisis averted.

  “Ryan is going to be home soon. I’m gonna head out and meet him there. See y’all in a bit?” I kneeled down, kissing Mikey on the forehead.

  “Yeah, we’re picking up a keg for Nate and then we’ll be on our way.” Fletch walked me to the door.

  Ryan and I pulled up to the house at the same time.

  “Mikey all set?” Ryan asked as he hooked his arm around my neck before kissing me.

  “Mmmhmmm. Fletch real
ly seems to like having him around.”

  Tank trotted next to us as we made our way inside. “They’re going to be knocked up again before we know it.” Ryan chuckled to himself as he filled Tank’s water and food bowls in the kitchen.

  “Baby fever isn’t just a chick thing,” I responded.

  Grabbing me, Ryan put his hands on my stomach. “What about you? Want another bun in this oven?” he teased.

  “Not when you put it like that.” I laughed, playfully shoving him away.

  “Aw, come on babe. Don’t you want a whole bunch of screaming kids running around this place, wreaking havoc? Could be fun.”

  “I love our family just the way it is,” I replied, starting to head up the stairs.

  “As do I,” Ryan cooed as he smacked my ass, following me.

  After quickly getting ready, we were off.

  “Can we stop at my parents’ place? I have to drop off this paperwork with Nate really quick.” I held up a manila envelope full of bullshit documents as Ryan put his truck in gear.

  With an eyebrow raise, he put his hand on my knee. “Of course, babe.”

  Chapter 6


  I knew it.” I slammed my fist into the steering wheel as I glanced over at Cass, who was bouncing in her seat. The flames of a raging bonfire could be seen from the gravel road as we made our way to her folks’ home.

  “Don’t be mad. Everyone wants to celebrate with you.” Her sheepish grin and furrowing brow melted my heart.

  “I could never be mad at you, babe. Thank you for putting this all together.” It was a kind gesture, but it stung my heart a bit.

  We passed the row of bikes lining the fence as we headed into the field out back. “Looks like the gang’s all here,” I remarked as I parked my truck between Nate’s and Fletch’s.

  “Are you surprised?” Cass grabbed my hand before I could hop out of the Bronco.

  “I couldn’t be more surprised if I woke up in the morning with my head sewn to the carpet.” I shot her a wink.

  “Okay, Clark Griswold,” she teased, following me out of the car.

  Handing me a beer, Nate slapped me on the back. “Happy birthday, man.”

  “Thanks.” I cracked open the can, taking a long swig. “It’s just like old times.”

  Cassidy had no idea how hard it was for me to have a birthday, let alone celebrate it like we used to so many years ago. It made me miss my brother so much and feel guilty that I was alive to see another year while he was six feet under. My mind tripped back to all the parties Cameron used to throw in this very field as we were growing up, the dirt still etched with the countless times he’d stupidly done donuts in the Bronco after a few too many. I could hear his voice echoing in my head, telling me to suck it up and enjoy the night, but I fucking missed him, some times more than others.

  Reading me, Nate held his beer high in the air, pouring a little out. “He’s here with us, man—don’t forget that.”

  I gave him a quick hug. “Yeah, you’re right.”

  Nate’s eyes were glassy and his pupils were dilated to three times their normal size. I could tell he was on something, but it wasn’t the time nor the place to bring that shit up again. I’d have to figure out another way to make him open up to me about it.

  Glancing over my shoulder, I checked to make sure Cass was with Emily and Fletch as Buck and Mac walked up to join Nate and me.

  Right as I was about to head over to them, a sight for sore eyes came into view. Ryder, Raine, Bear and Scarlett were walking over with shit eating grins on their faces.

  “Y’all were in on this too?” I hooked my arm around Ryder’s neck, squeezing hard. “I could kill you guys for not giving me a heads up.”

  Raine nodded over to Cassidy. “Your little lady would have shot us all dead if we had spilled these beans.”

  “How’s little Abel doin’?” I asked, getting them all beers.

  “Good. Home with Crickett for some grandma time. Growing like a fucking weed,” Ryder replied with a proud look plastered on his face.

  I hugged them all and shot the shit with my friends for a bit.

  “Hey guys! Y’all made it!” Mac and Buck greeted the presidents of the other charters and their old ladies with quick hugs.

  “Happy birthday, brother.” Mac bumped his can to mine.

  “Guys, can you give us a second?”

  “Sure thing.” Bear’s large hand landed on my top of my back. “It is really good to see you, brother. With or without a cut on.”

  I watched as the group walked out of earshot before I growled at my former president and his new VP. “That shipment is still at the goddamned warehouse. Care to fucking fill me in, brother?”

  Buck put his hand on my shoulder. “Nothing to worry about. I’ll handle it. Let’s just have a good night. I’ll figure out that mess in the morning.”

  “I would be having a better night if I didn’t have stolen narcotics in my warehouse where my drug-addicted brother-in-law fucking works.” I was pissed, and I wanted them to know it.

  “It’ll be handled, you have my word, and you’ll be compensated for the extra storage time,” Buck said coolly.

  “It’s not about the money and you fucking know that,” I bellowed before crushing the rest of the Budweiser in my hand, letting the can fall to the loose dirt next to my boot. “You have until Friday before I handle it myself.”

  Right as Mac was about to jump to Buck’s defense, an unmarked, blacked-out van crashed through the gate like a bat out of hell. Before I knew what was happening, a machine gun was blasting off, trying to mow down everyone in the field. Return fire from most of the men scared the van away, but I watched in horror as Cassidy was pulled into Fletch’s arms and he covered her and his wife.

  The episode was over as quickly as it started, and I rushed to Cass’s side, time speeding back up to normal after seeming to decelerate to slow motion. She was holding her bleeding side, collapsed in Fletch’s arms.

  “Baby, oh my god.” I pulled her to me, screaming, “Who the fuck was that?”

  Ryder and Bear hurried to my aid, helping me check Cassidy for other wounds.

  The crowd gathered around as everyone else checked to make sure there were no other casualties. I didn’t care. I leapt to my feet and into my truck as fast as I could.

  I tossed my keys to Nate. “Drive,” I barked.

  “Follow that van!” I yelled out my window as we sped to the hospital with Cassidy.

  I ripped my shirt off, holding it to her side. It was soaked with blood within seconds. “You’re going to be all right, baby. Just stay with me.”

  Her eye fluttered as she mumbled, “Was I really shot?”

  “Baby, you’re going to be fine. The docs are going to fix you right up.”

  The tires screeched as we pulled up to the front entrance of the emergency department.

  I bolted through the doors, shouting, “Please help! My wife has been shot.”

  “Thanks, Fletch. I appreciate it. Feel free to put Annie to sleep in the guest room and y’all can sleep in our room. I’ll call you when I know more.” I hung up the phone, shoving it back into my pocket.

  I paced in the waiting room, my white undershirt still covered in Cassidy’s blood. Nate sat in a chair off to the side, his head in his hands. Silently, Raine and Scarlett sat in chairs crying while Ryder and Bear joined the club at the barn to try to get to the bottom of the cause of the shooting. Cassidy had already been in surgery for an hour, which left like years at that point.

  “Ryan, I have to tell you something.” Nate’s tear-filled eyes met mine as I walked over to him.

  “What is it?” I tried to stay calm, but panic was already taking over.

  “I think I know who those guys were. They were after me.” He started sobbing into his hands again. “I fucked up, man. I really fucked up.”

  Grabbing him by the throat, I pulled him to his feet. “What the fuck did you do?” I shouted into his face, spit flying all ove
r his red cheeks.

  “I really fucked up,” he blubbered.

  “I need more information than that,” I demanded gruffly, tightening my grip on his throat.

  Raine jumped up next to me. “Ryan, you need to try to calm down for Cass’s sake. We don’t need to cause a scene in the middle of the hospital.”

  I knew Ryder’s queen was right, but I didn’t care. If Nate was the reason why Cassidy had a bullet wound in her side, I was not going to calm the fuck down.

  “He needs to answer me,” I barked at her and she backed away. She knew better than to stand in the way when men fought.

  “They’re the thugs my dealer uses for back payment. It’s who Cass saw the other day at the house. I owe a lot of money to the wrong people.”

  “Fucking asshole,” Scarlett muttered and I agreed with her.

  His confession made me see red. I punched him square in the jaw, letting him drop to the floor at my feet. Both women gasped but didn’t make a move to help him.

  “Who are they?” I growled, pulling my phone out of my pocket.

  “Some of the Renegades. I’ve been buying from them this entire time. I never really got clean.” He was on his knees, holding his cheek.

  “I need a name.” I started to dial Buck.

  “Darvey is the guy I’ve been buying from.”

  I knew the scumbag well. He was supposed to be an ally of the Unacceptables, not dealing to their family members.

  Buck answered on the first ring. “Yeah?”

  “Darvey has been dealing to Cassie’s fucking brother this whole damn time. They’re behind this shit.”

  “We lost the van, but I know where their safe house is,” Buck replied. “Want me to handle it?”

  “No. Wait for me. This is my score to settle.”

  I hung up and sank into a chair across from Nate.

  “Girls, go to the barn,” I ordered.

  “We don’t mind staying here,” Raine muttered.


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