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Page 34

by Lynn LaFleur

  She reached up and circled his lips with the pad of her finger. “A gal could get spoiled by all this attention.”

  Lane nipped her fingertip. “Spoiling can be fun.”

  Julian rolled toward them and opened his eyes. His smile was lazy and a little wicked. He ran his hand down Lane’s back and over one cheek. “Spoiling can be very fun.”

  That simple touch made Lane’s breath catch. Before his desire flared back to life, he withdrew from Molly’s body and curled up on the other side of her from Julian. “I don’t know about you two, but I’m spoiled out for the night. I’ll be asleep in two minutes.”

  Molly covered a yawn with her hand. “I’ll be asleep in a minute.”

  “Thirty seconds here,” Julian said. “As soon as I blow out the candles.”

  Julian slid beneath the covers, reached across Molly and took Lane’s hand. He entwined their fingers and rested their hands on top of Molly’s stomach. “Goodnight,” he whispered.

  “Goodnight.” Lane closed his eyes and sighed softly, feeling completely at peace for the first time in a year.


  Molly stuffed her hands in the pockets of Julian’s ratty robe and watched the coffee drip into the glass carafe. If she was lucky, she could drink the entire pot before either of the guys got out of bed.

  She laughed to herself. She never thought she’d use the phrase “either of the guys”. Writing the ménage scene in her book had been fun. That’s all it was supposed to be—fun. She’d never planned to have one in real life.

  Oh my, but it had been incredible.

  She took three coffee mugs from the cabinet in preparation for Julian and Lane joining her. As soon as the last drop fell in the carafe, she poured a mug full for herself and took a cautious sip. She needed the caffeine this morning. Five hours of sleep wasn’t nearly enough for her brain to function.

  Strong arms wrapped around her waist. “Good morning,” Julian said, his voice still husky from sleep.

  “Good morning. I made coffee.”

  “I smelled it. I could kiss you for making it.”

  “I was hoping to drink the whole pot by myself.”

  “Silly woman.”

  He kissed the side of her neck, then released her and picked up the carafe. Molly watched him pour, admiring his bare back and broad shoulders. He wore nothing but a pair of black sweatpants that molded to his butt.

  It had to be against the law somewhere in the world for a man to be so sexy.

  Julian leaned against the cabinet and sipped his coffee. His brown eyes studied her over the rim, as if searching for the answer to a question before he asked it. “You okay?”

  “Sure. Shouldn’t I be okay?”

  “Things got a little…wild last night. Do you regret any of it?”


  Julian took another sip and set his mug on the counter. “What do you think about it happening again?”

  “With Lane?”

  He nodded.

  “Yes, I’d like it to happen again. It was wild and hot and intense. Watching you and Lane together was very exciting.”

  “I think I hear a ‘but’ after that comment.”

  Molly set down her mug too and slipped her hands in the pockets again. She had to know exactly where she stood with Julian. “Do you love Lane?”

  His eyes widened. She’d obviously surprised him with her question. He lowered his head, blew out a breath and looked back at her. “We’ve been best friends for six years. I want him to be part of my life.”

  “You didn’t answer my question. Yes or no, Julian. Do you love Lane?”

  He made her wait several seconds before he said, “Yes.”

  Molly didn’t know a broken heart could hurt so much. Everything inside her seemed to crumble and fall to the pit of her stomach. She’d never imagined a night of wild sex would lead to her losing Julian. She swallowed hard and blinked several times to fight back the tears. “At least you’re honest. Thank you for that.”

  Julian stepped up to her, pulled her hands from the robe pockets and held them tightly. “But I love you more, Molly.”

  Hearing those words from Julian made holding back the tears impossible. “You love me?”

  “More than I thought I could ever love a woman.”

  Molly wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. “I love you too.”

  He kissed her slowly, tenderly, with so much love her tears flowed even faster.

  “Oops. Sorry.”

  Molly turned to see Lane standing a few feet behind them. He wore his jeans, zipped but not snapped. She had no doubt about her feelings for Julian, yet the sight of Lane’s tanned skin caused her heart to stutter in her chest.

  “No problem,” Julian said. “Want some coffee?”

  “Yeah.” Lane answered Julian’s question, but with his concerned gaze on Molly. “Are you all right?”

  “Yes.” She swiped at the tears on her cheeks. “They’re happy tears.”

  Julian handed a full mug to Lane. “Molly and I were talking about last night.”

  Molly noticed the apprehension creep into Lane’s eyes. “Is there a problem?”

  “No. We were discussing a repeat.”

  “Do you want a repeat, Molly?” Lane asked, looking directly at her.

  She glanced from one man to the other. She loved Julian, but she also had feelings for Lane…feelings that could grow over time if given the chance. A ménage was fun to write about and exciting to read about in books. In real life, Molly had no idea if such a thing would work.

  Two lovers all the time. How thoroughly wicked.

  “I don’t think one repeat will be enough. I think we’ll have to repeat last night several times to make sure we’re…satisfied with the arrangement.”

  The two men grinned at each other, then Julian dropped a smacking kiss on her lips. “There’s no doubt you’ll be satisfied. Lane and I will make sure of that.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Three Weeks Later

  Molly chewed on the end of her pen as she read her list again. She was going to the store first thing in the morning and she didn’t want to forget anything. Waiting until Christmas Eve to do her grocery shopping was probably stupid, but she’d worked five days straight and hadn’t had the chance to go before now.

  “I found the crystal cake plate,” Shawna said, sitting at the kitchen table across from Molly.

  “Oh good. Thanks.”

  “What else do you need?”

  “That’s all. I have all the other dishes. Do you have what you need to make that appetizer thingy?”

  Shawna chuckled. “Yes, I have everything to make my appetizer thingy.”

  “Good. Okay, let’s see.” She counted off items on her fingers as she said them. “Marci is in charge of the turkey and dressing. Twyla is doing the candied yams, the broccoli casserole, the corn and some other veggie. You’re doing the salad and appetizer. I’m in charge of the rolls, pumpkin pie and chocolate cheesecake. Am I forgetting anything?”


  “Lane is bringing that. He wanted to contribute something to the meal.”

  Shawna shook her head. “You know it’s totally unfair. I can’t even get a date and you’re sleeping with two guys.”

  Molly grinned. “Some girls have all the luck.”

  “That’s for sure.” Shawna propped her elbow on the table and rested her cheek against her fist. “I’m glad you’re happy, sis. That’s what matters.”

  “I am. Deliriously happy.”

  Three weeks ago, being with two men at the same time was simply a fantasy, something she wrote about in her book. Now she lived it. She and Julian only saw Lane on the weekends since he was stationed in Bremerton, but they quickly made up for the time apart as soon as he walked in Julian’s front door.

  She and Julian had discussed her moving in with him, but she’d decided to wait. Their relationship was still so new, and she didn’t want to leave Shawna in a financial bind with
having to pay for everything by herself. For now, Molly was happy to spend a couple of weeknights with Julian, then go over Friday evening and come back to her and Shawna’s apartment Sunday evening.

  “Lane is really hot,” Shawna said. “How about lending him to me? I’ll give him back. Just let me use him a little. You’ll still have Julian.”


  “Fine. Be that way. I’ll start dinner if I can’t get you to give up Lane.”

  “Maybe he has a friend.”

  “Would you ask him? Please?”

  Molly laughed at the begging tone of her sister’s voice. “Yes, I’ll ask him.”

  Grinning, Shawna stood. “Pasta salad okay with you?”


  Molly went back to her list. She’d read halfway through it again when the doorbell rang. “Are you expecting someone?”

  “No.” Shawna set a pan of water on the stove and turned on a burner. “Maybe it’s Julian.”

  “He’s working late tonight finishing up a project.”

  “I know a great way to find out who it is. Open the door.”

  Molly stuck out her tongue while Shawna grinned again. Slipping her list in her sweater pocket so she wouldn’t lose it, Molly rose and walked to the door.

  Her mother stood on the other side.

  Lydia Ross gave her a tentative smile. “Hello, Molly.”

  Molly was so shocked to see her mother, she froze in place. As the shock slowly wore off, she gripped the edge of the door and frame to block her mother’s entrance. “What are you doing here?”

  “May I come in?”

  She’d driven thirty miles from Everett to get here. The least Molly could do was let her enter. She opened the door wider and stood aside.

  After she closed the door, she turned and looked at her mother. Lydia’s long red hair was pulled back in a neat ponytail. Mascara darkened her eyelashes, coral lipstick colored her lips. Lines and creases were much too prevalent on her face for a woman in her late forties. Years of drinking and smoking had aged her at least ten years.

  Her mother’s green T-shirt and jeans appeared clean and fresh, unlike the wrinkled clothing she usually wore. She almost looked like a new woman.

  Lydia clasped her hands together in front of her. “Is Shawna here?”

  “She’s in the kitchen.”

  “Could we…go in there with her? Maybe have a cup of coffee or tea?”

  Coffee or tea? Her mother had never asked for that. Bourbon was her drink of choice. If that wasn’t available, she’d never been picky as long as it contained alcohol.

  “Uh, sure. I can make a pot of coffee.”

  “Thank you, honey.”

  Molly led the way to the kitchen. Shawna turned her head from inside the refrigerator, a smile on her face. “Hey, do you want ham—” She stopped. The smile disappeared from her face. “Mom?”

  “Hi, baby.”

  Shawna straightened and shut the refrigerator door. “Why are you here?”

  “I need to talk to you and Molly.”

  Molly met Shawna’s confused gaze. She gave a slight shrug to indicate she didn’t know anything, then motioned to the table. “Sit down, Mom. I’ll start the coffee.”

  Shawna returned to gathering the ingredients for the pasta salad. Molly stole glances at their mother while she prepared the coffee. Lydia sat with her head lowered, her fingers clasped tightly together on top of the table. Molly wondered how long it would be before coffee wouldn’t be enough and Lydia asked for something stronger to drink. As soon as that question left her mouth, Molly would tell her to leave and never come back.

  “Do you still take sugar in your coffee, Mom?”

  She answered without raising her head. “Yes, please.”

  Locating the sugar bowl in the cabinet, Molly set it on the table close to her mother, along with a spoon. She returned to the table with two mugs of coffee. Shawna turned off the burner beneath the boiling pasta, poured coffee for herself and joined them at the table.

  Lydia raised the mug to her lips and took a sip. Molly noticed her mother’s hands trembled, but not as bad as usual. “What do you need to talk to us about, Mom?”

  She replaced the mug on the table and held it between her palms. Molly saw her mother’s throat work as she swallowed before she lifted her gaze. Tears swam in her eyes. “I miss my girls.”

  Molly’s throat tightened. Don’t feel sorry for her. She’ll hurt you again, just like always. “Mom, I told you the last time I saw you—”

  “I joined A.A. two weeks ago.”

  That statement stopped Molly cold. She and Shawna had tried for years to get their mother to seek help for her drinking. “What?”

  “I know you gave up on me a long time ago, Molly. I don’t blame you for that, especially after I hit…” She stopped and took a breath. “Ever since Thanksgiving, Shawna won’t take my phone calls either. Dora and Dewey have stopped coming over or calling. I’m completely alone.” Tears ran down her cheeks and dripped on the wooden table. “I don’t want to be alone.”

  Molly looked at her sister to see Shawna crying too. She managed to hold back, but it wasn’t easy.

  Lydia wiped the tears from her cheeks. “You’ve both told me for a long time to get help, but I didn’t listen. I didn’t think I had a problem, that I could quit drinking whenever I wanted to.” Her eyes flooded again. “I had a car accident two weeks ago. I don’t even remember getting in my car and driving. I ran head-on into a tree.”

  Shawna gasped. “Are you all right?”

  “Yes. Just some sore muscles from the air bag. I was lucky. But that tree could’ve been a child on a bike. If I’d hurt anyone…” She stopped and cleared her throat. “When I got home, I called A.A. I have a very nice sponsor. His name is Ted and he’s divorced. He said I made it through the hardest part when I stood in front of all those people and admitted I have a problem.”

  Holding back her tears was no longer possible. They streamed down Molly’s cheeks as her heart opened up and let the love for her mother pour out.

  Lydia held out one hand to each of her daughters. “Will you help me? Let me be your mother again. Let me show you I can be a mother you’ll be proud of.”

  Molly slipped her hand into her mother’s. Shawna did the same.


  Ashlyn folded the last pair of black panties and arranged them neatly with the other pairs in the Black section. It had been a very busy day, much busier than she’d expected for Christmas Eve. At least forty percent of her clientele today had been men, looking for that last-minute Christmas gift for their wives or girlfriends.

  She liked the hectic pace. It kept her from missing Llyr.

  Ashlyn released a heavy sigh. Nothing kept her from missing Llyr. She couldn’t have fallen in love with a god who worked close to her. No, she had to give her heart to a god who worked in the North Sea and left her at the snap of their king’s fingers.

  That wasn’t fair and Ashlyn knew it. She’d met with their queen last week about this latest assignment. The queen could have decided Ashlyn would do more good for women in another location instead of running Lavender Lace. If that’s what happened, Ashlyn would have no choice but to obey. But the queen had been very pleased with Ashlyn’s progress and granted her more time in Seattle. That meant Ashlyn could help even more women boost their self-confidence with items of silk, lace and satin.

  A final look around satisfied Ashlyn that the store looked perfect for when she would reopen Saturday morning. She would be closed tomorrow, but not alone. Marci, Twyla, Molly and Shawna had insisted she join them for a special Christmas get-together at Marci’s house. When she’d protested that surely they would want to spend the holiday with their families, Twyla had informed her all the women had made arrangements to have a Christmas celebration on Saturday with their families. Tomorrow would be for friends.

  She would meet the men who were so important to her special friends…men who all loved the sexy lingerie the women bought a
t her store. Ashlyn smiled. She loved making people happy.

  A flick of the light switch and the main lights went off. She made her way to her office at the back of the store to get her purse and coat. As she drew her keys from her coat pocket, she heard the buzzer that announced someone had come in the front door.

  That couldn’t be possible. Ashlyn knew for sure she had locked the door.

  She laid her purse back on her desk and her coat on a chair. The thought to call the police flitted in and out of her mind. She doubted if a burglar would come in the front door. Besides, a snap of her fingers and he’d be completely bound and tied before the police could even get here.

  The lights came on in the store. Surely a burglar wouldn’t turn on the lights. Unsure what she’d find, Ashlyn stepped through the doorway. She gasped. Llyr leaned on the counter next to the cash register.

  He straightened when he saw her. “Good evenin’. I wonder if ye could help me pick out somethin’ for me lady.”

  She drank in the sight of him, from his tousled hair, past his deep purple sweater and black jeans, to his black boots, then back to his face. Her palms itched with the desire to touch every inch of him, her pussy moistened in readiness for his possession.

  “Tomorrow’s Christmas and I want to get her somethin’ special.”

  Apparently he was in the mood to play with her. Okay, she’d go along…for a short while before she attacked him. “Do you have something particular in mind?”

  “I like her in red. Do ye have somethin’ frilly in red?”

  “Were you thinking of a bra and panties set, or perhaps a negligee?”

  His lids narrowed as he stepped closer to her. She could see the fire in his incredible blue eyes. Play time must be over. “To be honest, I prefer her bare skin over anythin’ ye have in yer store.”

  He touched her chin with one fingertip, dragged it down into the V-neck of her sweater. His gaze followed his finger. “Her skin is nice and creamy and soft. I love touchin’ it, kissin’ it.” He looked into her eyes. “I love her more than I can say.”

  She rose on her tiptoes as he lowered his head. Their lips met in a sweet kiss that soon turned hungry. Llyr wrapped his arms tightly around her and lifted her off the floor. Ashlyn encircled his waist with her legs, his neck with her arms, and returned kiss for kiss.


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