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Captivated by Love (Grangers Book 1)

Page 19

by Brenda Jackson


  Carson stared at her husband. She watched how he blinked a few times, as if to make sure he’d heard her correctly. Then as if he needed to make sure, he asked in a low, incredulous tone. “You’re pregnant?”

  She nodded. “Yes. I honestly didn’t think I could get pregnant. Otherwise, I would have--”

  “Pregnant? You’re actually having a baby?” he interrupted to asked again.


  And then he did the one thing she hadn’t expected him to do. He threw his head back and let out a loud whoop. He actually hollered. Did that mean…?

  “You don’t mind having a baby at our age?”

  He laughed and his expression was one of complete happiness. “Oh, so now my beautiful wife, you want to the play the age card?”

  “No, but I figured me getting pregnant would be the last thing you’d want. You have a son who’ll be thirty in another year or so.”

  “Yes, and I also have a son who’s thirty-one and another who will be celebrating his thirty-third birthday in a few months. I also have one grandchild and a second one on the way. What does that have to do with anything?”

  “I just assumed you were past the age of wanting to become a father again.”

  “I honestly hadn’t thought about it, since you said you couldn’t get pregnant.”

  She fretted with her hands. “I honestly thought I couldn’t. If I’d known, I would have used birth control.”

  “What about you, Carson. Are you upset about being pregnant because you don’t want a baby at forty-three?”

  She shook her head. “No, I want a baby. I’ve always wanted a baby. Granted, I was concerned about being pregnant at my age, but the doctor says it should be okay. I was concerned about how you would handle the news. That’s why I delayed telling you.”

  He lifted a brow. “You actually thought I wouldn’t want our baby?”

  She shrugged. “You always tease me about us getting old. I wasn’t sure what to think.”

  He smiled tenderly as he brushed a lock of hair away from her face. “Well, let me set the record straight. I am happy about it. Very happy. I want our baby and I intend to be a good father. I will take care of you and our child.”

  He didn’t say anything for a minute. “To be honest, that was the one thing that nearly kept me from getting into a serious relationship with you. When you told me how cruel Denmark was when you lost your baby, all I could think of was that you deserved to be a mother one day, and a child was the one thing I couldn’t give you.”

  He paused a moment and then continued. “I figured that by the time I was eligible for parole, you would be well beyond your childbearing years. And now to know I’ve given you the one thing I thought I’d never would makes me very happy Carson. I want this baby, our baby, as much as you do. A Granger baby that we’ve created. How wonderful is that?”

  “Oh, Sheppard.” She reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him with all the love in her heart. When she was about to release his mouth, he took over the kiss and deepened it.

  When he finally pulled back, he placed kisses around her lips and asked, “How far along are you?”

  She smiled, feeling totally and completely happy. “I’m two months already. Because of my age and my past miscarriage, the doctor will probably want to monitor my progress for a while.” She paused. “For that reason, I prefer not announcing my pregnancy until I get past the first trimester.”

  “You’re two months now. I’d think you’ll be showing in another month or so.”

  That was probably true. Now that she knew she was pregnant, she routinely checked her body for changes and noticed some that she hadn’t noticed before. “I want to tell your sons and of course, their wives and Hannah. I don’t have an obstetrician and want to talk to Shiloh. She loves the doctor she’s seeing, which is the same one Shana used when she was pregnant with Rylan. But I’d rather not tell anyone else, right now. Not even Roland and the guys. At least, not until my visit to the doctor. I don’t want anyone to worry about me.” She knew he was aware that the guys she was referring to were Striker, Quasar and Stonewall.

  “Okay, sweetheart,” he said, pulling her even closer into his arms. “Anything you want. When do you want to tell the others?”

  “They’re coming over in the morning for breakfast and to decorate the Christmas tree in the boathouse. Let’s tell them then,” she said, happily. Hannah wanted to prepare a special pre-Christmas breakfast before leaving to spend the holidays with her daughter in Texas. It would be an intimate breakfast with Sheppard’s sons, their wives and Hannah.

  “The sooner I can talk to Shiloh and Shana about their obstetrician, the better,” she added. “A lot of doctor offices are closing for the holidays and won’t reopen until after the first of the year. I want to make an appointment right away so I can be seen right after the holidays.”

  Sheppard smiled brightly. “I think telling them tomorrow at breakfast is a great idea.” He then lowered his mouth to hers.


  Carson awoke the next morning to find her body practically plastered to Sheppard’s. They were both naked and his arm was slung over her waist with the palm of his hand resting on her tummy, as if he needed contact with the baby nestled inside of it.

  She smiled, knowing she was truly loved. Over the past six years, Sheppard had told her countless times how much he loved her. He had openly displayed his affections. And now their son or daughter would be living proof of it. Proof of all the love they shared.

  Carson had never considered herself a cry baby, but she’d done a lot of crying last night. She even felt misty-eyed this morning. Part of the tears last night had been of apprehension. This morning, they were tears of joy. She was having her husband’s baby. Sheppard was happy and so was she. He was everything she could possibly want in a man and a husband. She felt like the luckiest woman in the world.

  “You’re beautiful in the mornings. In fact, I think you’re beautiful every time I look at you, sweetheart.”

  She glanced over to find Sheppard awake and looking at her. “Thanks.” His hand was tenderly caressing her stomach. “Spoiling him or her already?” she teased.

  “I might as well and will love every minute doing so. Which do you prefer, a girl or boy?”

  She chuckled. “Doesn’t matter. Mainly a healthy baby who looks like its father.”

  Sheppard leaned up and placed a kiss on her lips. “I was hoping it would look like its mother.”

  “What about you? Which do you prefer?”

  “Like you, I’d want a healthy baby.” He then glanced over at the clock. “Everyone will start arriving in a few hours for breakfast, so you know what that means, right?”

  Carson smiled. Yes, she knew what that meant. It was time for them to engage in some early morning sexual delight, SG style. She shifted in bed and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Yes, I know. Bring it on, Mr. Granger. Bring it on.”


  To begin a new tradition, Hannah suggested they host the pre-Christmas breakfast in the new boathouse and everyone agreed. The place was huge and the architectural design was totally different from the previous one. The new boathouse was only a stone’s throw away from the main house and had more guest bedrooms, a game room, a massive party room with a brick fireplace that overlooked Mammoth Lake, a dining area and a spacious kitchen. Hannah had officially christened the kitchen that morning. And she, along with the Granger husbands and wives, had decorated the huge Christmas tree. Sheppard was glad he’d made the decision to tear down the old boathouse and replace it with a new one. They needed to create new memories.

  “As usual, breakfast was great, Hannah,” Dalton said, hugging the older woman.”

  “You should know,” Caden said grinning. “You ate most of the pancakes. She didn’t make them just for you, you know.”

  “Of course she did,” Dalton smirked, dropping down on the sofa next to his wife.

  “Feeling entitled a
gain?” Jace asked his youngest brother when he joined his own wife on one of the loveseats.

  After breakfast, they had all pitched in to decorate the huge tree. It was beautiful with all the twinkling lights and colorful decorations. After resting up a bit, the men wanted to watch a football game on television and the woman said they intended to go shopping to grab last minute items on their list.

  “Of course I feel entitled,” Dalton continued, grinning all over himself. “Why wouldn’t I?” He then looked over at his father who was standing next to his wife. Carson always seemed to glow like a new bride, which is why he thought the nickname Wedded Bliss suited her.

  Dalton thought that a lot had been revealed about his mother during the investigation to free his dad and bring to justice those who’d actually killed his mother. And none of it had been pretty. Maybe that was one of the reasons he liked seeing his father and Carson together. Around Carson, his father seemed to be an extremely happy man and he was happy for him.

  “So Dad, you wanted to talk to us?” Jace said, grabbing everyone’s attention. Rylan, who’d grown weary of watching the flashing lights on the Christmas tree, was asleep in a portable crib. But Jace knew that wouldn’t last long. His son had perfected the art of power naps.

  Sheppard left his place at the fireplace and came to stand in front of the group. He glanced around the room at his sons, their wives and Hannah. For as long as he lived, Hannah would always be considered a member of the family.

  “First,” Sheppard started off by saying, “I want to thank Hannah for such a wonderful breakfast. She didn’t have to do it and after all these years, she is still spoiling us.”

  “Some of us more than others,” Caden shouted out, grinning.

  “Don’t hate, Caden,” Dalton shouted back before blowing Hannah a kiss. The older woman merely smiled, pretending to catch his kiss and stuff it in her pocket for safe keeping. It was a gesture she’d perfected through the years with the Granger boys.

  Sheppard couldn’t help but chuckle at the exchange because everyone knew Dalton blew more kisses Hannah’s way than anyone because, not surprisingly, he thought of himself as her favorite. “I have two announcements to make. The first one is that I’ll only be working at Granger Aeronautics on a full-time basis for another year.”

  “Why?” Caden asked before the others could.

  Sheppard was prepared for that question and decided to explain things to him the same way he’d explained it to Carson weeks ago. “Dad had planned to retire before I was arrested. Once I was convicted, retirement was no longer an option for him. He worked tirelessly for the next fifteen years to keep the company afloat for me—and for his grandsons.”

  He paused a moment and seeing he still had everyone’s absolute attention, he continued. “Had I returned when Dad assumed I would, then I would be doing the same thing about now. I would be thinking about retiring and leaving the company to my sons.”

  He turned his attention to his oldest son. “Jace, you’re doing a fantastic job as CEO. I know you never thought of it as your legacy, but I believe that deep down, you love GA as much as I once did.”

  “Once did? Are you saying you no longer love the company?” Caden asked, with a surprised glint in his eyes.

  “Not with the passion that I once did,” Sheppard said honestly. “My heart is elsewhere, Caden.”

  “Where?” Dalton asked.

  Sheppard paused a minute and drew in a deep breath. “With the Sheppard Granger Foundation for Troubled Teens. I’m needed more there than at Granger Aeronautics.”

  Nobody said anything. Everyone, especially Jace, Caden and Dalton just sat there, staring at him. Finally, Jace broke the silence. “Thanks Dad, for believing in me enough to feel I can handle the running of GA. I guess I always assumed when you were released from jail, you’d return and run the company. All I want is for you to be happy. If anyone deserves happiness, it’s you.”

  “Thanks, Jace. That’s why I’ll remain at GA for at least a year. I want to continue to get acclimated to things so I’ll be available to help out and be a consultant whenever I’m needed.”

  He glanced over at his other two sons. “So what do you guys think?”

  Caden spoke up. “I agree with Jace, Dad. You deserve to be happy and take on the career you truly want.” He reached out and took Shiloh’s hand in his. “Because we’re having a baby, I intend to stay around home more, which means no more being away on concert tours for a while. And I’m fine with that. I’ll be satisfied in putting out an album every now and then. My primary focus is my family, so I’ll work alongside Jace anyway I can.”

  All eyes went to Dalton who only smiled and asked, “What can I say?”

  “More than you should,” Jace said, getting chuckles from the others in the room.

  “Okay,” Dalton said. “I won’t be the odd ball and say that if Dad can walk away from the company, there’s no reason I can’t, too. After all, I believe in working smarter, not harder.”

  “Which means he doesn’t believe in working at all,” Caden piped in, grinning.

  Sheppard was certain that if he and Hannah had not been in the room, Dalton would have told his brothers to kiss off in a not so nice way.

  “But the truth of the matter, Dad--” Dalton continued, “--is that I actually like being at GA.”

  “Note that he said, being there and not working there,” Jace interjected with a chuckle.

  Ignoring his oldest brother, Dalton continued. “I enjoy heading up the security department and I’ve established a good relationship with the men who work for me.” He then glanced over at Jace. “And I’m glad you agreed with my suggestion to place Percy Johnson as head of the IP Department. Smart move on your part.” Smiling devilishly, he added, “Even smarter on mine for the recommendation.” He overlooked Jace and Caden’s groans while he took a sip of the hot apple cider.

  Dalton then turned to his father. “I don’t have a problem with you pursuing the career you want, Dad. I’m just glad you’re home. Having you back with us means everything.”

  Sheppard’s chest swelled and deep emotions filled him to the brim. He was so proud of his sons. “Thanks for your understanding guys. And like I said, I’m not going anywhere for a while. I have a good man running things for me at the Foundation and I am okay with that for now.”

  He then reached out his hand for Carson to join him in the center of the room. She had remained standing by the Christmas tree, giving him center stage. But for this next announcement, he wanted her by his side. He took her hand in his. “Now Carson and I have an announcement to make,” Sheppard said smiling even brighter.

  “Let me guess,” Dalton said. “She’s leaving her job as well, to work alongside you at the foundation.”

  “Something like that,” Sheppard said, grinning broadly.

  “What is it, Dad?” Jace asked. It looked like he had an idea what the announcement might be and if that was true, he and Caden needed to get ready to pick Dalton up off the floor because there was no way he wouldn’t pass out.

  “Carson and I are expecting.”

  All eyes immediately went to Dalton and watched as a confused expression touched his face. “Expecting what?” he asked.

  “A baby.”

  Dalton’s mouth dropped. “A baby?”


  “A baby?” Dalton asked again.


  “A baby?” Dalton asked for a third time.

  Sheppard and everyone else in the room wondered how many times Dalton would ask the same question before it finally sank in. “Yes, Dalton, a baby.”

  Hannah let out a squeal and Jace and Caden and all the wives stood and rushed across the room to congratulate their father and Carson. Dalton continued to sit there, stunned. Finally, the explosion happened when he exclaimed in a loud voice. “What the hell!” And then as expected, he began asking questions.

  “How did that happen?” Dalton asked, as if mystified. “Did Carson have a
cold like Shana?”

  Sheppard lifted a brow. “A cold?”

  “Never mind about the cold,” Dalton said, waving off his words. “How did this happen?”

  The room got quiet. “What part of Reproduction 101 don’t you understand, Dalton?” Sheppard asked in a calm tone.

  Dalton rolled his eyes. “I know that, but what I don’t understand is how it happened to you. Your oldest son has a baby and another son is having one in less than nine months. You’re a grandfather, for God’s sake. Your youngest son is twenty-nine. Why on earth would you want to start all over with the daddy thing?”

  Sheppard smiled, showing his patience for his youngest son’s questions and flare for dramatics. “I have no problem starting over with the daddy thing because I’ve created a human being who is a part of me and Carson, and who will be living proof of the love we share. What man wouldn’t want that of the woman he loves, Dalton? To know that he’s created a life within her body.”

  He looked over at Carson and smiled. “We’re looking forward to expanding the Granger family.”

  “You want even more babies?” Dalton asked, as if simply shocked at the thought of such a thing.

  “That might be a possibility.”

  “Jesus,” Dalton moaned.

  “Well I’m happy about it, Dad. Congratulations to you and Carson,” Jace said grinning. “Just think, an uncle or aunt that Rylan will play with.”

  “Same for our child,” Caden added happily. “Congratulations, you two. The thought of another younger brother or a sister doesn’t bother me, just as long as you keep them away from Dalton. I don’t want any of his traits to rub off on an impressionable child.”

  “You’re all missing my point,” Dalton said, looking around the room.

  “And just what is your point, Dalton?” his wife Jules asked. She had left Carson’s side to come stand in front of her husband. She glared at him. “Do you disagree with your father? What man wouldn’t want to create a life within the body of the woman he loves, Dalton?”


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