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Torch (Galactic Cage Fighters Book 7)

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by KD Jones

  “Sneaky little thing aren’t you?" He turned around watching her, tracking her with his eyes.

  She had her silvery blonde hair braided and pulled up in a ponytail. What he wouldn’t give to spread her hair across his pillow. She had the cutest little nose, it drove him crazy just thinking about it.

  Torch had been attracted to Zara when he first met her and then joined the GCFA, but the attraction to Zara seemed to have been one way. Every time he had attempted to flirt with Zara, she would turn away from him. If she had been any other female, he would have simply moved on and focused his attentions elsewhere, in the end that is what he had done when she chose Trig.

  The first time he saw Isis when he came to GCFA, he wanted her but he did try with other females to forget the pretty Isian. But he found himself time and time again being drawn to this short, pale beauty. He didn’t understand the pull he felt for her. Sure she was beautiful. However, normally he liked tall, strong halfsie females with a darker coloring—like Zara. Isis was as different from Zara as night was from day. He appreciated those differences.

  “Umph!" he grunted as she punched him in the stomach. Damn, she was stronger than he thought.

  “You’re kind of slow. You must be tired already," Isis teased him. Playing mind games with the opponent was all part of the GCF world.

  Isis tried to kick him on the side of his knee. But Torch reached out and caught her leg making her lose her balance. She fell to the mat. The wind knocked out of her lungs.

  Torch took advantage and leapt on top of her, pinning her arms up and behind her head. He gave her a smirk. “Well, well, looks like I win this match, blue eyes.”

  “That’s what you think." Isis gripped him around the waist and somehow managed to roll them until their positions were reversed. She now sat astride him and had his hands pinned over his head.

  “What do you have to say for yourself now, brown eyes?” she asked with a satisfied look.

  “Please roll those hips a little to the left,” Torch groaned, his cock fully aroused and pressing against her.

  Isis’s eyes widened in surprise. Then she touched his hands with her fingertips and let her abilities go to Torch’s skin. “You ass!”

  Torch felt a freezing burn at his hands that quickly traveled down his body. “Ouch! That’s not fair. You’re not supposed to be using your abilities,” Torch complained as Isis got up from her position on him to stand.

  “Who said anything about being fair." She walked off, letting her hips sway and trying to hide her heavy breathing.

  Chapter Two

  Isis finished the laps and headed back to her suite. She needed to take a shower, eat lunch, and clear her head of all thoughts of the irritating Voltan. How dare he touch her with his...bits! Worse, how could she have let him? The male drove her crazy.

  If she were back on her home world of Isia, the male would have been beaten by the royal guards for daring to touch her. She sighed. It felt nice though to be touched. It had been so long since anyone dared it. Being a princess could be quite lonely. Even now, free from her home world, she didn’t allow people close to her.

  Well, with humans she had to constantly fight her nature just to touch them. Her body temperature was naturally cool and most humans when she shook hands with them pulled away from her quickly. Even other alien species found her abilities too risky to get involved in a physical relationship. The men she had tried to date before feared she would lose control of her abilities in the moment of passion and they would freeze or die. Hence, why she had never gotten past second base with anyone.

  She tried to explain that her abilities were not on twenty-four/seven. Sure her body temperature ran on the cool side. But she was in complete control of her abilities and never touched anyone or froze anyone accidently.

  She entered her suite and went straight to the bathroom. She turned on the cold water and removed her training clothes. It was pointless to shower, she had an afternoon training session and she knew Zara would be working her hard. She groaned just thinking about the torture Zara was going to put her through. Her body was overheated from training and she needed to cool herself off. Isians could overheat, making themselves sick if they didn’t cool themselves off after they reached a certain level. Practice always got her temperature above the mid-level so she had to cool down before continuing.

  This had never been a problem for her when she was on the Isle of Isia. But ever since she left, she found she had to constantly monitor her body temperature. She learned the hard way what happened when she didn’t. She had to learn a lot of things since then. She thought back to six months before.


  Isistania walked down the glass tunnel walkway. It was the only way to and from the docking port. She wore a hood over her head and clothes that were borrowed from one of the servants. She didn’t want to take the chance someone would recognize her. She walked into the entrance of the docking port station up to the ticket counter. “I would like to get a ticket to travel on the GCFA ship please.”

  “Those tickets are quite expensive. Perhaps another ship would do?" the counter person said, looking at Isistania’s dark cloak with disdain.

  “No, I want the GCFA ship. I have the money. Is this enough?" She pulled out her purse that had all her money inside.

  “Very well. They will be done boarding in twenty minutes so you need to hurry to process your bags through security.”

  Isistania lifted her carry-on bag. “This is all I have with me." She didn’t want to be overloaded with things while traveling. She had the money to buy anything she needed.

  “Proceed to boarding then.”

  Isistania grabbed her bag and turned toward the boarding panels. She handed the checker her ticket and he motioned for her to proceed. Once inside the ship, she found her seat and waited for takeoff. That was when she felt the heat, and it was stifling. She got up twice before takeoff and five times while on the flight to go to the bathing area and splash cold water on herself. She had never been more thankful to reach the spaceport where the GCFA was conducting tryouts.

  She didn’t have to work for money, she had enough with her and she brought some of her family heirlooms to sell. But she wanted to earn her way, experience what everyone else who wasn’t royal experienced. She also had a fear that her money would be tracked. She didn’t want that. So she needed a job. She wasn’t experienced in anything. Her guardians had taken her out of school and hired a tutor for her. She wasn’t qualified to do anything really. She also needed a job that would give a type of anonymity so no one from Isia would find her there.

  What one thing would no one ever expect of her? The answer was so absurd. She could work as a fighter for the GCFA. Her father had trained her for years on self-defense. She was good. She still practiced what he taught her every day so she could stay fit. So she went to tryouts, and then got her ass kicked, but somehow she landed a job as a fill in. She began training immediately.

  It was after her first training session she learned that if she didn’t moderate her body temperature, she would suffer dire consequences. She had to be taken to medical in the middle of a practice fight. They iced her body to cool her down for at least twelve hours. After that nightmare, she learned to take frequent cold showers, drink cold water every two hours, and go to medical to be iced after each fight.


  She stepped into the shower and sighed with relief, dipping her head back, letting the coolness soak through her scalp and skin. She reached for the shampoo to wash her long hair. She left her braids in; she would take it down completely before she went to bed.

  Growing her hair long and keeping it in special braids was one of the ways she disguised herself. It was also a way to defy her guardians. When they took over her care, they made her cut her hair and keep it cut. Most royals wore their hair that way. So she took pride in letting her hair grow out. It grew fast too. Before long, it was down to her waist. She loved her hair.

  She also changed h
er name by shortening it to Isis. It wasn’t that much of a change, but for the Isian Council, they would never look in the direction of the GCFA halfsie team. They barely tolerated Isis being a halfsie. The Council and many of the royals were quite vocal in stating the halfsie species watered down the bloodlines and they should be avoided at all costs. She wouldn't have been acceptable if her blood didn’t test strong for Isian royal blood.

  She took the foamy soap and lathered her arms and legs. She fingered her marking on her upper arm. There were only three more marks that as an Isian she would get, a Mating mark, a Breeding mark, and a Death mark, which would appear near her time of death.

  Her parents, being both Isian, had the Mate and Breeding mark. She often wondered what her markings would look like. But it became clear to her at an early age that she was not destined to mate with an Isian.

  She opened her mouth and allowed the cold water into her mouth before she turned the showerhead off. She let herself air dry to keep as cool as possible as she walked into the bedroom to pull out fresh training clothes.

  She pulled the room service menu out to select lunch and have it delivered. She wasn’t much of a cook and it was just her. She hated to mess up the kitchen for just one person, and she hated to go to a restaurant and ask for a table for one. So she usually ate in her suite alone. Sometimes her life was lonely, but it was her life, and she was free to live it however she wanted.

  Chapter Three

  Torch knocked on the door and waited. He was a little nervous about this date. He straightened his clean t-shirt he had donned for the special occasion.

  The door opened and Zara stood on the other side glaring at him. “You are late.”

  “Sorry, I had to get flowers." Torch lifted his hand up to show her a bouquet of daisies.

  Zara grunted but moved out of the way so he could enter her suite. “She’s almost ready. I’ll go get her." She left Torch in the main living space while she walked to a bedroom and disappeared inside.

  Torch looked around the suite. Zara was a simple person not into collecting things but he could see pictures of his niece, Angel, everywhere. There were also little paper figurines that were proudly displayed on the shelves. He knew Angel had made those herself because he had some in his suite too.

  Zara and his brother, Tiger, had been forced to breed while kept in a breeding facility. When the raid to the facility happened and the halfsies freed, his brother was unable to locate Zara. Torch had promised to help find the female before his brother died. Torch kept his promise and not only found the female, Zara, but his brother’s daughter, Angel, whom they didn't know about.

  The front door to the suite opened and Trig, Zara’s human mate, walked in. He looked at Torch, grunted, and then went to the kitchen. He came back with a beer.

  “You didn’t get me one?" Torch asked snarkily.

  “You don’t need your judgment impaired while you are taking care of my daughter.”


  “Zara is mine to protect. So it makes her daughter mine to protect as well. I love Angel as if she is my own. So she is my daughter.”

  Torch wanted to keep arguing but at that moment the prettiest little girl he had ever seen came strolling out in a surprisingly girly pink dress. “You look beautiful.”

  Angel blushed and bobbed her head. She looked so much like her mother, except for her eyes. She had her father’s; Tiger’s eyes stared back at him, making him catch his breath.

  He bent down and offered his arm. “Ready?”

  “Yes." Angel beamed up at him as she took his arm.

  “Have a good time, honey," Zara called out.

  “Okay, Mom. See ya later, Trig.”

  “I’ll be here waiting for you, beautiful," Trig responded with a wink.

  He nodded at Zara. “We won’t be out late.”


  Isis headed down to one of the restaurants on board the GCFA ship. She had a working meeting with Nigel, the assistant director of the Galactic Cage Fighters Association. He probably wanted her to do some promotional appearances. She really hated those things. But it was part of her contract as a fighter for the GCFA.

  She wore her blue one-piece pantsuit. It was conservative but complimented her silvery white hair and fair complexion. She had her braided hair hanging down; it nearly reached her waist. She shoved the mass over her shoulder.

  “Can I help you, madam?" the maître d' asked.

  “Yes, I am here to meet with Mr. Nigel.”

  The maître d' looked down at the reservations. “Yes, we have your table ready. Mr. Nigel has not arrived yet. Would you like to sit at the table or wait at the bar?”

  “Could I sit at the table?" She didn’t want to be at the bar where males might flirt with her. She wasn’t much for flirtation. Truth was she didn’t know how to flirt.

  She followed the maître d' through the restaurant. He stood near a table in the corner waiting for her. As she passed a booth, she could hear a little girl’s giggle, which made her smile. Then she froze as she heard the person with the little girl.

  “It’s the truth. My brother was scrappy," Torch said with a smile.

  “Really? Trig says I’m scrappy too," Angel said. She turned and smiled. “Hi, Isis! I’m on a date.”

  Isis smiled as she walked closer to their table. “I see that." Her heart fluttered as she looked into Torch’s eyes. It was so sweet of him to take his niece out to spend time with her.

  “Hi," she said to Torch.

  “Hi. You look beautiful." He looked her up and down, which made goose bumps break out all over her.


  “Uncle Torch was telling me about my father. He said he kept getting into trouble for fighting too,” Angel told her.

  “Are you fighting?” Isis asked her, raising her eyebrow.

  “Only a little. You see there’s this boy…”

  Isis laughed. “There usually is a boy.”

  Angel blushed. “Anyway, he keeps telling everyone that girls can’t fight.”

  “He does realize there are female fighters in the GCFA?” Isis asked, wrapped up in Angel’s story now.

  “Oh, he says that those fights are triggered,” Angel said with a frown.

  “Triggered?” Isis looks at Torch for clarification.

  “Rigged,” he said with a smile.

  “Oh, well that is certainly not true. I have the bruises to prove it. Does he think your mother is faking all that fighting?”

  “No, but he says my mom might have some droid in her that makes her stronger than all the other females.”

  “Tell her what you did to prove that he was wrong.” Torch tried to help the story along.

  “I...punched him.”

  “You did?” Isis bit her lip not to laugh.

  “Only a little bit. Now I’m in trouble with my mother and Trig.” Angel looked down at her hands.

  Isis knelt down so she could lift Angel’s chin up, careful to not let her cool fingers linger. “I would have punched him too.”

  “Really?” Angel asked trustingly.

  “Oh yeah. Just ask your Uncle Torch. He didn’t believe I had fighting skills either.”

  Angel looked at her uncle. “Did you punch him too?”

  “No, but I did prove that even though I may be smaller, it doesn’t mean I can’t be strong,” Isis told her with a smile as she stood back up.

  “Do you want to join us?" Torch offered. Seeing her with his niece made him feel strange, warm, and desperate to have her talk to him more.

  “No, I can’t.” Isis shook her head.

  “Are you on a date too?" Angel asked, looking behind Isis.

  Isis turned and smiled. Nigel was standing quietly behind her. She turned back toward Angel. “Something like that. I hope you two have a good time tonight." She waved and walked away with Nigel putting his arm around her back gently.

  Torch glared at the other male touching Isis. He better fucking move that arm before he t
ore it off his body. What was Isis doing with that asshole?

  Sure Torch knew who the guy was, Nigel was a suit for the GCFA. He was a pompous ass. Okay, he supposed the male was not bad to look at, and he had the height and build of a fighter. But he was a pencil pusher and those types were not to be trusted. He didn’t like him with Isis at all.


  Isis took a sip of her ice water. She could feel eyes staring at her from behind and knew if she turned, she would see Torch watching her. She shivered from the goose bumps that formed all over her body.

  “I hope I didn’t interrupt your conversation," Nigel spoke with an elegant deep male voice. There was a slight accent to it but she couldn’t but her finger on what it was.

  “No. I just stopped at their table to say hi. It’s very sweet of him to take his niece out like this." She took her napkin and folded it in her lap.

  “Do you know Torch very well?” Nigel asked, looking over at the glaring male.

  “Just from training. I’m not much on socializing I’m afraid,” Isis confessed.

  “May I ask why?” Nigel turned his complete attention back on her.

  She shrugged. “I have a hard time trusting people I guess.”

  “Was your home world life that bad?”

  “It was fine for the first few years of my life. But it all changed after my parents died. Then things became…unbearable.”

  “Can you tell me about it?” Nigel poured her another glass of water from the pitcher the waitress had left.

  Isis shook her head. “My past needs to remain in my past. Talking about it will do no good." She was grateful the waitress showed up to take their orders. She asked for two more pitchers of nothing but ice. Nigel was nice enough not to question it.

  “So how do you like working for the GCFA?" Nigel asked, taking a drink.

  “I love it here. Everyone is nice and surprisingly, I enjoy the fighting." That was something that she didn’t know she had in her to do. People sometimes surprised themselves.


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