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Enchanted Chaos Series: Sky & Foster's Complete Novel

Page 32

by Jessica Sorensen

  “Get some rest. I’ll lie here while you do,” he promises me.

  “And what about you?” I ask through a yawn. “When are you going to get some rest?”

  “I’ll be fine.” He rests his forehead against mine. “Sleep.”

  Having him this close, my lips take on a mind of their own, and I end up kissing him. He kisses me back, his hand finding my waist as he groans.

  “Baby, you need to rest,” he whispers, sounding conflicted.

  I shake my head. “So the baby thing’s staying then, huh?”

  He chuckles softly. “I don’t know… Does it bother you?”

  I’ve never been one for pet names, but honestly, him calling me baby doesn’t bother me that much.

  “You can call me it if you want to,” I tell him. “Just as long as you’ll take a nap with me.”

  He nods. “You have yourself a deal,” his lips quirk, “Baby.”

  I snort a laugh, snuggle into him, and press my face against his chest.

  But as the room grows quiet, worry starts to stir inside me.

  "How am I supposed to find all of these other power sources when I can't even open up a secure portal?" I whisper one of my worries aloud.

  “You’ll get there,” he assures me, tracing his fingers up and down my back. “Like I said, it’s all about trusting your power. Once you do, there’s nothing you aren’t going to be able to do.”

  “Even take down the god of darkness?” I whisper.

  He stiffens. “Yes.”

  “Then why do you seem so nervous?”

  “Because I don’t… Because I…” He pulls me closer to him and tucks my head underneath his chin. “Because I just got you, and I wish I could have you all to myself, which is really selfish of me—I know that.” He sighs. “I wish we were past all of this and it could be just you and me.”

  “Traveling the worlds together?” I say softly.

  He nods. “One day, that’s going to happen.”

  I wish I had his confidence, but in the back of my mind, I wonder if I’ll ever even be able to get us out of here, let alone find the other power sources and defeat the god of darkness.

  But I decide to be a dreamer at that moment, let go of my worries, and admit a wish of mine aloud. "I want that to happen so much."

  It’s the last words uttered before we fall asleep together.

  Chapter 16

  Fire, everywhere. It’s all over me. Consuming me…

  I’m going to die.

  Not from the flames, but from darkness.

  It’s all over me, has been haunting me.

  I’m in so much pain…

  “Sky, wake up,” Foster says, pulling me out of my dreams.

  I blink my eyes open and find him leaning over me. The room is mostly dark except for a drop of light flowing from a lamp.

  “How long have I been out?” I ask, rubbing my eyes.

  “A few hours.” He watches me with concern. “I was going to let you sleep for longer, but my mom sent this and I thought you’d probably want me to wake you up.” He lifts his hand, showing me he has a phone.

  Excitement bursts through me as I take it from him.

  "Before you make the call, though, I need to tell that my mom had to charm the phone for it to work, and the magic will wear off quickly so you'll have to make sure the call is quick," he tells me. "And I'd recommend coming up with a good story to tell your friends, so they don't worry when they don't hear from you for a while."

  I nod while swiping my finger across the screen. “I can do that.” But as I start to dial Nina’s digits, my mind blanks out on me. “I don’t know what to tell them.”

  Foster considers it for a moment. “You could always tell them you’re going to a boarding school that’s out of the country.”

  “There’s no way I could afford that, though.”

  “But my family could.”

  “True.” I consider what he said and decide it’s the best option. “I guess a boarding school it is.” Pressing my lips together, I dial Nina’s number.

  “Hello?” she answers after three rings, sounding confused.

  “Hey, this is Sky,” I say then brace myself for some shouting, because I know there’s some coming.

  “Where the hell have you been!” she shouts. “And who’s phone are you calling me on!”

  “Yeah, what the hell, Sky!” Gage shouts from the background.

  Sighing, I start to tell them a big old lie about how I lost my phone and had to get a new number and also how I’m going to be going to a boarding school for quite a while.

  It hurts lying to them. It really does, but deep down I know it’s for the best. That it’s too dangerous for them to be part of this.

  They don’t take the news very well, though, but I really didn’t expect them too.

  “You’re telling us this over the phone?” Nina shouts. “Seriously!”

  “I’m sorry. I wanted to tell you in person, but I’m already at the airport,” I get up and pace the bedroom, feeling Foster’s gaze track my every movement.

  “I can’t believe this.” She sounds pissed. “Gage and I are going to get you out of this. We’re going to come get you.”

  "Just tell us where you're going, and we'll be there ASAP!" Gage hollers.

  “I’m going to Europe,” I lie, hating that I have to, but knowing it’s the only way.

  They react how I think they will, letting out a string of curses when they realize there’s no way they can afford to come to Europe.

  “This sucks ass,” Nina gripes. “I hate the Everettsons.”

  I glance at Foster. His eyes are on me, and I wonder if he can hear everything that’s being said. Nina is talking really loudly so there’s a good possibility he can.

  “They’re not that bad,” I chew on my thumbnail. “In fact, I kind of like them.”

  A lot.

  So, so much.

  It’s a new feeling for me, and scary, but it’s also wonderful at the same time.

  Scary wonderful.

  Foster cracks a smile, and my heart does that weird, fluttery thing it sometimes does when I'm around him.

  “Great, they’ve brainwashed you,” Nina complains with a groan.

  “No, they haven’t.” I wince as the line crackles, announcing the connection is about to drop. “Look, I have to go. My flight’s about to take off. But I promise I’ll call you as soon as I can.”

  "You better," Nina warns. "And you better come visit soon, or I swear I'll rob a bank so Gage and I can afford to fly over there and see you."

  I can’t help smiling, but then frown when I realize I’m probably not going to see them for a while.

  Tears well in my eyes. “Okay, I will.”

  A moment later, I have to hang up.

  "Baby, you're going to see them again." Foster gets up and wraps his arms around me. Then he pulls me against his chest, and I clutch onto him, sucking back the tears. He smooths his hand up and down my back. "We're not going to be here forever, and you need to start believing that. That you're strong and powerful enough to get us out of here." When I say nothing, he slants back and gives me a playful stern look. "Say it or else."

  I sniffle, but can’t help smiling. “Or else what?”

  He grins deviously. “Or else I’m going to tickle you.”

  “Go ahead. I’m not ticklish.”

  His brows rise. “Really?”

  I nod, wiping the tears from my cheeks. “Yep.”

  “Hmmm…” He thrums his fingers against his lips. “Maybe there’s a secret spot on you that no one’s ever tried to tickle.” His hands trail down my sides.

  My heart skips in my chest. “I’m not sure this is really a punishment.”

  His hands pause on my waist, his fingers barely slipping underneath the hem of my shirt and brushing against my skin. “Maybe I should only do this then if you say you’re strong.”

  My heart rate quickens. I’m nervous, but I want him to keep touching me. “Oka
y… fine…” I suck in a shallow breath. “I’m strong.”

  “Holy shit… I didn’t think you’d say it,” he whispers.

  Then slowly, ever so slowly, his fingers slowly slip underneath the hem of my shirt and wander upward, his gaze never wavering from mine.

  As his fingers reach the bottom of my bra, lightning begins to crackle, sparking across my skin.

  I gasp, suddenly feeling energized. “That feels…” There are no words.

  No damn words to how his touch makes me feel.

  “I can stop if you want me to,” he whispers hoarsely.

  I shake my head.

  Moments later, his fingers slip underneath my bra. I shiver, grasping onto his shoulders as he groans.

  “Good Gods,” he murmurs then his lips crash against mine as he cups my breast and backs me up toward the bed.

  My heart races, power surging through me, and I’m beyond nervous, but not enough to stop him.

  I want this. Want him to keep touching me. Partly because it feels so good and partly because his touch is what keeps me from feeling like I’m falling into a hopeless abyss.

  I realize then just how much Foster keeps me grounded. I’ve never had that before in my life, someone who can make me feel as if maybe, just maybe, I’m not going to self-destruct.

  And that makes me hope that maybe Foster is right.

  That one day, I'll be strong enough to open a portal and maybe, just maybe, save the worlds.

  Chapter 17

  The next week passes by in a blur and is filled with a lot of practicing opening up a secure portal, trying to sense the other power sources, and having nightmares of darkness and fires.

  There’s also been a lot of kissing and touching between Foster and me.

  A lot.

  And with each brush of our lips and touch of our skin, a calmness always settles inside me.

  He makes me feel so at peace, yet at the same time energized. It’s a strange, wonderful feeling.

  “What do you think about having pizza for dinner?” Foster asks me as he rummages through the fridge.

  Easton and I are currently lounging in the sofas with our feet kicked up on the coffee table. I've been practicing using my powers all day, and I can't find the energy to get off my ass.

  “Bro, for the love of Gods, no more pizza,” Easton gripes with a dramatic groan.

  He’s always griping about something, but he gripes the most about how much Foster and I make out. He’s probably right. We do kiss a lot.

  And touch.

  I love it when he touches me.

  “I wasn’t asking for your opinion.” Foster throws him a haughty grin before glancing at me. “I was asking Sky.”

  “Yeah, pizza’s fine.” I tear myself from my lustful thoughts and move to get up. “I’ll help you cook it.”

  He motions for me to sit back down. “I can put it in the oven. You need to rest. You’ve used your powers a lot today.”

  “She has,” Easton agrees. Then his lips quirk with mischief. “You know what you need?”

  I shake my head. “Nope. Whatever it is, I’m not doing it.”

  His smirk broadens. “How can you dismiss my idea when you haven’t even heard it?”

  I rotate in the sofa, bringing my knee up onto the cushion. “Because I’ve learned that when you smirk, you’re about to start trouble.”

  He wipes the smirk off his face, but a sparkle remains evident in his silvery eyes. “What smirk?”

  I narrow my eyes at him. “That smirk you just wiped off your face.”

  He bats his eyelashes innocently. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Liar,” I accuse, but I’m struggling not to smile.

  He fakes a pout with his lip jutted out. “Wow, lightning eyes, you’re cruel.”

  “I’d apologize if I actually thought you were hurt.”

  His grin slips through. “I’m totally hurt.”

  I resist an eye roll. “Yeah, that goofy smile on your face sure makes you look hurt.”

  He fakes being shocked, pressing a hand to his chest. “My grins aren’t goofy. They’re sexy.”

  I roll my eyes so damn hard they just about get stuck in my head.

  “You know what? Just for that.” His grin turns wicked. Then he reaches for me, as if he’s about to grab me, but then green light illuminates across his skin.

  Water suddenly pours over my head, soaking my hair and shirt.

  I let out a squeal. “Holy crap! That’s cold!”

  He grins, totally entertained with himself. “Serves you right for calling my grins goofy.”

  I wipe the water off my face with the back of my hand. “So that’s how you want to play, huh?” I put on a devious smirk.

  His eyes glint as he reclines back in the sofa with his hands tucked behind his head. “Show me what you’ve got, badass.”

  “She needs to take it easy,” Foster intervenes. “She’s been using her powers a lot lately.”

  Easton winks at me. “The boss has spoken. Guess you can’t play anymore.”

  I probably should sit back and take it easy, but I’m not about to let Easton win this one or he’ll never let me hear the end of it.

  I use Foster’s interruption to my advantage, moving to sit back in the sofa like I’m going to give up, but then at the last second, I dive toward Easton, using my power to form a snowball in the palm of my hand. Easton has zero time to react as I throw the snowball at his face.

  He gapes at me with wide eyes. “Well, holy shit, I did not see that coming.” He wipes the snow off his face with the sleeve of his shirt. “You know what? I was right. You’re cruel.”

  “Like you aren’t.” I give a pressing glance down at the wet spots that are on the front of my shirt. “If you can’t—”

  Water rains down on me, drenching my hair and face.

  "The wet T-shirt look is a perfect look for you," Easton says through his laughter. "You should seriously wear it all the time." Then he snaps his fingers and rain begins to pour down on me again.

  I narrow my eyes at him and throw another handful of snow at his face. Then I start to summon my power of wind, unsure what I'm going to do with it but fully planning on doing something. But Easton effortlessly forms a rain cloud above my head that continuously rains down on me, even when I scoot to the side.

  As cold water drenches me from head to toe, the chill seeps into my bones, and my powers become harder to channel. Chattering and shivering, I attempt to summon my power of wind. When that doesn’t work, I try water. Again, nothing, so I move on to ice. Another fail. I don’t bother trying to channel my lightning or fire power—that seems a bit harsh to use on him.

  I concentrate on getting Easton back. Since being freezing seems to have hindered my powers, I decide there’s only one way to get payback.

  The human way.

  Without warning, I dive across the room toward him, landing on him, and making the rain cloud glide right above him.

  “What the hell?” Easton stammers as rain pours down on us.

  I get situated in his lap, sitting sideways with my legs stretched out onto the sofa. “I’m not moving until you turn off this cloud.”

  He slants back, and a lazy smile spreads across his face. "I'm perfectly okay with this situation."

  Leave it to him to be okay with this. If there’s one thing East is good at it’s appearing comfortable in any situation.

  Grimacing, I rack my brain for another way to power kick his ass. I know with everything going on that it’s probably not important, but this challenge is a good distraction from all the nightmares and stress. Plus, I know if I lose, East will throw it in my face and annoy the heck out of me.

  “You two are flooding the living room,” Foster announces as he opens up the pizza box.

  I glance down at the floor and pull a whoopsie face at the sight of the puddles drenching the hardwood.

  “Maybe we should stop,” I tell East, blinking as a raindrop splatters
across my head.

  He shakes his head, strands of his wet hair falling into his eyes. “Nah, I’m perfectly fine with this. It’s not like I’ll clean anything up.” When I narrow my eyes at him, the corners of his lips kick upward. “I’ll tell you what. If you declare that I’m the most awesome elemental protector ever, I’ll turn off the cloud.”

  “Ha! No effing way.” I brush strands of my wet hair out of my eyes. “And you want to know why I won’t do that?” I smirk. “Because I’m not a liar.”

  “Then I guess the living room is going to be a pond. But that’s fine by me. I love water.” He mirrors my smirk.

  What a little brat.

  A brat that needs to be taught a lesson.

  “Fine, if that’s the way you want to play.” I sit up.

  Then, before he can react, I start tickling the crap out of him.

  “What the hell!” he squeals, his muscles locking up. “Stop that!”

  I keep on tickling him, even when he tries to push me away.

  “Turn off the cloud and I will,” I quip.

  “This is so cheating.” Laughing uncontrollably, he puts his hands on my waist and tries to pick me up.

  But I hitch an arm around the back of his neck and use my other hand to tickle him more.

  “Sky.” He can barely talk through his laughter. “Come on, stop it. I hate being tickled.” He tucks his arms against his sides, his face bright red, his eyes watery.

  “And I hate being rained on,” I quip, continuing to tickle him.

  “Fine!” he shouts. “I surrender!”

  I sit back, feeling pretty damn pleased with myself.

  Shaking his head, he gets to his feet and backs across the room. “You play dirty, lightning eyes. But I’ll get you back.” With a smirk, he spins around and walks out of the room.

  “You should feel pretty proud of yourself,” Foster tells me, drawing my attention to him. “East hardly ever surrenders.”

  I lower my feet to the floor to stand up but instantly pull back as water soaks through my socks. "That doesn't really surprise me. I was actually shocked he gave up."

  Foster turns to put the pizza into the oven. “You hit his weak spot. He hates being tickled. Plus, it’s kind of a human thing to do, and he’s not used to that.”


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