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Terrible Victory

Page 59

by Mark Zuehlke

  other/blackfriday/htm. Dec. 7, 2006.

  Dungan, T.D. “Antwerp: City of Sudden Death.” Dec. 8, 2006.

  “Fact Sheet No. B21: World War 2–2nd Battalion South Wales Borderers.”

  fact_sheets/21.htm. July 18, 2006.

  Holm, Frank. “Personal Narratives–Walcheren Causeway.” http://www.calgaryhigh July 6, 2006.

  “Lieutenant Colonel MacLaughlan (sic), DSO.” July 6, 2006.

  “Sergeant Clarence Kenneth Crockett, DCM.” July 6, 2006.


  Algonquin Regiment War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  “The Amphibious Operation Against the Rear of the ‘Breskens Pocket,’ 9 Oct 44: (a) Account of the Landing of 9 CDN INF BDE, given to Hist Offr 3 CDN INF DIV by Major R.T. Wiltshire, O.C. 80 Sqn, 5 Aslt Regt, R.E., 16 Oct,” and, “(b) Account by Lt.-Cdr. R.D. Franks, R.N. (Naval Liaison Officer, H.Q. First CDN Army), given to Hist Offr, H.Q. First CDN Army.” Canadian Operations Northwest Europe, MG30, vol. 8, EI57, Library and Archives Canada.

  Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  “The Assault Across Savojaards Plaat, 8–9 Oct 44.” RG24, vol. 10908, Library and Archives Canada.

  Bannerman, Lt. George. “Some Aspects of the Technique of Flame Throwing: ‘WASP’ and ‘Lifebuoy’ (Account by Lt. George Bannerman, Sask L.I. (M.G.), Tech Offr (Flame), First Canadian Army, Given to Historical Officer, 2 CDN INF DIV, 26 Nov 44).” Canadian Operations in North-West Europe: June–November 1944, Extracts from War Diaries and Memoranda (Series 17), O18(D2), Directorate of Heritage and History, Department of National Defence.

  Barrett, Maj. J.H.D. “11th Field Company, RCE: From Seine to Scheldt, I Sep/31 Oct 44.” 143.3FIIOII(DI), Directorate of Heritage and History, Department of National Defence.

  Blackburn, George. The History of the 4th Field Regiment. n.p., 1945.

  “The Bridgehead over the Leopold Canal: Account by Maj. A.L. Gollnick, 2 IC and Capt. C.M. Rehill, Adjt. Regina Rif, Given to Historical Officer, 13 Nov 44.” 145.2RIIOII(2), Directorate of Heritage and History, Department of National Defence.

  Calgary Highlanders War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa (MG) War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  Canadian Scottish Regiment, 1st Battalion War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  “The Capture of Woensdrecht: Accounts by Officers of R.H.L.I. Given to Historical Officer, 2 CDN INF DIV, 22 Oct 44,” 145.2RI40II(I), Directorate of Heritage and History, Department of National Defence.

  “Combined Operations Headquarters–Bulletin Y/43: ‘Amphibians in Operation ‘Switchback.’” MG30, vol. 8, Library and Archives Canada.

  “Conversation GOC 3 Cdn Inf Div with Maj-Gen Eberding, GOC 64 German Inf Div–1 Nov 44.” 19830036.001, Canadian War Museum.

  Crerar Papers. MG30, vol. 2, vol. 3, Library and Archives Canada.

  Donald George Innes Award Citation. Directorate of Heritage and History, Department of National Defence.

  Dorward, Capt. J.C. “The Westkapelle Assault on Walcheren.” RG24, vol. 20339, Library and Archives Canada.

  8th Canadian Field Squadron, RCE War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  8th Canadian Infantry Brigade War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  VIII CDN Recce Rgt. 14 CH: Battle History of the Regt. n.p., n.d. Canadian War Museum.

  Essex Scottish War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  “Extract from R.A.F. Narrative: The Liberation of North-West Europe, The Assault on Walcheren.” 570.OI3 (D3A), Directorate of Heritage and History, Department of National Defence.

  15th Canadian Field Regiment, RCA War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  5th Canadian Field Company, Royal Canadian Engineers War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  5th Canadian Infantry Brigade War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  1st Battalion, The Black Watch (RHR) War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  1st Battalion, The Lake Superior Regiment (Motor) War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  1st Battalion, Royal Regiment of Canada War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  First Canadian Army HQ Defence Company (RMR) War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  “1st Polish Armoured Division Operational Report,” RG24, vol. 10942, Library and Archives Canada.

  Fort Garry Horse (10th Canadian Armoured Regiment) War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  14th Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  4th Canadian Armoured Brigade War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  4th Canadian Armoured Division War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  4th Canadian Field Regiment War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  4th Canadian Infantry Brigade War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  G Branch, 4th Canadian Armoured Division War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  Headquarters, RCA, 4th Canadian Armoured Division War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  Headquarters 2nd Canadian Infantry Division, G Branch, War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  Highland Light Infantry of Canada War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  History of H.Q., R.C.A. 2 CDN INF DIV From 1 Nov 44 to 5 May 45, World War II. Ottawa, n.p., 1945.

  Hossack, Ken. Mike Target. Ottawa: n.p., 1945.

  HQ 2nd Canadian Armoured Brigade War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  HQ RCA 2nd Canadian Infantry Division War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  Keefler, Brig. R., “The Capture of Zuid Beveland: Account by Brigadier R.H. Keefler, ED, A/Comd, 2 CDN INF DIV, Given to Historical Officer, 2 CDN INF DIV, II Nov 44.” RG24, vol. 10897, Library and Archives Canada.

  La Régiment de la Chaudière War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  Law, Cecil. “Compilation of South Saskatchewan Regiment Casualties.” In possession of author.

  ———. “Lochtenberg–23 Sep 44 to 2 Oct 44.” Unpublished memoir, in possession of author.

  ———. “Sniper.” Unpublished account, in possession of author.

  ———. “South Beveland Peninsula Battles.” Unpublished account, in possession of author.

  Le Régiment de Maisonneuve War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  Les Fusiliers Mont-Royal War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  McQuarrie, Alex English trans. in possession of author from Cent ans d’histoire d’un régiment canadien-français: les Fusiliers Mont-Royal, 1869-1969. Montréal: Editions Du Jour Montréal, 1971.

  “Memorandum on Operations of 4 Cdn. Armd. Div. on Leopold Canal, 13–14 Sep. 44.” Vol. 10936, RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  “Miscellaneous Papers, 1944–1979 Regarding a Chaplain’s Role.” MG31, vol. F18, Library and Archives Canada.

  19th Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  9th Canadian Field Squadron, RCE War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  9th Canadian Infantry Brigade War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library a
nd Archives Canada.

  North Nova Scotia Highlanders War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  North Shore (New Brunswick) Regiment War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  “Operation ‘Switchback’: The Clearing of the South Bank of the Schelde (Battle Narrative Prepared by Historical Officer, 3 CDN INF DIV.” Canadian Operations in North-West Europe: October–November 1944, Extracts from War Diaries and Memoranda. (Series 18), OI8 (D2) Directorate of Heritage and History, Department of National Defence.

  “Personal Accounts of Battle, Canadian Scottish, Jun 44–May 45, ‘Two Came Back.’” 145.2C4009(DII), Directorate of Heritage and History, Department of National Defence.

  Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders of Canada War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  The Recollections of the Regina Rifles: N.W. Europe World War 2, June 6, 1944–May 8, 1945. Looseleaf folder in possession of author.

  “Report No. 69 Historical Section Army Headquarters: The Campaign in North-West Europe, Information from German Sources—Part III: German Defence Operations in the Sphere of First Canadian Army (23 Aug. 8–Nov. 44.” Directorate of Heritage and History, Department of National Defence, 30 July 1954.

  “Report No. 183 Historical Section Canadian Military Headquarters: Canadian Participation in the Operations in North-West Europe—Part IV: First Canadian Army in the Pursuit (23 Aug–30 Sep).” Directorate of Heritage and History, Department of National Defence.

  “Report No. 188 Historical Section Canadian Military Headquarters: Canadian Participation in the Operations in North-West Europe—Part VI: Canadian Operations, 1 Oct–8 Nov, The Clearance of the Scheldt Estuary.” Department of National Defence, 7 April 1948.

  “Report on the Islands of South Beveland and Walcheren and the Mainland Opposite the Islands to the South of the River Scheldt.” RG24, vol. 10539, Library and Archives Canada.

  “Report on No. 4 Commando in Flushing Area.” 693.OI3(DI), Directorate of Heritage and History, Department of National Defence.

  “RHLI Operation Order No. 1 Woensdrecht Feature 15/16 Oct 44.” 145.2RI40II(I), Directorate of Heritage and History, Department of National Defence.

  Rodgers, N.R. “Personal Diary.” George Metcalf Archival Collection, Canadian War Museum.

  Royal Hamilton Light Infantry War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  Royal Regina Rifles Regiment, 1st Battalion War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  Royal Winnipeg Rifles War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  Seaborn, Robert Lowder. Diary, Robert Lowder Seaborn and family. MG31, F 18, vols. 2–6, Library and Archives Canada.

  2nd Canadian Anti-Tank Regiment, RCA War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  2nd Canadian Armoured Brigade War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  II Canadian Corps War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  7th Canadian Infantry Brigade War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG 24, Library and Archives Canada.

  7th Canadian Reconnaissance Regiment (17 DYRCH) War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  Shea, Lt. W.J. “The Action at Woensdrecht, 8–14 Oct 44: Account by Lt. W.J. Shea, I.O., R.H.C., given to Historical Officer, 2 CDN INF DIV, 15 Oct 44.” 145.2R140II(I), Directorate of Heritage and History, Department of National Defence.

  6th Canadian Infantry Brigade War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  6th Canadian Field Regiment War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  South Saskatchewan Regiment War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Highlanders War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  10th Canadian Infantry Brigade War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  3rd Canadian Anti-Tank Regiment War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  3rd Canadian Infantry Division GS War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG 24, Library and Archives Canada.

  13th Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  Todd, Brig. P.A.S. “Artillery in Operation ‘Switchback’: Account by Brig. P.A.S. Todd, DSO, OBE, ED, CCRA, 2 CDN CORPS, given to Historical Officer 3 CDN INF DIV, 9 Dec. 1944.” Appendix ‘A,’ Canadian Operations in North-West Europe: October–November 1944, Extracts from War Diaries and Memoranda (Series 18), OI8(D2), Directorate of Heritage and History, Department of National Defence.

  12th Canadian Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  28th Canadian Armoured Regiment (British Columbia Regiment) War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  21st Canadian Armoured Regiment (Governor General’s Foot Guards) War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  29th Canadian Armoured Regiment (South Alberta) War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  22nd Canadian Armoured Regiment (Canadian Grenadier Guards) War Diary, Sept–Nov 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  van Doorn, Johan. “German casualties in the Battle of the Scheldt, 14th September–8th November 1944, compiled 22/02/2007.” Unpublished document, in possession of author.

  Von Zangen, Gusav. “Ops of 15th German Army,” RG24, vol. 20522, Library and Archives Canada.

  Warning, Oberst G. Elmar. “Battles of LXVII Inf Corps Between the Schelde and the Maas, 15 Sep–25 Nov 44.” RG24, vol. 20523, Library and Archives Canada.


  Beer, John. Interview by David Gantzer. Victoria, BC. 26, 28 November 1979. University of Victoria Special Collections.

  Butters, Thomas William Lowell. Interview by Tom Torrie. Victoria, BC. 19 August 1987. University of Victoria Special Collections.

  English, Earl. Correspondence with Reginald Roy. 12 April 1957. University of Victoria Special Collections.

  Fulton, Lochie. Interview by Ken MacLeod. Victoria, BC. 9 February 1998.

  Goodman, Charles. Interview by author. Saanichton, BC. 2 June 2006.

  ———. Interview by David Gantzer. Victoria, BC. 1, 5, December 1979 and 16 January 1980. University of Victoria Special Collections.

  Hobden, L. Correspondence with Reginald Roy. 8 May 1957. University of Victoria Special Collections.

  Law, Cecil. Correspondence with author, 14 April, 10 May, 14 July 2006.

  Martin, Jack. Interview by John G. Thompson. Scarborough, on. 1 October 2003.

  Marshall, Royce. Correspondence with Reginald Roy. 28 January 1957. University of Victoria Special Collections.

  Parks, Jim. Interview by Ken MacLeod. Vancouver, bc. November 1997.

  Schjelderup, Roger. Correspondence with Reginald Roy. 16 July 1957. University of Victoria Special Collections.

  Teagle, Ernest. Interview by Mark C. Hill. Victoria, BC. 20 June 1985. University of Victoria Special Collections.

  Van Dijk, Ad. Interview by author. Vlissingen, Holland. 17 May 2003.

  van Doorn, Johan. Correspondence with author. Sommelsdijk, Holland. 3, 6 June, 16 September, 1 November 2006.


  Ranks given for individuals are highest

  attained as of Nov. 6, 1944.

  Aachen, 115

  Aalter, 60

  Aardenburg, 16, 204, 213, 225, 249, 261, 266, 282, 327

  Abdijlaan, 290–92, 298–99

  Achterbroek, 186, 352, 360–61

  Adamoski, L. Cpl. Bert, 218

  Adams, Lt., 364

  Adams, Capt. Ted, 174–75

  Albert Canal, 45, 47–48, 54–56, 58, 63–65, 67–69, 77, 80, 91, 93, 98, 100, 103, 116, 143, 145, 148, 172

  Alexander, Pte. W.C., 131

  Allan, CSM Don S., 299

  Allied Expeditionary Air Force (AEAF), 133, 163

  Alphen, 289

  Anderson, Capt. Jock, 238, 240, 244, 275

  Anderson, Lt. John, 198

  Angelina Polder, 280, 284

  Annable, Lt. Ted, 248

  Antwerp, 1–3, 13, 20, 41–42, 53–55, 58–67, 71–72, 74–75, 79–80, 86, 91–93, 102–04, 107, 120–21, 126, 131, 133–34, 136, 139, 143, 145, 147–48, 154, 163–65, 177, 204, 288–89, 291, 306, 320, 326, 329, 405, 441, 451, 453, 459–60, 461–63, 465

  British failure to secure port of, 43–50

  given top priority, 253–58

  Antwerp–Turnhout Canal, 93, 99, 102–04, 107, 114–15, 119, 124, 133, 139, 143, 154, 186, 198, 289–90, 292, 378, 441, 465

  Armstrong, Maj. Gord, 408, 424–26

  Armstrong, Pte. Malcolm Elvin Thomas, 247

  Arnemuiden, 432

  Arnhem, 49, 58, 74, 77–79, 92, 115, 254

  Aschmann, Capt., 161, 451

  Ashby, Rfn. Gordon, 213–14

  Atkinson, Maj. Don, 454

  Axel, 72–73

  Baarland, 390, 394

  Baker, Maj. Frederick “Franco,” 95–96, 194, 434

  Bannerman, Lt. George, 207–08

  Barclay, Lt. William Noel, 212

  Barkman, Capt. W.H., 454

  Barrett, Rfn. James, 343

  Barrick, Pte. W.J., 214

  Barry, CSM Wilf, 228

  Bath, 188–89

  Baylay, Maj. G.T., 363, 416, 418–19

  Beatty, Maj. D.S. “Tim,” 188–89, 200–01

  Beaudoin, Maj. Fernand, 105

  Beer, Capt. John, 225–26

  Begg, Sgt., 332

  Bell, Spr. Cecil Amos, 143

  Bennett, Lt. Col. Paul, 69

  Berendrecht, 173, 175–76

  Bergen op Zoom, 54, 87, 90–91, 115, 121, 134, 154, 171–72, 176, 188–89, 191–92, 196, 288, 291, 310, 322, 326, 352, 368, 372, 379, 382, 384–85, 388–89, 407, 411–18, 420–21, 426

  Bergin, Lt. Ken, 217–19

  Bergse Baan, 385

  Beringen, 58

  Berry, Lt. Maurice, 404–05, 429

  Besen, Lt. Simeon, 380

  Beveland Canal, 81, 390–91, 394–95

  Bibeau, Lt. Col. Julien, 182, 440

  Biervliet, 271, 275, 277–78, 280, 337


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