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The First Man

Page 2

by Eugene O'neill

  MARTHA-Curt isn't that kind. The actual work-the romance of it- that's his life.

  LILY-But if he goes and you have to stay, you'll be lonesome-[meaningly] alone.

  MARTHA-Horribly. I don't know what I'll do.

  LILY-Then why-why? Think, Martha. If Curt knew-that was to happen-he'd want to stay here with you. I'm sure he would.

  MARTHA-[Shaking her head sadly.]No. Curt has grown to dislike children. They remind him of-ours that were taken. He adored them so-he's never become reconciled.

  LILY-If you confronted Curt with the actual fact, he'd be reconciled soon enough, and happy in the bargain.

  MARTHA-[Eagerly.]Do you really think so?

  LILY-And you, Martha-I can tell from the way you've talked that you'd like to.

  MARTHA-[Excitedly.]Yes, I-I never thought I'd ever want to again. For many years after they died I never once dreamed of it- But lately-the last years-I've felt-and when we came to live here-and I saw all around me-homes-and children, I-[She hesitates as if ashamed at having confessed so much.]

  LILY-[Putting an arm around her-affectionately.]I know.[Vigorously.] You must, that's all there is to it! If you want my advice, you go right ahead and don't tell Curt until it's a fact he'll have to learn to like, willy-nilly. You'll find, in his inmost heart, he'll be tickled to death.

  MARTHA-[Forcing a smile.]Yes, I-I'll confess I thought of that. In spite of my fear, I-I've-I mean-I-[She flushes in a shamed confusion.]

  LILY-[Looking at her searchingly.]Why, Martha, what-[Then suddenly understanding-with excited pleasure.]Martha! I know! It is so, isn't it? It is!

  MARTHA-[In a whisper.]Yes.

  LILY-[Kissing her affectionately.]You dear, you![Then after a pause.] How long have you known?

  MARTHA-For over two months.[There is a ring from the front door bell in the hall.]

  LILY-[Jumping up.]I'll bet that's we Jaysons now.[She runs to the door in the rear and looks down the hall to the right.] Yes, it's Esther and husband and Aunt Davidson.[She comes back toMARTHA laughing excitedly. The MAID is seen going to the door.] The first wave of attack, Martha! Be brave! The Young Guard dies but never surrenders!

  MARTHA-[Displeased but forcing a smile.]You make me feel terribly ill at ease when you put it that way, Lily.[She rises now and goes to greet the visitors, who enter. MRS. DAVIDSON is seventy-five years old-a thin, sinewy old lady, old-fashioned, unbending and rigorous in manner. She is dressed aggressively in the fashion of a bygone age. ESTHER is a stout, middle-aged woman with the round, unmarked, sentimentally-contented face of one who lives unthinkingly from day to day, sheltered in an assured position in her little world. MARK, her husband, is a lean, tall, stooping man of about forty-five. His long face is alert, shrewd, cautious, full of the superficial craftiness of the lawyer mind.MARTHA kisses the two women, shakes hands with MARK, uttering the usual meaningless greetings in a forced tone. They reply in much the same spirit. There is the buzz of this empty chatter whileMARTHA gets them seated. LILY stands looking on with a cynical smile of amusement. MRS. DAVIDSON is in the chair at the end of table, Ieft, ESTHER sits by MARTHA on couch, MARK in chair at front of table.] Will you have tea now or shall we wait for the others?

  ESTHER-Let's wait. They ought to be here any moment.

  LILY-[Maliciously.]Just think, Martha had forgotten you were coming. She was going motoring with Bigelow.[There is a dead silence at this-broken diplomatically by SHEFFIELD.]

  SHEFFIELD-Where is Curt, Martha?

  MARTHA-Hard at work in his study. I'm afraid he's there for the day. SHEFFIELD-[Condescendingly.]Still plugging away at his book, I suppose. Well, I hope it will be a big success.

  LILY-[Irritated by his smugness.]As big a success as the brief you're writing to restrain the citizens from preventing the Traction Company robbing them, eh Mark?[Before anyone can reply, she turns suddenly on her aunt who is sitting rigidly on her chair, staring before her stonily like some old lady in a daguerreotype-in a loud challenging tone.] You don't mind if I smoke, Aunt?[She takes a cigarette out of case and lights it.]


  MRS. DAVIDSON-[Fixes LILY with her stare-in a tone of irrevocable decision.]We'll get you married, young lady, and that very soon. What you need to bring you down to earth is a husband and the responsibility of children.[Turning her glance to MARTHA, a challenge in her question.] Every woman who is able should have children. Don't you believe that, Martha Jayson?[She accentuates the full name.]

  MARTHA-[Taken aback for a moment but restraining her resentment- gently.]Yes, I do, Mrs. Davidson.

  MES. DAVIDSON-[Seemingly placated by this reply-in a milder tone.]You must call me aunt, my dear.[Meaningly.] All the Jaysons do.

  MARTHA-[Simply.]Thank you, aunt.

  LILY-[As if all of this aroused her irritation-in a nervous fuming.]Why don't the others come, darn 'em? I'm dying for my tea.[The door from the study is opened and CURT appears. They all greet him.]

  CURTIS-[Absent-mindedly.]Hello, everybody.[Then with a preoccupied air to MARTHA.] Martha, I don't want to interrupt you- but-

  MARTHA-[Getting up briskly.]You want my help?

  CURTIS-[With the same absent-minded air.]Yes-not for long-just a few notes before I forget them.[He goes back into the study.]

  MARTHA-[Seemingly relieved by this interruption and glad of the chance it gives to show them her importance to CURT.]You'll excuse me for a few moments, all of you, won't you?[They all nod.]

  MRS. DAVIDSON-[Rather harshly.]Why doesn't Curt hire a secretary? That is no work for his wife.

  MARTHA-[Quietly.]A paid secretary could hardly give the sympathy and understanding Curt needs, Mrs. Davidson.[Proudly.] And she would have to study for years, as I have done, in order to take my place.[To LILY.] If I am not here by the time the others arrive, will you see about the tea, Lily-?

  LILY-[Eagerly.]Sure. I love to serve drinks. If I were a man, I'd be a bartender-in Mexico or Canada.

  MARTHA-[Going toward the study.]I'll be with you again in a minute, I hope.[She goes in and shuts the door behind her.]

  ESTHER-[Pettishly.]Even people touched by a smattering of science seem to get rude, don't they?

  MRS. DAVIDSON-[Harshly.]I have heard much silly talk of this being an age of free women, and I have always said it was tommyrot.[Pointing to the study.] She is an example. She is more of a slave to Curt's hobbies than any of my generation were to anything but their children.[Still more harshly.] Where are her children?

  LILY-They died, Aunt, as children have a bad habit of doing.[Then meaningly.] However, I wouldn't despair if I were you.[MRS. DAVIDSON stares at her fixedly.]

  ESTHER-[Betraying a sudden frightened jealousy.]What do you mean, Lily? What are you so mysterious about? What did she say? What-?

  LILY-[Mockingly.]Mark, your frau seems to have me on the stand. Can I refuse to answer?[There is a ring at the bell. LILY jumps to her feet excitedly.] Here comes the rest of our Grand Fleet. Now I'll have my tea.[She darts out to the hallway.]

  ESTHER-[Shaking her head.]Goodness, Lily is trying on the nerves.[JAYSON, his two sons, JOHN and DICK, and JOHN's wife, EMILY, enter from hallway in rear. JAYSON, the father, is a short, stout, bald-headed man of sixty. A typical, small-town, New England best-family banker, reserved in pose, unobtrusively important-a placid exterior hiding querulousness and a fussy temper. JOHN JUNIOR is his father over again in appearance, but pompous, obtrusive, purse-and-family-proud, extremely irritating in his self-complacent air of authority, emptily assertive and loud. He is about forty. RICHARD, the other brother, is a typical young Casino and country club member, college-bred, good looking, not unlikable. He has been an officer in the war and has not forgotten it. EMILY, JOHN JR.'s wife, is one of those small, mouse-like women who conceal beneath an outward aspect of gentle, unprotected innocence a very active envy, a silly pride, and a mean malice. The people in the room with the exception of MRS. DAVIDSON rise to greet them. All exchange familiar, perfunctory greetings. SHEFFIELD relinquishes his s
eat in front of the table to JAYSON, going to the chair, right front, himself. JOHN and DICK take the two chairs to the rear of table. EMILY joins ESTHER on the couch and they whisper together excitedly, ESTHER doing most of the talking. The men remain in uncomfortable silence for a moment.]

  DICK-[With gay mockery.]Well, the gang's all here. Looks like the League of Nations.[Then with impatience.] Let's get down to cases, folks. I want to know why I've been summoned here. I'm due for tournament mixed-doubles at the Casino at five. Where's the tea-and has Curt a stick in the cellar to put in it?

  LILY-[Appearing in the doorway.]Here's tea-but no stick for you, sot.[The MAID brings in tray with tea things.]

  JOHN-[Heavily.]It seems it would be more to the point to inquire where our hostess-

  JAYSON-[Rousing himself again.]Yes. And where is Curt?

  LILY-Working at his book. He called Martha to take notes on something.

  ESTHER-[With a trace of resentment.]She left us as if she were glad of the excuse.

  LILY-Stuff, Esther! She knows how much Curt depends on her-and we don't.

  EMILY-[In her quiet, lisping voice-with the most innocent air.]Martha seems to be a model wife.[But there is some quality to the way she says it that makes them all stare at her uneasily.]

  LILY-[Insultingly.]How well you say what you don't mean, Emily! Twinkle, twinkle, little bat! But I'm forgetting to do the honors. Tea, everybody?[Without waiting for any answer.] Tea, everybody![The tea is served.]

  JAYSON-[Impatiently.]Stop fooling, Lily. Let's get to our muttons. Did you talk with Martha?

  LILY-[Briskly.]I did, sir.

  JAYSON-[In a lowered voice.]What did she say?

  LILY-She said you could all go to the devil![They all look shocked and insulted. LILY enjoys this, then adds quietly.] Oh, not in those words. Martha is a perfect lady. But she made it plain she will thank you to mind your own business.

  ESTHER-[Volubly.]And just imagine, she'd even forgotten she'd asked us here this afternoon and was going motoring with Bigelow.

  LILY-With his three children, too, don't forget.

  EMILY-[Softly.]They have become such well-behaved and intelligent children, they say.[Again all the others hesitate, staring at her suspiciously.]

  LILY-[Sharply.]You'd better let Martha train yours for a while, Emily. I'm sure she'd improve their manners-though, of course, she couldn't give them any intelligence.

  EMILY-[With the pathos of outraged innocence.]Oh!

  DICK-[Interrupting.]So it's Bigelow you're up in the air about?[He gives a low whistle-then frowns angrily.] The deuce you say!

  LILY-[Mockingly.]Look at our soldier boy home from the wars getting serious about the family honor! It's too bad this is a rough, untutored country where they don't permit dueling, isn't it, Dick?

  DICK-[His pose crumbling-angrily.]Go to the devil!

  SHEFFIELD-[With a calm, judicious air.]This wrangling is getting us nowhere. You say she was resentful about our well-meant word to the wise? JAYSON-[Testily.]Surely she must realize that some consideration is due the position she occupies in Bridgetown as Curt's wife.

  LILY-Martha is properly unimpressed by big frogs in tiny puddles. And there you are.

  MRS. DAVIDSON-[Outraged.]The idea! She takes a lot upon herself- the daughter of a Wild Western coal-miner.

  LILY-[Mockingly.]Gold miner, Aunt.

  MRS. DAVIDSON-It makes no difference-a common miner! SHEFFIELD-[Keenly inquisitive.] Just before the others came, Lily, you gave out some hints-very definite hints, I should say-

  ESTHER-[Excitedly.]Yes, you did, Lily. What did you mean?

  LILY-[Uncertainly.]Perhaps I shouldn't have. It's not my secret.[Enjoying herself immensely now that she holds the spotlight- after a pause, in a stage whisper.] Shall I tell you? Yes, I can't help telling. Well, Martha is going to have a son.[They are all stunned and flabbergasted and stare at her speechlessly.]

  MRS. DAVIDSON-[Her face lighting up-joyously.]A son! Curt's son!

  JAYSON-[Pleased by the idea but bewildered.]A son?

  DICK-[Smartly.]Lily's kidding you. How can she know it's a son- unless she's a clairvoyant.

  ESTHER-[With glad relief.]Yes, how stupid!

  LILY-I am clairvoyant in this case. Allah is great and it will be a son-if only to make you and Emily burst with envy among your daughters.



  JAYSON-[Testily.]Keep still for a moment, Lily, for God's sake. This is no subject to joke about, remember.

  LILY-Martha told me. I know that.

  JAYSON-And does Curt know this?

  LILY-No, not yet. Martha has been afraid to tell him.

  JAYSON-Ah, that explains matters. You know I asked Curt some time ago-and he said it was impossible.

  EMILY-[With a lift of her eyebrows.]Impossible? Why, what a funny thing to say.

  SHEFFIELD-[Keenly lawyer-like.]And why is Martha afraid to tell him, Lily?

  LILY-It's all very simple. When the two died years ago, they said they would never have one again. Martha thinks Curt is still haunted by their memory and is afraid he will resent another as an intruder. I told her that was all foolishness-that a child was the one thing to make Curt settle down for good at home here and write his books.

  JAYSON-[Eagerly.]Yes, I believe that myself.[Pleased.] Well, this is fine news.

  EMILY-Still it was her duty to tell Curt, don't you think? I don't see how she could be afraid of Curt-for those reasons.[They all stare at her.]

  ESTHER-[Resentfully.]I don't, either. Why, Curt's the biggest- hearted and kindest-

  EMILY-I wonder how long she's known-this?

  LILY-[Sharply.]Two months, she said.

  EMILY-Two months?[She lets this sink in.]

  JOHN-[Quickly scenting something-eagerly.]What do you mean, Emily?[Then as if he read her mind.] Two months? But before that- Curt was away in New York almost a month!

  LILY-[Turning on EMILY fiercely.]So! You got someone to say it for you as you always do, Poison Mind! Oh, I wish the ducking stool had never been abolished!

  EMILY-[Growing crimson-falteringly.]I-I didn't mean-

  JOHN-[Furiously.]Where the honor of the family is at stake-

  LILY-[Fiercely.]Ssshh, you empty barrel! I think I hear-[The door from the study is opened and MARTHA comes in in the midst of a heavy silence. All the gentlemen rise stiffly. MARTHA is made immediately self-conscious and resentful by the feeling that they have been discussing her unfavorably.]

  MARTHA-[Coming forward-with a forced cordiality.]How do you do, everybody? So sorry I wasn't here when you came. I hope Lily made proper excuses for me.[She goes from one to the other of the four latest comers with "So glad you came," etc. They reply formally and perfunctorily. MARTHA finally finds a seat on the couch between EMILY and ESTHER.] I hope Lily-but I see you've all had tea.

  LILY-[Trying to save the situation-gayly.]Yes. You can trust me as understudy for the part of hostess any time.

  MARTHA-[Forcing a smile.]Well, I'm glad to know I wasn't missed.

  EMILY-[Sweetly.]We were talking about you-at least, we were listening to Lily talk about you.

  MARTHA-[Stiffening defensively.]About me?

  EMILY-Yes-about how devoted you were to Curt's work.[LILY gives her a venomous glance of scorn.]

  MARTHA-[Pleased but inwardly uneasy.]Oh, but you see I consider it my work, too, I've helped him with it so long now.

  JAYSON-[In a forced tone.]And how is Curt's book coming, Martha?

  MARTHA-[More and more stung by their strained attitudes and inquisitive glances. Coldly and cuttingly.]Finely, thank you. The book will cause quite a stir, I believe. It will make the name of Jayson famous in the big world outside of Bridgetown.

  MRS. DAVIDSON-[Indignantly.]The name of Jayson has been-

  JAYSON-[Pleadingly.]Aunt Elizabeth!

  LILY-Aunt means it's world famous already, Martha.[Pointing to the sullen JOHN.] John was once a substitute on the Yale Freshman soccer team, you know. If it wasn't fo
r his weak shins he would have made the team, fancy!

  DICK-[This tickles his sense of humor and he bursts into laughter.]Lily wins![As his brother glares at him-looking at his watch.] Heavens, I'll have to hustle![Gets to his feet.] I'm due at the Casino.[Comes and shakes MARTHA's hand formally.] I'm sorry I can't stay.

  MARTHA-So glad you came. Do come in again any time. We keep open house, you know-Western fashion.[She accentuates this.]

  DICK-[Hurriedly.]Delighted to.[He starts for the door in rear.]

  LILY-[As if suddenly making up her mind.]Wait a second! I'm coming with you-


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